Once awake, Misty wrapped her arms tighter around Cordelia's waist and leaned over Olivia to place a gentle kiss on the nape of her wife's neck.

The supreme sighed and turned to face the younger woman. Misty smiled a sleepy grin and leaned in for a kiss. Cordelia happily responded, but pulled away smirking, before things could get too heated. "Good morning, Misty." She smirked, giving a peck to the Cajun's nose.

Misty let out a chuckle and rolled her eyes. "Mornin' Mrs. Tease."

"Olivia is literally right in between us!" Cordelia exclaimed, gesturing to the girl who was sleeping soundly with an arm around the older witch's middle. "I wouldn't want her to be woken up by a make out session, no matter how tempting you are."

Misty made a face and mouthed 'later', kissing her lightly on the cheek. "Ya know what she should be woken up to?"


"A few batches of pancakes n' waffles! From the way she was eatin' last night I can tell they must notta' fed her a lick of food."

Cordelia nodded, a mischievous grin creeping onto her face. "Race ya to the kitchen!"


Somehow the two witches ended up with half of the pancake and waffle mix on the stove, and the rest on the counter, and all over them.

Olivia came downstairs with a smile, feeling excited and anxious to start her training. She rounded another corner and her smile widened at the aroma of fresh pancakes, she couldn't remember the last time she had those. And when she got to the kitchen she was met with quite the sight.

Misty and Cordelia were standing by the stove, splattered in batter. She could see lumps of flour and pancake mix on their clothes and in their hair, and couldn't help but laugh, causing the two to break their playful glares and look towards the noise. Their child like grins turned into matching expressions of shame as they realized she had caught them. They froze. Misty in mid throw, a spatula in hand, Cordelia scooping some of the sticky batter off her apron.

'Heyyyy darlin', did we wake ya'?' Misty asked and signed, lowering her weapon.

Olivia shook her head and Misty gave a thankful sigh. There was still a glint of mischief in her eyes as she looked back at Cordelia, who was washing off her hands.

'Here, these pancakes and waffles actually managed to cook before someone...' She paused, throwing an accusatory glare at the Cajun, who's only response was to stick out her tongue. 'Decided to flick batter at me and thought she could get away with it. Do you want any syrup?' Cordelia said, her face flushed, flashing a grin as she gestured towards the refrigerator.

'Yes please, thank you!' Olivia signed through a giggle, taking a seat at the table.

As she ate she observed how the two women interacted, exchanging playful looks and gentle touches as they cleaned. Cordelia tried to regain her composure, smoothing down her apron and picking at bits of batter while Misty bobbed her head along to music, most likely the band Fleetwood Mac she had told Olivia about.

They were about to throw away the the batter they hadn't used but Olivia got up and quickly went over to them. She tugged on Cordelia's apron gently, the brightest smile on her face. 'Can…I..maybe…..make you both something special?'

Cordelia and Misty exchanged an apprehensive glance before handing over the bowl, standing over her shoulder to make sure she didn't burn herself. Olivia's brows furrowed in concentration as she poured, both hands gripping the bowl, and Misty and Cordelia felt their hearts melt. There was this little girl, this adorable, strong, brave, sweet, amazing-in every-way human being, and she was genuinely happy. Even with her night terrors and her troubled past she was delighted, and by something as simple as a pancake. The two shared a look. She's perfect.

Misty and Cordelia watched curiously over her shoulder as an animal slowly started to appear in the batter, Olivia poured and prodded until she was pleased with her work. Goodness I hope they don't think this is stupid, I've never drawn anything for anyone before.

A wide grin spread across Misty's face accompanied by a squeal and she immediately looked to Olivia then Cordelia in excitement. 'A gator…that's my favorite animal!'

Olivia grinned and mouthed 'I know' before turning her attention back to the pancake and gently flipping it.

Cordelia placed a hand on her arm to get her daughter's attention. 'Where did you learn to do that?'

She shrugged, a sad smile appearing on her lips. 'Nobody really taught me, I wasn't ever given pancakes. I just used what I know about alligators and how they look.'

Misty wrapped an arm around Olivia's waist and placing a kiss to her temple. 'Well it's absolutely amazin', n' so are you, you're quite the artist!'

'Misty's right, you are so talented and so incredible, Liv.' Cordelia said and signed, leaning to place a kiss on her cheek.

Olivia gave a beaming smile, 'You guys are too good to me!'

Misty shook her head, curls flying. 'Not true, we're all perfect for each other, like three peas in a pod. We don't say all this cuz' it's what families do, it's cuz' we love ya a whole bunch.'

Olivia just flashed them another bright smile and grabbed the bowl. 'I know, I love you guys too'.

After a moment of contemplation she poured the last of the batter carefully. A few seconds and a few flips later she put the pancakes on the top of the pile.

It was three hearts. The two felt theirs melt even more.

'I didn't think the pancakes could get any better.' Misty signed, before pulling her into their chests. Causing Olivia to giggle as they both peppered her face with kisses.

They didn't exchange words for the next few minutes, content eating their pancakes and waffles and laughing constantly as Misty devoured hers. Of course the Cajun's were doused in syrup, while Cordelia's had just enough to give it flavor, and Olivia's were drenched like Misty's.

'Next time instead of a cup of milk we could just give you a cup of syrup.' Cordelia teased lightheartedly, causing Olivia to pout.

Misty flashed Cordelia a playful glare 'Oh leave her alone Dee! If ya hadn't had somethin' in ages, like your precious wine for example, you'd be doin' more than havin' a glass, you'd be guzzlin' the whole bottle!'

Cordelia let out a snort and rolled her eyes and their daughter sported a very unamused look, but the slight upturn of her mouth gave her away. 'At least mama has my back!'

Misty leaned over and nuzzled the girl's head, placing a kiss on top of wild curls before standing to clean her dishes. 'I always will, but for now you're stuck with mom, I gotta go by my swamp n' you gotta practice your powers. Don't ya worry, Cordelia ain't gonna let nothin' bad happen.' The Cajun gave her wife a chaste kiss and an 'I love ya my beautiful girls.' before heading for her swamp.


The greenhouse was filled with inexplicable bursts of color. Olivia gazed around in awe, taking in all the shrubs and plants, some potted along shelves, others in clumps on the ground, some even hanging from the ceiling. There were plants of all shapes, colors, and sizes, with strange hues, thorny spines, oddly shaped leaves and flowers.

The young witch had never seen anything like it before but she found it fascinating, as she walked she made a mental note to ask her moms about each one. There were pink, yellow, orange, blue and white flower buds about to burst into bloom and ones that had already unfurled, releasing a heady fragrance into the air. There were sleek wooden tables and shelves that housed some of Cordelia's chemistry equipment. All along the tables and counters were small potted plants, some of which Olivia recognized.

Suddenly a head popped up from the far corner of the greenhouse, scaring the young witch half to death. She instinctively recoiled backwards, knocking a plant off the shelf with her elbow. This only caused her to panic more, the plant nearest her hand burst into flames. She desperately tried to put out the fire and when she couldn't she sunk to the floor, feeling dread and shame wash over her. It's all my fault. What will Cordelia and Misty say? Would this make them send me back?

Alarmed, Cordelia rushed to Olivia's side. Putting out the fire with a swish of her hand before kneeling down to pull her trembling daughter into her chest. 'Liv, hey, I'm so sorry I frightened you.' Cordelia signed and said gently, cupping her daughters face with her hand to bring her eye level. 'Do you want to talk about it?'

Olivia whimpered in response.

'I'm scared.' She signed, her eyes closing and her forehead falling onto Cordelia's shoulder.

The supreme rubbed up and down her back gently and placed a few kisses on her head, before leaning away to meet her gaze. 'I know you are.' Cordelia said softly, stroking the girl's cheek to wipe away the few tears that fell. 'but we'll get through this, I've got you. It's going to be okay.'

Olivia nodded and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, as if her fear would dissipate with the air rushing from her lungs. 'Im sorry about ruining your plants, I'm so sorry mom. I don't know if I can control myself. I understand if you don't want me anymore.'

The older witch cupped her daughters cheeks, looking her right in the eye. 'We've said it before and we'll say it again, as many times as you need us too. Nothing you could do would make mama and I want to give you up, And please don't worry about the plants.'

'So…you aren't disappointed?'

Cordelia let out a light chuckle. 'No Livbug, not at all. I'm surprised and thrilled that you have a knack for both telekinesis and pyrokinesis. I know that you don't have much control over these powers yet, and when witches get nervous, any control they might posses can go haywire. You'll have to ask Misty about the many occasions where she accidentally setting things on fire when I was around.' This pulled a weak giggle from Olivia but she sobered quickly. 'Believe me, I understand you're feeling absolutely terrified, but I'll be here to guild you every step of the way. I love you so much my sweet girl.'

Olivia searched her eyes, and with a small smile, slowly reached out her pinky. 'I love you too mom, and I know it'll take time but I'm willing to try my hardest.'

Cordelia laughed, she was making a pinky promise with her seven year old, and it was something she'd gladly die keeping.

She took both of her tiny hands, kissing them before standing up, and pulling Olivia to her feet as well. 'What do you want to start with? We could try lighting some candles or moving plants around..' Cordelia trailed off when she noticed the plant Olivia was admiring out of the corner of her eye.

Or I could actually show my daughter the greenhouse before jumping right into training, nice going Delia. She must be terrified to be in such an unfamiliar place, about to do something she dreaded. Hopefully the plants will ease her nerves.

'What's this, why hasn't it bloomed?' Olivia signed curiously, gesturing towards a creeping vine held up by a support, that was sprouting a closed bud as wide as her hand.

'Ipomoea alba. Moonflower plant, it isn't open because it only blooms at night.. It has large white petals and yellow streaks that spread from the heart of the flower, Misty calls it keeper of the secrets of the moon.' Olivia nodded but still looked confused, she didn't know what half of these things were.

'Hold on.' Cordelia crossed the greenhouse to one of the many shelves and came back with a few books, the encyclopedia of plants and flowers, and a worn down notebook labeled potions.

'Oh wow!' Olivia signed excitedly, flipping through the books that were loaded with useful spells and wisdom. 'Thank you so much, I know I'll love these!'

Cordelia looked pleased. 'I gave them to your mama and now I'm giving them to you, I'm so glad this is something you take interest in!'

Olivia set the books carefully on the counter and Cordelia grasped her hand, intertwining their fingers before continuing the tour of the greenhouse.

Every so often Olivia would stop to smell bright flowers and remark about their beauty. Cordelia saw Misty in her daughter's eyes, staring wide and awestruck at all the different plants. She was completely enveloped in the dizzy assortments of colors and fragrances. And the older witch was happy to be the one to introduce her to their little kingdom. She was happy to have given her something exciting and new.

'Would you like me to make you a bouquet for your room?' Olivia nodded excitedly and watched as the older witch maneuvered around the pots with ease, plucking certain blossoms with deft fingers.

Cordelia reached up to clip something from the basket hanging above her, then bent to pick some daisies and a few pink and blue flowers. Satisfied, she went to one of the work tables and pulled out a glass vase, arranging the flowers she chose.

Fascinated, Olivia stood silently next to the counter while Cordelia shifted things around and murmured what seemed to be an incantation as she touched the petals, a tenderness with her every gesture. Finally the supreme stepped back, content with her work.

'They look gorgeous! But… I don't even know what half of these are.'

Cordelia gave her a warm smile and beckoned her closer. 'Lilies-of-the-valley' she explained, pointing to the white bell shaped bulbs that dangled over the rest. 'To provide peace and promote mental healing. Then there are bluebottles' She caressed the blue ones. 'For protection against negativity, and improved self-assurance, also because it's your favorite color. Daisies for cheerfulness, and apple blossoms, because, well they smell nice.' She smiled.

Olivia stared at the flowers then at her. 'Wow!'

She couldn't believe Cordelia knew so much about the magical properties of plants. She didn't even know plants had so many, she just thought they were around to give off oxygen and look pretty.

Cordelia looked amused. 'Wow what?'

'Wow, I've never heard of so many magical plants, or someone who knows so much about them.'

Cordelia giggled and shrugged, her smile never leaving her lips. 'It's what I do, your mama and I both.'

'It's incredible…you're like- like the queen of plants!'

Cordelia's brown eyes softened and she held her arms open to the young girl. 'C'mere, you deserve a hug for that adorable comment.'

The wild blonde beamed, hooking her arms around the supreme's waist and squeezing tightly, looking up at her. 'Thank you for the flowers, mom!'

'Anytime lovebug, and when you want a fresh bouquet you can ask me. But if you want to bring them back after they've wilted, go to mama. She is what you kids might call "The Queen of Resurgence."'


'Can you try and pass me the pot like I just showed you?'

'What if I break it? What… what if I can't even move it?' Nervous green eyes searched Cordelia's.

'That's alright, you have to start somewhere. I love you and believe in you with all my heart baby girl. And no matter what happens I won't be mad.' She assured.

The older witch reached a hand across the table and closed it over Olivia's for a brief moment, 'Breathe.' She gave it a squeeze and pulled away with a reassuring smile. 'You'll do fine. Just focus on what you want your end result to be…You are so powerful, and with enough intent, you can do it.'

Olivia nodded and closed her eyes, shifting from side to side, trying to gear herself up.

'You wanna give it a go?' Cordelia signed and asked gently, letting her know it was okay to sign 'no'.

Olivia flashed her a nervous smile. 'I can definitely try.' She confirmed, extending her hands towards her mom.

Cordelia did the same to encourage her daughter, who took her time, staring at the plant with intense determination.

'On three okay?'

The young witch nodded.

'One, two, three!'

Cordelia waited and Olivia stared, but nothing happened. After a few minutes she dropped her arms in defeat and looked to the supreme with watery eyes. 'I can't do it mama, I'm no good.' Her tiny hands shook as she signed and if she had spoken the statement, Cordelia was certain her voice would have cracked.

'You've done it before, and you can do it again, I have no doubt.' Cordelia responded, grabbing the girl's hand and rubbing her thumb across the back of her palm.

Olivia shook her head. 'I was only able to use my powers when I was scared. If….' She took a deep breath, her grimace growing. 'If they were hitting me, I would wish for his hand to be frozen in place, or for him to go away, over and over until it happened. But I usually had to be in a bad place or think about scary things for it to work.'

Cordelia felt her heart shatter. Why would anyone ever want to hurt her? She wanted to collapse into tears at the thought of someone striking Olivia, but she kept them from falling, taking in a deep breath to straighten her posture. Cordelia squeezed the girl's hands tighter, causing the young witch to meet her gaze. 'Liv, listen to me. I know that it feels like you need to be in a scary place to use your powers, but believe me you don't. You're a witch, they will come naturally, and if you have a purpose, they will be under your control, does that make sense?'

A sharp intake of breath and Olivia pulled her hands away, turning to the pot with a serious gaze. She pressed her hands to the table, leaning forward. Cordelia knew that meant 'yes' and stood still across the counter, waiting patiently.


Instead of looking to the older witch for more instruction, Olivia carefully lifted her hands so they were hovering just above the plant. She focused her thoughts on moving the object to Cordelia. The process was painfully slow: she knew if she let herself become too anxious or upset the plant would whiz across the counter, or combust into flames.

Misty pocked her head into the greenhouse to see Olivia hard at work, she stood in the doorway chewing on her lip. C'mon Liv, ya got this baby girl.

All three witches let out a collective breath as the pot began to move, rattling before picking up speed. It shot into the supreme's arms and threw her off balance. Cordelia stumbled backwards with an 'oof' and Misty and Olivia burst into laughter, after the young witch apologized profusely of course.

'I did it…some what controlled!' Olivia signed excitedly, thrusting a celebratory fist into the air.

'Yes!' shouted Misty, moving to her wife's side, with her arms outstretched to give Olivia a high five and bear hug. 'yes yes yes!'

'You did it.' Cordelia announced, breathless, wrapping her arms around her wife and daughter after being tackled into a hug. 'We are so proud of you.'

Misty nodded, joyful tears welling in her eyes. 'Next we'll work on lightin' candles, mom just told me you're quite the fireball.' Olivia laid her head back down, laughing into the Cajun's shoulder, clutching the back of her shawl tightly.

Cordelia pressed a kiss to the young witch's forehead, smiling. 'Told you you'd be fine.'


The supreme walked back into the greenhouse a few hours later to mention taking Olivia out to celebrate, and found her wife working away. The swamp witch was cutting one stem after the other and moving her hips to the beat of 'Gold Dust Woman'.

Cordelia leaned against one of the work tables behind the wild blonde, smirking.

"And what have we here?" The supreme asked, stepping closer.

The younger witch turned around, a huge smile adorning her face. "I'm almost finished makin' a flower crown for our little princess!" Misty announced excitedly.

"Mist, that's great! But… I was actually referring to you and your dancing, I had a spectacular view."

Misty smirked and turned back to the counter. "Easy now tiger, Liv could walk in any minute n' as a wise woman once told me, she shouldn't ever have to see us in the middle of makin' out, no matter how temptin' I may be."

Misty felt fingers slide to her hips and a soft kiss being placed on the back of her neck."She's upstairs running around with one of the girls she's met."

A shiver ran through her body as Cordelia moved her hair to gently nip and suck at sensitive skin. The Cajun turned swiftly and pulled the supreme in for a searing kiss. She let her tongue wander, earning a soft whimper from the blonde as she pulled back. "Ya have no idea what ya do to me." Misty husked, her hands wrapping firmly around her wife's waist.

The older witch hummed and stood on her toes to kiss Misty again, biting playfully at her bottom lip. "I think I have some idea," She whispered, her lips brushing Misty's with every word.

"I wish I could take you right here." Cordelia murmured, trailing kisses down the wild blonde's neck, eliciting a low moan from the Cajun.

The swamp witch gave her a devilish grin, sliding her hands to grip Cordelia's ass, pulling the supreme flush into her. "Why can't ya? We've done it in here before millions of times, n' we weren't that loud."

Because I have to be the responsible one, as much as we both want this right now. "Because I came in here to ask if you thought it was a good idea to take Olivia out tonight to celebrate her victory, not so we could have sex on the counter. Plus you have to finish working on your gift."

Misty huffed, letting her hands fall from Cordelia. "Yeah you're right."

"I'll tell you what" Cordelia started "Tomorrow after family dinner we'll make some homemade cookies, we can draw a bath, light some candles, It'll be fun. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Ohhh I'd like that. Can I maybe give ya' that back massage ya' love so much?"

"Of course, I can't wait!" Cordelia grinned up at her, giving her one last kiss before she stepped aside to see her work.

"Aw honey, It looks so beautiful, she'll love this!"

On the table lay an almost finished flower crown, covered with all the flowers in Olivia's bouquet and then some. Cordelia noticed purple night phlox, moonflowers and evening primrose among the mix and gave Misty a questioning look. "Were you planning on taking her to the swamp?"

Misty nodded with a laugh "An' you, silly! I thought we could show her all it's beauty, jammin' to Stevie n' eatin' under the moon."

The supreme grinned widely at the thought "Sounds like the perfect evening, after I finish some more paperwork I'll go see if Liv is up for it, and see if she doesn't mind take out. I'd cook but I'm really feeling pizza."

Misty nodded, biting her lip thoughtfully as she weaved more flowers into the garland.

"What's going on in that beautiful brain of yours Mist? I can hear you thinking from here."

Misty looked over to meet inquisitive brown eyes. "I'm just so glad we have her in our lives. She's incredible Dee." The wild blonde laughed "I mean Liv is the best child a parent could ask for: polite, kind, hard workin', adorable. She's definitely ours."

Cordelia nodded in agreement "She's definitely something else, we really are the luckiest moms. I wouldn't trade our little family for anything else in the world, I love my girls. And as much as I wish I could stay and rave about how cute we all are, I have a stack of papers calling my name and you have a crown to complete."

"M'kay, see ya later. I love ya."

"I love you too, darling." Cordelia captured Misty's lips in a final kiss before turning and heading back to the academy.


"…I can't believe this!" Amelia's voice said, she hadn't noticed Olivia and her new friend, Cassy enter the bedroom. "I knew Olivia seemed weird but now I know she's a freak, drawing disturbing pictures, she even has one of Misty and Cordelia! Can you say 'stalker!'" Amelia and her friend Blaire burst into laughter.

"Have you seen this one?" Blaire asked, holding up one of Olivia's drawings. "She's drawn a bunch of her parents. Did you know she was adopted?Apparently they've all given her up."

"No wonder! She's nothing but a deaf dud!" Amelia snickered and picked up another piece of her art work. "They're such ugly drawings too, a three year old could paint this. She's a pathetic excuse for an artist and yet she's in our class."

"I think some of them are okay." Blaire admitted quietly. But Amelia was so busy cackling at the papers she hadn't even heard her friend.

"I wonder what would happen if I ripped-" But once Cassy had translated this to her, Olivia decided she'd finally had enough. Taking a deep breath she and Cassy walked up to the two older girls and stood over them, meeting their gazes with a glare. 'Can you leave my stuff alone and get out of my room, please?'

Amelia and Blaire's heads snapped up in shock. Blaire jumped to her feet but Amelia just gave a dangerous smirk. "But I'm not done looking yet." She giggled, flicking her eyes over the picture in her hand.

Olivia noticed that Cassy was so wound up she was shaking, with her jaw locked and fists clenched in fury. She could've exploded on the girls any minute so the deaf witch gave her friend a look. 'No violence, please.'

"This time you're feeding the swamp witch ice cream and holding hands with the supreme. What a sicko." The older girl punctuated the last three words with a cold laugh."Not only are you a deaf loser, you're a baby dyke who's infatuated with our teachers, poor Misty and Cordelia don't know what they've gotten themselves into."

Olivia was too shocked to respond that they were her moms. Seeing her hiss that awful word brought back painful memories of the park incident. And Amelia was obviously taking great amusement in watching Olivia struggle to keep the lid on her anger, and her powers.

At this point, Cassy piped up, unable to hold back any longer. "First of all Amelia, she's not crushing on them, they're her moms. And secondly, didn't you hear her? She said scram, cut it out before this gets out of hand or we'll-"

"You'll what, huh?" Amelia sneered, covering her embarrassment with venom. "No, I don't want to leave just yet." She looked at the drawing of Cordelia, Olivia, and Misty in her hand. "I think this room needs a little decoration."

And with that she began to tear up the picture. With a furious huff Olivia flung out her hand towards the girls, and closed it, ripping the sketch book from Amelia's grasp.

Amelia dropped the rest of the drawings in shock and stood, facing Olivia. As she did she noticed the flowers sitting on the bedside table, the same as the ones in her art book.

"Don't think you've won just yet you little bitch!" She yelled, and set the flowers Cordelia gave her on fire, as if that wasn't enough she swooped up one of her drawings and touched it to the flames.

"No!" Olivia cried, not even caring she used her voice. Amelia threw a smirk her way and she and Blaire left.

The young witch walked over to the nightstand and shakily reached out an arm to the burning bouquet, putting out the flames, before assessing her charred drawing. She knew the bouquet was totaled and that could be fixed, if she told her mothers. And the drawing wasn't ruined completely but the fire had warped the paint, disfigured the picture she worked so hard on. Cassy put a comforting hand on her shoulder, watching as tears fell from her eyes. 'Im so sorry Olivia, are you okay? She is such a b-"

Olivia shook her head 'no' before meeting brown eyes. 'Language, Cass'.

The brunette blew out a breath 'witch. You don't deserve to be treated like that and if I had it my way I would've set that pink little purse of hers on fire. I know what you're gonna say, 'violence isn't the answer' but she's just so mean, she always has been.'

Olivia moved to the side of her bed and Cassy followed, sitting to help pick up her scattered drawings. 'She always has been? How long have you known her?' Olivia questioned, not wanting to beat around the bush.

Cassy sighed again, this time out of frustration and furrowed her brows. 'She can be a real…pain. I've hated her since we met two years ago. She is so nasty and out to get everyone she sees as competition. I'm only a year younger than her but she acts so astonished cuz' I'm taking potions with a class of eleven year olds, she's had it out for me especially bad ever since I've kept getting better grades than her.' She paused, frowning, 'I'm sorry you got caught up in this mess.'

'No' Olivia smiled and grabbed her friends hand, getting her full attention. 'Don't worry about me, I can find a spell to make my drawings invisible or something, and my mom can make more bouquets. But If she starts I can handle her.'

Cassy let out an amused chuckle, smiling widely. 'Oh I know. I was here when you almost knocked the skirt off of her!'

The younger witch's face fell. 'I didn't scare her that much did I? Ohhh no.' Olivia's eyes grew wide 'She's gonna tell everybody and then word will get to my moms and they'll get so mad-'

'Hey, none of that. Crap, please don't cry!' Cassy begged as she saw Olivia's tearful expression. She grabbed her friends hand before signing. 'Look, you did good. You didn't do anything to get yourself in trouble you just took back what was rightfully yours. If I had been in your place I'd probably be sitting in your moms office right now, getting the'

The young witch crossed her arms and scowled, putting on her best impression of the supreme. 'This is an academy not the playground, you must behave yourself. No brainwashing Amelia, no magic or non magical pranks, I cannot let such foolishness be tolerated!.'

The brunette felt her arm being pinched lightly and giggled, looking over at her friend. 'Thats a spot on impression of my mom, but that's not what I worry about. If they found out and punished them, the girls would never stop torturing us. I can handle them but it doesn't mean I want to.'

Cassy nodded but frowned slightly. 'Uh yeah speaking of that, are you even going to tell your parents?'

"Tell us what?"

The brunette froze, and both girls turned slowly to the supreme. Cordelia was leaning her hip against the door frame, waiting for an answer.

Olivia fixed her gaze on the pictures at her feet, pressing her lips into a straight line.

'Liv, tell me what happened.' Cordelia said and signed gently. She was kneeling beside the witches now, with her hand pressed into the small of her daughters back, rubbing soothing circles. She'd been in this situation before, she knew the drill. Be patient and she would speak.

Olivia shook her head and bit her lip, she didn't want to discuss the hurtful things Amelia said and did but she knew her mom would find out one way or another. 'Some of the girls, Amelia much more than Emily, were harassing me.'

She felt Cordelia's arm muscles tense around her and grimaced. 'What exactly did they do?' The supreme questioned, studying her daughter worriedly.

'We came in from playing to find Amelia and Blaire going through my sketchbook, Amelia said some pretty nasty things about me and when they saw we were there she continued to mock my drawings out loud. She ripped one of them up and-'

Cordelia mouth fell open. 'She did what? That's vandalism and verbal abuse, if she thinks she can get by with doing that to you, or any other student, that little-'

Cassy leaned over close to the supreme 'That's not all, the little priss set the picture she made and the flowers you gave her on fire and skipped off, not a scratch on her. Liv really kept her cool.' she added.

The older witch's eyes grew wide, darkening with rage. With Cassy's statement, she felt a whole new wave of anger welling in her chest.

Oh no. Olivia was familiar with this look, it was one her mother had worn when confronting the boy with Misty on the playground. 'Please don't get them in trouble! It'll give them a real reason to hate me… I can handle them!' She pleaded.

Cordelia frowned. 'I know you can, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be punished for their actions. I'm not just enraged because I'm your mother and they destroyed very sentimental, personal items of yours. it's because what Amelia did to you was an extreme form of bullying, and there is no way I can let it be tolerated.'

Olivia gave a heavy sigh her shoulders slumping in defeat. 'Hey now.' Cordelia soothed, pressing Olivia closer into her. 'You're worried she's going to come after you for telling, but believe me she won't.'

'How can you be sure you'll get her not to?'

Cassy let out a light laugh at her friends question. 'Are you kidding me Liv? You're mom's the freakin' supreme, she can do anything.'

Cordelia gave Cassy an amused smile and turned her head back to her daughter, cupping her cheek with one hand. 'Do you trust me?' Olivia nodded vigorously.

Cordelia bowed over to rest her chin atop of wild curls, and leaned back slightly to meet her daughter's gaze. 'Good, I'll handle it then, and I'll replace your flowers.' Dark eyes flitted from the burned picture on the ground to Olivia. 'I'm so sorry, but I don't have a spell or the power to undo the damage done to your art.' Cordelia whispered, tightening her grip on the young witch.

Olivia buried her head into the supreme's neck before pulling away. 'Don't worry about the drawing, there will be plenty more opportunities to draw you, mama and I.' Olivia gave a reassuring smile before continuing 'I just wanted to thank you, for caring, and for the comfort. I love you so much, to Pluto and back.'

The older witch refrained from giggling delightedly at the statement, instead she just smiled to herself. She found Olivia's little saying to be absolutely adorable and made a vow to use it at the end of every 'I love you' to come.

'Anytime Livbug, and I love you so so much.' She cupped Olivia's cheek 'to Pluto and back.' Cordelia punctuated this statement by brushing away an errant curl and placing a long kiss to her daughter's temple.

'And I just wanted to let you know that I am so very proud of you Olivia, Cassy told me you kept your control. That isn't something easy to accomplish, but you did, you are absolutely amazing.'

The supreme pulled away, her arms still loosely around her daughters waist, to see Cassy nodding in agreement and the biggest grin playing on Olivia's face.


'Yes dear?'

'You are the best mom anyone could ever ask for.'

A lump formed in Cordelia's throat but she didn't let the tears in her eyes fall. 'Don't let mama hear that!' Cordelia laughed.

Olivia scrunched her nose cutely, a smile slipping onto her face. 'I said mom, not mama! Misty's the greatest mama in the world.'

'Good, I was just defending Misty's pride.' She felt Olivia relax back into her embrace, grinning against her neck.

'Mama and I love you Livbug, to pluto and back.' She gave Olivia a kiss on the head, and slowly lifted Oliva off her lap. The girl looked up at the supreme questioningly.

'All this talk of pluto and of mama reminded me that Misty thought it'd be the perfect night to see the swamp, as a celebration of sorts. If you'd still like to that is.'

Olivia opened her mouth to reply but a yawn slipped out and she slapped a hand over her mouth sheepishly.

Cordelia could only grin at Olivia's actions. 'We'd understand if you want to take a rain check, it's getting late and you've been through a long day. It's up to you sweetheart.'

Olivia worried her lip for a moment before turning to Cassy and signing something quickly then facing her mother again.

'Would it be okay if I just stayed here tonight? I feel like I need some time to collect my thoughts. And maybe later can Cassy and I watch a movie in the living room?'

Cordelia nodded. 'Of course, we can see about going to the swamp sometime this week. Cassy I forgot to tell you, even though it may be obvious, you're invited too.'

The brunette let out a surprised laugh "As long as I'm not intruding on anything miss Goode-Day!"

Cordelia shook her head, smiling reassuringly at the brunette. 'Not at all. From the way you stuck up for my daughter today I can surely say I wouldn't want anyone else to accompany us. You're always welcome.'

The older girl gave Cordelia a grateful smile and a 'thank you' and the supreme left to go fill Misty in. Her swamp queen would be disappointed they weren't going to the swamp tonight, but Cordelia knew just the thing to make it up to her, and they didn't even have to leave their bed.