In This House of Prayer

AN: Thanks again for all the reviews and interest. I know this story is a a bit fluffy but you need some fluff every once in awhile. Sorry for the posting delays I will try to do better. I accept responsibility for all errors. Short chapter to get us on out way. Hope you enjoy.

I own no part of The Mentalist or its awesome characters.

Chapter 4: On Our Way (at last)

"Teresa sweetheart, hurry up or we'll miss the plane!" Patrick Jane stood by the front door rocking on his heels.

"I thought it was a private flight?"

"It is, but there still a set flight time."

"Are you sure I have everything I need" Teresa looked at her small suitcase standing by the front door.

Why had she let her husband pack for her? Every since she had said yes to this impromptu honeymoon a veil of secrecy had descended upon the trip. No destination, no itinerary and absolutely no idea why she gave in so easily.

Cho approved her leave a few weeks earlier than planned. Lisbon felt bad leaving him short handed but Cho assured he'd be fine. With Tork deciding to stay in Austin and Wylie now a bona fide field agent, not to mention Abbott still hanging around the team was functioning in top form.

And so Mr and Mrs. Jane were off on an adventure.

Jane had hired a car to take them to Austin Executive airport where Mashburn had so kindly sent his private jet.

"OK spill where are we going?" Lisbon glared at the man sitting next to her in the limo. His blond hair golden in the morning sun.

"Isla Margarita, in Venezuela. I think we have to stop in Caracas first."

Lisbon took his hand, "Is this your island Patrick, the one you told me about in your letters?"

"The very same. Surprise!"

He smiled at the women next to him who promptly burst into tears.

"Teresa, what's wrong? Are you OK, do we need to go back to the house."

Lisbon wiped her eyes on the back of her hand.

"Nothing's wrong Patrick. I just can't believe I'm actually going to see the places you described so beautifully. That you are going to share it with me. Thank you you're the best husband ever."

Jane handed her his hanky the waterworks nowhere near stopping.

"If you happy sweetheart, why are you crying?"

"I don't know." Came the tearful reply.

He put his arm around her and pulled her close kissing her check.

"It's OK."

By the time the couple were seated on the plane Lisbon was back in control of her emotions. Just a bit of a lingering mist still covering her eyes.

The passenger section had six seats that could swivel to face each other and a small table

"Wow this is fancy, leather and everything." Lisbon ran her hand over the side of her chair.

"They also stretch out into a bed. You know Walter, nothing in half measures for him."

Just then the flight attendant appeared carrying a tray with three champagne flutes.

"Can I offer you beverage." She place the tray in front of the couple pointing out the one that contained non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice.

Jane was looking at the third drink speciously when their host come out of the cockpit.


Always suave he took the third flute with the usual Mashburn flourish.

"Why are you here?" Jane eyed him suspiciously.

"No reason just came to see you off and get a chance to see the endearing Teresa again."

He bent and gave Lisbon a kiss on the check, "Lovely to see you my dear.'

Walter was still holding her hand and gazing intently into eyes, when Jane coughed in the background.

"What Patrick, afraid of a little competition?"

"Competition? You do know we are married?" Jane pointed a finger between him and Lisbon."

Walter scoffed, "Seriously Patrick I've been divorced, what is it now four times. A spouse is not all that hard to get rid of when you know the right lawyer."

Jane leaned over and removed Mashburn's hand from Lisbon's.

"Let go of my wife! And we won't be needing any lawyers"

Mashburn reluctantly placed Lisbon's hand back in her lap. But not without one last kiss to the back of her hand.

"I never took him for the jealous type always seemed so asexual. No romantic passion." He winked at a blushing Teresa.

"Romantic passion! I have passion that is a Jane bun in her oven."

Lisbon gave her husband a not too gentle slap on the arm.

"Walter, thank you so much for the use of your jet." Lisbon had turned on her full watt smile. "It was so sweet of you."

"Anything for you my dear. Maybe when you come back we can get together for lunch. You know for old times sake."

Jane fold his arms across his chest and leaned into the window. He glared at Mashburn.

"Bring old grumpy pants with you if you must." He made one last bow and headed to the exit.

"How about lunch when you get back." Jane whined in a high pitch voice. "Bring old grumpy pants."

"Patrick, may I remind you that you are the one that called him."

"A necessary evil, I wanted you to be comfortable."

Lisbon patted her husband's arm. "I know dear and I appreciate it but if you ever say Jane bun and my oven again I will shoot you!"

After the departure of Walter Mashburn the couple settled in for take off.

The ride was relaxing with a wonderful lunch and even a selection of movies. (Walter thought of everything). The excitement and long flight finally got to Lisbon and Jane watched his beautiful bride sleeping contently next to him. He couldn't resist a kiss.

"I love you my angry little princess, my salvation, my last great love, my wife." He touched her lips softly with his.

The word wife no longer filling him with guilt and fear. He thought of Angela and sighed, what would she think of him now. What would she think of Lisbon? Would she forgive him for marring again and loving Teresa so completely? He knew the answer. Yes, she'd be happy for him because she was a kind and gentle person. Two amazing women loved him with ardour and fervor and he loved them the same way.

He closed his eyes. Yes, a nap was a good idea.