So this is the last chapter! Sorry it took a while for me to post. Enjoy some fluffiness and everyone just being dorks.
I don't own anything.
"Hey Riza, wake up. We're nearly there." Roy whispered gently into Riza's ear. She shifted slightly in order to bury her face further into her makeshift pillow that was Roy's shoulder, she swatted at the thing preventing her from falling back to sleep and accidentally hit Roy in the nose.
"Ow" Roy whined as he rubbed his nose.
At this Riza immediately shot up from her place on Roy's shoulder, startling Hayate and after the quick motion, She realized that her neck had cramped up. No thanks to the occasional tender tissue across her throat.
"Gahh." She winced as she reached up to her neck. Roy seeing the motion, immediately forgot about his slight pain and shifted so that he was fully facing Riza. He gently reached out towards her neck, brushed her fingers aside, and gingerly ran his thumb over the raised tissue. She sucked in a sharp breath at the surprise contact. Roy noticing her tenseness jerked his hand back and scooted away from her.
"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for." Roy spoke quietly as he avoided Riza's gaze.
"No, it's fine. It happens if I sleep in a weird position for too long."
"What about your left shoulder?" Roy spoke softly as he returned his gaze to hers.
Riza shrugged said shoulder.
"It doesn't bother me at all, the cut was shallow enough so it healed pretty well. Does your side bother you at all? Or your hands?" She asked, directing the questions to Roy.
"No, my side is completely healed. And I've never really had any serious complications with my hands. Depends on the day." He responded quietly.
Riza watched as Roy cast his gaze downwards. His eyes glazed over, he was obviously remembering how she got those scars, completely ignoring the fact that he had scars too.
"Roy, come back to me." Riza spoke gently as she squeezed his shoulder.
Roy jumped slightly at the contact and snapped his eyes back to hers. A stern glare greeting him.
"I know what that look was. These scars are not your fault. I would endure receiving these scars over and over again in order to make sure you live to see your goal through. That is my job after all and I need to make sure you don't end up scarred even more."
A small smile tugged at the corners of Roy's lips before he swept Riza up into a bone-crushing hug, burying his nose into the collar of her military uniform. Riza repeated the gesture full force. They were pulled back from their embrace when the PA system signalled that passengers should prepare to disembark. When they pulled away, they both gave each other reassuring smiles before they got up from their seat, Roy taking Riza's hand in his as they walked off the train into Central Station.
As they walked through the crowd, Riza trailed slightly behind Roy in order to observe the surrounding area better. It was bad enough they got off the train in their uniforms but the fact that there was no military escort, Roy was a walking target. As they cleared the crowds and stepped outside into the warm evening air, they were greeted by the Fuhrer's personal escort. A Captain, who both Roy and Riza recognized as one of Grumman's, marched up to them and saluted.
"General Mustang, Captain Hawkeye. The Fuhrer has provided personal transportation to a secure location. If you would please follow me we can be on our way immediately."
Riza threw a questionable glance at Roy.
"Did you plan any of this?" Riza spoke in a whisper as they walked towards the car.
"I swear I had nothing to do with this." Roy whispered back as he helped Riza into the car following close behind her. The car pulled away from the station, both Roy and Riza watched the scenery around them as they tried to determine where exactly they were going. When they were well in the middle of the downtown area, Riza felt Roy tense beside her.
"Sir, is everything okay?"
"I think I have an idea of where we're going."
"And where exactly is..." Riza's voice faded as the car slowed down in front of a bar.
"Madame Christmas'? Why did Fuhrer Grumman want us to come here?" Riza questioned Roy as she leaned over to peer out of his window.
"I have no idea. But I think we're about to find out." Roy said over his shoulder as he hopped out of the car with Riza right behind him. All of a sudden Hayate bounded out of the car and raced towards the front door. Once there, he started whimpering and clawing at the door.
"Hayate, come here." Riza commanded as she slowly approached the darkened bar. Roy following right behind her.
As Riza went to push open the door, Roy grabbed her elbow and pulled her to stand behind him. She noticed how he had slipped on his gloves. Riza just rolled her eyes at his protectiveness and drew the gun at the small of her back before stepping through the door alongside him. As they stepped into the empty bar, both soldiers squinted their eyes trying to make out any potential threats to their partner in the darkness. Just then Hayate darted out from their feet and ran further into the bar.
As Riza was about to follow her dog, the door slammed shut behind them, engulfing them in total darkness. The lights of the bar suddenly turned on and Riza immediately leaped into action. She cocked her gun in her right hand while using her left to push Roy behind her. Roy had the exact same idea, though he used his right to shield Riza and his left was poised to snap. They blinked a couple of times in order to help their eyes adjust to the sudden light, they were met with the faces of their friends.
"CONGRATULATIONS!" They all bellowed in unison.
Roy and Riza stood there motionless as everyone came up to congratulate them.
Madame Christmas, Rebecca, Maria, Sheska, Gracia, and some of the Madame's girls pulled Riza from Roy's side in order to inspect the ring and get details on the proposal. Roy stood there with an amused smile as he watched Riza get bombarded with questions too quickly for her to answer. He was even more surprised when Olivier Armstrong walked over and had a conversation with Riza. He was floored when Riza actually smiled at something the General said. Before he could walk over and address the exchange, he was swept up off his feet and slammed into something solid. The moment he felt water drop onto his face, he immediately knew who it was.
"" Roy wheezed.
"Terribly sorry sir, I just got caught up in the moment." Armstrong spoke as he gently put Roy back on his feet.
As Roy straightened out his jacket, he found himself in a similar predicament to Riza, except instead of getting bombarded with questions, he received the mischievous grins of his subordinates.
"If it's any indication, she said yes." Roy spoke as he removed his gloves and put them in his pocket.
Once again Roy was swept up into a giant bear hug from his subordinates.
"Did we not say it would all work out." Breda said as he clapped Roy on the back.
"And to think, you were afraid she'd reject you." Havoc snickered.
Roy immediately shot out his hand to cover Havoc's mouth.
"Could you speak any louder? She doesn't need to know that." Roy hissed.
Roy could feel the smirk behind his hand as he watched one of Havoc's eyebrows rise. Havoc reached up and grasped Roy's wrist, removing it from his mouth. The smirk still ever present.
"Please, you just don't want to admit that you were afraid your heart might be crushed."
All the men looked at Roy to see a slightly blushed face before it was replaced with a devious smirk.
"And how did things go with you and Catalina, Havoc?" Roy questioned, completely ignoring the previous statement.
"Funny thing about that, Fuery actually man upped and asked Sheska out! While this guy chickened out when he finally got Catalina alone." Breda commented as he slung his arm over a now glum Havoc's shoulder.
Before Roy could make a jab at Havoc's women skills, a hand clamped down on his shoulder. Roy turned to see Fuhrer Grumman standing there, his mustache slightly turned up, indicating a smile.
"Can I borrow you and your Captain for a moment? There are a few things I want to discuss before the ceremony tomorrow." Roy noted how Grumman's voice seemed to take on a slightly serious tone.
"Of course sir." Roy walked over to the cluster of women and practically dragged Riza from the group and they both followed the Fuhrer towards the back of the bar. They ducked through a door to the Madame's private office. Grumman walked up and sat down in the Madame's chair as Roy and Riza sat down in the chairs situated in front of it.
"I'm sorry to have pulled you away from the festivities. But I would personally like to congratulate you two on your proposal."
"Thank you, sir, that is very thoughtful." Riza spoke with a slight smile. Grumman returned it with one of his own.
"There are a couple of things I want to discuss with you before the ceremony tomorrow. Firstly, I know what you two have planned for yourselves and your fellow soldiers who fought in the Ishvalan Civil War after the country is fully converted into a democracy. Mainly the State Alchemists and the Sniper Units. I've taken the opportunity to discuss it with the High Brass as well as the leaders of Ishval and we have concluded to excuse you and any other officers involved in the war of those crimes."
Roy and Riza sat there in shock. Both of their jaws dropped and their eyes bugged out of their heads.
"Now before you speak up about some sense of duty malarkey, just listen to what I have to say. We believe all the time and effort that you put into rebuilding Ishval as well as your contributions on the Promised Day, have proven that you are more than worthy and the people have recognized that as well and they agree with me. The people of this country need leaders who are willing to sacrifice everything for the ones they love. And you two do just that. They need people who are still in touch with their humanity. They need you two."
Grumman sat back in his chair as he watched the two soldier's process everything they were told. After a few moments of silence, Riza seemed to gain her composure back first.
"I don't mean to disregard anything you have said sir, but the goal was that once General Mustang became Fuhrer and the country became a democracy, we had our sights on being trialled. Wouldn't the fact that General Mustang is to be your successor a bigger announcement than revoking the Fraternization Laws?" Riza inquired.
"You're very inquisitive my dear and yes, I had planned on announcing Mustang as my successor but thought different of it. I had an inkling he was going to take me up on my offer during a gruelling chess game a few years back." Grumman turned his gaze from a confused Hawkeye to Mustang who looked just as confused. Then Roy's eyes grew wide and a red hue spread across his cheeks.
"Offer? What offer are you referring to?" Riza questioned.
She just watched as Roy pointed a finger in her direction and raised his eyebrow. She directed her gaze towards Grumman and he was smiling from ear to ear.
"I'm a little confused." Riza spoke, puzzled by the men's reactions.
"Another time my dear. We can discuss details about your inauguration tomorrow, though I have most of it planned already. I have also had most of my personal belongings removed from the mansion, so you're both able to move in when you're ready. Now I believe I have taken up enough of your time. You should head back to your party. The Madame worked very hard to make it special for the two of you." Grumman dismissed the two soldiers with the flick of his wrist. The two stunned soldiers stood, saluted and walked towards the door. As they were just about to exit he spoke up again.
"You're going to do good with this country Mustang. Make the most of the time you have been given. " Grumman gave him a nod of encouragement.
Roy returned the nod as he held the door for Riza and followed her out.
"What just happened?" Roy questioned as he looked to Riza after closing the door.
"I have absolutely no idea. And what about this offer that I've never heard of until now?"
Roy immediately gulped at the stern look Riza was giving him.
"Is Hayate over there with Fuery? I better make sure he doesn't smother the poor dog." Roy quickly ducked his head as he swept past Riza and speed walked over to Fuery and the rest of his friends. Riza just narrowed her eyes slightly at the retreating figure of Roy's back. As she was boring holes into him, her view was disrupted by none other than Rebecca Catalina.
"So what he'd get you for an engagement present?" Rebecca bubbled.
"What makes you think he got me anything?" Riza replied raising a blonde eyebrow.
"Riza c'mon, he is one of the wealthiest Generals in Amestris. Surely he got you something." Rebecca drawled.
Riza rolled her eyes, deciding to humour Rebecca.
"He got me a scarf that I was eyeing at the market with Winry while he was stalking me."
"A scarf?! The now most powerful man in the country got you a scarf?! YOU GOT HER A SCARF!" Rebecca twirled around and yelled across the bar at Roy.
Riza saw Roy's shoulders slump from across the room. She had to bite her lip to stifle a laugh when Roy's dark eyes made contact with Rebecca's from across the room.
"I'll give you two reasons Catalina! One, you of all people should know that Riza likes things like that to be simple! Two, if people weren't so adamant about me proposing right then and had given me a bit of time to plan, I would've given her something more becoming to match her beauty. However, that would have taken me a hell of a long time!" After Roy finished yelling across the bar, he immediately turned a bright shade of red. He caught Riza's eye from across the room, catching her turning a shade of red as well.
All of a sudden the silence that hung in the room after Roy's declaration was interrupted by a chorus of female screaming.
"Awww Roy-boy!"
Roy immediately found himself surrounded by his foster sisters in a gigantic hug. Everyone in the room burst into laughter at seeing the girls coddle Roy like a six-year-old.
"And he hasn't even had two full drinks. I guess I approve of him Riza." Rebecca said as they watched the scene from across the room. Riza returned the statement with a small smile.
"Thanks, Rebecca."
As the night wore on, everyone basked in the company of loved ones and enjoyed a few drinks. Laughter filled the bar and everyone was genuinely happy. When the clock struck midnight, they decided to call it a night since the big inauguration ceremony was tomorrow. As Riza went to the back to grab her and Roy's coats, he was saying goodnight to everyone in attendance as they left the bar.
"Ah, General Armstrong. I'm sorry I never really got the chance to speak with you accordingly tonight. But I did notice that you seemed to enjoy yourself, just a little."
Roy was met with a very disconcerting glare from the fellow General before a surprised look made its way onto his face when she offered her hand to him. He accepted it hesitantly.
"Hawkeye is a fine soldier but if you break her, I'll..." Olivier spoke as she progressively tightened her grip on Roy's hand. Roy tried his best to mask his pain at the blonde General's death grip. Olivier let a devious smirk appear on her face before she released Mustang's hand and marched out the door.
Riza then approached with their coats and handed Roy's to him while giving him a questionable look as he was cradling his hand.
"What did General Armstrong have to say?"
"Nothing important." Roy spoke as he moved his arm to wrap around Riza's waist.
"You ready to go home?" He questioned as he spoke into Riza's hair.
"Yes, sir." Riza felt Roy huff into her hair, a small smile making its way onto her lips at the use of authority.
"Sorry, force of habit. Come on Hayate."
As Hayate caught up with them and they made their way out of the bar, Madame Christmas stopped them.
"Roy-boy, in the excitement of Friday you left before paying the bill for you and your subordinates drinks. You know I don't like to leave tabs go unattended."
"Of course Madame, my mistake." Roy spoke as he walked back into the bar, removing his wallet from his pocket as he approached.
"How much?"
The Madame simply slid a folded piece of paper over to him from behind the counter. Roy opened the paper and immediately paled at seeing the amount.
"How much did they drink after I was gone?!"
Two weeks later
"Your mail for the day, sir."
"Thank you, Riza."
Riza just rolled her eyes at the personal use of her name as she handed the Fuhrer his mail.
As Roy sorted through the multitude of letters, a familiar scrawl caught his attention. He opened the letter and began to read.
"Remember when I borrowed that 520 cenz from you and made the promise that I would pay you back once you made the country a Democracy, well I want to add on to that deal! You better make the Captain a mom before you even think of seeing that money again!"
Roy smirked at the letter before folding it and placing it in his desk before returning his attention back to his work.
"What report are you writing Sir?" Riza questioned as she went and stood beside him. Roy immediately covered the paper with his forearms.
"Nothing special, just a couple of standard reports." Roy responded a bit too quickly for Riza's liking. Before Roy knew it, Riza was able to deftly snatch the papers from beneath his arms and was already across the room before he could even blink. Roy immediately paled when he saw Riza's eyebrows furrow.
"Is this what I think it is." Riza spoke, her voice took on a very serious tone.
"No?" Roy responded as he got up from his chair and cautiously walked across the room towards Riza.
"A Mini Skirt Law? This is what you've been spending your entire morning working on?!"
Roy cringed at her tone, he was so close to completing it too.
"I hope you like sleeping alone because that is exactly what is going to happen if you don't explain yourself right now." Riza spoke as she gave Roy her most deadly glare.
Roy wasn't fazed at all as he wrapped his arms around her and buried his nose in her hair.
"Can you blame a man for wanting to see his Queen dress nice for work?"
Her glare didn't waiver.
"Nice try, but that isn't going to work on me." Riza broke out of Roy's grasp and walked over to the trash bin, ripping up the Miniskirt papers and she went. Roy frowned and followed her.
"I know we have gone over how miniskirts are a hindrance in a fight, and how you know I get jealous whenever someone oogles you." No response. "Maybe you could just wear it in the office?" Silence. "Ah, don't you want to know what the letter I was reading was about?" Roy questioned, trying to lighten the situation.
"Fine, so what was this letter that had you smiling before?" Riza asked completely unamused.
Roy just smiled again as he approached Riza and embraced her.
"It was just someone making a new promise before paying me back."
"Oh, and what was this promise? You seem to be making a lot of wagers without my knowledge." Riza voiced as she leaned her forehead against Roy's.
"To give my Queen an heir." Roy spoke with a smile as he gave Riza a kiss which she happily returned.
"Does this mean I'm not banished to the couch tonight?" Roy questioned after they broke apart.
"Think again my King." Riza responded with a slight smile.
Roy smiled at the response and kissed her again, fully intending on showing his Queen how he was so complete with her in his arms.
Hope you liked my idea of a Royai proposal! Have a great day!
Revised 2018