A little one shot because I'm in my feels about Hanna being engaged to someone who is NOT Caleb coming up in January.


Hanna's POV

I can not believe I was gonna marry that douche! How could I be so blind, so stupid to not see what was going on in front of me?! I should have listened, I should've fucking listened to EVERYONE! I let people get into my head and stop me from following my heart.

'You never end up with your high school sweetheart.'

'Caleb's not good enough for you.'

'He can provide so much more for you.'

'You guys are the new it couple, it doesn't get much better than that.' Except it does! It does get better than that because he didn't love me. He wouldn't do any and everything for me. I was his goddamn trophy, not his partner! I didn't have to second guess with Caleb, I knew he was the one for me even when everything tried to keep us apart. He was the one for me and I blew it because of stupid work and society telling me how my life should be. After the girls left, after witnessing me throwing things, shouting, cussing, crying, and drinking, I sat by the fire and tossed every last memory I had of that man and watched it burn. How did my life get so screwed up? I had a plan, it wasn't the most thought out, but I knew what I wanted. I wanted New York, I wanted Caleb, I wanted marriage, and I wanted babies. I can't believe I got so off track with the plan, and now it's just too late. After throwing in the last photo of me and that cheating bastard, I just sit and sip my third glass of wine. Suddenly, I hear someone at the door knocking, not giving a shit about my appearance, I reluctantly got up, stumbling a little, and answered the door. I didn't even bother to see who it was before I opened it, and there stood the man of my dreams looking at me.

"Caleb? What are you doing here?"

"Toby called, after getting an ear full from Spencer. He told me I should come check on you and now I'm glad I did. What's going on Hanna?" he asks stepping around me and entering the house. I close the door and walk over to the couch, flopping down.

"Wine? It's really good," I say gulping down the rest before pouring another.

"Stop it Hanna and talk to me." I sigh out of both frustration and misery.

"I screwed up. I screwed up big time," I finally say with tears rolling down my face.

"What happened? How did you mess up?"

"By giving you up," I finally meet his eyes.

"Hanna, listen you-"

"No, you listen please. I let the world determine how I should feel and what would be good for me. When in reality, you have always been my good thing. I don't know when my head started ignoring my heart, but I am so very sorry. I let my job, new friends, traveling, and eventually another guy make me give up the best man I have ever known. In high school, I had absolutely nothing figured out, but I did know that whatever plans I made, you would be apart of them. I stopped believing in love being enough, when it was along with everything you had to offer. I blew the best thing to ever happen to me, and it came around and bit me in the ass... hard. I am so sorry Caleb," I am full on sobbing right now.

"Hanna, babe, listen, this is not all your fault. I should have fought harder, I should have done some things differently, but I never have and never will stop loving you. You are everything to me and that's enough to wait on you for a lifetime. We both made some mistakes and yeah it sucks, but loving you would never be one of those mistakes because it is the worst, yet best pain I've ever felt," he says hugging me close.

"He cheated, several times. I knew about two, but not so much the others until someone announced that they were pregnant with his child. I don't know what came over me, but all I saw was red, and all I felt was anger and betrayal. Surprisingly enough, I didn't have a problem with letting him go, I had a problem with possibly never getting you back. Leaving you, choosing work over you, will always be my regret concerning us."

"I love you so much Hanna."

"I love you too Caleb." Next thing I know, we are kissing with such fire, such passion, such love, that I've missed over the last few years. No other feeling compares to his lips on mine, his heart beating in sync with mine, or his touch caressing my body. He was my home and boy was I glad to be back.