Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I don't Naruto or any of it's characters.
Modern AU
"Look here, idiot. If you knew you were going to go to the bathroom eight-million times, why did you request the window seat?" Sarada Uchiha asked the blond next to her after he'd almost knocked her lunch over again trying to get back to his seat.
"Can you stop calling me that?" Boruto Uzumaki said looking in her direction and glaring.
"Can you answer my question?" she responded, un-fazed.
"Because I like the window seat," he said, like it was common knowledge.
"Well I like being able to read and eat my food without your ass in my view, obstructing my movements every ten minutes," she shot back. Truthfully, Boruto hated flying and it seemed whenever he got on a plane, his nervousness would manifest in his bladder, resulting in many trips to the restroom usually his little sister next to him would somewhat calm him down, however instead of his sweet little sister he was stuck next to the devil in human form.
"Maybe I just like pissing you off," he retorted.
"Then I guess you're a glutton for pain since you're obviously aiming to have my foot in your ass," she growled.
"Really four eyes? I'd like to see your foot reach that far." Four eyes was something he began calling her when they first met. He'd pointed out her use of spectacles, and she was instantly annoyed at being reminded of the taunts she'd recieved when she was younger. The more time spent around each other, the more they knew they wouldn't get along at all but their unbridled hatred for each other wasn't enough to deter both Inojin and Chou-Chou from inviting them on this trip.
"You are sooo asking for it!" she told him, prepared to rip his head off.
"Soooooo, how's it going?" Inojin asked, suddenly appearing behind Boruto's seat. He'd heard the beginnings of another fight between the two and was ready to step in if needed. Chou-Chou popped up behind Sarada seconds later.
Chou-Chou and Inojin recently won a contest, winning them four plane tickets to The Land of the Moon, plus hotel stay. Inojin had wanted to bring his best friend but with Shikadia in an especially bad mood lately and his mom a little too willing to tag along he was left with little options and Chou-Chou wanted to bring hers, which is how Sarada and Boruto found themselves on the same trip.
They only ended up going because Chou-Chou and Inojin all but dropped to their knees and begged.
"Are you enjoying the flight?" the blunette flight attendant asked with a pleasant smile.
"Does it look like I'm enjoying the flight?" Boruto asked, motioning to Sarada.
"Can we get him a different seat? Like on the wing?" Sarada suggested through clenched teeth.
"Come on guys! The Land of the Moon! The vacation paradise of the Elemental Nations. None of us have been there, get excited!" Inojin said playing motivator. He recoiled immediately though, as he was met with icy glares from his friends. He sunk back into his seat behind them and pulled Chou-Chou down as well.
"Maybe it wasn't a great idea convincing them to come with us. I mean, they're gonna be at each other's throats for entire trip" he whispered. Chou-Chou only shook her head.
"Would you really rather have a mopey Shikadia and Mirai who acts more like a parent than our parents do instead?" she asked. "And besides, I think they'll be okay…eventually... Hopefully."
"Yeah, hopefully," Inojin said, rolling his eyes.
"I think they're secretly into each other," she said, picking up a guide of their destination and absently flipping through it. Inojin snorted.
"Think about it. They fight all the time. They have insulting nicknames for each other. We always find them staring at each other…"
"Glaring," Inojin corrected.
"Either way they can't keep their eyes off each other. I think it's just a matter of time," she said.
"You've watched way too many romantic comedies."
"So have you, so you should see where I'm coming from," she told him.
"I've only seen so many because you make me!" he pointed out.
"Don't pretend you don't enjoy them, Inojin." He didn't respond, he just blushed and shook his head at his girlfriend. She may have been right, but she was not getting that confession out of him.
The rest of the trip had been rather eventful, the four teenagers were politely asked to leave first class due to causing discomfort among other passengers when a loud mouthed blonde mentioned the plane crashing would do humanity a favor due to evilness living inside of the the dark, onyx eyed girl sitting next to him. When they landed and retrieved their bags, they were able to get a shuttle to their hotel right away.
"Holy Shit…" Boruto muttered, looking at the building before them.
"The photos did not do this place justice! I can't wait to see the pool," Chou-Chou exclaimed, clapping excitedly. Even Sarada, who was seconds away from slitting Boruto's throat in the ride over, was grinning.
"Okay, this was definitely worth the trouble." she said, earning a smirk from her best friend.
"Well let's stop standing outside and go in!" Inojin said once they all had their things.
When they shuffled into the lobby, Inojin went straight to the front desk to check in and pick up room keys while Chou-Chou stood in the middle of the large hall under the chandelier with Sarada and Boruto.
"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" she asked, looking around. When she didn't get a response, she turned looking in the direction of her friends only to find both were suddenly glaring at each other again.
"Guys?" Chou-Chou probed, raising an eyebrow.
" I hope your face gets stuck like that," Sam said to Mercedes, whose expression had turned into a scowl.
"And my would my face proportion be of any concern to you." she shot back.
"Because I happen to see it alot more than I wish I did !" he said.
"Then pluck your eyes out of your head or i'll do it for you!" she responded.
"Why, so you can steal them because yours are no good!"
Before she could respond, Chou-Chou was between them.
"That's enough!" They looked at her, mildly surprised she was even there. They hadn't been paying attention to anything outside of their quarrel, there was also the fact her shout had alerted the entire lobby.
"Can you guys just have fun for once? Please!?" Chou-Chou asked, batting her eyelashes for added effect. Boruto and Sarada looked at her, both of them in the same pose: arms crossed and shoulders squared with irritated facial expressions.
"Whatever," the two responded simultaneously. Chou-Chou smiled silently wondering if they knew how oddly in sync they were at times.
Inojin returned from the front desk of the hotel and immediately Sarada spotted a problem.
"Why are there only two keys?" Boruto asked, beating her to the punch.
"Oh…we didn't tell you?" Inojin answered suddenly nervously, looking at Chou-Chou to explain the situation.
"Well, the contest only provided enough for two rooms. I guess they assumed the trip would be for two couples," she said.
"Okay, well I'll sleep with Chou-Chou, and you can sleep with it" Mercedes said, motioning to Boruto.
"See…that'd be fine and all, but I kind of wanted to have some alone time with my girl on this trip. If that's okay…" Mike said, pulling his girlfriend close to him.
"Hold up. You expect me to sleep with that!" she exclaimed.
"Who the hell are you calling that!" Boruto yelled.
"Come on guys! Please! You can ignore each other for all we care, just please? Not to mention you owe us for spoiling our first trip in first class." Chou-Chou said locking her arm around her boyfriend's.
Boruto and Sarada glared at each other then spared a glance at their friends.
"Fine," they both said, huffing.