Chapter 1

I miss America when he was a child. He actually loved me. We got along so perfectly. He was an angel! And now...where did I go wrong?

At this moment England was sitting on his couch, thinking about the past with his face in his hands. He knew he shouldn't think about this, because it only made everything worse. But he couldn't get it out of his mind. Young America was his life. He made him feel happy, knowing he could be a better brother then Scotland was to him.

Why. Why couldn't the past stay the same? If only he could bring it back...


England shot off of the couch and smiled widely with a British laugh. "That's it! I'll change America into a child again! Then we could be happy!" He began to think about the past again. Ahh, for a second he forgot he could do magic. Heh, heh, what a fool he could be sometimes, eh?

NEVER. He was a British gentleman.


Chuckling, he ran to the stairs and made his way to the basement, where his precious spell books and potions and whatnot were. He finally made it to the basement. He opened the door slowly. The door creaked as he opened it. He made his way inside, taking a swift glance at the circle on the floor.

He walked up to his bookshelf, scanning a finger over the rows of books to find the right one.

"No...No...there!" England smiled and grabbed the book. He dusted it off and coughed from the large cloud of dust that flew at his face. He walked to his desk and flipped through the pages, trying to find the right spell. Finally he gave a large smile when he found the right one.

Pleased with himself, he snatched his black cloak off the wall and put it on. He grabbed the book and made his way to the circle in the center of the dark room.

Before he began, he stopped and thought for a minute. If he did this to America, what would happen to his country? But...

England wanted his brother back!

America just annoys the living crap out of me now; that fat over-eating annoying person he is now. He's just full of himself. Puh, 'hero' my ass. With this, he can be my little America again! Then life can be as we planned. He will be mine once again.

He felt so pleased with himself. In a matter of seconds, he began to chant a spell, and the circle on the ground began to glow. It was working.


Norway was busy chewing on a piece of chocolate. His annoying ass brother tried to beg him for it, but he got his troll friend to shut him up. Hehe.

Suddenly he heard footsteps drawing near. He flashed a look to his front door, and jumped when a person threw it open. Said person was panting, his long brown hair flowing in the snowy breeze. He looked up, worry flickering in his pure red eyes. "Norway! Do you feel that?"

"Romania? What is wrong? And why did you break down my door?" Norway asked, a little annoyed.

Romania grunted. "You don't understand! Don't you feel that aura? It's coming from England's place! He's using...the spell."

Norway's eyes widened. "He can't be."

"He is! Don't you feel it?"

In an instant, Norway felt an aura of pure change around him. The aura was flowing through the breeze, and he shivered when he realized what was going on. He jumped up, "We have to stop England. No one has ever used that spell, and who knows what it could truly do. It's never been touched before."

"The child spell? Yeah, we gotta stop him, or-"

"Don't even think about it," Norway interrupted, "come on, we best hurry."


"It's working!" England cried happily. The circle glowed brighter and brighter.


Suddenly England heard footsteps running down the stairs, and before he knew it the door slammed open. "England, stop! What are you thinking?!" Romania cried.

England flinched when the two appeared before him. "What's wrong?"

"That spell has never been used before." Norway growled. "Who knows what it can truly do. Did you read how to use the whole spell?"

"Of course I did!" England snarled.

"It doesn't matter. It's so old and untouched, it may be defective!" Romania cried, tears of fear pouring from his eyes. "England, you have to stop this-"

"It's too late!" England shouted. Suddenly, a loud boom sounded through the room, and the light exploded. The three stood back, holding their hands up to block the light. When it was over, Norway shot England a pissed-off look.

"You've really done it this time England. What do you think you were doing?"

"I-I wanted America back." He began, "I wanted to raise him all over again. Then we'd be happy..." He looked down to the floor sadly.

Norway tried to push away the pang of guilt and sympathy that hit him in the chest. He was about to say something else, but was interrupted by a small whimper on the floor in front of them.

They all turned to the circle and flinched. There, on the ground, laid a chibi America, curled up and whimpering. The trio's eyes widened. Romania was in shock, Norway was full of worry, and England couldn't be happier.

"America! It worked!" The Brit ran to the middle of the circle and crouched down, placing a hand on the boy's head. He suddenly got worried. "A-America? A-are you ok?"

The chibi's eyes opened slowly and he looked up. He saw the familiar face of his guardian and rubbed his sleepy filled eyes. "I-Iggy?"

"Oh, America." England smiled, picking up the child and cradled him in his arms. "Thank god you're safe."

The little chibi yawned. "England! You're here!" He looked around worridely. "Where are we? Why aren't we home?"

Shit. England realized something. SHIT.

"A-America, sit here for a moment. I have to talk to the people over there." He nodded to the Norwegian and Romanian.

America nodded. "O-ok. But-but don't be too long, Iggy."

"I won't, love, I promise." He rubbed America's head, putting him down. He rushed to the other two and panted. "Ok, ok, what the FUCK happened to his memory?"

Norway's face grew red with anger. "Fool. That is what happens when a child spell is used. They are children again. Therefore, they only know of their childhoods, that's all."

England gulped. That made sense. "Um-"

"Didn't you read the side effects?" Romania pointed out. Fearing this, the Brit ran to his book and brought it over to them.

"Unfortunately, I didn't." The two crowded around him as England began to read:

"Side effects include:

Loss of current memory

Acts how they did like when they were children

Increasing appetites

Child-like energy

and so much more..."

England just jumped after reading the list. A sweat drop ran down from his forehead and onto the floor. He turned slowly to Romania and Norway. "Umm..."

Romania nearly fainted, only to be caught by Norway. Norway shot such a menacing glare to England. "Sometimes spells that aren't used often can travel. Do you know what that means?"

"I do, I do!" Romania rose his hand. "It means that the spell may have turned other nations and/or adults into children as well!" Romania felt proud of his explanation, but his eyes widened to the last part. "Ohh noo..."

England nearly fainted. Hopefully no other nations had this.

"Y-you don't think this actually traveled do you?" England asked with a worried smile. Norway and Romania just looked at each other.

Romania gave a shrug. "I don't know. How long does the spell last?"

England checked the book and his eyes widened. " ends when it ends. There's no way to reverse it."

This time Norway almost fainted, only to be caught by his troll. He gave England a worried glare. "Well, maybe we should check-"

"Iggggyyyy!" America shouted. "I'm lonely! Who are those people?!"

England flinched. "Just a second." He ran to America and picked him up in his arms. America snuggled into the warmth of shirt. "Yay, Iggy."

England smiled. He didn't want this spell to end at all.

"Englaanndd" Norway gave an annoyed growl. "This spell is-"

"Oh come on, guys. What's the worst that could happen?" England spat. "And I highly doubt the spell traveled."

America looked up at him with pure blue eyes. "Who are these men?" He asked worriedly. England turned to the other two. "That is Norway, and that is Romania."

The two waved softly. America flinched with interest and pointed at Romania. "He's got a fang! That's so cool!"

Romania grinned. "Thank you."

Norway was still glaring at England. England noticed this an frowned. "Like I said, what's the worst that can happen?"

Suddenly the phone began to ring, making them flinch. America yelped and began to climb onto England's shoulder. "What was that? What was that?!"

"Calm down, America. It's just the phone."


England forgot America didn't know what that was anymore. "Romania can you get that for me?"

"Yeah, yeah." Romania walked over and picked up the phone: "Hello-"


Romania fell back with a terrified yelp from the shouting over the phone. He was on the floor shaking. Norway sighed and walked over to the phone. "Hello?"


Norway blinked. "No, and watch your language. This is Norway speaking."

"Well put me on the phone with that bastard at once."

"Ask nicely."


Norway snickered, having fun annoying the person on the other end. "Alright, alright. England it's for you."

England sighed and put America down again. "I'll be back America." He walked to the phone, taking it from Norway. "Hello?"


England flinched. He recognized the voice of an Italian. "S-South Italy?"

"YES. You did this didn't you?"


"Why the fuck is Spain a kid?!"

England flinched. Oh no...the spell did travel. England looked to the other two with the most scared expression he could ever pull off on his face. Norway rose a brow. "It traveled, huh? Told you."

England fumed. He didn't like to be proven wrong. He put his attention back to the phone. "Listen, Romano-"

"No, you listen here, you bastard! Turn Spain back to normal! Now!"

England quickly explained the whole situation. He heard Romano gasp on the other side of the phone. He heard the Italian grumble something in Italian for a few moments, before Romano breathed in, trying to control his godforsaken temper. "Alright, eyebrows. If you can't fix this, what am I going to do with Spain?"

"Take care of him for now."

"What?! No way! I hate kids! They're annoying and bratty and-"

"Romano! I'm hungry!" England heard a chibi Spain yelp from over the phone.

"Just a minute!" Romano howled. He turned back to the phone. "Listen, eyebrows. I don't know who else got 'chibi-d,' but you should know you're in damn big trouble for it. Now goodnight, good luck, and fuck you!" And he hung up.

England flinched and put down the phone. The Italian was nuts. He turned to Norway and Romania. "Well, Spain is a child now."

"Great, just great." Norway snarled. "We better get going to see if anyone else has been turned."

"Good idea." England agreed.

"If Bulgaria is a chibi now, I'll kill you!" Romania growled like a dog, his fang showing fearfully, making England flinch.

"Come on now, hurry." Norway pressed on, walking up the stairs. Romania followed, while England went to the little America and picked him up. "Guess what America. We're going somewhere."

"Really? Where?"

"You'll see." England smiled. America beamed happily. Yay! A surprise! He thought.

England sighed and ran to the stairs, carrying a little America in his arms. I hope this blows over fast. God knows who else has been 'chibi-d."

Author's note!

Aaannndddd that's the start! This is a random story that I don't know I'll get too far in, but I was thinking of what some of the nations would act like as kids, and this idea popped into my head. I figured why not type it?

In the next chapter we see little Denmark! So stay tuned for that! (And probably others, but just picture little Denmark. DO IT.)

See you in the next chapter ;3
