Warnings! Character deaths in later chapters and swearing! There you have been warned! Feels are coming!

Basically Agreste Brothers AU where Felix is older brother and becomes Chat Noir for a while and Adrien is his younger brother. Also, things happen...Possibly feels things. My mind just went wild with this and well I hope you all enjoy!

Also I apologize for any missed spelling and grammatical errors, read on!

Some say that siblings with a large age gap tend to not get along, but Felix Agreste disagreed.

When Adrien was born ten year old Felix didn't feel an ounce of envy towards his new baby brother. Instead protectiveness that amazed his parents as he eagerly wished to hold his baby brother in his arms in the few minutes of their first meeting. Little Adrien's bright green eyes stared up at him as he cradled him, a wide grin on his face as he stared at the baby who giggled happily upon realizing Felix was his big brother.

Even with the ten year age gap, Felix and Adrien were always seen together even if Felix attended school and often had many lessons that were more than Adrien's home school assignments. He played as much as he could with Adrien despite his studies and often times was seen hovering over his baby brother or staring at him from a distance as he worked. Felix would draw, play pretend, or read to Adrien whenever the younger Agreste demanded company.

Even if Adrien couldn't go outside as freely as Felix could, Felix often times would just run around with Adrien in the backyard ignoring how ridiculous he must have looked and sounded as he chased a giggling Adrien around while roaring behind him. It didn't mean that Felix spoiled his brother or that Adrien himself acted spoiled by the attention given to him by Felix.

Felix often times would promise Adrien he would play with him a bit later on in the day when he had too much work to handle and Adrien would sometimes prefer to play with Chloe, the mayor's daughter, whose parents often came over to speak with their father and mother. While Felix was glad Adrien was kind in nature and was trying to play with others than his older brother, he wished that sometimes it wasn't just Chloe.

The little blond girl at three years old was a menace to society and was very spoiled due to her father's attention and her ability to just cry on until she got what she wanted.

Felix shuddered at the thought of the little girl and often times he found himself at her mercy as well thanks to her wailing and kicks to his shin in order to get him away from Adrien. He in return to her mean spirited nature, Felix often tried to go against her by 'kidnapping' his brother from the girl and had often times succeeded if he hadn't been caught by his parents who scolded him.

He was the oldest and he had to set a good example to them, even if it meant letting Adrien put up with Chloe.

His brother only shrugged and smiled up at Felix during the girl's tantrums and he in turn could only sigh and let it be. There were times where he actually, if not angrily, accepted the role of a pet cat in order to stick around the two kids when they played House. Chloe often times trying to make him meow and put ribbons in his hair that Adrien would carefully untie when she wasn't looking. Sometimes Felix wished their parents, more specifically his father, allowed Adrien to interact with more kids his age instead of just restricting his baby brother with just the little she-devil.

Felix could only hope that his brother wouldn't be left with just Chloe and himself to consider his only friends. He enjoyed being with Adrien and the younger Agreste copied the older too often much to everyone's amusement.

When Felix was at his desk and writing up a paper, Adrien came running into his room with a bunch of blank sheets of paper and crayons he spilled out onto the ground. Felix would watch as Adrien carefully arranged everything neatly before taking out a green crayon and began to scribble or draw on the paper with a concentrated look on his face. Young Adrien would stop after a few minutes and stare up at him for a second until Felix began to write again, Adrien followed his motion as if doing his own homework.

When Felix yawn then Adrien yawned as loudly as he could next to his older brother. If Felix was reading anyone in their large home would expect to see Adrien sitting right by him with a book laid out on his small lap as he just flipped through the pages earning a chuckle from his older brother.

These weren't necessarily annoying to Felix and he found it endearing that his brother trailed after him.

Oddly enough the two brothers had developed a horrible habit of just falling asleep when it was a very sunny day outside.

It had just happened one day when their mother walked into Felix's room to see both her sons passed out on the carpet, Adrien sleeping on top of Felix's chest as the older Agreste child had an arm wrapped around his baby brother to hold him close. Their father often found them sleeping on the couch in the living room, back to back, as books were sprawled out on their laps and on the floor. Everyone in the mansion continued to find them in the afternoons passed out and their mother began to call them her kittens all due to their over excessive catnapping together.

Felix's behavior was cat like already and he took in the new nickname with ease.

Much like a cat he was stringy over who he was close to and who was worthy enough for his attention. His family was the most obvious group of people to fully be what he cared about compared to his peers at school who often talked about him when his back was turned. Felix was used to being told off that he was too unfriendly and he really did not care that he was closed off to people.

It was just how he was...

Until the day he found that ring on the sidewalk and came face to face to a creature that resembled a black cat called Plagg.

Being Chat Noir was different and even if he felt lucky already, being clad in all black with the freedom to roam the city of Paris with as much wildness as a stray cat was marvelous.

The first time he had transformed he had jumped right out of his window and into the night, happily laughing at the sudden rush of adrenaline as he scaled over rooftops. Being a different person than down-to-earth Felix was...Was amazing! It felt like a dream come true to truly just act wilder than what he was.

Plagg had warned him that his powers were meant to defeat evil beings called Akuma who he had ran into when he had first turned into Chat Noir. While a normal thirteen year old would love the idea of fighting evil, Felix felt he didn't quite enjoy it so much compared to his new freedom. He had managed to defeat three Akuma in the span of just one month after obtaining his powers which all occurred at night thankfully.

Each defeat gifted him a black butterfly which Plagg had told him were the cause of the three foes he had dealt with and while he had finished the Akuma off, the butterflies were still dangerous unless purified which he couldn't do. Plagg wouldn't explain why he couldn't nor did he try to suggest anything on how to take care of those butterflies. So instead Felix captured the three butterflies into jars and carefully hid them in his bookcase on the highest shelf behind a few books.

Adrien was never curious enough to try and snoop around his room and his own mother didn't clean the bookcase often and when she did she only skimmed over the books' spines with a feather duster before moving on.

He was thankful that his three battles had occurred at night, there was no possible way for him to think up a lie to try and slip away from school or his family to fight against the possessed Akuma victims. Felix sometimes took the jars out and studied the butterflies carefully as they fluttered against their glass prison. They were black, but he could faintly make out bright purple veins on their wings as they tapped against their jars as if begging him to let them free.

He merely took the jars and placed them back into their hiding spot not liking the odd twist of his stomach at the thought of releasing those out into the night.

For something so small, they sure caused a lot of trouble when they took people over...

It was one night on the second month of him coming in possession of his ring that Plagg suddenly woke him up at midnight and urged him to transform immediately. The cat like kwami, as Plagg called himself, tugged at his hair and even hissed at his face with urgency that Felix wondered just what was bothering the little guy so much. The short time with Plagg he had learned that he was an extreme glutton for cheese, how ironic when he was a cat, and just like a real cat like himself didn't do anything unless he wanted it done.

Felix gave in and weakly dragged himself out of his bed as Plagg flew about him like a hummingbird.

"She's here. She's out there," was all the kwami had told him as soon as he was transformed and unlatched his window to take off into the night.

It was during that night that he saw her.

In the night she was flying across the rooftops like a fairy as her giggles quietly echoed through the city just as his laughter did a month ago.

The light of the moon shining behind her as she took a huge leap up into the air from the chimney she had perched on after her last landing. He could see the bright red of her suit along with the black polka dots resting all over it. Her giggles soft and he swore that the sound gently brushed over his cat ears as he stared at her. The moonlight made her dark blue hair shine and his breath hitched as her head turned to glance her way.

Beautiful blue eyes...

An angel...?

He heard Plagg giggle somewhere in the back of his mind before he saw the girl suddenly make her way towards him. His mouth suddenly went dry and his knees were shaking a bit as he watched her land a few feet in front of him. Never had this sort of reaction to anyone especially towards a stranger, but this girl in a suit with a pattern similar to a ladybug's made him feel lightheaded.

His heart was beating too fast and he swore for a second that he could hear its rhythm as he watched her come closer.

He took a step back, nearly stumbling as she smiled up at him.

She...She was so tiny...

The odd feelings inside him wanted him to pull this tiny girl into his arms and hug her, to run his fingers through that long hair of hers, and to stare deeply into those blue eyes. He had no idea why he felt like this as he struggled to speak, never had he felt such strong if not bizarre feelings towards anyone. Perhaps to his family as it felt close to perhaps affection to the girl, but even then those weren't as intense as the ones he had now.

It was more than that.

It was as if he had seen an answer to some unsolved question he hadn't noticed yet in his young life.

"Chat Noir...Right?"

He felt a shiver race down his spine and he forced a grin to form as he chuckled, "Why yes, and may I ask what your name is...Miss?"

The girl in front of him giggled, a small hand covering her mouth for a brief moment before it was offered to him, "My name...My name is Ladybug."

He reached out to her hand and he slowly urged it up a bit higher before planting a light kiss on her knuckles, "A pleasure...My Lady."

That was how Felix had met her.

His Ladybug, his Lady Luck, his other half.

Someone help me. I have too many ideas for stories for Miraculous Ladybug, it's official it's running my life. Ha ha.

What I find interesting about Felix is that even if he didn't make it through the process he made an impression on the fandom. I'm happy with Adrien and I like Adrien, but I also equally like Felix as well. It would have been interesting if he had been included, but who knows! Maybe we might see him in the series at some point or maybe he'll forever be our precious Espresso Kitty that we love no matter what through our works.

Also, much like my other story The Desired Ending, Felix's Ladybug will be referred to as Bridgette. Bridgette is the adorable Unlucky Buggy and Felix is Espresso Kitty, I will forever cherish them.

I hope you enjoyed the start of this story! Until then~!