"Fuck Jay! What are we going to do?!" Erin asked, watching the flames grow closer to them.

"I'm thinking."

"Well think a little faster, preferably before we die." She coughed.

"What do you want me to do Erin? Run through the flames? Magically pull a ladder out of thin air?"

"No, I just… I always thought that I would die at the barrel of a gun, never from smoke inhalation or fire."

"I know." Jay said sorrowfully "This trip was my idea Erin, and I'm sorry for dragging you up here. When we make it out of here, we are going back home."

"Jay…" Erin sadly smiled.

"Er, were getting out of here."

"I…" Erin was saying before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned around, and met face to face with a man in a mask, bright yellow helmet, and black turnout gear with reflective yellow striping.

"Ma'am I need to get you two safety." His deep voice broke through the air mask.

"Oh thank god." Erin sighed in relief.

"Can you walk?" the man asked.

They both nodded, as another firefighter appeared, to help them both away from the building.

Jay and Erin were assisted away from the building, as the fire department put a special foam on the lit gasoline.

They were assisted out onto the main road, that was now covered in various fire apparatuses, law enforcement officials and medical personnel. The two men, led Jay and Erin towards a waiting fire apparatus, sitting them down on the front bumper.

"Holly! We have two victims with probable smoke inhalation, grab the oxygen!" the man yelled towards the back of the ambulance.

"You guys ok?" the same man asked as he turned back towards Erin and Jay.

"Yeah, I think we are just a little beat is all." said Erin as a woman with red hair walked up to them dragging a green and silver bottle behind her.

"Ok, you may be fine, but we are going to give you some oxygen just as a safety measure." She said as the handed them each an oxygen mask.

They both nodded and put the oxygen masks up to their faces.

"This is crazy! I mean how could something like this even happen? I mean I've seen a lot of crazy things in my five years on this job, but this, this isn't one of them. You two are lucky to be alive. Damn. So, how did you guys get out here anyways, that blizzard was amess." The female rambled, as Erin and Jay shared a look.

"Holly." Spoke a deep voice, coming up beside the firetruck.

"Yeah Nick?"

"I think your rambling is scaring our patients." The muscular man spoke as he checked the oxygen flow on the tank. "Sorry about her, she tends to talk a lot when we get an interesting call."

"It's ok, we're used to it." Jay laughed as he pulled the oxygen mask away from his face.

"Ok, how about we get you guys into the back of our ambo and out of this cold, we need to check you guys over for any injuries or anything more than smoke inhalation before we can release you. It won't take long." Smiled Holly as she grabbed her stethoscope from around her neck with one hand, while the other hand held the blood pressure cuff.

Both of their vitals were normal, and though, they did inhale some smoke, it was nothing too serious.

"Alright, you guys are good to go." Nick said as he gave them each a bottle of water before packing up the oxygen tank. Jay and Erin nodded their head, thanking both the paramedics before walking off, Jay found a uniformed officer, asking if they could take them to the Chrysler. Jay and Erin thanked the deputy as he dropped them off on the freshly plowed road.

They walked up, unlocking the car, Jay was about to get in when something sticking out from under the windshield wiper blade caught his attention.

"Where you going?" Erin asked before she grabbed the handle of the car.

"This," he said holding an envelope in a pair of gloves from his jacket pocket "was placed under the blade."

"Who's it from? Who's it for?"

"Doesn't say." Jay said as he pulled a thin piece of paper from the envelope.

"Well open it."

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Jay laughed.

"Sorry.." Erin said as she stood onto the tip of her toes, peering over his shoulder.

Detectives… I assume you are curious about the present I left you at the convenience store. Just know that I am always one step ahead of you.

"You don't think he meant that man and woman do you?" Erin asked reading over the message typed out on a sheet of notebook paper once more.

"I don't know, could be, but this isn't even our investigation Er, I mean…"

"Whoever it is practically threatened our lives Jay!"

"Ok you know what, I could use a shower and a hot meal right now, let's head up to the cabin and then we can sort this out." Jay said as they got back into the car, Erin agreed surprisingly getting into the passenger seat.

They pulled out onto the freshly scrapped pavement, as Jay pointed out sentimental details about some of the places they were passing.

"Don't we need food?" Erin asked as they turned onto a gravel road.

"Nah I had Oliver, a family friend that lives up the road, make sure it was stocked to the brim." Jay said as he pulled up in front of the cabin, turning off the engine and climbing out of the car, quickly running around back to grab the bags.

"You coming?" he asked, noticing Erin hadn't stepped out of the Chrysler.

"You didn't tell me this cabin was so… full of character." Erin said before continuing, noticing Jay's curious stare. "The dark door really compliments the exterior, and the landscape with the wrap around deck and open… windows. Why are you laughing?"

"You've been watching way too much HGTV."

"It's my guilty pleasure ok, and why are you calling me out when I know for a fact those house hunter's episodes didn't save to the DVR themselves."

Jay laughed, placing a light kiss on Erin's lips before grabbing the bags he could carry in one trip to the front porch, setting them down to unlock the door, and carrying them inside, Erin following behind, dragging two bags herself.

They settled into the cabin, unpacking and taking a quick shower. "It's not like we haven't ever had something similar to this happen before, but no one knew we were coming up here besides Hank, Mouse and Will."

"But what if whoever it is didn't know we were coming up here, they just followed us."

"I don't think this is random Erin, they know who we are."

"Yeah… Alright, I say we call Hank, fill him in and if worse comes to worse we head back to Chi-town early."

"Alright." Jay said, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. Erin had just pulled her phone out from a suit case when a knock came from the door. They both instinctively reached for their holstered weapons.

"Iron County Police Department! Open up!" A deep voice spoke before the knocking continued.

Jay walked cautiously to the front door, keeping a hand on his weapon. "ID on the glass."

There was grumbling before the sound of two badges hitting the glass, Jay looked at the badges and the faces that came with them, before unlocking the door.

"Can we help you?" Erin asked as she came to stand beside Jay.

"I'm Detective Avery Marshall, this is my partner Kendra Smith, we understand that you guys we at the gas station this morning, is there anything more you could tell us?"

"Please come in." Erin said, not wanting anymore warm air to escape the cabin. "There was a Caucasian Male and Female found deceased in the back room, with GSW's to the head, we called you guys, went outside and got shot at, nothing more to tell." Erin told them.

"Seen the Illinois plates on your car, you guys in law enforcement?" Detective Avery asked, motioning towards the holstered weapons on their sides.

"Yeah, we're from Chicago, I'm Detective Jay Halstead, this is my Partner Erin Lindsay, we're out of the twenty first district, up here visiting for the weekend."

"Alright, what can you tell us about the guys who attacked you?"

"Two men on dirtbikes, they were bundled up well but judging by how they were riding they were maybe early thirties?"

The two local detectives asked several more questions, "Alright Detectives, I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay, if you have any questions or can think of anything else, feel free to give us a call." Detective Kendra said giving them her card as they got up and began making their way toward the door.

"Well, there is one more thing." Jay said as he walked into the kitchen, coming back with the note in hand. "This was on our windshield when one of your officers returned us to our car."

The detectives read it over, "Any idea who might of put it there?"

"No, no one knew we were coming up here except our boss, my brother and a friend." Jay told them.

"Mind if we take this?"

"Can I get a picture of it first and maybe a copy of it later?"

The detectives agreed, before taking the paper and heading back down the drive.

"Alright, I'm going to call Hank, fill him in and then try to do a timeline of the events." Erin said as she grabbed her phone, able to call Voight without interruption.

"Hey Kid, wasn't expecting to hear from you until Monday."

"Yeah well, we kind of ran into some trouble."

"You guys too huh, seems like Ruzek's jinx came back to bite us all in the ass, we've got a case."

"Need us back home?" Erin asked, as Jay gave her a curious look from across the room.

"No, no, we've got it handled, I would say enjoy your time off but what's up?"

Erin let out a sigh before explaining the events of the morning and the message left on the windshield.

"Yeah, Jay got a picture of it but the detectives here took it as evidence, we can maybe send Mouse a digital copy of it."

"Alright kid, we'll do what we can but I can't promise anything, just be careful."

They exchanged goodbyes, "What did he say?" Jay asked as she ended the call.

"Well, they are working on a case this weekend, but he said that he'll look into it." Erin told him, stifling a yawn. "I'm going to write down what I can remember so-"

"Babe, it's been rough the past couple of days, you're tired, I'm tired, let's call it a night." Jay said as he grabbed her hand and guided her toward the bedroom without an argument.

Erin was jolted awake the next morning, the loud bang of metal bringing her out of her sleep. She looked around, studying the unfamiliar room around her before she got up, deciding to see what all the commotion was coming from. She grabbed the closest article of clothing, Jay's t-shirt, and slid it on, before walking out into the living area.

Jay stood in the kitchen at the stove, in a pair of sweat pants, his back to her. Erin leaned against the frame of the entry way, "You don't have to do that you know."

Jay turned around and smiled. "Morning babe." Before he stopped what he was doing, going over to give her a kiss. "I know I don't but I want to."

"You make me breakfast every Saturday morning, at least let me make it for you once."

Jay smiled, thinking about it, "What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know, we could go skiing…" Erin said before giving Jay a kiss "or go to the shops in town…" she told him, giving him another kiss "or…" The words never came as Jay gave her a deep kiss on the lips, eliciting a groan from Erin.

"Or we could do this." He said as he lifted her up onto the kitchen counter, his lips trailing down her skin.

Erin let out a laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck "I like the way you think Detective." She smiled, leaning in for another kiss but before her lips could touch his, he pulled away.

"Shit." He cursed as he quickly went to the stove where breakfast was now burnt. Erin bit the inside of her cheek to stifle the laughter that wanted to escape, instead she jumped down off the counter, pulling out the ingredients to make breakfast once again.

They made and ate breakfast, Erin showered while Jay cleaned up the dishes, Jay showering as Erin got ready.

"Hey Er, where ever we do go, I want to stop by their police department and see what they have on the case." Jay said, Erin agreed, wanting to know more information about yesterday's events.

They went out to the car and made their way down the snowy drive.

"I was thinking we could eat out tonight, there is this restaurant up by the slopes that is supposed to be really good, maybe we can check it out?" Erin asked.

"Sounds good."

They passed the gas station, yellow crime scene tape littered the premises, a few vehicles were parked in the parking lot. "Looks like they've got CSU out. Must have found something"

"Yeah, I guess so." Erin agreed. "This jackass won't get off my rear." She said a few miles down the road, looking into her rear-view mirror.

"Slow up, maybe he will pass."

Erin slowed, but the man stayed on their bumper "What the fuck is his problem?" Jay said before feeling a jolt as something hit the back of the car, pushing it forward. Erin gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white as she pressed the break, hoping it would cause the vehicle to stop. To no avail, she pressed her foot on the gas, hoping that would get them away from the person behind them. "Come on, come on." She muttered to herself. The car backed off, but then switched lanes, sling-shoting around the Chrysler, quickly getting in front of them, cutting them off. The car in front braked suddenly, causing Erin to lose control of the Chrysler, sending it twenty feet down a snowy embankment, before it came to a stop against a tree.