Thank you for all the reviews! There are never too many!

fairytailasaurus: I'm glad taking you to the hospital saved you! A lot's happened since Raxicoriofallipatorius! AND YES THE FEELS I AM GLAD YOU FEEL THEM

crankthatphan: Thank you for reviewing so much! I can always count on you to comment :D

goanago: It was great seeing each update for each chapter as you read them! And I'm glad you liked the things to search up :)

In the morning, Dean woke up with no idea why he felt so at peace and relaxed. For the first time in ages, it seemed that he'd gotten a full night's sleep and none of his joints were protesting, which was weird, considering that Cas had left him a mattress to sleep on…

Looking around, Dean felt a wash of panic sweep over him. He wasn't on the mattress; he was in Castiel's freaking bed!

"What did I do?" Dean muttered. "Did I piss him off? How'd I get here?"

Dean closed his eyes and thought back to the previous night. He remembered making dinner with Cas, talking to Cas, and—

"Son of a bitch!"

Dean remembered.

I hope Cas didn't leave because of me. I know he said he liked it, but people say anything when they're afraid. He probably lied so I didn't murder him.

Pushing thoughts of Cas from his head, Dean checked in on himself.

Last time I checked, I'm straight. One hundred percent.

And Dean couldn't bring to think otherwise. John had been a grade-A homophobe, and even after years of pushing against him, John's physical lessons left an imprint of pain in his mind.

But somehow, when Castiel stepped into the room with a breakfast platter in his hand, John disappeared and Cas was the only thing that mattered in Dean's life besides Sammy.

"Good morning, Dean," Cas said, smiling when he saw Dean's admiring (if not loving) gaze. "How did you sleep?"

Dean sat up in the bed and took the tray from the other man's hands. "Great, actually."

"After you eat, we should hit the road," Castiel advised, taking a seat at the end of the bed. "Gabriel will meet us there."

Dean groaned when he remembered his brother's graduation. He'd been looking to spend the day with Cas.

Still, when Castiel put his hand on Dean's leg, which was underneath the blanket, Dean felt warmth spread up to his heart and he knew the ceremony wouldn't be bad if Cas was there.

It was almost like Cas was his guardian angel.

Shaking away his thoughts, Dean dug into his breakfast. He already felt happier about the day.

When they reached the ceremony in Dean's impala, it was with only a few minutes to spare.

Sam spotted the car right away and detached himself from his fellow students standing all together in their robes.

"You came!" he said to Dean, as though he hadn't expected Dean to come. Dean couldn't blame him. They hadn't talked in years.

"I couldn't miss it, Sammy," Dean said, and he enveloped his brother in a hug.

Breaking away, Sam looked Cas over. "Who's this?"

Cas smiled shyly. "I'm Castiel. You can call me Cas like Dean does."

"Okay," Sam said, smiling back. "How do you guys know each other? Are you friends?"

"He's my boyfriend."

The second the words left his mouth, Dean wished he could take them back. That wasn't what he had meant to say, but the damage was done and Sam was cocking his head at them and a blush was overcoming his cheeks.

Dean couldn't bring himself to look at Cas for fear of his reaction. Would Cas hate him now? Would he leave?

But gently, Castiel took Dean's hand within his. "Yes, I am."

Looking over into his eyes, Dean only saw happiness and love.

Sam broke the moment. "Well, the ceremony's starting soon. I better be going. Nice to meet you, Cas."

With that, Sam hurried over to his friends, hair streaming behind him in the wind.

"Well, he certainly took that very well," Cas remarked.

"Him? What about you?" Dean hoped Cas was willing to be his boyfriend, but he had to make sure. "You certainly took it well."

"Well," Cas mused, "I had two options. One, express my feelings for you through coded words and intense stares that everyone but you apparently will see right through or…I could just tell you. See how easy I made it?"

Dean stared at Cas for a moment. "I have such a brilliant boyfriend," he finally said in awe.

"No," Cas replied. "I do."

As Castiel had expected, his brother arrived halfway through the ceremony. Luckily for him, Sam, having a last name beginning with "W," had not gone up yet.

When it was his turn to go up, Dean couldn't contain his tears. Here was his baby brother, all grown up, but had Dean been there for him? Had Dean made it easier for him to succeed?

Had Dean truly protected his brother like he'd promised?

No. When Sam needed protection and love, Dean was out murdering. He was out ruining others' lives, while ruining Sam's in the process.

And now Sammy was graduating, successful and happy and bearing no grudge to Dean.

Dean couldn't believe it.

As Gabriel lounged back in his seat clapping, Cas produced a tissue from his pocket and handed it to Dean.

"Thanks," Dean said. Attempting to stop his tears by making a joke (a good evasion tactic he'd learned), Dean added, "That's the second time in two days you've seen me cry."

But Cas didn't laugh.

He leaned in, and then they were making out as graduation caps rained down upon them and the outside world seemed to be revolving around their passionate kiss.

Gabe, being Gabe, stared at them and laughed. "Oh, Cassie, I knew it."

"You know him?" a voice asked from behind Gabriel.

"Yeah," Gabe said, spinning around. "I'm his brother. Gabe."

The other guy, who was tall and (if Gabriel admitted it to himself) handsome, laughed. "That's my brother with yours. I'm Sam." Sam offered his hand.

And maybe it was something about the way their brothers were kissing in the backround, or maybe it was due to Gabe's outgoing personality and Sam's unrestrained passion, but suddenly, Dean and Cas were not the only two people making out at the ceremony.

Gabe and Sam locked lips tightly, pressed against each other, one on his tiptoes and the other bent over.

For a perfect moment, everything stopped.

Nothing would ever be the same again.


Well, that certainly was a wild ride. I hope you guys were satisfied with this last chapter! And please, press the button underneath this and leave a review!

Also, if you're into comedy, you might want to check out my other Supernatural story, Uno-Natural.

And I may soon be writing an angsty Fallen!Cas story, so keep your eyes open for that!
