
Shayera never once considered running into her old teammates while masquerading as Sarah Hawkins, but now that she has Vandal Savage running after her for who knows what, she has to deal with the possibility of Batman discovering her true identity and rat her out to the league. While Green Arrow and Black Canary are in on her secret, she'd have rather fade into obscurity rather than risk exposing herself to a hostile planet that wants her dead. Shayera still fears how the League would react to her, already having suffered through Diana's punishment and now living her life in servitude to three goddesses. Granted, Aphrodite is not as vindictive as the myths have her to be and Hera isn't constantly seeking to ruin her life, while Hathor merely wants Shayera to sing in return for being able to slightly shift Athena's curse.

Shayera can recall the day she had met the Egyptian Goddess. It was a month after training with Aphrodite and her two new siren sisters that Hera returned to them with Hathor that Shayera entered into the deal.

"Shayera Hol, I heard many things about you." Shayera shifted nervously in place as her two siren sisters crept back into the water to avoid having attention on themselves. For the past month, Shayera had enjoyed their companionship and desperately wanted to feel them behind her as she faced two goddesses. Aphrodite hung back, already having done her part and was just waiting to see what will happen to her new siren.

"Well? Speak." Shayera, not in the mood to try to sign language, tried to speak but nothing came out of her mouth.

"So I see that that your daughter's curse is still in effect, Hera," mused Hathor as she walked towards Shayera. Both goddesses were true amazons, towering over Shayera's small 5'3 form and essentially intimidating the living daylights out of her. Shayera refused to break under their stares though despite the slight wobble in her knees.

"Her punishment really," Hera said dismissively, "If it had been left up to only her the punishment would have been to gaze at the medusa shield and be turned into a stone statue. Luckily for the girl, I was there to banish her to the world rather than have her stone statue shattered."

Shayera shook in fear at the statement, believing it lucky perhaps to just have her voice and wings taken rather than die in such a pathetic way: No glory, no honor, and no redemption. She'd have died forgotten. Looking up at Hathor, Shayera was amazed at how her beauty was different from Hera's or Aphrodite's even. Her midnight skin was decorated with golden tattoo symbols of music and beautiful ribbons that crisscross around her body. Her dreadlocks had silver ribbons interwoven and her tunic hugged her figure very voluptuously. Her onyx eyes studied Shayera curiously, as though trying to recall if they had ever met.

Shrugging off her speculations, Hathor walked towards Shayera until she stood directly in front of her. Shayera stood still, not knowing what the goddess was doing. Her feathers around her body ruffled a bit in agitation while her new wings folded in on themselves tightly. Her talons were clenched into a fist, drawing slight blood on her palms as she tried to steel her nerves. Whatever happens, hopefully it won't be anything too harmful.

"I can sense a past from you Shayera Hol… have you ever sang before?" asked Hathor. Shayera knew that her face betrayed the embarrassed blush that started to spread across her cheeks. She loved to sing but only when it is to herself. No one, not even Hro or John, knew about her secret hobby of singing. Blushing furiously, Shayera's new feathers poofed up a bit, earning a chuckle from Aphrodite.

"It's nothing to be ashamed about," said Hathor, kneeling to see Shayera's face a bit better, "From what I've seen in your heart, Shayera Hol, is a passion greater than the warrior in you. Had there not been a war on your home planet, I feel you would have been a very famous individual amongst your peers."

Blushing an even brighter red, Shayera didn't know how to respond to such a compliment and instead nodded her head in acceptance. Hathor smiled at the bashful alien's stance and stood over her with a hand extended over her head. Shayera flinched, thinking that she is about to experience pain, when a light extended over her. Looking up in surprise, a light beam was coming from Hathor's hand and Shayera noticed that it didn't even feel terrible: it was like stepping into a sunlit path after remaining indoors all day.

"This is the most I can do for now. Your daughter really has a talent in complex curses."

"Well it doesn't just take a wave of your hand to turn someone into a spider after all." Shayera, never once wanting to look deep into Greek mythology wishes she did now just to understand that reference. Hathor's hand stopped shining the beam on her before she reached into a hidden pocket of her tunic to produce a shining bracelet with charms on it. Giving it to Shayera, Hathor watched as the siren investigated her newest accessory.

"Shayera Hol, due to your unfortunate circumstances, I hereby give you another trial." Shayera balked at her words, her new wings flaring in alarm as she back tracked a couple of steps until she collided against Aphrodite's form. Warm and soft arms encircled around her as Aphrodite calmed her new siren.

"Calm Shayera. Be calm. This won't be the same trial you had with my sisters and mother. This is another trial for a different reason." Shayera didn't know whether or not to believe Aphrodite, but her arms were so comfortable that she just agreed in a daze.

"Shayera Hol, you have shown admirable courage and fairness in the face of adversary. I hereby, grant you the blessing to sing freely without having the curse of Athena block your voice. Wear that charmed bracelet to disguise yourself and you'd be able to sing without the power of the siren hold you back. I would've given you more darling but for now, this is the most I can do."

Surprised by this turn of events Shayera mouthed thank you repeatedly to Hathor. Placing the bracelet on, Shayera felt her feathers molt off and her wings retract a bit painfully into her back. It was uncomfortable but as Shayera's new talons formed back into five fingers and toes, she felt something akin to a breath of wind in her throat. Opening her mouth, Shayera hummed, almost startled at the sound of her voice again.

"There are stipulations with these blessings however," instructed Hathor, "You are expected to give tributes to myself, Hera, and Aphrodite with your singing." Shayera nodded in agreement and promise, not really enjoying that she will be forced now to perform to appease the goddesses but they have already done so much for her.

"I would also like to remind you, Shayera Hol," warned Hera, "that when I call for you to serve me, you are expected to answer and obey. Should your identity be compromised and you can no longer sing blessings to us, you will be under my services effective immediately. I did not allow for you to live just so you can do whatever pleases you."

Shaken, Shayera nodded as Hera and Hathor disappeared in a flash of light. Aphrodite and the other two sirens approached Shayera.

"Well, now that we have that taken care of, let's get started then in getting you going." Confused, Shayera turned to look quizzically at Aphrodite.

"You think my mother and Hathor will settle with you singing in private? No, they want you to sing for the arenas." Shocked, Shayera tried to sign that she has no confidence whatsoever in performing for people when Aphrodite merely raised a perfect eyebrow at her.

"Don't think about the people, but at the fact that you are expected to appease my mother and Hathor and to an extension myself." Shayera took a deep breath and nodded more in resignation rather than agreement. She was shocked when Aphrodite wrapped her arms around her and spoke to her in her ear.

"Do you know why else I decided to rescue from the sea? It wasn't just because you were given an unfair trial or to have your singing spread love. I felt in you such a deep love for this planet that is not even your own. Your love for your friends and for the Lantern is purer than anything I've come across these last few years. It isn't guided by lust or selfishness, but rather a form of loyalty and commitment. It is so rare to find people with this type of love. Love so strong that you were willing to sacrifice your own happiness for the better of others. Don't worry about the people, don't worry about my mother and Hathor, I am with you and so are Kiandra and Micah."

Touched, Shayera hugged Aphrodite back, feeling for the first time that someone had her back since the Invasion. Kiandra and Micah hugged her next when Aphrodite stepped away and began to form the sand into the forms of people.

"Now, let's get started then. The sooner we practice with your singing, the sooner you can make us proud."

Shayera smiled at the memory and walked outside her tour bus to greet the crowd of fans that wanted to meet Sarah Hawkins. Shayera blinked against the sunlight, her contacts making her eyes brown rather than the brilliant shade of green they are. Her short brown hair was starting to grow and Shayera knew that she needed to visit her hair stylist in order to keep it that way soon. Shayera squashed down her frustration and instead focused on greeting her fans with a smile and autographing CDs or posters. It still unnerves her how much people adore her façade as Sarah Hawkins. If they knew they were cheering for Hawkgirl's music, they would have hanged her on the spot.

Making her way towards the hotel, Shayera noticed in the reflection of the hotel doors a dark figure hunched atop the building behind her. If it had been any other human, they would have mistaken it to be another gargoyle that decorates the buildings all around Gotham. Shayera is not human. She's technically no longer Thanagarian as well but details aside, she still has her training and experience. Just enough to know the form of Batman lurking in the shadows. Shayera is sure that his sidekicks were probably amongst the crowd, ready to interfere with any form of trouble that comes their way. Deciding that it will be better to turn in for the night, Shayera waved a final goodbye to her fans before retreating into the hotel. Her bandmates followed with her, each one retreating into their respective hotel rooms after spending much of the day in the bus and practicing their contributions for the Poetry Slam. Sarah Hawkins is expected to perform the opening and closing act so Shayera made sure her bandmates had time to do their own thing as well.

Retreating into the hotel room, Shayera locked it immediately and ran into the bathroom in order to control her panic. It seems that Bruce is immediately taking over the watch since Black Canary and Green Arrow conspicuously left after leaving the tour bus. As Shayera calmed herself down, she quickly reached for her phone and texted to Emmett about their new situation.

"Get band members notified. Dark Knight abound." Hopefully Bruce hasn't hacked into their phones yet to understand the message. Quickly deleting her text, Shayera hopes Emmett remembers to do so as well. Removing her contacts, she splashed the cold water on her face to keep calm before walking outside to get ready for the night. With one foot out of the bathroom, Shayera's instincts immediately alerted her to the brooding presence in the shadows of her room.

"Sarah Hawkins. I have some questions for you." Shayera kept her eyes down, focused on his feet. She didn't place her contacts back on, her eyes showing the emerald color that she knows will tip Bruce off about her real identity. She walked towards him and gestured to continue, keeping her eyes away from his face.

"You have a very dangerous man after you," Shayera watched as he walked into the light, revealing his intimidating form. She'll never admit it out loud, but Bruce still terrifies her to this day since meeting him all those years ago. Her false bravado whenever he was around always faltered a bit whenever he wasn't looking at her, "I only know about your history on paper, but I need to know everything that has happened to you… Shayera."

Shocked, her startled gaze went up to meet Bruce's smirk. How?

"I have to admit, you put a better disguise than Clark does. You're the only one apart from myself or my family who can pull the wool over everybody else's eyes." The reminder of her actions as a spy caused tears to inexplicably appear. Her hands clenched into a fist and she averted his gaze. She stood shaking, ashamed to have her actions presented to her like this. If he began to yell and accuse her of things she'll take it. It's what she deserves.

"The least you can do is look me in the eye." Bruce could see her inner struggle, understanding what she is feeling. The last time he felt the same way as her was when Ras had stolen his information on the League. With Shayera gone the last three years, she missed quite a lot. When the League was being taken down one by one as Bruce realized that it was his own plans that was being used, the guilt Bruce felt afterwards but will never express even when everyone angrily confronted him about his actions, even when Diana expressed how disappointed she was in him for having a preemptive plan of attack on each one of them didn't move him to apologize, rather he secluded himself even more from the League after that.

Seeing that she refuses to meet his eyes again, Bruce decided to take initiative this time.

"I'm not angry with you." Shocked at his words, the last person in the world to ever hear those words from just said it to her from across the room. Frozen, Shayera is unsure how to proceed but when she looked up, Bruce had his cowl removed to show her his face. From there her actions were automatic as she hugged Bruce, thankful for his rationality. If he had begun to list her actions and why she didn't deserve help, she would've broken down. When he wrapped his arms around her to comfort her, Shayera knows that he won't reveal her secret to the rest of the League.

"I need to know what has happened to you that has Vandal Savage after you." Shayera nodded and moved to get her writing board and marker. She sat down on her bed and scribbled her message. Passing the board to Bruce, she wrote, "Cursed to not speak. Sing to appease goddesses."

"Who cursed you?"

"Three guesses to figure out who in the League worships deities."


"She asked her goddesses to punish me. They left me without a voice, my wings, and my mace."

"Is there a way to reverse it?"

"Hera wants me for some plan of hers in the event I can no longer perform. Can't reverse spell without tipping Athena off. Amazonian Laws and stuff."

"Then you're going to need to trust me to make the plans. Is there a reason why Savage is after you?"

"He called me Chayera."

"Is there a meaning behind it?"

"The spelling and pronunciation is different from my own name, it's only reserved for the royalty."

"… you have royalty in Thanagar."

"Pretentious assholes who allow rich assholes to bribe so their kids don't fight in the war."

"Heh." Surprised at the sound of Bruce's slight laugh, Shayera looked at Bruce for any possible motivations.

"Do you know if Savage is able to use your abilities without your consent?"

"I don't know."

"Alright, but after your performance come to Wayne Manor so we can figure out then just why he's after you. I'll run cross references through the databases in order to determine what Chayera and your connection might be. I'll have Alfred send you a formal invitation." Turning to leave, Bruce felt two small hands grip his left hand, stopping him from leaving. Looking back, Shayera seemed to have shrink under his gaze and he didn't need to hear her speak to know her anxieties.

"They don't hate you. John may have moved on, but he does still care for you." Tears pricked behind her eyes at his words, a slight weight lifted off her shoulders. It's good to know that the others weren't upset with her. Letting his hand go, Shayera quickly hugged him to his surprise before giving him a quick wave. Batman nodded in her direction and left through the window, using his grappler gun to swing away onto the next building and begin his patrol.

Shayera sighed and closed the window, deciding to rest quickly for the night. No point in worrying when she needs to get to rehearsal tomorrow. The Poetry Slam is a huge event and with Gotham hosting this year, she needs all the energy she can to pull off her façade and avoid unwanted attention.

What? No song for this chapter? It's good, I felt like exploring a bit in Shayera's background of becoming a Siren and giving her an ally in Bruce. There is no hiding from him when you need to cover a big lie. Tell me what you like or dislike about the chapter. Thanks for reading :)