Hey I'm back, well my muse is lol,
I started this one ages ago, but got stuck and kinda forgot about it. Anyway I hope you enjoy, don't forget to leave a review :)

Zero groaned as he brought up the contents of his stomach. His thirst for blood burned his throat, making him wince. The blood tablets were supposed to help with the hunger but for him they only made it worse. His body only rejected the foul-tasting capsules.

It had been a week since he had last drunk from Yuki, and had been avoiding her ever since, determined not to do it again. Every time he gave into the urge, he only put her in danger.
Leaning back against the side of the bath, the hunter looked down at the small black and red box in his hands, before throwing it against the bathroom door in frustration, scattering tablets in all directions. The hunter hung his head in his hands, damning himself to the deepest pits of hell. Why could he only survive by drinking the blood of the girl he loved?

Why she insisted on staying with him he'll never know. He wasn't rich or powerful like the pure blood, and he struggled to maintain his thirst for blood. Their friendship was going to end with him killing Yuki, or her running away screaming from the monster that he is.

Groaning he hung his head in his hands, damning himself to the deepest pits of hell.


A short time later he heard a small knock on the door. "Zero?" Yuki called out, her voice full of worry.

"Go away Yuki" he told her, not wanting his best friend to see him like this, to see him struggling with the bloodlust. Unsurprisingly she ignored him, pushing the door open, her large brown eyes taking in his position and the tablets strewn all over the floor. Closing the door behind her, Yuki crossed over to kneel next to him on the cold bathroom tiles, placing a hand on his shoulder and ignoring him when he tried to shrug it off.

"Zero if you need blood, you just need to ask" she whispered tilting her head in an attempt to see his face. Shaking his head, Zero refused to look at her.

"No, I can't keep taking blood from you" he replied "I could easily kill you".

Yuki frowned, they had this conversation nearly every week and this time she wasn't going to listen to his excuses. Shifting so that she was sitting in his lap, she grasped his face in both hands, tilting it so that he was forced to look at her, not even scared by his glowing red eyes.

"Now you listen to me Zero Kiryu, I promised you that I would help you with this and I plan on keeping it. If you lose control then all I need to do it use the spell the Headmaster gave me" Her eyes fell to floor and her voice lost its hard edge "I won't let you fall to a level E, Zero, you mean too much to me to allow that to happen". Zero could feel his determination start to dissolve at the sight of her neck, the veins that pulsed just beneath the surface. Seeing this, Yuki pulled her short hair away from her neck. He flinched at the sight of his old bite marks. Even though they were nearly healed, they reminded him of what he had done, and what he was about to do.

Giving in, he slowly hugged her, feeling her arms wrap around him just like every other time they had done this. He enjoyed this part. The part where he got to hold her close, feeling her warm body against his. In that brief moment before he bit into her neck, he would pretend that she loved him just like he did her. Burying his face in her neck, he tried to prolong the moment, putting off the inevitable part where he would ruin it by giving in to his urges. Feeling his hesitation, Yuki hugged him tighter.

"It's ok Zero" she murmured, trying to reassure him "I really don't mind"

"Why?" he demanded, pulling away to look her in the eyes. Leaning her forehead against his, Yuki stared back, seemingly unafraid of being so close to a creature that needed her blood to survive. "Because I don't know what I would do if you weren't in my life" she whispered "I love you"

Zero froze. Had he misheard her? She didn't love Kaname Kuran? Had the love that he'd sensed in her blood been for him this entire time? Numerous questions swam through his mind, battling for his attention. His bloodlust completely forgotten, for now.

Realising that Yuki was waiting for him to respond, he pushed the mass of thoughts from his mind. They didn't matter right now. Taking her face in her hands, Zero leaned forwards, gently brushing his lips against hers. Yuki immediately kissed him back, tangling her fingers into his silvery hair as he pulled her tightly against him. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" he told her smiling. She grinned back at him,

"Your smiling! Where's my phone?" Leaning back Yuki started searching her pockets much to his confusion

Why?" He asked watching as she rolled her eyes at him, as she pulled the item from her pocket.

"Duh, to take a picture! You hardly ever smile", playfully Zero grabbed the phone, laughing as she poked her tongue out at him. "Spoil sport!" In response, Zero simply grinned and pulled her face to his once more.