Remember how I said it would a few weeks before I put this up? Yeah... I lied.


Hey, guys, Pebble here, and you read correctly. SotP, the much awaited sequel to Unexpected Ties is FINALLY HERE! I think I've kept it from you guys for long enough, so... Enjoy!

"Sleigh bells ring, are you listnin'? In the lane, snow is glistenin'..."

Sixteen-year-old Riley Matthews twirled around her room with a bright smile on her face, happily singing along with the Christmas carols that blasted from her phone, which lay on the charger by her bed. The smell of her mother's cookies wafted up into the bedroom, filling the air with the sweet, sugary scent of the holidays. She breathed in a soft, content sigh, flopping down in her bay window. She loved Christmas.

Riley peered through the glass. Outside, tiny, delicate white snowflakes drifted down from the heavens, glittering like falling silver stars against the darkening skies. The streets below were garbed in Christmas lights of every single color of the rainbow, shining brightly. People of all different races crowded the streets, window shopping and laughing and enjoying each other. Riley smiled to herself, then glanced at the time.

6:05... Lucas will be here soon, she thought. Her boyfriend- oh, how she loved that word- was going to come and sweep her off her feet and take her out for a magical night... or something like that. More than likely it would be just the two of them going for a walk, maybe doing a little window shopping, just talking. Conversation came so naturally for the two of them. Maya always insisted it was because they were meant for each other. Riley just thought it was because they were so close, what with everything they had been through...

It had been less than a year since all of the drama with Lucas and Maya's father, Daniel Clutterbucket, had started, and as much as Riley liked to think things were going back to normal, she didn't even know what 'normal' was anymore. Every once in a while, she would have nightmares about Daniel. She'd relive the moment where the bullets struck her, the moment she should have died heartbeats after... she swore she could still feel the pain-

Stop! her thoughts screamed. Just-just... don't think about it. It's over, and done, and you're safe now, and just think about puppies or kittens or rainbows or cookies or ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES DANIEL!

Riley breathed a long, deep breath, calming herself down. She could still feel her heart, pounding against her chest as if it were trying to burst right out. You're okay, Riley... just breathe... that's right, breathe... she tried to smile, watching her reflection in the window steadily regain its color. You're okay...-"Agh!"

The brunette reared backwards, tumbling head-first off of the window seat as her reflection was swallowed by a new figure in the glass. She hit the ground with a thump and a yelp of pain, her heart pounding in the back of her throat and her arms and legs flailing.

Before she could move, the window slid open, then shut, and the pale, scarred face of Maya Penelope Hart suddenly game into her vision, burning blue eyes sparkling with withheld laughter.

"Riles-are-you-okay?" the blonde asked, obviously trying not to laugh as she helped her nearly-petrified best friend to her feet. The color had once again drained from her face, and her features morphed into what was likely the closest thing to a scowl that anyone ever thought they would get from Riley Matthews.

"No, I'm not okay! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" she tried to sound angry, and she kind of was. Not that she would let Maya know why she was so angry; she had just calmed herself down and here she was, popping up in the window like that and nearly scaring her out of her skin. She took a few deep breaths, but could not force herself to relax; her nerves were too fraught.

Maya's smile faded into a frown, and Riley could almost read her thoughts: Nearly everything gives you a heart attack, Riles. And Riley couldn't argue, because it was true. She hadn't been the same since the incidents with Daniel, and she doubted she'd be the same any time soon. But luckily, Maya's thoughts went unspoken. Instead, the blonde extended a hand, pulling the Riley to her feet. "I'm sorry, Riles," she said sincerely.

Riley tried to shrug in off nonchalantly. "It's okay," she lied, faltering a bit under Maya's bright blue gaze. "I'm fine... I'll-I'll be fine." she forced a smile, feeling herself begin to relax... slowly but surely, the smile became genuine. "So, what are you doing here? It's not like I haven't told you a million times that I'm going out with Lucas tonight."

Maya rolled her eyes, and Riley fought back a giggle. She was pretty sure that the entire school knew she and Lucas were hanging out. "Yeah, I know," Maya replied. "But your mom asked me and Farkle to come help set up for the party tomorrow." Her eyes glinted ever so slightly, and if Riley had blinked, she might have missed it..

But she didn't.

"Are you hiding something?" Riley asked instantly- she knew that look. "I know that look."

Maya feigned innocence. "What look."

"That look," Riley told her as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "The 'I'm-planning-something-Riley's-not-supposed-to-know' look."

"There's an ''I'm-planning-something-Riley's-not-supposed-to-know' look?"

"Yeah. And it looks like that." Riley pointed a finger at Maya's face.

The rebellious blonde smirked. "So what if I am?"

"Tell me!"

"Just trust me, Riles. If, hypothetically speaking, I were to be planning something you're not supposed to know about, I would assure you that whatever it is I'm planning would be truly worth the wait for you to figure out. Now, I believe you have a date to be attending with my little brother?" She spoke the words 'little brother' so naturally it was hard to believe that less than a year ago, she'd gagged at the very thought of being related to Lucas.

Riley breathed a soft sigh. "He's not here yet. Maybe you have just enough time to tell me...?"

"Nope," Maya snorted. "Good try though, sweetie." she patted the brunette's head as if she were a good dog. "Sorry."

"Yeah, sure you are."

As if on cue, Topanga's voice sounded from downstairs: "RILEY! LUCAS IS HERE!"

"Gotta go," Riley jumped to her feet. "See ya!" And then she ran out the door, still wondering just what Maya had up her sleeve.

The thoughts were short-lived as she came out into the living room, where her mother and boyfriend were chatting animatedly. Lucas paused mid-sentence as she appeared before him, a smile flickering across his face and his emerald green eyes sparkling. "Hey, Riley."

Riley's heart fluttered in her chest. "Hey," she replied. It was hardly the most interesting reply, so she hurriedly added; "Ready to go?"

"Yes, ma'am," Lucas grinned, taking Riley's hand in his. The two called goodbye to Topanga, and then Lucas, being the gentleman he was, opened the door for his girlfriend. And as the door clicked shut, Riley could have sworn she heard her mother's voice, yelling something. The words were muffled, but it sounded something like "All clear!"

"What was that?" Riley paused, glancing back at the door to her apartment. Lucas shrugged.

"I dunno."

"It was probably nothing," Riley said, trying to convince herself more than Lucas. Thoughts bounced around in her head- whatever Maya was planning, her mom was in on it, too.

Farkle waited below the fire escape, craning his neck to see Riley's bedroom window. He held a cardboard box in his hand, filled with tinsel and mistletoe and everything else that would be needed if Maya's plan was going to work. Excitement coursed through his veins just thinking about it. If this worked, it could change the course of Riley and Lucas's relationship forever. Normally, he wouldn't want to meddle, but... this needed to happen.

The boy shivered, grateful for the extra warmth his old turtleneck under his jacket gave him. It had been so long since he'd worn one of those, and he almost missed them. Wither way, when he felt the buzz of his phone, his heart soared.

He unlocked the lock screen and was greeted by Messages (1)

He didn't need to look to know what it would say, but he did anyways, a smile creeping across his face as he did so.

From: Maya

It's all clear. Come on up. Did u bring the stuff?

Message sent, 6:12 p.m.

Farkle sighed, shaking his head as he typed his reply.

Will be there in a sec. Of course I brought the stuff!

He pressed send, shaking his head with a weak smile. Did Maya really think he was stupid enough to forget the stuff? The thought forced a laugh out of him. Whatever. Let's do this thing.

He readjusted the box in his hands and started his climb.

To Be Continued...

So... Yeah! The wait is finally over! Shadows of the Past is up and running, and the universe is in balance once more. For now, updates will be reserved for just Sundays (or Saturday nights, most if you that know me know) but are subject to adding Wednesdays as well.

Also, my dear friend cowgirlangel95 created an amazing promo for this story on her YouTube channel of the same name, and I strongly encourage you to check that out.

Thank you guys so much for reading! Love you all!

Stay Gold- Pebblemist