Comes the Rain

By: nightmaiden

AN: Well, I guess this will the final note…until spring classes are over…that's in what? Three to four mouths? No problem, it'll go fast…Anyway, thank you to those who read this story and maybe the other two as well. And thank you very much for the reviews. Gotta love those reviews, it gives me the spirit to write. Enjoy and see you later…

Disclaimer: …what?…big depressing sigh everybody…I don't own digimon…You know who I own. Sean.

Chapter 5

Rainy Day

"Isn't this great?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is Brya, er…Sean." Kari smiled.

"Yeah, I remember everything. I know who I am. I know where I live. I know everything…please sit down." Sean pulled a seat for Kari.

Kari took the seat Sean offered her. She smiled as Sean entered to the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with two dishes filled with food.

"Try it."

Kari glanced at Sean, then took her folk and knife and started cutting a piece of chicken. She tried it.

"This is delicious. I never taste anything so good. You made this?" Kari asked, taking another piece of chicken to her mouth.

"Yep. Since I burnt the last one, I thought I would give it another try. I guess when my memory came back, my cooking skill came as well."

"A cook? Wow."

"I'm glad you like the chicken."

"Like it? There's no word to describe what my taste buds are feeling. This is really good."

"That's fine with me." Sean smiled.

They ate in silence, but Sean had a weird feeling something was wrong with Kari. From her face expressions, Kari seemed really happy that he found his memory, but he just couldn't shake a strange feeling coming from her. She smiled nervously and that drew Sean to the edge.

"What's wrong, Kari?" Sean looked deep in her eyes.


"I…I really care about you." Kari whispered it out.

His eyes widen and was taken aback. He stared at Kari, who blushed and took interest on her hands. Then he gathered himself and sighed. He had been waiting for Kari to say that to him, but now…it was too late and bad timing.

"Kari, I care about you too, but…" He stood up and bent both knees to meet the floor tile in front of Kari. "But I care for you as a friend."

Kari faked a smile, "Yeah…Somehow I knew."

"Kari, you have to understand…I can't…" Sean took a deep sigh. "I can't be with you. I have someone who's waiting for me."

Kari nodded, tears threaten to escape.

"Please don't cry for me." Sean took her hands into his.

Kari smiled, "I can't help it…"

"…Are you okay?"

Kari nodded.

Sean gave her a skeptical glance, "You sure?"

Once again, Kari nodded.

"…Okay. I have to go now. I wanted to spend one more dinner date with you before I go.

Kari nodded again.

Sean kissed her on the cheek, "Good bye, Kari."

"…bye." Kari whispered as Sean shut the door and left her life.


The sun started to set as the clouds gathered around. Today wasn't going to rain, but later in this month it should. The wind picked up as Davis pulled out his keys and placed them into the lock hole.

"Kari? You home?" Davis asked around the apartment as he shut the door and dropped his backpack to the floor.

He walked to the living room. No sign of Kari anywhere. Davis smelled something really good. His stomach growled at the scent. Grabbing his stomach, Davis walked to the kitchen. But on the way there, Davis encountered what his stomach was growling for. A half-eaten chicken lay on a plate. Taking the chicken, Davis popped it into his mouth and chewed.

"Hello, anyone home?"

Davis approached to the kitchen. He found Kari by the sink, her face hidden with her hair. He swallowed.

"Hey Kari." Davis smiled.

Kari waved and continued washing the dishes. Davis opened the refrigerator and took out a juice carton. He looked at Kari and drunk. He wiped his mouth and leaned to the right to have a closer look at Kari. The girl sniffed and slightly turned her head to right to avoid Davis' eyes.

"Kari? What's wrong?" He brought down the carton to the counter and squeezed Kari's shoulder in comfort.

"It's Sean."

"Who?" Davis asked.


"What? What did he do? I'll beat the crap out of him. Where is he?" Davis balled his fist when he ran out the kitchen.

"Wait, Davis."

Davis turned, "Huh?"

"He remembers everything." Her tears fell as she embraced Davis.

"Kari…" Davis whispered softly. "Tell me what's wrong."


It was the mid-afternoon when Davis decided to wake up to the new day, "That's the last time watching that stupid show for fricken' four hours."

Davis nearly tripped to the kitchen as he forgot how to work his legs and stumbled with tired eyes. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed the juice carton. He lift it his mouth to drink, but soon found out someone had all ready beat it to him. 'No, wait.' Davis thought. He had finished it days ago. Smiling sheepishly, Davis threw away the carton and reached for a few eggs. With three eggs, Davis turned on the stove and grabbed a cooking pan. He cracked the eggs and dropped them on the hot pan. Satisfied with his eggs, Davis poured them on a plate and reopened the refrigerator to pour a glass of milk. There was a knock on the door when he finished washing the dishes. He reached the door and took a peek in the peek hole. Sean was at the other side of the door. Rubbing the tired eye, Davis opened the door.

"Hey, Sean. Come on in, make yourself at home."


"You wanna drink? Water? Soda? Vodka?" Davis grinned.

"Water would be good, thanks."

Davis nodded and retreated to the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water. Sean nodded his thanks.

"Where's Kari and T.K.?"

"T.K. went to his brother's apartment and Kari's in her room."

"So, I guess Kari told you everything?"


Sean nodded.

"So, how does it feel? To know everything that you once missed…"

"I feel good, but I can't help feeling guilty for some reason. Well, it's mainly Kari. I feel bad breaking her heart."

"Don't worry about her. She's a fighter. She could take care of herself."

"You think it's okay if I could tell to her?"

"Go and knock yourself out."

Sean took his drink and walked down to Kari's room. He knocked. He waited for a respond. He didn't want to enter if Kari didn't want him to like what had happened with her brother when she finished taking a shower. He knocked again.

"Come in."

Sean smiled and let himself in. Kari was on the bed, reading a book.

"Hey, Kari."

Kari shut the book and turned, "Hi, Sean."

"What you reading?" Sean sat on her bed.

Kari blushed, "It's nothing."

"101 ways to hate a guy?…I hope this isn't about me."

"It's not…"

"Well, I hope this isn't about T.K. either."

"No, it's not…My friend just gave it to me, she could be really stupid sometimes." Kari smiled nervously.

Sean nodded, "Oh…"

"So, what's up?" She asked.

"Not much…I'm still trying to get an hang of all this."

"Could you tell me about yourself?"

Sean smiled, "Sure." He took out his wallet and showed her the picture that scared him in the beginning. "This is Kim, my girlfriend."

"She's very pretty."

"Yeah, she is. She's been very supportive to me. She would talk about all the stuff we did together."

"Do you remember them?"

"Very little…" He admitted and smiled.

"Who's this?" Kari pointed to an old couple.

"My parents."

"And these guys?"

"My sisters and brother."


"And look here. I have a driver's license and I don't remember how to drive." Sean laughed.

Kari laughed, "Woah, look at all this credit cards. You're going to be in debt shit."

"The one thing I don't want to remember…" He laughed again.



"So, how are you and T.K.?"

Kari dropped her glance to the floor, "Nothing new. We haven't talked in a while…"

"I'm sorry, Kari. I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay. It's my fault and I don't want you telling me other wise." Kari smiled.

Sean sighed, "Talk to him. Tell him how you feel…don't wait."

Kari nodded.

"I better get going…I'll see you around, Kari. Bye." Sean stood up.



The dark sky floated over the lands, giving off a dark painted landscape to the eyes of the innocent. Streetlights glowed dimly to help send away the gloomy dark feelings in the open. The air itself felt cold and depressing, as if it was the force and weight of doubt for the people who don't believe in hope and go on with denial. The half-bright moon hung over the earth as a large bright light. It gave off a beautiful silvery lighting that covered the land in a rich color of silver. Small creatures of the night crawled and ran to the safety of their homes. Birds from large to small had disappeared before the night had arrived. Leaves drafted from here to there as the wind slowly picked up and drove anything in its' path to elsewhere. The wind breezed against the trees and two lonely figures. One hid in the shadows of the trees as the other dribbled a basketball around the court of a school.

Kari stood a good enough distance from the blonde player as he continued playing without feeling her presents.

She whispered, "T.K…"

He didn't hear her. For that matter, she barely heard herself. Kari cast her eyes to the ground, wondering what to do. It had been weeks since Sean had left to where he really belong. And she and T.K. haven't talked. Poor Davis had to talk to keep away the awkward silence between them. And poor Davis had the flu a week ago and Kari or T.K. didn't want to help, for they may be afraid to bump into each other in the process. Davis said forget it and that he will take care of himself.

Kari smiled, "We owe him big time."

Kari watched as T.K. played his heart out. He ran from left to right, dodging invisible players as if in a real game in school or with his friends at the park. Then T.K. stopped. He dropped the ball and let it roll away as he walked to the pole and drunk from a bottled water. Kari slowly took her steps to the blonde.


Finally, he turned, he and she locked eye glances.



"I…I was looking for you. I somehow knew you were here."

"I'll be back home in a while."


"How are you?"

Kari smiled, "I'm doing good. A test's coming up and I haven't…"

Silence. Kari didn't want to bore him.

"What's up?" T.K. grabbed his basketball.

"Not much…Sean called and he wanted to take us to dinner tomorrow."


The wind changed and it started to rain. T.K. and Kari stood in the rain.




"I'm sorry…"

"…me too."

"I guess I'm pretty stupid. Thinking that Sean…"

T.K. looked at Kari.

"And with you too…" Kari smiled depressingly.

T.K. soften his eyes. He dropped the ball and walked over to her. He softly gripped Kari's shoulders and held her in arm length.

"You're not stupid and never will be. You were just confused."

Kari's tears blend with the rain, "Oh, T.K. I don't want to be alone anymore."

"You won't. Me and Davis are here for you. Especially me." T.K. hugged Kari to him.

Kari's tears soaked to T.K.'s shirt as well as the rain. T.K held Kari for awhile.



"I want to do something before someone takes you away from me again."

T.K. softly brushed Kari away from his embrace. He lifted Kari's chin and wiped her tears. Then he kissed her. The rain cooled down the couples' burning faces. T.K. took his lips from Kari's. Kari reopened her eyes and shyly smiled as did he.

"I rather not have someone else…I want…you." Kari smiled and returned T.K.'s kiss.

T.K. smiled as he leaned his forehead against Kari's.

"I'm sorry if I kept you waiting, Kari."

"Don't be."

"I should have told you sooner. I cared about you, but I was afraid I would break our friendship apart."

Kari smiled and kissed T.K. again. They took their time to walk to the lonely and gloomy park; lilted by the dim light poles, but the couple didn't care. T.K. had his arm around Kari's shoulders as she wrapped her arm around his waist.

"I think we should get out of the rain." T.K. smiled.

He and Kari ran to the street to the sidewalk and hid under a large umbrella near a coffee shop. He and Kari were soaked to the bone.

"What a great way to start a weekend with the flu." T.K. laughed.

"Look at it this way, we don't have to worry about carrying the flu from each other when we're already sick." Kari smiled sweetly.

T.K. blushed, "I have no problem with that."

T.K. and Kari watched the rain from under the umbrella, hugging each other to keep warm.



"I got one question to ask…" T.K. stopped, standing close to Kari.

"Shoot." Kari smiled.

"Why didn't we look for Sean's identification card when we changed his clothes? I mean, it would have caused us less trouble."

Kari was about to speak, but she stopped. She looked to the left in wonder. She then locked her eyes to the blonde and smiled, "I don't know."

The End.

Sorry if the story is a little rushed. Classes are starting and I need to focus on it. Anyway, I'm done! Thank the lord. Tell me what you think. I will return in four months with new stories. Bye ^_^ Peace out…