Raven stood tall at the church,her black dress and heels only showing off her beauty, to her left was her best friend, summer, her black Cape barley covering her face, the tears only noticeable to the keen eye, and to her right was summer's brother, qrow, he wore a dark suit with a straight face, his mind on other things, raven silently cursed at the fact that he died while she was pregnant.
"Asshole,"she quietly muttered to herself.
When they left the funeral many condolences were given by many family and friends, the trio decided it was time to relax and celebrate his name, they went to raven's house, qrow went to the kitchen to cook some food, summer and raven went to her room to get changed.
"Raven, are you okay?" Summer asked, concerned for her friend, raven smiled giving summer a hug.
"I am now that you're here," Summer blushed, looking for something to break the tension as raven leaned in closet, she realised she was getting close and pulled away before shaking her head,"S-sorry," Summer shook her head.
"It's okay,"Raven let out a relaxing sigh before walking out to the lounge room with summer walking behind her.
After eating food and relaxing, qrow had to leave letting both of them know that they won't be needed for two weeks, he said that this had come from the top and that he will see them back at beacon before he left.
"Okay I'm getting tired," Raven stretched getting up and walking to the bedroom,"um wanna join me in the bed?"Summer blushed madly.
"W-what?" Raven looked confused before she started giggling at her making summer blush even brighter.
"Sorry I meant sleep together tonight."
"I-i know what you meant and yes," she trotted off puffing her cheeks, this only made raven giggle more, she followed her into the bedroom before she started unzipping her dress, she slid under the sheets looking back at summer who was standing still her Cape moving.
"You coming?"
"Gimme a sec, just taking off my clothes, "raven looked at her feet as she noticed a pile of clothing at the end of the bed as summer shimmied her way to the bed not wanting to give raven a glimpse of anything to make fun of,although the shimmying made rave laugh she eventually laid on the bed next to raven.
"Heya cutie," raven said making summer blush emensly, her laughter at fall ball, this made summer smile,"why you smilling?" her tone curious but worried at the same time, summer snuggles into raven under the sheets and whispered.
"you look pretty when you smile."
Hey all, started writing this off an image I liked and had a lot of fun with it, i will hopefully finish a second chapter soon and also upload it
Special thanks to KoroBunny for Quick edit