Okay folks, this is a prologue before the one shots begin.

*I am seen resting in an Arm chair in front of a roaring fire, reading a fan fic. I shall be referring to myself as GC*

GC: Ha, that one NEVER gets old. *The doorbell rings* About time. *I open the door, to reveal the cast of Total Drama* What took you guys so long?

Noah: It's a long flight, what did you expect?

GC: True. *Barking is heard* Oh jeez, brace yourselves! *An Akita gallops towards the group, and starts jumping on everyone* Ryu, down boy, down!

*Ryu doesn't stop*

GC: Sorry about him, he's tough to keep under control.

Duncan: It's cool, Petey was the same way.

Owen: So, how long until everyone else shows up?

GC: I don't know. Just relax, they'll get here when they get here. *Turns to Ryu* Come on boy, let's get you in your sweater. *Ryu barks, and trots alongside happily*

See you later!