When You Wish Upon A Star
(A.N If you have not read the description of this story this first part will be very confusing. That is all enjoy)
Zoom in on the Team RWBY Underground Resistance Training Facility.
The Leader of team RWBY, Ruby Rose stands on a balcony overlooking her team's faction of resistance fighters. They were coming along well, but were still not ready to fight Torchwick, Neo, Mercury, Emerald, Cinder, or the White Fang.
She was wondering how to fix what had happened to remnant. She wanted to fix her world, make it right again. After what happened 10 years ago she didn't know how to fix this. The White Fang holds all the cards, and now we're stuck down in this cave with no way out of this mess.
She wanted to turn around, and get reassured that we could do this, but she knew that would just make it worse. All of her team was captured by the enemies. Blake was the first, she went to pursue her old mentor, a person called Adam. She had brought a small squad on this mission only to be led into a trap. 1 out of the 7 that went on the mission came back, and told us the news. The way he described it there was a short battle between the two armies. Next to go was Yang. She led a charge in attempt to take an enemy supply house we got the supplies, but not without losses, and one of them was Yang. A survivor says that a woman with both brown, and pink eyes and hair with an umbrella as a weapon had appeared out of nowhere, and tipped the scales of the battle in their favor. Lastly was Weiss. Me and her had run the training of the hunters, and huntresses after we lost Blake and Yang, but recently Weiss was sent on a recon mission to scout a lead we had gotten that said where the lost members of team RWBY were being held. Go figure it was a trap. She was cornered by both Mercury, and Emerald. I don't exactly know what happened, because she insisted she go alone. I can only assume she was overpowered by them after a short fight.
Ruby let out a sigh, and climbed up to the surface. She walked to the edge of a cliff overlooking the failed Mountain looked up into the night sky and wished for her teammates back. Once again it didn't work. She was about to turn away when she saw a shooting star.
"Please bring us the hero's we need to take back Remnant" she said in a low whisper.
She looked around. Nothing. "I wonder why I thought that would work" She said as she walked back to the underground base.
Enter with the reds and blues flying to Hargrove's ship, in Locus, and Felix's ship.
"AAHHHHHHHHH" The reds and blues all shouted (except for Caboose) while flying towards Hargrove's ship.
All of the sudden a large purple oval hole appeared in front of them.
"Hay algo en frente de nosotros!"
"There is something in front of us!" Lopez yelled, but nobody heard. (or understood)
They went into rip, but it had made all their systems malfunction. They appeared over a large tree filled area. It might have been winter because all the trees had lost their leaves. They were rapidly descending to what appeared to be a cliff overlooking a city.
"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Sarge yelled over all the yelling.
"WEEEEEE!" Caboose yelled in excitement.
All the others words were jumbled into each others. They crashed into the ground, and just barely avoided falling off the cliff.
"Dagnabit! Why can't we just crash in the middle of a field or something?" Sarge grumbled to the other reds. "Really why is it always a cliff?"
"Hey! Shut it sarge! Where are we?" Church thought to himself
"Church have you called Wash, or Carolina?" Tucker asked Church "I'm trying to do that now."
"What?!" Church shouted "Out of range? How are we out of range?"
"Maybe we got transported to a new planet that the UNSC has no knowledge of." Doc said being the voice of reason. "Or all the people on Chorus have died, and we got blown far away from their corpses! Muahahahaha!"
"Be quiet O'Malley! Let me think." Church yelled again.
"Umm… Church?" Tucker asked Church
Church inhaled, and exhaled. "What?"
"Where's Caboose?"
Cut to Caboose walking toward a staircase down to the base.
"Why this looks interesting. What do you think Freckles?" Caboose asked his assault rifle. "I think we should go down."
"I think we should go back to the plane Captain Caboose." Freckles gave his opinion to caboose. "Walking through unexplored forests is not advised."
"Oh. Oh come on Freckles! Where is your sense of adventure?" Caboose asked his pet killer rifle.
"I will go where you go Captain Caboose" Freckles told Caboose. He had to keep an eye on Caboose to make sure he doesn't get himself killed.
"YAAAY, treasure hunt!" Caboose yelled
Back at the ship
"Ok Tucker, you mean to tell me.. THAT YOU LOST CABOOSE?!" Church scaulded Tucker.
"It's not my job to babysit him!" Tucker yelled at Church
"Hey blues! Quit yer yappin! You might attract bears!" Sarge politely informed Church, and Tucker
"Oh please. If there were bears here they left years ago, or their hibernating!" Tucker said turning to look at Sarge.
The reds heads snapped up to look behind Tucker. "Uh… Tucker i'd run if I were you…" Grif told Tucker while backing away.
"Why? Is there a beaaaa... " Tucker turned around to see an all black bear with red eyes, bone like armor covering its head, and claws like Juniors. "r… oh crap. RUUUUN!"
The Ursa roared and charged the two unprepared teams as they ran. While only Church wondered where Caboose was they heard a loudly yelled YAY. "Tucker go towards the nav point I set for you and the reds!" Without answer they ran towards the point that appeared on their HUD map. They saw Caboose looking into a seemingly infinite staircase. Without saying anything they tackled him into the stair case. They tumbled all the way down the staircase into the training base. The Ursa was to big to fit in the staircase so they were safe for now, but sadly Church voiced what the were all thinking.
"Ok guys I think were safe for now." Church said exhausted.
"NO! Church don't say it!" Tucker told him angrily.
"Why not?" Church asked him questioningly.
"I'm why not" A new voice came from behind them, it was feminine, they turned to see a girl in her early twenties, wearing a red cape. The thing most noticeable was the weapon she wielded it appeared to be a scythe the size (If not bigger) of herself.
"Oh, mierda" These were the last words spoken by the strangers before they were knocked out.
Authors Note
I hope you liked this fan fiction, if you could please leave suggestions as to what I could do better.
I will upload a new chapter between one week, and two weeks.
P.S I don't own Rvb, or RWBY
Until next time!