Next day came and it's like a scene from a horror movie. Only this time, it's real.

The sky was bloody orange, and there are crows flying and crying in groups.

Okay, maybe latter part was a little bit exaggerated – but Beca, Chloe, and Chris was vigilant about their surroundings on the way to the school grounds. The plan is: Go get Chloe's car, and head straight for the safe zone in J. Val Enterprises that's, apparently, more or less 15 km away.

Chris was carrying the biggest pack, filled with supplies and a handgun. Chloe was carrying 2 9mm hand guns. And Beca was carrying his father's rifle and her trusty steel ruler.

It didn't took long before they encountered a few zombies ahead. And they obliterated the hungry undead bodies in no time, blasting their heads to pieces. Oops, kind of graphic on that one.

Soon enough, they did arrive at Barden High just before lunch time, and they would've stopped for a quick bite if it weren't for the zombies who wants them to be their lunch. They scurried towards the parking lot behind the school building along with the school yard – where the football team and cheer squad team always do their trainings – and Chloe managed to spot her car in the middle…only thing is, it's the only car in the parking lot.


There were tons of zombies scampering the whole lot.

How the hell are they going to get past these zombies towards her car without getting bitten?

"Shit." Chloe stopped Beca and Chris, as they hid behind the bleachers. Beca and Chris furrowed their eyebrows in Chloe's swearing, and true enough when they saw the situation they'll be in a few minutes, "shit" can be a bit underrated.

"What do we do now?" Beca hushed, right now time and zombies are their enemies…if they don't think fast, the zombies would eventually hear or smell them, and they'll be literally lunch food in no time.

"We have to distract them, somehow." Chloe said, looking around the area.

"If only we can drive them away by noise…so they'll all run away, and we can get to the car." Beca said.

"I can go to the school building and make something up at the cafeteria. Once the zombies run away, you guys get to the car, and meet me by the entrance." Chloe said, which elicited a protest grunt from Beca.

"No way in hell am I going to let you go there alone. I'll go with you." Beca said, but rolled her eyes at herself inwardly because…talk about being subtle, am I right? She might've seen a slight curve on the corners of Chloe's lips, but she's not sure.

"Well I can't let you guys go there as zombies run after you. I'll come with you guys." Chris said, only to get a hushed "no!" from the two teenagers in front of him.

"If we all go there, we'll die before we'll be able to get to the car. We need one who'll drive the car to be ready to go at the school entrance." Beca said.

Chris sighed but nodded, "Alright, I'll drive the car…since I won't be able to run that fast anyways, with this busted leg I have."

"Correct." Beca muttered. "Alright, so your signal is once the noise is made and the zombies run away from the lot, you go speed to the car and we'll meet you at the entrance." She laid out.

"Copy on that." He nodded.

"Here's the keys." Chloe gave Chris the keys, her fist tightly closed so it wouldn't dangle and create noise.

"Be careful, you two." He said, before Beca and Chloe scamper away towards the school building, and he stationed himself well-hidden and gets ready to run towards the vehicle.

Beca and Chloe managed to arrive in the cafeteria without encountering a zombie, fortunately. They headed towards the kitchen area where kitchen wares were placed carefully in steel shelves. And where the kitchen is, there's probably food so they scavenged for food supplies as well, making the most out of their time. Once they were done getting what they can, they looked around for possible things that could make a great distraction for the zombies.

"We could use the aluminum foil and stick it in oven toaster?" Chloe suggested, that made Beca looked at her in a wtf? expression.

"You're planning to blow this place up? That's your plan?" Beca asked worried, her eyebrows raised. "We won't be able to get out of here unburied if that's what you're planning to do."

"Well what do you have in mind, genius?" Chloe asked.

"We can just push these shelves…it'll be too much noise, and we don't need to blow the whole school, plus we'll be out of here once the zombies arrive." Beca said, matter-of-factly.

After thinking about it, Chloe nodded. "You're right. That was stupid of me." She laughed.

Beca grinned and Chloe pushed her by the shoulder.

"Ready?" Chloe asked, positioning themselves to push the first shelf full of kitchen wares, down.


Chris was waiting patiently, eyeing the zombies with his full attention just in case something noticed him right there and he needs to run the fuck away as much as possible for his life. But to be honest, he was starting to get worried, because Beca and Chloe has been gone for about 15 minutes, and he's –


What the fuck?!

On that same moment, zombies began rushing like tidal wave of hungry marathon runners wanting to get to the finish line first. He looked at the mob that is zombies before snapping out of his trance to run towards Chloe's car and wait for the girls at the school entrance.

He was smiling while skipping towards the car, glad that the plan was going smoothly so far. The distraction totally worked, and all he needs to do is get themselves out of there.

And just like all situations in life, just as you think everything is going good, going great…life just gets behind you and bite you in the ass. In this case, Chris will literally bite him – not only in the ass, but his whole body for sure – because a few zombies noticed him limping towards the car, and so they were running towards him. Chris saw them and hurried his pace towards the car.

"Shit!" he said through gritted teeth.

Thank heavens the car's lock is just a push of a button because if he not, he wouldn't be able to insert the key into the door lock and he'll die the most painful way possible.

When he reached Chloe's car, he got inside and locked the doors. The zombies hitting the door window with a thump, and the few others that came along with it circling around the car, banging on the windows. Chris started the engine and stepping on the gas with pure force, causing the zombies to fly off the vehicle. He didn't waste any more time and headed straight for the school entrance.

He parked in front of the school entrance and readied his gun.

"Come on, girls." He said under his breath, hoping he'll see them there.

It was too much great of a distraction that even them couldn't react fast. Not until they heard the grumble of dead feet running towards them, and the grunts and groans of the hungry zombies wanting to munch on them.

"Fuck, let's go!" Beca shouted grabbing Chloe's wrist and leading them away from the cafeteria. They were running towards the entrance, which is just a hallway away from them, but the amount of zombies running after them – and how fast they were going with – is just bizarre, so Chloe was attempting to fire a few zombies just so they wouldn't be touched.

A hand was able to grab Chloe's ankle.

"SHIT!" she shouted, that caused Beca to look back and saw that a zombie caught Chloe's ankle. "Die mother fucker!" Chloe shouted before shooting the hand off her feet. The grumble of what seems like a hundred zombies coming after them almost caught up with Chloe, but then Beca was shooting them off with her rifle.

"Chloe, get to the car!" she shouted. "I'll hold them off!"

"Oh no, you won't! We're getting out of here together!" Chloe said, grabbing Beca's hand and ran all the way towards the entrance.

They saw Chris opening the door for them from the driver's seat, "Hurry!" he yells.

And as they got in, in that split second they closed the car door a zombie smack its head against the window.

"Go! Go! Go!" Beca said, and Chris drove off.

As they were gaining distance from the school, seeing the zombies that were left behind, the noise of adrenaline dies down and their rugged breaths could be heard inside the car.

"That…was…aMAZING you guys!" Chris gushed, his hands secured around the steering wheel. "I mean, I was starting to get worried because you two were staying for quite a while, but then I heard that crash!"

Beca and Chloe looks at each other, their breaths slowing down, not really listening to what Chris is rambling about.

"…and I had a bit of action myself, when a few zombies came running after me because they saw me! And then…"

Beca and Chloe looks down to their hands, as realization sinks in that their hands were now intertwined with each other. Still is. And if they're going to be honest, neither wanted to let go right now.

"…and all that matters is we're alive and safe. Am I right, girls?" Chris said. Looking through the rearview mirror and seeing that the two girls sitting behind him is looking at each other as if he's not even there. And by then, he knew that the two didn't hear a single thing he said. He knew that they were having a moment. A moment of realization about what's been going on between the two of them. That thing that he has already noticed ever since he met those two.

Something this world could never take away from them. Something that these two girls will be able to hold on to as long as they're alive in these god forsaken times.

And that something, is love.

A/N: Hey guys. I know, I know. I suck. I'm sorry.

Tbh, this series was supposed to be just like a quick 5-shot...but then a number of ideas exploded in my brain and now I'm back tracking on how I'll align it properly so it can have a solid plot line.

Anyway, as you all know me - all of my fics aren't beta'd so if there's someone out there willing to be my Beta, PLEASE message me! :)

You can go message me through Tumblr as well: queer-queen-cc

Hoping to talk to any of you guys soon!
