I didn't gain anything from my all-nighter looking up information on Daniel. Just a flaring temper and enormous fatigue. I nearly fell asleep in Republic History. Not that that was much of a surprise. The classes with no activity bore me to no end. It's not like it's any help. I know this stuff already, I've heard the stories. They've been drilled into our brains. The way I see it, it's just a natural part of growing up in the gem sectors. I know I'm lucky, I know I'm blessed. I know that I certainly wouldn't be hearing these stories if I had the background of somebody like Daniel.

Daniel. Damn Daniel. I couldn't find a single thing on him that I didn't already know. Mongolian descent, perfect trial score (they had his file enclosed, I reviewed it), dead father. There was nothing on him. No secret government conspiracy to uncover or a single piece of dirt on Daniel.

A sharp pain stabs through my head. It was so not worth it.

It's my lunch break now. I head over to the cafeteria. Usually I would go out, maybe even sprint home if I was up for it, but with the current pounding in my head I figure that isn't the best idea. I end up simply getting a cold bottle of water, unable to stomach solid food.

I sit up at a table in the corner. The cafeteria is relatively empty; I have an odd schedule and most people go out for lunch (like I would be doing–I remind myself–as I desperately chug down water, trying to stop the feeling that my head was about to crack open)

I get so desperate I even contemplate calling Metias to bring me home. But I know I couldn't do that. Metias is so attentive when I'm sick; I couldn't yank him out of his work, especially not when he's getting on good terms with Commander Jameson. Plus most of my classes after lunch are more active. Activity clears my head. It gives me a purpose beyond studying old stories. I want to become the future of the Republic, not learn any more about the past.

I am so caught up in my thoughts I don't even notice the lean figure quietly sitting down beside me, until he speaks. "You're not going to eat anything?"

It's Daniel. Great, that's just what I need right now. "I'm not hungry," I say through gritted teeth, doing my best not to explode on him right then and there. I refuse to look at him, keeping my eyes on the table.

"You should really eat something. You need something to fuel yourself," he persists, though I'm not quite sure why.

"I have a headache," I try, once again, to dismiss him, hoping he'll take a hint.

"Even more reason to eat." I look up for the first time, expecting to find a cheeky grin, but I am met with only a concerned expression. I narrow my eyes at Daniel, trying to read him. What does he want with me?

In the silence, he reaches his hand out to touch my forehead. I am about to smack it away or tell him to stop, but he pulls away quickly. Not quickly enough, apparently, I think as I feel something fluttering in my chest, this time not caused by my current medical condition, but rather emotional.

"You're burning up," he remarks with shock. "You should really go check on that. You could have a fever, I mean, if you're sick, you should–"

"I don't get sick," I snap, gathering my wits about me, though considering the possibility for a moment. I don't normally get sick much anyway, but when I do, I work through it. But a fever, that would explain a lot. "Just please, go away."

He doesn't move, just keeps staring at me intently, like he's trying to analyze me. When he doesn't, I grudgingly get up, needling a refill on my water anyway.

I get back to the table and Daniel's gone. Good, I think. I can finally get some peace around here.

But the noise is rising again, a crowd of chatty freshmen has just entered the cafeteria. I close my eyes and try to tune them out–to no avail.

I get up to leave, slinging my bag over my shoulder and stowing my water bottle in there for later, when I notice something else in my bag, something that wasn't there before.

A banana. The words "You should really eat something" echo in my head. I stare at Daniel's gift and find I am beginning to feel an unwanted rumble in my stomach.

I pause for a minute, holding the yellow fruit in my hand, wondering whether I should eat it or throw it away. Do I really believe Daniel would try and poison me? Probably not. I remember the look in his eyes before, a look of genuine concern.

I unpeel it and walk out the door, realizing that a small snack might be just what I need.

Maybe Day's not so bad after all, I think, the thoughts of last night momentarily gone.

Damn Daniel back at it again confusing June

I'm sorry once that thought was in my head I had to put it in there