I don't own Glee or Charmed!

The competition was the following night, Wyatt having stuck around as it was easier than explaining magic to Finn, instead they stuck to their story of him being there to surprise Kurt. Kurt and Wyatt had decided to ride with Finn since he was heading over early to help the New Directions with any last minute details, enabling them to do the same for the Warblers.

That he and Wyatt were listed as coaches for the Warblers was a real shocker, for him and apparently a majority of the New Directions judging by the somewhat betrayed looks on the older members faces...though they tried to hide them admirabley.

Both teams gave great performances, but in the end the Warblers were named victorious, but thanks to Burt getting Sue suspended and the money from the Cheerios redistributed to the other clubs, glee was no longer in trouble of being canceled.

Even so, the New Directions were never very good losers, so it was not shocking that Wyatt and Kurt were ready to get out of the Hudmel house by early Friday afternoon, so jumped at the invitation to meet up with Dave Karofsky and Sebastian for coffee.

"So I finally get to meet the famous Wyatt." Dave said with a grin after he and Sebastian sat at the table Kurt and Wyatt were already sitting at. "Is Chris close by, do I get to meet the set?" He grinned at the blushing couple.

"No, Wyatt flew out to surprise me, Chris is spending Thanksgiving with their family." Kurt answered, trying to contain the feelings bubbling up inside him at the thought that he had someone who would drop everything to come to his rescue, but did not make him fee like any less of a man for "needing" to be rescued.

"So you talk about me do you?" Wyatt grinned as he elbowed him gently in the side, causing Kurt to blush even brighter.

"Oh please! I see the way you watch Porcelain, I bet you gush about him to anyone who will take the time to listen." The blush that bloomed across Wyatt's face was all the answer Santana needed as she pulled up a chair to their table and made herself comfortable. "So how did you talk Lady Lips out of shopping today."

"Oh, trust me, there was no talking him out of it, he had me up at 4 this morning!" Wyatt grinned at the girl as he put his arm around Kurt to show he didn't mind. "I'm just glad I have a sister and cousins who love to shop. Plus I am now going to the the favorite of everyone in my family come Christmas."

"Someone is so whipped." Santana stage whispered to everyone else at the table.

"Lay off Satan, he's not quite used to people showing their love through bitchyness." Kurt gave the girl a level glare to show he meant it.

"If you can get her to do that you would officially be my hero." Quinn said as she, Brittany, Mercedes, Tina, Sam, Artie, and Blaine approached the table, granted they had to push a couple together to fit the group. "So, congratulations on winning sectionals last night. Your set was really great." He could see the disappointment on the others' faces even as they agreed with the blonde.

"Thanks, but really it was mostly Kurt, he picked the songs, said they would be easy to choreograph, said we should play to our strengths, dancing being one of them. He also refused to let us only have one lead." Kurt was glad Sebastian left out the part about them almost taking drugs. "Then we had Wyatt help choreograph for us, guy can't sing to save his life, but he is good at spotting dance combinations that work...even over Skype."

By this point the coffee shop had gotten busy, Wyatt and Dave were walking back to the table with refills for those that were almost out. He was just about to the table when Sam stood up to grab a napkin, and his chair ran into Dave causing him to trip, sending hot coffee careening across the table headed straight for Kurt. Suddenly Kurt felt his chair tipping backwards, followed by immense pain in the back of his head, then everything went black.

When he came to Wyatt and Quinn were leaning over him, blocking him from view of everyone else, and the pain in his head was subsiding. "I really hope no one can see you right now." Kurt said with a thankful grin for his boyfriend, as he felt his head being healed.

"I'd rather not have to explain to your dad why I'm returning you to him in worse condition than when I took you this morning." Wyatt grinned back as he probably knew no one could see Kurt with him and Quinn in the way.

"Kurt, I'm so sorry, I saw the coffee coming for you and tried to push you out of the way, but your chair tipped, and..."

"Blaine, I'm fine, I swear." Kurt told the distraught boy has he was slowly helped to his feet, "It's not like you were trying to bash my head against the floor." He could see the tears in the hazel eyes he used to know so well, but was more thankful for the strong arms around him. "Thank goodness I've got such a hard head." He tried to lighten the mood a bit, seeing all the worried faces.

"I think we should get you to the hospital, Kurt, I heard your head when it hit the floor, it didn't sound good." Mercedes said, the rest of the group nodding their heads.

"Really guys, I'm fine, I promise. I'll have Carole take a look at me when I get home, I'll be fine." He tried to reassure his friends who couldn't know he was already healed up good as new. "Though, I think we are going to head home, my head is killing me." He knew someone might suspect something if his head wasn't killing him, so he and Wyatt said their goodbyes, and headed out the door.


"So your boyfriend doesn't mind us meeting up?" Blaine asked that following Saturday as he and Kurt sat down for coffee. It was nice to hear that there was no bitterness in his voice, as he had asked Kurt if they could meet up as friends.

He had been worried about meeting Blaine, as he wasn't sure if either of them were ready to meet up as just friends again, but he missed his friend, and Wyatt told him to give it a try, and if he found that it was too soon he could wait before doing it again.

"No, he trusts me." Though there was no hostility in his voice Blaine's face still fell,and Kurt realized how that came across. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean anything by it. It's just, he knows you were one of the best friends I've ever had, and I miss that."

"But you don't miss us." Blaine looked crestfallen, and Kurt felt bad.

"I'm sorry, but I don't miss us as a couple." He felt bad because he could see that he was hurting Blaine, and that was the last thing he wanted.

"It's ok, I mean I can see how much you've matured, and let's face it, you always were a bit more mature than the rest of us." Blaine had a sad smile on his face as he spoke.

"Yeah, well, some of us just have to grow up faster than others." Kurt tried to make it seem like it was no big deal, but Blaine continued.

"I know, I guess I just figured you'd still be there, waiting for me to catch up. Which is stupid, I know, because I know what a great catch you are, and if I could see it than others definitely could as well." Kurt tried to butt in but didn't let him, "I look at how he is with you, and I ask myself, was I ever like that? Was I ever comfortable enough to put my arm around you in public? Did I ever ask your opinion on the important things in my life and really listen to what you had to say? Did I look like my world might crumble down around me if something happened to you whenever you got hurt?" He trailed off at this last one, and Kurt wondered just what Blaine saw when he hit his head yesterday.

"I always thought I'd be the one to love you, that you'd love, in the end, but the way he looks at you. The way you light up when he looks at you, I could make you light up like that once upon a time, but I was foolish enough to give it up. Now there is someone else who loves you, and don't think for one second that he isn't head over heals in love with you, I'm the expert on that particular feeling when it comes to you. I just wish it were me you were in love with, but I can see that it is not, so I'm hoping to settle for being friends, because I miss my friend too." Blaine had tears in his eyes, but Kurt could see the honesty in them.


"So there we are covered in flour, eggs, sugar, and everything else we could get our hands on, staring at one pissed off Piper Halliwell, no one wanting to explain why it looked like a grocery store had exploded." Kurt was laughing as he was telling Blaine the story, "I don't think any of us thought we'd walk away with our lives."

"Surly it couldn't have been that bad." Blaine laughed right along with Kurt.

"You've never met my mother." Wyatt said as he approached the table, "Chris, Melinda, and I thought for sure she was going to murder one of us just to make an example for the other two. Kurt was never in any danger, Mom likes him best."

"I'm surprised he didn't kill you for ruining his clothes." Blaine said with a laugh.

"Don't kid yourself, he started it." Wyatt laughed.

"Hey!" Kurt cried indignantly, "That was started by you and your brother, and you know it; Melinda and I just finished it."

"No, you were the one who said Chris was likely the better baker of the two of us, I was just trying to defend my honor, and wipe the smug look off his face. I had someone to impress." Wyatt said with a wink.

"Yes, because cowering before your mom is so impressive." Kurt laughed at his boyfriend.

"You've met my mother, that we didn't wet ourselves in fear after being caught having a food fight in her kitchen should be considered very impressive." Wyatt said trying to act serious.

"Dude, I thought you were just coming in to get Kurt so we could go meet mom and Burt for dinner." Finn said as he hurried over to their table, drawing attention to the fact that Kurt and Blaine had been at the Lima Bean for a few hours just catching up. It was nice being able to talk to Blaine like old friends again. He had a great time telling stories of his life since leaving McKinley, and listening to Blaine talk about what he and his friends are doing. It was nice to see they could still tak as friends, and Kurt felt it was great to have closure on his and Blaine's relationship...he just hoped Blaine felt the same.