A/N: I know that there was some confusion before in the last chapter so, I'll post it again. This story is a Role Play between LayLunna and I. LayLunna: Bold font, is Raven, Cy, Robin.Tink: Normal font, Beast Boy and Starfire.

Happy Mother's Day Raven.

Gar was more than eager help his pregnant girlfriend to the white porcelain tub. They were force to stop twice in the hall as a contractions racked down her body. Once she was in the tub he began think about the year earlier. When he had helped her into the tub. "Hey remember that night when you were sick? I never thought that would be the turning point in our relationship."

Raven took a deep breath in as the water easing her body. "I never thought it would end up this way either." She said breathing slowly as another pain moved through her body. "What were you thinking that night?" she asked feeling them grow stronger. Her breath coming now in pants. Her eyes closing, her stomach tightening again. She was starting to shake a bit, her fist clenched tightly.

"How much I wanted to rip your shirt off and kiss every single bead of water of your body. I was crazy about you even then." Held her other hand trying to help her as best he could.

"What..." breath. "About now?" She couldn't tell if she was shivering or shaking. But she knew it meant she was progressing. She let her mind repeat her saving grace over and over. The next wave hot and she found herself speaking it. "Azarath Metrion...ZINTHOS!" The last word sounded like she was in pain. It always started small and built to a peak.

She reached for his shoulders. "I don't think the water is helping as much as I thought. .. maybe I should try some of the other methods. " her lips constantly quivered even when she wasn't having a contraction. Her amethyst eyes locked on his.

"Still crazy about you hon, I just wish I could take the pain away for you." He muttered watching her flinch and shake. He easily helped her up even being pregnant didn't seem to matter, he was strong enough for her. He wrapped her in a towel as they both heard a soft knock on the door.

"Friend Raven, Sam is here. May I be of assistance?" Starfire's voice asked from the door.

Raven whimpered as she squatted down as a strong one ripped through her body. She clung to Gar's shoulders. As she breathed through another wave of pain she called out. "You both may come in. " she said thankful he'd wrapped her in a towel. Her body shaking a little more. She felt a strange pressure and dropping feeling, "I can't move it hurts too much." she whispered looking at him.

Beast Boy felt completely helpless as what to do for her. He just held her up as he looked around as what to do. "You're going to have make it to the bed babe, unless you want to have our kids on the bathroom floor."

Star opened the door in strode a blonde woman who instantly began washing her hands and popping out questions. Star looked happy yet slightly concerned at Raven's position on the bathroom floor. Raven whimpered. "It hurts even when I'm not having a contraction. .. I don't feel like I can move. " she looked to the midwife with a whine in the back of her throat. Her knees shook as she forced herself to stand. She took a few steps before getting hit with another. "They are right on top of each other now." She bit through her teeth.

Gar looked helplessly at the midwife. Who nodded and began checking her.

Raven yipped and bit her lip, she didn't enjoy the feeling. It was intrusive to say the least. The first baby head was canal and she was quickly approaching ten centimeters already. Sam found herself all slightly shocked at how fast things were moving for Raven. She had to remind herself this woman isn't all human, she looked to the other two in the room. "We need to get her into the bed it won't be long now. She is almost ready to push." She then looked to Raven. "That strange feeling is your babies head moving down."

Raven grunted as words were becoming more difficult with each passing second. It took them half an hour to get poor Rae into the bed. She had to stop every few steps. Eventually Star took upon herself to just carry her the rest of the way there. Gar got her in a large t-shirt covering up the top of her body.

Sam helped her get on all fours now that she was on the bed, trying to help with the building pressure. She looked to Garfield with a small smile. "Did you to decide if you want to help catch the baby or stay up at her side?" She asked knowing soon it would be that time.

Gar nodded looking at Star who was dabbing a cold wet cloth to her forehead. She smiled weakly at him offer her advice. "Garfield you should take the opportunity to help deliver your babies. It's a wonderful chance that you may never get again. Go I will stay up here and help Raven."

This only help his decision more he kiss his woman's violet head that was wet with her sweat and moved down. "Okay tell what I got to do." He mumbled looking at the white sheet that covered her.

Raven was doing her best to keep in her meditative state. She was listening to her body as she rolled over to her back . She listened to Sam. Who was giving them both directions. Sam smiled. "You have a bit yet. I'll tell you when and where to put your hands." She checked Raven again and smiled. "That a girl. Now take a deep breath and follow your bodies directions and push down. "

Raven cried out as she took a deep breath and pushed down. She was already getting tired, the pain was sitting in the back of her mind as she pushed her body with the tightening of hey stomach. She cried out a pure sound of pain as she felt the first child shift further down. After several pushes she felt herself stretching. Sam looked to them both. "I can see hair."

Gar gripped her leg as she wailed in pain Starfire cooed softly it her ear repeating the Empath's mantra in her ear. She had instructed her to grip her hand and too use as much force as she needed. Gar felt slightly woozy as he looked down and could see his own child crowning. Steadily himself by placing both hands on the bed and exhaled slowly. He was ready, putting the smell of blood and amniotic fluid from his mind.

Marie was first and fairly easy considering, Raven whimpered and Sam guided his hands to catch there little one. It had been almost half an hour of pushing. She was tired and sore and only half way done. Sam cut the cord on Marie and smiled brightly. "Look at your beautiful little girl."

Ravens voice whimper. "Can I see her Gar?" Her voice was frail.

Gar looked down at the naked little girl in his arms. She was tiny and exactly how he pictured her to look. She had a dark head of hair and pale green skin. Honesty with her soft whimpers and being covered in strange goo one would say it was something from a monster movie, but to him he only saw his entire world falling into place. Tears welled up in his eyes as he wrapped her in a towel and placed her on her mother's chest. "Look at her Rae isn't she beautiful?" He asked as the tears flew down his face.

Raven whimpered still in pain as she looked at the tiny girl crying. "She's just perfect." she tried to get a good look at her face but pain racked her. She ran her fingers over the small girls face. She looked to him with a shaking hand. "I need to push again. . Can you take. . Marie? " She asked the reality hitting her.

Star lifted her arms out eager to hold the new born. Gar handed her off to Star who immediately began humming and cooing to Marie. "What a sweet little bumgorf you are." Gar moved back into position half expecting to see another baby crowning.

Raven began to push again, she was having more trouble with her son. She pushed as hard as she could, she cried out. "I can't so this!" she sobbed as she felt the baby coming down further. Sam kept coaching her telling her how good she was doing. She watched as the baby crowed, but the shoulders got stuck. She carefully tried to turn the shoulders. "You can do it Raven!"

Raven couldn't help but sob at all the pain. "Gar, what have you done to me?" she questioned through tears.

Although he was positive that she was the strongest woman he'd ever seen maybe natural childbirth wasn't the best idea after all. Laced with guilt and remorse he gently stroked her leg and shook his head.

"Come on Rae, you got this most powerful being in all of the world this is cake."

It was a long scary ride to get the baby out. Once she had the baby was out she handed Gar his son. He was larger than his tiny sister. But not huge, he had soft blue peach fuzz hair and his mother's bright eyes. He was crying loudly, he had his father's ears and his own wailing bothered them.

Sam finished cutting the cord and was now working on the after birth when she was suddenly swearing under breath. Grabbing a hand full of gaze she began soaking up the blood. She was concerned about the amount of blood Raven had lost. "Why don't you guys get the babies cleaned up." Her right hand had disappeared from view but Gar angle let him see everything. She was staunching the blood flow doing everything possible to get Raven's uterus to stop contracting. Raven was breathing softly but she was as white as a sheet as she watched Starfire grab Gar's arm.

Gar couldn't help but watch and feel helpless as Starfire dragged him and the twins out of the room "She's going to alright right?" He asked not only was there a lot of blood on the sheets but enough on Sam's hands that it looked like she had committed a murder. The sharp smell of copper made his stomach turn and the Beast to cry out. Sam never answered as the door shut the door.

Starfire when into nurse mode and gently cleaned off each baby and dressed them in little onesies and swaddled them in little blankets. Marie in a soft purple blanket, while her brother was in a deep forest green one.

It took her a bit to get Raven stable and when Sam popped her head into the bathroom, Beast Boy nearly bolt out of his skin. "She's okay?" He begged hardly noticing his son screaming like a banshee. The blonde nodded and smiled brightly at him then she checked on both babies. "Everyone is doing great. How do you feel daddy?"

"Fine." He answered quickly and nearly bolted back to the room where she was laying. Seeing Raven he stepped up her heart was pounding against his ribs. "Baby you okay?" Lincoln was very fussy, he wanted food. He scrunched up his tiny nose as he balled up his fists looking up at his dad with tiny watery eyes. Raven whimpered as she forced herself to sit up. She knew they needed to be fed. "Gar bring him here."

Raven took the tiny baby in her shaking arms. "He looks like you. " she responded before nodding. "Really tired. . I ruined our other sheets. Sam threw them out. .I know they were your favorite. " she still looked pale even for her. She moved her shirt up and placed the child above her right breast. She watched Lincoln latch on hungrily."They are so perfect.. "

He shook his head leaning in close to her. "They are just sheets, as long as you're okay, I don't care if you ruin all our sheets." He looked down at him and smiled softly. "He looks like you." he disagreed rubbing the little boy head with his thumb. "I can't believe they are finally here."

Star walked in her eyes brimming with tears. Carrying a little lilac bundle. "The Logan twins are absolutely perfect. Thank you for sharing with this experience with me."

Raven blushed brightly. "I'm sorry you had to see everything that came with it." she watched him eat. "He's got your ears love." She looked between them all. "I can't believe it either. .. do the others know? "

Starfire only beamed at the pair. "I loved it I've never experience such a magical thing in my life. I thought I'd wait until you were finished with feedings but they both are aware."

Filling his tiny stomach the little one now was asleep against his mothers chest. Raven looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms her heart full of love. "Trade?" She requested holding out her sleeping son. "I'm so tired. I'm not sure I'm ready for visitors."

"Understandable." Star beamed giving Marie to her mother. Gar took his son and couldn't help but feel the tears start to brim back up in his eyes. "Star, tell Rob and Cy I'll bring the babies out in a little bit." She nodded and gently leaned in to Raven.

She kissed her forehead softly and whispered. "Good job you did amazingly, you are a mother now."

Raven tried to get Marie to latch on the other breast hoping that she would take just as easily as her brother. "I thought I was going to die Star, but it was so worth it." She was thankful that soon she'd get time with just Gar and their babies.

Star smiled and nodded kissed Gar's cheek. "Congratulations." Then she moved out of the room. As soon as the alien moved out the room the room grew quiet, all except for Marie's soft sucking. Gar kept his eyes down looking at his son his emotions all over the place he couldn't help but feel completely satisfied in that moment. He had a beautiful fiance. Two healthy babies that looked exactly like their gorgeous mother. He couldn't help but trace the outline of Lincoln's puffy tiny lips.

Rae smiled as she looked up at him. "I didn't know I could love someone as much as I love you three." she replied with a soft yawn her eyes closing a bit. "Nor did I ever think I'd be such a fan of green." she joked.

He smile a smile that had a thousand words to it. He leaned in and kissed her. "Now we can get married." He replied softly knowing that she would want to first heal and get back to her normal routine as best she could first before planning a wedding. "Remember when I told you, that you were going to make me the happiest man alive? Well you did it today. I love you so much."

Raven smiled brightly as she held their tiny girl. "They are so small love. Can't we take one day at a time?" She reached for him trying to bring him down for a kiss. "I love you too." She sounded exhausted.

He took his daughter from out of her arms and smiled. "We can wait a bit. But we are going to be thinking about it. I want you to sleep baby." He whispered kissing her on the lips. Raven nodded and was very quick to fall asleep.

Robin looked to Star. "How are they?" he asked eagerly.

Cy nodded. "Can I go see her? "

Star face force a smile on the corner of her mouth as her body told her she was exhausted. She didn't even do all the hard work so she could only imagine how Raven felt. "Everyone is well and healthy." She gently hugged her fiance and let her body fall against his. "Raven requires much sleep and wishes to be left alone for now." She spoke softly keeping her head on Rob's chest. "Beast Boy will be out shortly with the twins."

Twenty minutes later, The changeling came into the room holding a small bundle in his right arm and then a tinier bundle in his left. He smiled knowing his face hid how tired he really was. "Guys meet my world, Marie, and Lincoln." He beamed. He held out Marie to Cy and Lincoln to Rob. Star moved slightly so Robin could get a hold of the little one.

"Dick isn't he the most precious thing you've ever seen?" she said in day dream like voice. Her finger softly brushed across the blanket as she looked at the sleeping new born.

Cy took the small girl from him very gingerly, like he was afraid just him touching her would break the the little girl into pieces. "It's hard to believe they have been living in Rae's tiny belly. " he looked over the tiny girl. "They are a perfect mix of the two of you aren't they?"

Dick nodded, he was looking over the small boy. He felt a pang of guilt. How could he have thought of them being anywhere but here? He looked to Gar. "How much do they weigh? He feels so light." he moved and whispered into Stars ear, "Wait till you see ours."

Gar nodded as he looked at his twins "Raven says they look like me, but I think they look like her. Hearing you say it you're so right they look like us." turning his attention on to Boy Wonder, he shifted his weight around. "They were later then we thought they be but in hind sight they weren't due for another three weeks so they are pretty small, but Sam checked them out and positively said that they are completely developed and healthy. Lincoln Mark Logan is 5 lb. 9 Oz. while his sister Marie Kory Logan," He paused looking at the alien knowing that they hadn't told her, they had given Marie the middle name of her "aunt". "Is smaller only weighing in at 4 lb. 3 oz."

Starfire instantly began bawling as she look at Dick and than grabbed the Gar by the shoulder. "You have made my heart so happy today." She cried into his neck.

Cy smiled as he switched babies with Dick wanting the chance to see them both. "Hows Mama?" He asked studying the tiny boy who was starting to wake up. "Look at those eyes they are so bright." He said softly.

Dick nodded. "I think they are both very strong beautiful names. "

"Rae is good, scared the hell out of me earlier but Sam was more than amazing and managed to get her stable. She asleep now she could barely keep her eyes open. Thank you man we talked about it for a while but we just kept coming back to those ones. I'm glad you guys approve." he stated warmly rubbing Star shoulder.

Cy nodded as he looked to him. "I bet she will be for a while. I imagine you both are. Maybe you should take the twins and sleep while you can." Dick looked to the now awake little boy who cried out trying to figure out where his sister was. He didn't like being away from her.

Beast Boy nodded as soon as Cy said it he felt it hit him like a wave. "Dude I am tried do you mind watching them for a while?" He asked looking at the three of them.

Cy blinked and nodded. "Bring up the ..small bed thing. .. I'm sure between the three of us we can figure this out."

"You guys are the best, thirty minutes I promise." Gar said in thankful tone. He rushed to his room which had been converted into a nursery for the twins. He smiled softly as there was no trace of his old room left. Cy had cracked down on security measures and over the last month and made sure that the room was even more safe than the Oval Office. He brought the portable crib back and watched as the Cy handed Lincoln off to Star. He bend down and began setting up the play pin, that he knew would come very handy at times. "Thanks again guys!" and with that he slipped out of the room.

Lincoln stopped as soon as he was close to his sister. Dick was rocking the smaller girl in his arms. "So who do you think will cause more trouble?" he joked referring to the twins.

"I think it really depends on which one has more personality, like their father." Star said softly rocking the little boy in her arms. She watched as he softly made sucking noises on his fingers. "Lincoln seems more active than his sister though." Marie slept peacefully in Dicks arms. Her soft pale green skin glowed in the light.

Gar tumbled into the room and immediately took his side of the bed. The room smelled of him, his babies, but mostly his fiance. He sighed as his head hit the pillow.

Dick nodded. "More alert to. Like he has to know what's going on even if he doesn't know what it is. " he smiled as he looked at Marie. "What do you think our children will look like?" Cy was sitting back watching his friends.

Raven whimpered softly from her slumber before snuggling into him. She needed his warmth.

Star softly chuckled and leaned to peck him "I hope they look like you my love."

He was careful when cuddling into her body not wanting to hurt in anyway. He leaned down pressing his lips to one of his favorite spots behind her ear. "I know I say this too much but I just want you to know I love you Raven."

Dick shook his head a smile on his face. "You're the better looking one my dear." He couldn't help but stare at the tiny baby in his arms. His mind only playing one thought on repeat. Maybe now it was time for him and Star to start trying.

Raven whimpered something as a half asleep reply. She was too exhausted to even open her eyes.

Star only gave him a soft smile as she rocked the boy in her arms, she couldn't help but notice that for being so small everyone only had perfect love for them.

Beast Boy curled up next to her and fell into a deep sleep never knowing how much he needed it.