
Let's say every fairy tale character was real. What if they all got sent to a place without magic? Where they forgot who they were. Then the savior came, and she broke the curse. The heroes of this town then faced many challenges. Villains, magic, and most of all….Love. They then got back to their home. Their own land. That's when I was born. My name is Rose. I am now 17 years old. I am, get this….the daughter of Rumpelstiltskin and Belle. I also have a sister named Katie. I have brown wavy hair and bright blue eyes. Out of my best friends, I'm the oldest. My best friends are Hope and Isabelle. Hope is the daughter of Emma Swan and Captain Hook. She has blue eyes and straight blonde hair. She only has an older brother whose name is Henry. Isabelle is the daughter of the evil queen and Robin Hood. She has brown eyes and straight dark brown hair. She has one older stepbrother named Roland and one younger brother named Alex.

Chapter One

"So are you ready for lunch?" I ask.

"Yep. Let's go! I can't wait to see everyone!" Abby replied. Abby was the daughter of Anna and Kristoff. We walked and talked. Catching up on everything

that has happened in the last few months.

"Hey Rose! Hey Abby! It's so good to see you!" Madison greeted us as we walked into Granny's. Madison is the daughter of Ariel and Eric.

"Hey Madison! Hey Katlyn! Hey Mackenzie!" Abby replied.

"I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever!" Katlyn and Mackenzie said together. They usually say things at the same time. They are twin sisters.

They are both the daughters of Red Riding Hood and Peter, who is a wolf like red.

"So Abby how was your trip?" Mackenzie's question snaps my attention back to my friends.

"Good! I just am so happy to see you guys! I really-" Before Abby could finish a strong force slammed into us, nocking my friends and everyone else to the ground.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." A new snarky voice exclaimed. I looked the young girl up and down. Her name was Kate. She had long straight

blonde hair and cold blue eyes. Her most trusted adviser by her side, Oswald.

"Kate." I growled back at her. She smiled at me as a fireball comes my way. I push it aside with my light magic. Already filling the room with love and hope,

pushing aside the fear and pain. She steps closer to me and I quickly get between her and my friends.

"Don't worry I'm not here to fight. I'm here to retrieve something for my mom." She says stepping even closer. Before I know it she's already passed me. I

grab her with my magic but a rope ties its self around my writs. I yell out but another piece of rope ties its self around my mouth. I watch, horrified as Kate

sticks her hand inside Katlyn's chest. Pulling her hand out only when she's griping a red beating heart in her hand.

"Well it looks like my job hear is done!" Kate giggles. Vanishing in a red cloud of smoke.

"Katlyn…I…I'm so sorry. I…" I look at her shame crossing my face. I couldn't even save my friend. I touch my necklace and whisper the two names that will

come as quick as they can. I take a breath and when I open my eyes my parents and the Royal court stand before us.

"What's wrong? Are you girls all okay?" My mom asks.

"Tell us the whole story. What happened?"

"Well…" I begin trying not to let my voice shake.

Thank you to everyone who read this. I hope you liked it! Please review and I will try to post the next chapter soon!