"I swear to all the gods Goldenlake, if you're using your magic again I will throw you in the river! You know that's cheating!" A young boy, not much more than seven pulled back another set of drapes in the long, deserted hall, grunting from the effort of moving the heavy fabric. Dust drifted down from the top fringe, where no one ever thought to clean, joining the specks already covering the child's shoulders and head, turning his black hair grey. A giggle escaped from a indent in the wall further down.

"It's only cheating if you get caught!" The girl who faded out of the wall took off running down the hall, laughing as the boy tried to catch up. "Does your Mama know you're talking like that? It's not proper for a prince!" Chikako of Goldenlake and New Hope was easily outpacing the young prince as they raced. Her hair was lighter than his by a few shades, and not covered in quite as much dust. Each wore comfortable breeches, well made shirts, and colorful tunics, with leather boots made for use. A long braid flew out behind her, swinging side to side violently with each step. Footsteps and laughter echoed through the hall, bounding off of columns and flagstones unused to shouts of joy. Stopping abruptly the girl grabbed onto a door handle and pulled, seeking to hide within from her relentless pursuer. The door didn't budge under her hand when she pulled. Frowning the girl was about to let go and run again when her friend crashed into her, unable to stop running as quickly as she had. The door swung inward and the two tumbled into the room in a cloud of dust.

The boy got up first, groaning. With one hand holding his head he reached out and tapped the shoulder of the girl. "I got you."

"Not fair Xander! You didn't have to push me."

"You stopped too quick!" The girl got to her feet and stuck her tongue out at the boy, then reached out a hand to help him up.

"Where are we?" The pair glanced around the room, squinting to see in the dim light. It was a chapel of some sort, with rows of benches leading up to a dusty altar. On the altar rested a golden disk, the Sun Disk of Mithros, flanked by golden candlesticks and resting on a cloth of golden chain mail. A window high in the wall let in a ray of sunlight that landed on an iron door carved into the rock wall at the front of the room. Despite the warmth of the day outside the children's breath showed in the rooms cool air. A shiver went up the princes spine, but the girl stood transfixed by the ethereal beauty of the room. Slowly she took a step toward the door. A muffled click broke the silence of the room as great iron door slid open on unseen hinges. Xander reached forward to grasp his friends hand, and both of them felt an instinctive draw toward the empty chamber. Their feet made the only sound in their small world as they walked down the row of polished benches. Pausing at the threshold each took a deep breath and looked to the other. A full range of emotions played across the eyes of the seven-year-olds, fear, fascination, apprehension, and an insatiable curiosity. Chiko was the first to move, squaring her jaw and stepping into the room, never dropping Xander's hand. Just a half step behind the boy followed her as the iron door slammed shut behind them with a resounding clang. Nothing was left but darkness and the warmth of their joined hands.

The pair stood in a clearing surrounded by trees. A light wind rippled the grass and meadow flowers around their feet, and the trees stood as tall as any in the Royal Forest. A small stream bubbled its way through the meadow, providing water to the plants shooting up along its banks. Despite the peaceful serenity and air of familiarity somehow Chiko knew they weren't in Tortall. The mountains were in the wrong place, silhouetted by the moon against stars brighter than any in Corus, and the breeze smelled different. A tug against her hand reminded her that she was not alone, but when she looked back Xander was no longer with her. Instead of a boy of seven she held the hand of a full grown man. Panic started to rise in her throat until she met the sapphire blue eyes she had come to know so well in her months at the palace. Instead of the glee and mischief that normally occupied their hidden recesses she saw confusion and apprehension. Glancing down she saw that she was not a child any longer either, but a woman grown. Each had a sword hanging from their hip and were dressed in serviceable mail and dark tunics. Turning, still clutching at Xander's hand, Chiko saw a cottage, simple in construction but sound, resting back in the trees. A small chimney released wispy grey smoke into the night sky and the glow of a single candle was visible through the cracks in the shutter boards.

Suddenly the scene shifted, dissolving and reforming so they stood instead on a flat plain, bare of grass or trees or any life as far as they could see. Dirt settled around their feet, seeming as if it had never been stirred by so much as a breath in all of history. A lined face formed in the dirt before them, lined and sexless it seemed ancient and powerful, with eyes that glinted yellow. Mortals, a voice echoed in Chiko's skull, and Xander flinched as if he heard the same, you are young to be entering here. The voice mirrored the face, ancient and powerful, indistinguishable from time itself. In her mind the voice bordered on uncomfortable, but still she was curious.

Chiko swallowed as she tried to speak, breaking the deafening silence of the land. "Where are we?" When the words finally came out it was not her voice which spoke, but a woman's voice, one that did not sound too dissimilar to her mother's.

You are in the chamber of ordeal. A note of what may have been humor touched the ghostlike voice. Xander's eyes went wide as he started to tug on Chikos arm, trying to pull her back towards a door that was no longer there. His lips had turned inward and she could tell he was biting down to secure them. Sweat had formed on his brow in the few seconds they had been standing there since the voice had spoken, and there was fear in his eyes. Despite Xanders obvious distress Chiko felt a wave of calm pass over her, pleasant and confusing as she stared at the unmoving face.

"What is the chamber of ordeal, and who are you?" The girl asked, turning back to the face in the dirt and pulling the man that was Xander back toward her.

The Chamber of Ordeal is the proving ground for all of your countries knights. The voice seemed amused by her question, as if it had never been questioned before. I am in essence the chamber, but I am much more besides. I am not of your world, not bound by time, existing outside your universes bowl of reality. Chiko stared at the face in the dirt, feeling its yellow eyes peering into her soul. Some small part of her brain, and Xander pulling on her arm, told her she ought to be afraid, but she was fascinated. You should return to your families' young ones. I shall see you again. Xander's tug on her arm was painful now as the plain started to fade away. Perhaps sooner than most. Chiko was almost sure the last comment had been directed solely at her.

As soon as the stone door closed behind them Xander dashed for the wooden chapel door. Chiko stood a moment, still enthralled by the experience they had just had. "Kiko!" She heard her friend calling her from the safety of the hallway. "Come on, we need to get outa here!" Turning from the door she bowed to the shield of Mithros on the altar, an act of deference her mother had told her ought to be observed when dealing with any gods, and with a last thought turned and bowed to the Chamber. She wasn't sure what the face had been, but it had power, and it was probably not amiss to respect that.

The walk back to the main portion of the castle was quiet for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Xander was the first to break the silence.

"We can't tell anyone about this." His voice still held a hint of fear.

"Why not?" Chiko felt a hand grip her arm, pulling her to a stop.

"Because. It's not allowed! The Chamber is for squires, the ones about to become knights. No one else is supposed to go in there." He shook his head and sighed. "Father would be mad. Grandfather would be furious. He takes these things very seriously."

"But we have to tell Tony. He'll be mad he missed this." Xander shook his head again.

"Not even Tony, nobody. Promise?" Chiko stared at the boy, seeing the fear in his eyes, aging them past his seven year old's face. Finally she sighed.

"Promise. I won't tell." He grinned then, and the moment was forgotten. By the time they reached the hall where their rooms were the pair were already planning that afternoons adventures.