Thoughts are italicized
Parseltongue in bold
Christmas during Hermione's Third Year found her sitting in her favorite corner of the Library. It was situated next to the Restricted Section and she could guarantee that she would be left alone to study.
Harry and Ron had tried to entice her to go play in the snow, but she had escaped.
"Boys, I really need to study." Hermione flashed them her Cheshire cat grin. "I might come out later."
Both boys grumbled, but they weren't going to stay in the Library all day and study. Ron grabbed Harry's arm and led him out of the stuffy Library and out into the crisp snow.
That had been three hours ago. Now Hermione was fiddling with her Time Turner, not watching what she was doing. Suddenly the young witch was enveloped in a golden light and when it dissipated, she saw that she was still in the Library. However, the Restricted Section was not locked, like it was in her time.
How far back in time have I gone? Hermione thought. I have to find Professor McGonagall! She will help me.
The young witch quickly sprang for her position on the couch and ran out of the Library. She raced down the corridor, only to collide with Professor Dumbledore in the Transfiguration wing. The collision caused her to crash to the floor.
"My, my, what did you run off for?" Dumbledore asked as he smiled down at the First Year.
"I beg your pardon?" Hermione asked as she stood up and brushed herself off.
"First Years need to be in the entranceway." Dumbledore smiled. "You are very lucky that I needed to speak with Headmaster Dipit about some things."
"Headmaster Dipit?" Hermione asked. She was confused, Dumbledore was headmaster and Dipit had died many years ago.
Dumbledore smiled, he loved muggleborn First Years. They were so innocent and enthralled with magic. "Yes, he is the current Headmaster of Hogwarts. Now, come on little one, you don't want to miss your Sorting."
As Dumbledore led the way to the Great Hall, Hermione took notice of how different the castle was in this time. There were fewer portraits and the castle felt different, younger almost.
"Sir," Hermione licked her suddenly dry lips. "How long has Headmaster Dipit been in office?"
"My, my, such manners." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "He has been the headmaster for eight years."
Hermione's eyes widened, if Dipit had been Headmaster for eight years; that would mean that it was 1938. She had traveled back in time fifty-five years!
When they made it to the entranceway, Hermione slipped in with the other First Years and prayed that her name was on the list and that no questions would be asked. She remembered that Dipit had been in Slytherin and hated Gryffindors, along with muggleborns. If he found out that she was from the past, there was no telling what he would do.
After the doors to the Great Hall swung inward, the First Years followed Dumbledore inside. Hermione's fellow First Years were awed at the magnificence of the Great Hall, while Hermione was awed that, somehow, she was back in her eleven-almost-twelve year old body. For indeed she was, looking at her hands she realized that they were smaller and slightly chubbier than her fourteen year old self's hands.
As Dumbledore went down the list, Hermione grew nervous. What if they don't call my name? What then? I'll have to explain everything! Dumbledore will understand, but Dipit; I'm not so sure about him.
Just before the young witch was about to flee, Dumbledore called out. "Granger, Hermione!"
Thank Merlin. Hermione thought as she made her way up to the stool.
Dumbledore placed the Sorting Hat on her head and stepped back.
"Hmm, from the future are ya?" The Hat asked and Hermione could swear that it was smirking.
"Please, don't tell anybody." The young witch begged.
"Why would I do that? You are here for a reason, Miss Granger. And I am sure that the Castle will provide everything you need." The Hat seemed to poke around in the young witch's mind. "I sense great power from you. I think you should be in… Ravenclaw!"
Hermione scurried down to the Ravenclaw table where she would spend the next…who knew how many years. She sat a little away from her fellow house mates and she spent the Welcoming Feast keeping her head down and hoping that the Sorting Hat was right when it said that the Castle would provide for her.
She needn't have worried, for when she arrived at her dorm room there was a trunk with the name 'Granger' on it. The trunk was full of robes and the books she would need for her First Year.
A/N: So I've decided to start posting, again. I don't know how often this story will be updated. I have the first few chapters outlined, but they need a lot of work. Furthermore, there has been some requests that I update some of my other stories. Unfortunately they are done; but, I have this one. Hope you like it!