"Mama, Mama!"

"Yes, my little Marinette? What is wrong?" Sabine Dupain-Cheng asked her young daughter.

"I got a big bruise on my knee but I didn't trip over!"

"Ah, my little angel; that will be from your soul mate!"

"My soul mate, Mama?"

"Your prince charming, your shining knight in armour."

"But why did he give me such a big bruise?"

"He doesn't want to but every time one of you gets hurt, the other will know. One day, when you meet, you'll be able to kiss them better for each other."

"Oh. That makes sense. Thanks mama!"

"Is that another bruise I see on your knees my little one?"

"Yes Mama, it appeared this morning."

"Your Princess must be a very clumsy Princess. You will have to keep a very close eye on her once you meet. You'll have to catch her before she falls."

"Of course Mama, it wouldn't be very nice to let her fall over."

"My perfect little gentleman. Would you like to go to the park? It's a very nice day."

"Yes Mama! I'll go find my shoes!"

Just the prologue for this story.

Welcome to my latest fic! I'll only be updating once a week because I already have two other multi-chap fics going for ML and Two for other fandoms and I've recently made myself a schedule to keep to.

This is for the Soul mate AU, in particular the Injuries AU in which all injuries are shared between soulmates. Because I wanted to write something a little more soft hearted I've decided to keep this to skin deep injuries only. Plus because i want this to be fluffy all scars can be kissed away once they meet.

This is going to be so much fun to write and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I will.

If there are any particular incidences you'd like to see feel free to tell me all about them in a review or PM; I'm more than happy to take them into consideration!

Reviews and Ideas are Appreciated and Adored!
