The Concert

"Boo, you promised you would come to Sarah Hawkins concert with me." said Mari as she followed John to the mess hall. She had been pushing for John to attend a Sarah Hawkins concert with her since the artist began to rise in fame three years ago. John was very picky with his music though, sticking only to blues and jazz music. While nothing is wrong with blues or jazz, John really needed to broaden his horizon.

"Mari, we can do better things than have to listen to some new artist." said John, he was getting a little irritated. It's been three years since Sarah Hawkins began to rise in fame and Mari was insistent in getting him to either listen to her music or to attend a concert. John wouldn't have such a problem with the artist if it wasn't for her being such an icon. John was never the type to like an artist based on how popular he or she is and was against having to listen based on "you have to". The matter would have been left alone if it hadn't been for 1) them being in the mess hall and 2) Flash was within hearing range.

Flash sped towards them and said, "Did I hear you guys are going to a Sarah Hawkins concert?"

John groaned and said, "You too?"

"Come on! She's hitting records like there's no tomorrow!" pushed Flash. He had always been a big fan of Sarah Hawkins since before she rose to fame. She was one of the many indie artists to come from Central City and for that, Wally always liked to boast that he liked her music before she was famous.

"Listen, she's just not my type and-"

"John," said Mari, "You never once listened to a full song! You always change the station! You won't even go see the poetry slam she hosted with some of your favorite singers!"

"Why do you want me to go so badly?" asked John, mystified in the way people were trying to get him to listen to her music.

"You never like trying new things!come on, at least just once!" said Flash. To John's surprise, Ollie and Dinah also put in their input and told John to try it.

"Is everybody a fan but me?" asked John.

"Seems like it." joked Ollie, raising his glass to John.

"I'm not."

John turned around and saw it was Diana, leaning against the doorframe. She had never been a fan of Sarah Hawkins since day one. "Come on Di! I heard Superman is taking Lois Lane to the concert tonight. Maybe you can come with us." offered Flash.

"Her lyrics have no meaning and don't correlate with the music. She also never sticks to one type of music." said Diana.

"It's what makes it so great!" said Wally. He turned to Mari and said, "Hey if GL doesn't want to go, can I go as your date?"

"You may certainly can," said Mari, smiling at John's sputtering.

"So what time am I picking you up?" said Flash, hiding his smirk when he heard John sighed in exasperation.

"My, my. Charming and chivalrous? You should take some notes from him John." teased Mari.

"Have you bought her new album?" asked Flash.

"Please," said Mari, "I've had it pre-ordered the minute it was announced she was going to release it."

John was now getting a headache. Diana had gone and left when it looked like the conversation wasn't going to change. John groaned when it looked like he wasn't going to win the conversation.

"All right. I'll go to the show." he said, giving in.

Mari smiled in glee. She knew he would give in eventually.

"Aw," said Flash, "that means I can't go now!"

"Sorry honey," apologized Mari, "next time there's a Sarah Hawkins concert, you'll be my first choice." John just snorted and went to get himself ready for the concert.

It did not take long. All the shows that Vixen made him go to, he always put his glasses to hide his green eyes and he put on his black trench coat. He and Mari made their way to the teleporter with Ollie and Dinah, who were also on their way to the concert. They were teleported outside Metropolis and they split up to make it seem as though they were not traveling as a group. Ollie and Dinah were in their civilian clothing and Mari was wearing her best dress and boots with the cardigan jacket. The place was packed. John saw more than a few familiar faces he knew. Clark Kent was with Lois Lane and the two couples made small talk before they had to go to their respective seats. Just how many people was fans of this woman, really?

Mari and John sat down on their seats and waited. They were in the perfect row upfront where they can see the whole stage and not strain their heads to see the performers. John looked around to see people of all ages waiting for this Sarah Hawkins. John now wondered what type of music she sang if it attracted such a demographic of young and old fans. He remembered Diana complaining how Sarah Hawkins doesn't stick to one type of music and he hoped that perhaps a little blues or jazz might be involved in this if that were true.

"Thanks for coming here John. It really means alot to me that you did." said Mari. John looked at Mari to tell her that it was no problem when the lights dimmed and people began to cheer. Everybody stood up as the stage lit up with a single spotlight on a piano and a lone figure walked out, people screaming and chanting "Hawkins" as she sat down and began to play.

3 Hours Earlier

"Sarah! We're on in less that three hours and you still haven't gone to wardrobes!" said Emmett Borden, the manager of Sarah Hawkins. He had a hard enough time speaking with the stage managers about the setup for the concert, he did not need his easily distracted client to be in another one of her daydream phases. True enough, she was in her hammock gazing at the sky. While her daydream phases actually provided Sarah good material for lyrics and music, it was sometimes frustrating when it happened during concerts or events. The girl was endearing but bless her heart, if he didn't know about her past he would have thought that anybody can lure her into his car just by saying "my arm is broken and I need help".

Sarah Hawkins was gazing at the sky and heard her manager behind her. She sat up from her hammock and turned to him. She smiled sheepishly in apology and Emmett sighed, already forgiving her.

"Come on Sarah, we're three hours away! Let's get you to wardrobe and then to make-up! We have a full house tonight and some reporters from the Daily Planet have actually scheduled a photo-session with you." said Emmett. Sarah flinched at the mention of the Daily Planet, knowing very well who the reporters were although thankfully Emmett only assumed she was too shy to really meet with new people.

"I know, I know," said Emmett, "I'm sorry, but if we want people to know this image Sarah, we need you to do this. You're not required to talk to them, I'll handle that but you must do the photo-session."

Sarah sighed and nodded, relenting to his request.

"I know, Sarah," said Emmett, "Trust me, this is the only time you have to deal with reporters, I promise they will not ask you questions."

Sarah nodded and followed Emmett to the Town Car, where they both spent the ride to the studio memorizing the schedule. Sarah was grateful that Emmett was her manager, he always kept her in line and helped her remember whatever it is she has planned. After the concert tonight, she was expected to go to Gotham for another Poetry Slam on Sunday that she was hosting with Coco Jama and Zeche Traxel, two famous poets that arose from the Gotham slums. Sarah Hawkins was asked to help sponsor the event and she didn't hesitate to email them back and say yes as she had already met them in previous Poetry Slams.

They arrived at the studio where Sarah went through the wardrobe phase, which isn't as bad as make up. At least with wardrobe she was allowed to move and stretch but with make-up she often felt claustrophobic.

It was one hour till showtime and Sarah followed Emmett to backstage where she was to meet with Clark Kent and Lois Lane of the Daily Planet. This was the first time Sarah was performing in Metropolis since she rose to fame three years ago and she was a little apprehensive. Clark was Superman and that was a fact to Sarah. The question is, was he about as paranoid as Bruce that he might use his x-ray vision to check her and discover that she has a different anatomy as a normal human being. As if having two hearts was a reason to cause trouble.

Sarah calmed her beating heart, knowing that Clark would be able to hear it and get suspicious. She followed Emmett to the Backstage room and gave a smile to Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Of course she wasn't supposed to know their names and allowed Emmett to introduce them to her.

"Sarah Hawkins, I'd like you to meet Lois Lane and Clark Kent of the Daily Planet." introduced Emmett.

"Hello, I'm such a big fan of your music," gushed Lois Lane, "It's really a little overwhelming to meet you."

Sarah smiled politely and hugged Lois Lane while Clark said, "Not much of a talker?"

"Actually," said Emmett, cutting in and pulling Clark to the side, "Sarah suffers through a form of social phobia. She's very comfortable singing on stage because it doesn't require her to actually talk with people but one on one she is crippling shy."

"Oh," said Clark, surprised at this new information about the famous singer, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. Do many people know or is this something you'd like for me to keep quiet?"

"Some people know but I'd like for it to be quiet for now, Sarah has actually shown interest in showing teenagers and pre-teens that social phobia is not something to be ashamed about." said Emmett.

"That's very brave of her," said Clark.

"I told her that, but she only snorted at me and kept writing her music," said Emmett lightly with a smile. Sarah definitely hated being called anything that related to being a good person, but what with her past it was to be expected. He really needed to find a reliable psychiatrist for her. Clark smiled at this new information. It was nice to see a singer that was relatable to people. The pictures were taken and as promised Emmett took over much of the questions, memorizing what Sarah had written as possible answers for possible questions. When the interview was over, Sarah autographed Lois Lane's CD track of her second album and shyly shook hands with the tall reporter that was Clark Kent.

When the reporters left, Sarah allowed herself to hyperventilate for a bit, rubbing the charm bracelet she had on her right hand. It was filled with Egyptian symbols and it brought her comfort as she finally calmed down. Emmett was rubbing her back and gently led her to her dressing room where she spent the last thirty minutes getting ready for the concert. She allowed herself to remember the fateful night three years ago.

Three Years Ago

Shayera was flying high above the clouds, trying to search for sanctuary. She had been flying for hours, trying to search for a secluded and deserted place. She flew away from the United States as most people were on the lookout for the 'filthy hawk' and were itching to get revenge on her for her betrayal. She tried to explain to them that she had no idea about their plan to destroy the Earth but they were angry, as they should be. Shayera flew over the Atlantic Ocean for two days, never stopping and hiding in the clouds. She was exhausted and hungry, not a good combination for the flyer which is why she almost cried tears of joy when she finally spotted land. She landed in the thicket of trees and sat down on one of the tree branches. She was happy to see that she was the tree she was in had apples and reached for one.

An arrow flew in the air and imbedded itself in Shayera's wrist causing her to cry out in pain. A net was thrown over her and Shayera fell out of the tree and landed a heap on the ground. Shayera tried to escape but a sword planted itself next to her head, a clear warning. She stopped resisting and looked at her assailant. She wore a large deerskin pelt dress, a wolf pelt hood and her eyes glowed silver. Her beautiful ivory skin shone in the night sky and she carried a large hunting bow and a quiver full of arrows on her back. She wore leather sandals and was not alone. Next to her was a woman wearing a white toga and an owl was perched on her shoulder, its ghostly eyes staring at Shayera. She wore a Spartan helmet and the sheathe to her sword was empty at her side, her sword close to Shayera's head.

"Shayera Hol," said the hunting woman, "you are to be tried."

"By whose laws?" asked Shayera.

"Ours." said the Spartan woman. She willed the sword to her hand and it glowed white. They were no longer in the forest and instead they were in a court. Shayera was bound in chains and was kneeling in the middle of the room. She looked around and saw the two women seated in their respective seats while a third seat was occupied by a woman in peacock-themed apparel. Shayera finally recognized them as Artemis, Athena, and Hera: the patron goddesses of the Amazons.

"Shayera Hol, you have been brought before us at the request of one Amazon-"

"Diana." replied Shayera, already knowing what was going on.

"Hmm, bright. Shame it was wasted on one such as you." said Athena. Shayera kept her face stony, not wanting to give the goddess any satisfaction.

"You have brought upon an invasion that nearly destroyed the world-" said Artemis when Shayera spoke up, "-and I stopped it. Yes I did start it but I chose Earth in the end."

"A little too late," said Hera, finally speaking up, "hundreds have suffered at the hands of your people; your people who defiled the sanctity of this planet!"

"I'm sorry!" cried out Shayera, "If there was anything I can do to make up for it I will!"

"And you will," promised Artemis, lazily flicking her wrist. Shayera screamed when hunting knifes tore into her wings and severed them off her back. She was about to hurl threats when Athena said, "To be sure that no secrets will ever be spoken out of your lips, you will no longer speak."

Shayera attempted to curse her but found that she had no voice. Hera looked at Shayera with disdain and said, "I cast you out into this world that no longer trusts Shayera Hol, may whatever gods you worship show mercy to you."

The chains fell and Shayera was free but without her wings and voice. She looked up to see the goddesses one last time when the floor beneath her gave way and she was free falling. Shayera was sure that she was going to die when her descent began to slow down. She was about five feet from the ocean when she was finally released from the magical hold. Shayera realized her mace had been taken away by the goddesses but couldn't mourn for the loss of her weapon as waves crashed upon her.

It was a stormy night and Shayera struggled to maintain herself above the surface of the water but couldn't. Little by little, her strength was being sapped away and exhaustion was rolling in. Shayera could only watch as her vision distorted answer she was pushed beneath the water. Shayera could only see darkness when a white hand came I not her vision. She gave a startled gasp, breathing in water and choking on it. The hand grasped her shoulder and brought her back up to the surface. Shayera sputtered and tried to remain conscious but was falling asleep on top of the piece of driftwood. She looked to the side to see a beautiful face staring at her before unconsciousness took her.

"Shayera Hol," said the beautiful face, "You were punished a little too unfairly for my liking. I will help you now."

Shayera next awoke, gasping and sitting up abruptly, in a cave. It was cold and Shayera attempted to stand up, only to fall down. She was off balanced and for one second she forgot why until she remembered Artemis' punishment. Her wings were gone. Shayera gave a cry of rage and was again reminded of Athena's punishment, which was to take away her voice. Her scream was muted. Shayera could feel herself use her vocal chords but nothing came out. Shayera stood up and decided to try and gather her bearings, no point wallowing in self-pity if she was trapped in a cave.

Shayera stood up and took about five minutes to get used to no longer having wings. It was strange. There was no pain at all on her back and Shayera managed to at least stay standing upright before walking around. The cave only had one tunnel and whether it led to an exit or not, Shayera needed to find out. She walked down the tunnel and held onto the walls in case she got off balanced again. It will take a little while longer for her to get used to having no extra weight on her back, but Shayera was willing to make it work despite the melancholy feelings in her heart.

Shayera walked further down the cave and was exhausted. Who knew how much time passed and Shayera was about to take a break when she heard singing.

Cautious and a little curious, Shayera walked slowly in order to quiet her footsteps. She reached a turning curve and stayed hidden around the corner when the singing was louder and she heard laughter and splashing. She peeked around the corner to see two women, both beautiful in every aspect, naked and swimming in a lake. Shayera was confused to see such a large water source in a cave and stepped around and little more to see better. In doing so, she knocked aside a loose stone and it cluttered in the cave, echoing and catching the attention of the two women. They stopped their playing and looked at Shayera with brightly colored eyes, startling her.

One of the women was a beautiful brunette with ivory skin and with baby blue eyes. The other woman had beautiful mocha colored skin and luxurious golden hair with purple eyes.

Shayera felt a little intimidated and and little self-conscious but moved forward. She mouthed the words "help me" and the brunette rose from the water, in all her glory. Shayera blushed and looked away to give the woman some modesty. Instead the woman chuckled and said, "Do not feel like you must give me some modesty, Shayera Hol."

Shayera looked up in surprise at the woman who knew her name. The woman smiled and showed a row of shiny white teeth and said, "Yes, my sister and I know exactly who you are. We have been called by our mistress to help you along your way."

Shayera was confused and need mouth led "mistress" and they must have sensed the question when the golden haired woman said, "Yes, Lady Aphrodite was very gracious to spare you from Poseidon's storm and brought you to us. You don't have to worry though. Lady Artemis and Athena do not know you are here."

Shayera furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when a voice behind her said, "Fret not my dear, I have Artemis and Athena fully occupied with other matters for them to know what's going on right now."

Shayera turned in surprise to see Hera standing behind her and a beautiful woman beside her. The beautiful woman wore a golden toga to match her golden hair. Her ivory skin seemed to shine even in the darkness and her golden eyes almost had a sense of humor within her. Shayera recognized her as the same woman who helped her on the driftwood and tried to say something, forgetting that she was without her voice.

"Yes," said the beautiful woman, "my name is Lady Aphrodite. I was the one who saved you from frowning. However, I would like to know, mother, why you would want to be in on this little secret when you were the one to punish her."

"My reasons are that as a patron to the Amazons, I am obligated to take into consideration the requests made by them. As unfairly as Diana of Themyscira was being when she made that request, I found myself to he above such pettiness. I was however out voted two to one by Athena and Artemis." explained Hera.

"It still doesn't explain why you are here, if you are above such petty matters." said Aphrodite.

"Hmm, and here I thought Athena was the insightful one." said Hera, "It has recently come to my attention that your father has kept a very well-guarded affair from me for a good many years. I happened upon it during one of my visits to Themyscira and I am not pleased."

"Ohhh, an Amazon birthed from father? How scandalous. Tell me who!" said Aphrodite, relishing in the new gossip.

"In time my dear," promised Hera as she looked at Shayera, "for now though, I require your services later on."

Knowing when she was being dealt a bad hand, Shayera mouthed "why should I help you" to which Hera responded, "You will help me because instead of sending you to Tartarus I decided to spare you from eternal agony."

Shayera sighed, knowing that this is true. Hera ,seeing her compliance, said, "Normally I have the power to overturn the punishments Artemis and Athena have placed on you, but doing so would tip them off. I have instead contacted some other… friends who will be able to help you. Just remember girl, when I call for your services, who helped you."

With that, Hera disappeared in a flash and left Shayera with Aphrodite and the two women.

"Well now that the theatrics are out of the way," said Aphrodite, "let's get started on helping you. I always cheered for you and the Lantern fellow to end up together so let's make you a little irresistible."

Shayera felt a little feeling of worry grow within her when she felt two sets of teeth sink on her shoulders.


She sat up in surprise and realized that she had dozed off in her memory.

"Sarah, you ok?" asked Emmett as he noticed her pale pallor. She was feeling a little startled but she nodded quickly, not wanting Emmett to feel that he should cancel the concert. Shayera looked back at the mirror and reminded herself, "I'm no longer Shayera Hol. My name is Sarah Hawkins."

She got up and followed Emmett to the Backstage where she was directed to stage right. She waited until the lights dimmed and the audience began to chant her name 'HAWKINS' and moved towards the spotlight to where the piano was. Sarah leaner Ned how to play many instruments quickly in order to sell the music prodigy persona and Emmett proved to be the pillar of support whenever she wanted to give up.

She sat down on the piano and tested the keys, the music silencing the audience as they waited with bated breathe to hear what song she will start with. It was a mystery to the audience and to her own bandmates and that's how she likes it. She felt that the mystery helps keep her bandmates ready for anything. Everything else in the concert is already rehearsed except for the beginning. She began playing an upbeat melody, a melody that many fans recognized and her bandmates as well.

As she played the beginning melody, her bandmates began to play the original intro. The fans cheered as Sarah jumped from her seating position, grabbing her mic and began to sing.

"Am I more than you bargained for yet?
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week
Lie in the grass next to the mausoleum
I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song"

It was performances like this that gave Shayera some life back in her soul. She had to cut her hair short and dye it brown. She wore contact lenses to hide her emerald eyes and they now appear hazel. As she sang the chorus part, it made her smile when the audience sang along with her. Shayera continued singing,

"Drop a heart, break a name
We're always sleeping in, sleeping for the wrong team

We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it"

We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it"

Shayera repeated the lines once more before finishing her song, to the delight of her audience. Her voice was almost the same from when she had lost it but when she sang, she was told that she sounded like an angel. No matter what type of music Shayera experimented with, her voice was capable of matching with the music. She never used her Siren Call to bring in the audience as she still has a sense of pride.

Shayera smiled at her audience and they cheered her name as the music drifted from the first song to the second song. Shayera took a deep breathe and began to sing,

"We're only young and naive still

We require certain skills
The mood it changes like the wind
Hard to control when it begins

The bittersweet between my teeth
Trying to find the in-betweens
Fall back in love eventually
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Can't help myself but count the flaws
Claw my way out through these walls
One temporary escape
Feel it start to permeate

We lie beneath the stars at night
Our hands gripping each other tight
You keep my secrets hope to die
Promises, swear them to the sky

The bittersweet between my teeth
Trying to find the in-betweens
Fall back in love eventually
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Shayera was about to continue and faltered a little when she saw the face she has often dreamt about. Sitting in the third row of the audience, John was here. He was in her concert. He was smiling! He liked her music! Feeling elated she sang harder with a bit more spirit in her,

"But in dark times when we close our eyes
It's a nightmare, it's a nightmare
When the sun don't shine we lose our minds
But I swear, we can get there

We've got young blood
Can't destroy us
We make our own luck in this world
We've got young blood
No one chose us
We make our own love in this world"

Shayera Hol couldn't begin to remember when she felt this happy just because she saw his face. She pulled back her voice to sing the softened part of the song and just because she was feeling so much joy she began to dance the native dance her people back on Thanagar used to dance to during festivals,

"As it withers

Brittle it shakes
Can you whisper
As it crumbles and breaks
As you shiver
Count up all your mistakes
Pair of forgivers
Let go before it's too late
Can you whisper
Can you whisper
Can you whisper
Can you whisper"

Shayera felt small tears run down her face. Ever since her damn curse and blessing, she has always been on edge: awaiting the day Hera will call on her for her favor. Seeing John though, even in his 'disguise', her heart was bursting with joy,

"The bittersweet between my teeth

Trying to find the in-betweens
Fall back in love eventually
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
The bittersweet between my teeth
Trying to find the in-betweens
Fall back in love eventually

Yeah yeah yeah yeah"

She finished the song and the audience was cheering loudly. They had never seen Sarah Hawkins dance onstage before, some of the die-hard fans knowing how shy the performer really is. Shayera smiled and glanced once more to John, only for her heart to plummet when a woman beside John kissed him on the lips and he kissed back.

Hey readers, so I need to stop writing these stories because I have yet to finish one of my longer stories. Hopefully you liked it :) thanks for reading. Special thanks to Historyman 14 for helping me get started on this :)

Song 1: Fall Out Boy; Sugar, We're Going Down

Song 2: The Naked and Famous; Young Blood