Hello, Blazingalex here! Fucking work can suck my balls, ya know? And of course I got college started up for the summer semester, so yay me. And I'm gonna be honest with you guys; I'm very sure I have lost my touch in my writing. Anyways, let's get down to it!

Chapter 29: Cave Exploration

*Alex's POV*

I approached the counter with a basket full of potions, paralyze heals, and other necessities and start unloading the basket, Chloe hugging my arm tightly. I smiled down at her and kissed my wife's head.

"Okay, that'll be about 5,350 PokeDollars," the clerk stated happily. I huffed a bit and pulled out my wallet, peering in.

"Uhh…" I pulled out a 5,000 PokeDollar bill. "This is all I got."

"Alex!" I spun around and saw Ray coming up, with some supplies of his own. "Hey man, need a spot?"

"Please, Ray." He started adding in his own stuff to the pile. The clerk happily scanned them and beamed up at us.

"Okay, total is now 10, 700 PokeDollars," he confirmed. I handed Ray my bill and he in turn paid for it all. We gathered our stuff and walked out of the PokeMart, Chloe still clinging to me.

"All right," Ray started, "I say that we go get ready for our trip through the cave. Meet me at the entrance in half an hour." I nod and head off to the PokeCenter, heading up to my room.

Amber got up, cradling Ruby. Jade, Kiba, and Blayze sat up on the bed, quickly turning the TV off, which I assumed was playing a porno. I smiled and grabbed my bag, loading it up with what I bought and zipping it up.

"So we heading out, Alex?" Amber asked as Ruby turned and smiled at me.

"Yeah, actually. We're heading out to go through Chargestone Cave. Ray is gonna meet us at the mouth of the cave in about half an hour." Jade and Kiba giggled. "Everyone is coming, no one is staying behind. If you do not wish to walk, let me know so I can put you back into your Pokeball." No one said a word as we packed. I shrugged and put the balls away before we left.

All seven of us walked out the center and made our way to the mouth of Chargestone Cave. Ray and his team was already waiting for us.

"Finally, dude!" Ray exclaimed. He got up from the rock he was sitting on. "We've been waiting for an hour!"

"Ray, shut up, it's been five minutes," retorted Shadow. She shook her head and turned to face the cave.

"Fine, whatever. We ready to roll? Got your repels?"

"Nah, it's mainly Joltiks and Blayze can easily stomp those," I stated. Blazye puffed out her chest in a way to show that she's powerful. Ray shook his head as he led all of us in.

"Oh, wow," Jade gasped, looking all around. She was right; it truly was a sight to see. Stalagmites and stalactites stood and hung charged with electricity. An EMP would have no effect in this cave. Joltiks scurried across the floor as we walked, occasional noises emitting from them. Kiba climbed up onto my shoulders and clung onto me, shuddering slightly.

"What's wrong, Kiba?" I asked her.

"I...don't...like...bugs…" She stammered. Of course. Psychic types are weak to bug types. And Joltik was a dual electric/bug type. She dug into my neck as we passed a Galvantula's nest. Ray, who was ahead of me, jabbered away with Aura and Chloe. Amber held Ruby behind me, Shadow and Jade next to me, and Alara trailing behind us all, taking in awe. Clearly, she was enjoying her time in the cave, being and electric type and all. Blayze, meanwhile, was a bit too busy curb stomping some of the Joltiks to oblivion. She would take a leaping start before stamping down onto them.

"Blayze!" I shouted. "Come on! You're gonna fall behind!" She looked up and hurried along next to me, grabbing my free shoulder.

"Sorry, Al, got carried away."

"And what have I told you about calling me that?"
"Oh, lighten up, dude! Get it?" She giggled at her own pun. I let out a loud sigh. "Oh, come on. That was funny."

"That was bad, Blayze." I looked up to see Ray stop.

"We can rest here a bit," he said, looking at his watch. "We got another half hour of walking to do and we've been here for an hour already." My eyes widened. An hour?! Holy shit!

Ray sat on the ground and sighed. Shadow and Aura sat on either side of him and rested their heads on his shoulders. Alara scooted over and kept looking around. Kiba, realizing we stopped moving, opened her eyes.

"Are...are we out of the cave?" Kiba asked timidly.

"No, we're still in it," I replied, taking her off my shoulder. I smiled at her which caused her to relax a bit and curl up in my arms like a little kid. Amber chuckled softly.

"You are such a good father, Alex," she whispered, holding a sleeping Cyndaquil in her own arms. I smiled at her as she sat next to me.

"Oh, Alex!" Ray shouted, sitting up and reaching into his bag. "I never showed you my new Pokemon! I got myself a fire type now!" He called out his newest capture; a Braixen.

I think I'll end it there. Remember to R&R and to PM either me or Ray if you want us to add anything to the story. Blazingalex, out! Got it memorized?