Excitement Chapter 3

The moment consciousness returned to Amira she was assaulted by a large amount of near entirely foreign sensations that left her in a state of shock, unable to formulate intelligent thought or even the presence of mind to exercise her eyes. For as long as her limited child mind could recall or comprehend, she had been living in a state of perpetual discomfort that never abated, to the point that she had accepted it as the baseline of feeling. Her continued hunger pangs, bad vision, weak muscles, and even her stunted stature were things that followed her into her new life after 'being hit on the head' regardless of the fact that she held no recollection of how she gained such ailments. And so even though only a day and a half had passed in her perspective since awakening without any substantial memories, the sudden lack of aches and pains that her subconscious still recognized as 'default' caused the toddler to have a near-shutdown at the pleasant ache of muscles well rested by sleep which she had never to her knowledge experienced. The feeling of silken sheets and the alluring warmth that they provide, as well as the feeling of two strong arms encircling her small body in reaction to the first golden rays of dawn nevertheless soon caused her to awaken from her stupor.

Eyes shooting open, Amira immediately sat up in bed, breaking the embrace that held her as she just gaped at nothing, a full and unencumbered breathe of air filling her lungs. She had felt energized before, excited even, and the energy that filled her then made her want to just jump up and touch the azure sky; This however, this amount of energy flowing through her still child sized body made her feel like her veins had been replaced with liquid determination and the strength to accomplish anything, she felt like that man from the story she was pretty sure she heard once, Heracles. Though she was now sharp enough to notice that the sicknesses that induced her previous levels of weakness were gone TOO suddenly, it was just as well that she was too enamored with just how GOOD she felt, and how each movement of her muscles, conscious or not, felt meaningful to care as her next actions proved a sufficient distraction.

Seeing that as long as she could remember(not all that long, she thought in restrospect), she had been weak, when she moved to throw all her weight into her outstretched arms, leaning forward in the bed, she expected pushing her small frame just off the side of the bed and onto the floor, instead she propelled herself forward and slightly up, hurling herself unexpectedly into the air as a completely non-girlish shriek escaped her throat which she would heartily and vehemently deny afterwards. Luckily the room was large and the floor had been charmed to absorb impacts so as to avoid broken trinkets or dishware when Hungary dropped something. Upon landing face first on the wooden floor, and not exactly comfortably, Amira merely laid there a moment, confused and strangely excited. When she moved to put her hands on the ground to push herself up, she yet again miscalculated the amount of effort it would take to push herself to her feet and ended up pushing hard enough to flip herself onto her back, somewhat knocking the wind out of her.

Her attempts at standing were interrupted by a sound which while soft, still sounded as though it were muffled behind something, which turned out to be her mummy's hand as she attempted to stifle amused chuckles which bubbled heavily in her throat. Red faced with mortification, Amira pushed one last time, landing on her feet this time even as the push sent her a foot into the air before she came down. She pointed an accusing finger at her still incapacitated mother "Ez nem vicces!" she declared indignantly. "I-Igen, az" Elizaveta shakily responded in Hungarian, even as her laughs died down to holding her gut in a futile attempt at holding them in as she stole another glance at the tiny eruption in the form of a child, causing them to escape once more. By the time she managed to calm herself, she was still grinning like a maniac, wiping some nonexistent grime off her forehead as she stood, turning her attention back to her daughter only when she was sure she wouldn't lose control of herself again.

Only she wasn't paying the older woman any attention, her confusion now practically saturating the air as she stared down at herself as though befuddled by some grand mystery which required the utmost of her attention and willpower. The sight was such a comical one on a toddler that Hungary decided to turn her attention inwards in an effort to avoid knocking herself over with laughter for a second time that morning.

Internally sighing, she watched as the young child in front of her puzzled out why her words sounded so weird yet still made sense with a vaguely frustrated pout starting to form on her lips. After her realization the previous night, many concerns that seemed logical in hindsight became glaringly obvious to the female nation. Not the least of which was how much to tell her daughter about the nature of the world around her. For a child who had probably spent the majority of her short existence in some dark cellar, many of the ideas that now permeated her life would likely send her reeling in shock, and Hungary really had no clue how to go about addressing the issue. For her entire existence, she had dealt mostly with adults, or at least individuals who understood their place in the world and accepted the consequences of their actions. Even child nations were very wise for all they appeared and acted like morons half the time. And though she had seen many of her bosses' and other citizen's children, she had never spent any prolonged amount of time around them, understanding their importance as the future of her people yet dismissing them for their inexperience all the same.

That inexperience in handling human children was coming back to bite her now, as she had no idea what to tell the child she had decided to make her own, moreso than she considered the rest of her people her children anyway, about her life. What would she say? That she was a near-immortal being that personified a society of people? Or that she had used magic to basically heal her of near any physical imperfection and adopt her at the same time? Maybe even that the reason she was having trouble remembering things was because she had been killed by a human-trafficker who shot her when his fear of Hungary overwhelmed his common sense. She knew that if it had been Italy she was talking to, as she and Austria had taught him much in the absence of old man Rome, then he would have been informed of such developments, and they would have been secure in the knowledge that he could handle it as long as they weren't too harsh(he was so sensitive, even then). Now however, she was dealing with a human, albeit a very improved human child, and one who had already suffered so much it still affected her at times and Hungary was fearful she might say something wrong, too harsh, or unclear.

A moment of internal panicking later, even as her face remained expressionless and Hungary shook her head imperceptibly, a small frown adorning her lips when she was interrupted by the feeling of small, chubby hands patting her legs insistently, a voice matching the hands expressing concern for her in Hungarian. Snapping out of her moment of self reprimandation, Elizaveta bent down and hefted her daughter from under her arms and smiled at her, the brilliant grin that lit the entire room with it's glow causing Amira to stop and gape at the majesty of it, and proceeded to bullshit so hard Germany would have been hard pressed to accuse her of being anything but a saint. The skill had served her well as a toddler wandering Eastern Europe on her way to the Carpathian Basin and it would serve her well here. Not a single adult human questioned her when she started talking, and she had made the migration to Europe easily, even if she didn't know why she was going there at the time.

Her daughter had accepted her explanations about the world even faster than Italy had, and the altered truths she had spewed were already churning her gut with a vague guilt that only grew as she spotted the innocent, wide-eyed acceptance in that oh-so familiar face. Seeing as she had brought Amira to her house in a magical forest, which was infused with magic and housed a large number of magical artifacts, she had informed her of their status as witches, able to use magic to alter reality to their whims, though she had to suppress her hatred when the girl flinched at the word "magic" in a manner that reminded her of how she had acted on the train. It just made one of her theories on her daughter's previous life all the more plausible; It was seeming more and more likely that whoever she had lived with before had something against magic, or had hurt Amira with it enough that she still subconsciously feared it, though the lack of curse remnants on her person when she found her indicated the former. However when she had summoned a ball of light in her palm, the wonder that graced her daughter's face at the brightly glimmering light disabused her of that notion and brought a soft smile to Elizaveta's lips. Figuring she could use a little practice while they were demonstrating magic, she had dismissed the light and summoned a flame before manipulating it into various shapes, Dragons, lions, and eagles flying and prancing through the air around them as she subtly waved her fingers about. Even Hungary had to admit her heart was more at ease after watching the display with all the lights in the house snuffed and the curtains closed. After that demonstration, Amira had immediately requested that she be taught 'how to do stuff like that' in that innocent tone that only small children could pull off. Elizaveta had twitched, her face taking on a constipated expression as she briefly weathered her daughter's large green eyes and posture that just screamed of an innocent, earnest desire to learn.

As much as she was enjoying herself however, no matter how much her soul was eased just by having this small interaction with such an innocent soul, Hungary was still plagued by her worries. She knew having Amira around would cause her trouble with a number of parties, she knew that the other nations would all flip over the revelation, and that her boss would do the same(if he found out). She was even aware of the dangers that would come with raising her with magic in her life and how eventually her nation status would be uncovered. But Hungary had never been a being ruled purely by logic, in the past she had even believed herself to be a man and that her man-parts would simply grow in! This time was no different, technically, and despite all of the problems coming her way in the future, she wanted to teach a child of hers some of the skills she had been allowing to grow rusty, to do something exciting with someone she cared about because she was Just. Plain. Bored. For all that every nation in the world had a hobby, something they had been doing forever if only just to stave off boredom, sometimes it just wasn't enough. Usually Hungary would have just been able to ride out to her borders and fight some Turks, Germanics, or even Frenchmen; Perhaps challenge a dozen wizards to a duel and come out on top; Or maybe even just hang around with one of her allies or friends. And if that failed, there had always been some sort of court intrigue or war going on that the king would need her to handle. But after the first Great War, Hungary had felt like she had been torn in half, and along with all the other Central Powers had been bedridden for months, and had never recovered her full strength; Then with the founding of NATO not 30 years later, it seemed no one was fighting anymore, all of the regular conflicts, banditry, and even the brutal politics that she had grown used to were suddenly nowhere to be found and Hungary, along with the other nations were left floundering without purpose. For without something to defend your people against, what was the point of having something as powerful as a Nation around anyway? And yet it seemed their governments had found a use for them after all...signing paperwork.

To her, it was double edged sword, on one hand she was grateful her people no longer had to fight constantly to survive, the two Great Wars having devastated her population and economy more than almost any of her previous conflicts. On the other hand her people lived off fighting, and by extension so did she, as without it they would never have made for such a strong presence in Europe and would never have come as far as they did. Even after having no real conflicts for over 40 years her blood still sang of battle, and often she would take any opportunity to start a fight with another nation, as they were some of the only beings that could fight another on equal terms, and she suspected Prussia did the same, just on a larger scale so as to include everyone. She was sure many were grateful(though they would never express it aloud), and she was too, another uninterrupted year of signing documents and managing the economy and she would snap.

Hugging her daughter closer to her chest for a long moment, Elizaveta put her down and suppressed her melancholy feelings. Gazing at the little girl who looked so much like her she decided that even if it couldn't last for eternity, she would make the best of the time they had; No politics, no enemies, and no obligations. She chuckled slightly, there was no time like the present after all, and she was fairly certain she had a few old magic textbooks lying around somehwere...

Early winter in central Europe was not only bone-chillingly cold, it was cloudy. For several weeks the weather in this in this particular region of the world had been dreary, the land beneath the temporary mountains of gray and white drained of color as the sun's rays were restricted to those beings who could traverse the skies above them. For many of the citizens of Hungary, magical or otherwise, this particular day had been even more draining than usual, the expected rain or snow having failed to show itself and the anticipation had everyone on edge. It seemed as though there was nothing that could break the sheer monotony that was this particularly droll morning when a shrill cry pierced the veil of boredom around them, echoing twice, three times as a bird, many times larger than anyone would expect an avian of any species to be passed over a local wizard's community at speeds that could seemingly rival the fastest brooms.

Most wizarding communities had long histories, and thus even longer memories. In Hungary, there had almost always been legends of a bird, resembling a falcon in shape and yet larger than any known eagle that would appear to the Magyar people in times of strife, and it's call would always bring unto them the determination to move forward when all seemed lost. It's appearances had grown so frequent and it's presence so welcomed that it's shape became a near holy symbol to their entire people, eventually being named as Turul. Over time however, evidence of it's existence had been questioned and sightings of the bird were rarer than those of phoenixes, so infrequent that most considered them myth, and most foreign wizards and even muggles saw the symbol as just that, an idea for the Hungarians to rally behind. If it weren't for the existence of wands made from their feathers, then it was likely most of Hungary's people wouldn't believe in them either, despite attempts by many to make comparisons to Grypphon and Harpy feathers. It was only confirmation by several wandmakers that the substances were inherently different that allowed the mythical bird a place in Newton Scamander's "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", though information on it was still scarce despite attempts to rectify the situation.

Many theorists on both sides of the argument would be silent now, as they were all too entranced by the sight of one of the mythical birds as it soared over mainland Hungary. Even from a distance it was obvious on the eye, its feathers reflecting light like water and their color akin to that of the darkest soil. Larger than even the tallest of men, it's apparent height and wingspan were enough that most rather accurately assumed the creature to be an older specimen. From it's cry however age was apparently a non-factor, as the sound seemed to part the very low-hanging clouds as if they were but a curtain, allowing beams of life giving sunlight to illuminate empty fields and revitalize dark forests. Even the grays of concrete and cement in the cities seemed closer to silver than grey as the bird ascended beyond the limited vision of the awed onlookers.


A few hours later, Mykey Gregorovich sat in his shop, comfortable as he enjoyed his morning coffee. Though that didn't last long as he took a spit take the moment his eyes landed on the headline of Hungary's most prominent magical newspaper, staining his robe. Scowling slightly, he took a moment to clean his robes before looking more closely at the article. He didn't live in Hungary, but he had sold a few of the supposed Turul feather wands, regardless of their dubious origin, as unlike that narrow-minded Brit Ollivander, he didn't restrict himself to three types of wand core. Upon further perusal however, he just had to let out a laugh, the evidence given seemed pretty solid, so he didn't see much of a reason to disbelieve the story.

Garrick would owe him fifty galleons next time they met.

As they passed through the lower layer of the brewing snowstorm, four year old Amira Héderváry finally managed to restrain herself from squealing loudly in a combination of fear and jubilation once the ant-like people and twig sized buildings on the ground were no longer visible. All around her, wisps of ash gray air obstruct her vision and deposit small droplets of ice water on her person, obscuring everything but the feathers of the large avian beneath her legs. It is an almost oppressive feeling, and she just manages to keep herself from cringing, instead focusing on the wind screaming in her ear as they continue to rise.

Amira isn't sure if she was imagining it later, but she was certain she could feel a sense of comfort emanating from her mother's feathered form once they passed into the cloud layer, filling her head with images of brave warriors and her heart with strength; She was infinitely grateful for it.

A minute later, she is still trying to calm her racing heart as her chest thrums with adrenaline, her arms seemingly shaking as cold, nervous energy pulses through her arteries. One particularly powerful beating of wings interrupts her fidgeting though and send's her mother's body speeding forward and up, at last breaking them through the upper cloud layer like a salmon leaping from a rushing river. As the white-gray puffs of mixed air finally part over her head and leave them exposed to open air, Amira is forced to close her eyes with a hiss as a searing light assaults her darkness adjusted irises.

When the pain fades and she manages to keep her eyes open without blinking, a gasp tears it's way out of her throat involuntarily, though she doesn't notice as her attention is riveted to the open landscape before them. Hungary, though less impressed as she has often seen such sights, still finds herself a bit more appreciative than she would be usually, taking the time to open her Vision for a moment and observe one of nature's most impressive creations. Leveling out just a meter above the pearlescent surface below her, Hungary glides softly, just letting the softer winds from above the clouds caress her belly and wings.

The young child riding on her back however, has no previous experience with such things and can only blink away tears at the sight, though whether from the rushing wind in her eyes or from the majesty of heaven's landscape she can't tell. For as far as either of their eyes can see is an endless expanse, filled with white, pink, gray, and orange mountains which litter the horizon for what seems to be hundreds of kilometers in all directions. Yet none seemed to be the same, each one having a unique shape and color that constantly shifted, faster than even Amira's improved green orbs could follow. The part that really caused her to lose her breathe, and nearly her grip, if the not-so-subtle jerk from beneath her was any indication, was the sun itself. Even as the sound of rushing air faded around her, she could only stare as her muscles relaxed, her spine loosened, and her breathe came out all at once. A ball of white-gold flames, the sun was seemingly more alive now than it ever had been in her eyes, an annoying part of waking up in the morning becoming Helios' charge, the rays of light which usually burned now transformed into woven gold that splashed like water onto the usually flat white clouds, leaving them vibrant and contracting as though with a life of their own.

Feeling an inexplicable urge, Amira doesn't even hesitate to comply, carefully taking her arms away from the feathers which she previously had in a death grip and raising them to shoulder height.(below her, Hungary squawks and has to physically stop herself from jerking into a panic as her daughter released her grip on her feathers) Taking a deep breath, she exhaled all at once with a yell: "WOOOOOOOO" of course it sounded very silly coming from the high-pitched voice of a little girl, but she didn't care, and the echo coming back at her gave her some perspective on how very large the sky truly was.

Steadying herself, she just continued to hold out her arms at her sides, head turned to the side with her eyes closed and a small , genuine smile gracing her lips as silence engulfed them in the absence of her mummy's beating wings.

Opening her eyes once more, Amira can feel herself tearing up again, and sniffs a few times, trying to hold back tears as waves of love wash over her, and she cannot help but smile no matter how much her eyes still sting. She doesn't know much about the world, or her own life before her accident, but she has a mummy that loves her and goes on adventures with her, and that's more than she ever thought she'd have when she lived in the cupboard.


A few minutes later, and Hungary could faintly hear rushing wind several kilometers behind them, and nearly dismissed it out of hand, not really paying much attention to mere wind. But a few minutes later and it is only when she banks left and sees half a dozen human shaped figures zooming towards them that she internally curses herself for being so obvious in her ascent. Outwardly, she screeches, getting the attention of both Amira and the broom riders before she dives, barely allowing Amira time to grab hold as she squeaks in terror. Not missing a beat, the collection of wizards follow her into the clouds.

The first of the group to approach the point where Hungary dropped out of sight is unfortunately the first to be felled, bodily thrown from his broom when a massive weight crushes in his ribcage. His teammates cries of outrage and panic going unheard as the only thought running through his mind was that apparently mountain trolls had started being born with wings before darkness claimed him.

The rest of the wizards were competent enough that their panic only lasted a moment, one of them hitting their fallen companion with a stasis spell that will keep him from dying, his emergency portkey activating whilst the rest already have spells on their lips. A few shouted commands from one of them, and Amira squeaks as a bolt of glowing red magic barely passes over her head, the crackling heat causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end even as she presses herself flat against her mother's feathered back. She has no time to compose herself however, as Hungary's angered screech and subsequent dime-turn forces her to grab on with an iron grip.

The foreign wizards, for that is plainly what they are to Hungary's senses, continue to fire at her last visible location, using a collection of stunning, blasting ,and compulsion spells. Being sure to keep up a continuous stream of spellfire even as the last two hold shield charms over the rest. In the cloud said animagus nation was forced to roll in order to avoid another volley of multi-colored lights, which somehow still manage to find her despite the low visibility provided by the weather. Had she a face at the moment she would have scowled in irritation. Normally she would have been glad to engage some random wizards in aerial combat, give her animagus form some exercise, but she had precious cargo with her this time, and she didn't have the means to transport her back to the house without getting bombarded by a dozen stunning and confundus charms.

Jerking abruptly to the right and out of the cloud cover to avoid yet another jet of red light, Hungary began to flap for all she was worth, pushing as much speed as possible into her wings in an effort to get their pursuers to follow. The poachers, figuring their quarry was attempting to flee, gave chase; Their brooms managing to keep up despite the harsh weather and continued strain of use. Not wanting to gain too much distance, Hungary slowed her pace slightly, still giving the appearance of panicked flight yet still just evading spellfire. Their entourage was persistent however, and two members broke off in an attempt to surround her, all the while keeping up with harassing her from three sides.

Looking forward for an instant, she would have jumped for joy at the approaching wall of clouds, it's cover being exactly what she needed to get out of of this without any unnecessary complications. All the dodging and weaving through a hail of magical attacks had not been meaningless. A few circles just after they had engaged her and she had managed to identify which wizard was tracking her location even through the heavily opaque snow clouds. It didn't matter if he somehow sensed what she did in a moment, as so long as she did things right, he would die and they would be gone before anyone would be the wiser and at five hundred meters or so in front of her and she was confident it would work.

At four hundred, she flinched as a blasting curse detonated just behind her tail feathers, the heat uncomfortably close as it singed her.

At three hundred, she spun quickly as a cutting curse nearly hit Amira, ripping a squawk from her even as the magic hit her instead.

Two hundred, and she had to quickly dive and ascend to avoid a large radius bombarda. She really wanted to kill them now.

One hundred, and she mentally prepared herself, ensuring her target was just behind her.

Fifty meters.

Twenty five.

Ten meters, she tensed the muscles in in her wings in preparation.

The moment she passed out of visual range of the magical hunters, Hungary focused, and shifted, into a different form. Shimmering feathers disappeared and were replaced with dark scales. Her sharp beak morphed and became a somewhat rounder snout, filling out with teeth that looked capable of chewing diamonds. Her entire form grew and Amira was forced to grapple blindly even as she lost her grip on now nonexistent feathers, barely managing to grab onto a newly formed bronze spike even in her adrenaline induced haze. Another heartbeat, and they were moving in the opposite direction with the same momentum as before, though Amira didn't know that at first as there was no indication of movement, no change that would indicate they were moving in any direction but the one they were a moment ago. The lead wizard, who was also the one continually tracking their location was leading the charge into the wall of white, had no time to react as his upper body disappeared, taking with it a large chunk of his broom, leaving the rest splintered and flecked with blood. Even as the truly massive Hungarian Horntail which had devoured him roared, the unexpected appearance of the world's fiercest dragon rattled the usually composed poaching team, who had not expected something so dangerous on a seemingly easy mission as they scattered away from the dragonfire which had just enveloped another of their fellows.

Seeing their remaining attackers momentarily scatter into the clouds, Hungary wasted no time. Barely taking an instant to ensure Amira was still attached to her back, she roared in fury one last time as their surroundings blurred and faded, replaced in an instant by the clearing surrounding their home. As soon as her legs touched down on her own soil she swiftly changed forms, reverting easily back into her human shape then smoothly reaching back and pulling the shaking toddler from her back and into her arms in one movement. As she rubbed a soothing hand through now frizzy brown hair in an attempt to calm her daughter, she was also squirming internally, at war with herself over whether she was angrier at herself for putting a chi-her daughter in danger with her reckless trip to the sky, or for thinking anything about her actions would turn out as any better than disastrous.

In the mind of the recently turned four year old an entirely different line of thinking was being processed as she recovered from the shock of being attacked( if indirectly). While the whole encounter had been only a few minutes in scope, the feeling it had instilled in her had been a much more permanent one. It had taken a minute to settle in, but once it had Amira couldn't keep herself from breaking out in a giggling fit, startling her mother so much she almost lost her grip. She had never been in such a harrowing situation but she was surprised at how much she had actually liked it. At first she had been a bit freaked out, but once the adrenaline set in and her mummy had knocked one of the bad men off his broom she had to actively stop herself from throwing out a woop of victory at the surprised expression on his face. She had lost sight of the confrontation after her mummy's unexpected shift into a dragon, a dragon, but merely the sight of such a thing was enough to get her imagination roiling regardless, and now that they were on the ground again she could only laugh as she peeked up slightly at Elizaveta's form above her.

Said nation, who was still wearing her usual dress, had her thought processes screech to a halt at the sound. Pulling her daughter's face away from her chest, she gave the small child a look, unsure if she was hearing correctly and promising herself to clean out her ears at the first opportunity(she hadn't done so in...some amount of years anyway). "You're not...upset?" it came out a bit tentative, admittedly, but she wasn't sure what else to say when her child started laughing at highly stressful and dangerous situations, perhaps she had some sort of mental problem? "Nope, that was waaay too fun" a moment of silence "..Fun?" "Yep" Amira nodded in response, though she was still recovering her breathe after such a long fit of laughter.

Hungary would have been a bit more shocked at this revelation, but as a nation who had seen many of her colleagues and friends enjoy odder things, she figured the topic wasn't worth pursuing and let it drop. Letting go of her momentary self-loathing she just shook her head and chuckled, swinging the child in her arms around before falling into the tall grass on her back with a soft curve to her lips even as said kid smiled in return.

Both had only been basking in emergent sun's rays for a few minutes when Amira's unmistakable childish voice broke the silence "Can you teach me how to do that?"

Elizaveta just hugged her daughter tighter, though the teary smile adorning her usually bored features was telling.

Hungary ended the call on her phone angrily, hiding her frustration at the interruption by her boss as she turned back to the lesson she was putting together in her study.

As it turned out, she had a plethora of old books lying around, and Amira's persistent nagging aside, she too had wanted to start teaching her some magic. She knew runes would be a bit too much of a challenge at her age, but she still brought out some books on the basics of several languages out in addition to the standard magics taught at most magical institutions. She was too young for a wand as well, making the books of limited use, but Elizaveta was forced to push that dilemma to the side as the wards alerted her to a familiar presence approaching her property. Seated at her desk in a room on the opposite side of the internally enlarged building however, she barely heard the knock on her door even as her senses confirmed the visitors identity.


The former Nation of Prussia whistled merrily as he strolled up to his only slightly awesome friend Ungarn's house, Gilbird whistling in sync with him even as he ascended familiar steps up to her front door. He had already tried her manor in the city, but after a bit of snooping and quite a few traps foiled, he had determined that she was at her other, more isolated place. He resisted the urge to scoff, his brother had told him to go check up on Hungary, as she was the next in line to hold a World Meeting, and he wanted to be sure that everything would be taken care of ahead of time. Heh, more like he needed an excuse to get the awesome him out of the house so he could hog all the wurst he had made for lunch, likely spiting him for the mess he had made in the last meeting.(Prussia refused to acknowledge the brawl in France as soley his fault, there were others at fault as well after all)

He didn't bother complaining though, it was an opportunity to see one of his oldest friends, and maybe have some fun competing in hunting or sports like they always did back in the day. If not he had plenty of ideas for pranks he had yet to try anyway(which was telling, with how long he had been in the business he really had to dig deep for new ideas sometimes). Knocking on the door, he waited, hands in his pockets and eyes closed for a response, even as he focused on his tune. When the door finally opened, so too did Prussia's eyes, though he stopped humming when he did, as the space behind the door was empty of frying pan wielding nations, and the Hungary shaped outline blinked in his vision as he wondered if his friends house was now haunted by an unawesome ghost.

"Helló, aki te vagy?"

The squeaky Hungarian coming from below him caused Prussia to jump(not that he would ever admit to being so not awesome as to be surprised by a child, he would later say) and look down. The first thing he thought was that Hungary had been in an argument with Romania again and had gotten herself shrunk for her troubles. The second was that she had never looked so feminine as a child(the sight was surreal to him), though she had never worn a dress before she had appeared as a fifteen year old, so he wasn't sure anyway. His third thought was interrupted as the actual Hungary practically flew into the foyer, and the eerily similar little girl at his feet exclaimed as happily as a small child could: "Mama, van egy látogató az ajtón"

Prussia looked back down at her.

He looked back up at Hungary, she was frozen, her face a picture of apprehension.

He looked down again at familiar forest green eyes and a cheerful smile.

Finally registering her words, he blinked dazedly for a moment before his eyes rolled up in their sockets and he collapsed in a dead faint.

As Amira immediately began waving her chubby arms around in a panic, Hungary herself could only hold a hand over her face as she sighed,

Damn it