Thank you to all of you who have been following along on this journey with me. We have reached the end and I think this was the perfect ending for it. I promise to write a lot more in this verse because I'm not done with our boys and their kiddos just yet. Happy Holidays! -J

James' childhood was far from idyllic. Raised more by staff than his own parents, James had few memories of family Christmas traditions.

The only thing he could remember was watching a particular film with his mum, his father generally far too busy to sit down with his son for any amount of time. But his mum was a fan of the old movie It's a Wonderful Life and she watched it every year and James could remember sitting on her lap for those two hours, enjoying the closeness with his mother more than he ever loved the film.

On Christmas Eve, when dinner had been eaten and the kids were scattered around the house playing, reading and generally doing what children do, James found the DVD among all their things and thought it would be a good tradition to start with their own kids.

Q corralled them all into the room while James started the film. Abby crawled into James' lap almost immediately and Q had the boys snuggled on each side. The film progressed exactly as James remembered it and he smiled as he watched his husband brush a tear from his eye.

When the movie was over, the kids were asleep and James felt content in a way he hadn't felt for many years. His life had come full circle and he knew that despite the horrors and traumas in his life, James Bond was right where he was supposed to be.