Title: Idolization

Author: Ri-Ryn

Genre: Humor/General

Word Count: 463

Rating: (Content suitable for Teens) / +T

Disclaimer: One-Punch Man belongs to ONE.

Summary: Perhaps, after Genos had moved in with him, he'd gained some weight? Regardless, as he stood before his bathroom mirror, this was an odd occurrence.

Warnings: Fluff? Slightly creepy idol-worship?

A/N: Oh Genos, he knows that wasn't no washing machine. I don't think I can write for One-Punch Man that well, but I tried. And yes, I will be updating my other stories, but I took a break during finals to upload this.


Saitama stared into the mirror, pulling lightly at his hero costume and being rewarded with an extra five inches of stretched, thin material. None of this was adding up, because surely he would've noticed if he'd been gaining that much weight, right?

He gave the suit one last glance before he poked his head outside the bathroom door, towards the kitchen. "Genos?"

"Sensei?" Genos poked his head out in tangent from down the hall. "Did you require something?"

The bald hero contemplated his reluctantly taken disciple. "Genos…am I fat?" The sound of a plate breaking on tile told him that the cyborg had been drying dishes. "Chubby then?"



"You are not fat nor chubby," the cyborg said with great finality in conviction. "You are an ideal weight with perfect muscle mass. However, for optimization in comparison to your old diet, I have taken it upon myself to cook more nutritiously balanced mea-"

Saitama waved him off, one prospect taken off the table. So, if he wasn't fat, then what? He peaked back inside the bathroom, tugging at the stretched material again, puzzled beyond belief, and sighed.

Genos walked in confused. "What brought this on, Sensei?"

Saitama turned, arms out. "Look closely at me, Genos."

Sensors whirred as the blonde performed a full bio-scan of his master and smiled. "Perfectly healthy as usual, Sensei."

"NO!" The bald man flailed and jerked at his expanded suit. "This! My suit is stretched and I can't figure out why!"

Genos stilled, smile gone in a millisecond.

"If I'm not fat then what in the world happened to it? I've had this suit forever, too!"

Genos bowed his head.

Saitama stopped, noticing it. "Genos, hey-"

"My sincerest apologies, Sensei! I must have put it in a regular cycle in the wash instead of gentle. I'm sorr-"

Saitama sighed, waving him off a second time. "Genos, it's okay. Everyone messes up. I'll just get another. No harm, no foul, okay?"

Genos shyly smiled, relieved. "Thank-you, Sensei, so kind! I will personally sew you a new one!"

The caped hero gave up. "Sure, sure, but no funny business! Exactly like this one, okay?"


Genos left for the kitchen, buzzing happily.

Saitama smiled in reluctant fondness, because kids, really… Wait. "He hand washes this religiously…how do you mess that up?"

"Nice job, Genos." Saitama looked appreciatively at his new suit. Just as good as the old one.

"My thanks, Sensei, I traveled to five different cities for the materials and threa-"

Saitama nodded absently. "Sure, sure. By the way, I folded up my old suit and put it in your drawer for next time you want to wear it."

Metal screeched as Genos froze, steam escaping plates.

"Genos? Oi, Genos? No, don't shut down on me!?"