It was a beautiful summer morning at the mystery shack and everyone was still asleep. With Dipper on the bed to the farther left of the attic bedroom, Mabel on the far right and Norman on a mattress on the floor between the twins. Norman had been sleeping over for the past few Saturdays and it had become sort of a ritual of how they spent there Weekend. Norman couldn't think of any better way to spend his weekend then with his two best friends. Two best friends that knew his secret and didn't have to hide his true self from. Norman could speak to the dead and occasionally get visions. but those two not only weren't afraid but they both accepted him with open arms. Something he had been desperately searching for, for a very long time.

Mabel was the first to awaken to the sound of small grunting noises coming from her adorable pet pig Waddles chewing gently on her toes tickling her in the process. "Waddles, You adorable little scamp." She said with a huge grin while giving her dear friend a bear hug. Yawning and stretching her arms outwards, She looked over to her right to see that the two boys were still sound asleep. A situation she decided to remedy. Her grin grew wider as she opened the drawer on her night stand and pulled out a blow horn found in the party section of a Dollar store. Pushing the button, an ear deafening howl bursted out filling the entire room. "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!" She yelled within the wave of sound.

Dipper was the first to react to the horrible sound and almost jumped out of his own skin. He could here his own heart beats drumming loud against his ears. Breathing deeply while holding a hand to his chest he glared at Mabel. "Mabel what the heck?! That is no way to wake a person up." He said while moving his eye sight towards the mattress on the floor. Norman had slept with the blanket over his head, so it was hard to see weather he was just as traumatized as Dipper had felt. Mabel saw him looking towards Normans sleeping area and sheepishly jumped out of bed and started shaking the blankets with Norman inside. "Wake up Normy, There's a boy here who can't wait to hangout with you." She said almost musically. Dipper blushed and jumped out of his bed and flicked her hands off of the motionless boys body. "Mable! Stop! You know Normans not a morning person." He said chastising his older sister (Only by five minutes) while peering towards Norman once again.

Oddly though Norman didn't emerge yet from the pile of blankets. Worried Dipper placed a hand on the edge of the blanket readying himself to uncover his sleeping friend. Suddenly he saw Mabel's hand grasping the other end of the blanket still smiling. "On three." She said while getting a good portion of blanket within her hand. "One, two..." Before the three could be spoken Mabel had already ripped the blanket off of the sleeping medium, pulling the blanket out of dippers hand in the process. But that sudden unprepared yank, caused Dippers hand to swerve forward towards Normans body and hitting the medium flat on the chest.

Everything was silent. Then coming from the medium a faint groan could be heard. "Ow... Dipper. That hurt." Norman said in almost a whisper. Dipper threw his hand away from Norman, his cheeks turning bright red. "Sorry! Sorry!" Sorr..." Before apologizing for a third time Mabel held out a hand to silence her crimson colored twin. A worried look and furrowed eyebrows were plastered on her face while she pointed to Norman. "Dippy, Norman doesn't look so good."

Turning his attention back to the young medium he realized with horror what Mabel had been talking about. Laying backside on the mattress breathing through shallow breathes, was a weak looking Norman. face red, nose runny and look of pure discomfort, Norman looked positively awful. In a sudden jerk motion The medium sat up placing a hand on his mouth, coughing loudly and hoarsely. This unnatural version of his best friend frightened Dipper to the core of his being. "Hey man Mabel's right you don't look... Or sound too good." The younger twin spoke while placing a hand on his forehead. If he was in any other situation, Dipper would of blushed even more at how close he was to his best friend but right now, serious Dipper was on call. His hand came back hot making him scowl. "Yeah, you definitely have a fever dude." Unsure of what to do, Mabel pulled the pillows off of her own bed and propped them behind Norman so he could lay comfortably against the back wall. "Thanks Mab..." Norman once again went through a coughing fit. Mabel just placed a hand on Normans back. "Hey now, no need for words Normy. Save your strength on getting better." She said in a cooing manner while looking desperately at Dipper. Obviously a look that meant 'What do we do?'

Dipper pondered on his options. "Grunkle Stan?" He said out loud as a possible solution. Mabel shook her head. "No dice dip dip. Stan left early in the morning to a bingo tournament in the next town over remember?" Dipper frowned. "Oh right!" He said face palming. Norman waved his hands in an act of defiance. "N, no worry guys. I'm ok re, really." He said standing up to show his two friends they had nothing to worry about. But the moment he was completely on his feet, a rush of dizziness overwhelmed the medium causing him to shake and drop forward. Luckily with Mabel's great agility, she caught Norman. "Easy Normy, moving around isn't going to help anyone." The older twin said while carefully placing him back on the mound of pillows. Norman was shivering in Mabel's arms which broke her heart a little. Dipper was loosing his grip. "Medicine!" He yelped while running down the stairs to the bathroom.

In a blaze of fire, Dipper threw himself in the cabinet they kept the medication in. Furiously rummaging past pill bottle after pill bottle. "Not this one. No not that on either. Nope. No. No. NO!" He threw the last bottle on the ground. It had been a past date prescription on Grunkle Stan's arthritis pain. Everything he checked was either empty or past date. Which frustrated Dipper to no end. Feeling defeated he slowly walked back up the stairs.

"NORMAN!" The sudden outburst coming from Mabel sent chills up his spine as he raced up the remaining steps and bashed through the door. He looked in absolute abject horror as Norman had fallen unconscious on Mabel's lap. Tears streaming down her face and landing on her magenta sweater sporting a penguin on the front. "He, he was just coughing and smiling, trying to, to reassure me he was fine. But then his, his eyes just rolled back and he fainted!" She said through little whimpers. Dipper began madly pacing the floor. "Oh man, oh man." He said while running a hand through his brown hair, while removing his blue truckers hat.

Mabel could still feel the medium shivering on her lap. "Dipper. You said his forehead was hot, but he keeps shivering!" Dipper turned to the younger boy watching as he shook while almost wheezing with every exhale. "The blankets! We just threw them off him, quick cover him back up!" While Mabel draped the nearest blanket on Norman, Dipper fetched the big one Mabel had thrown on her bed. As if almost immediately Norman stopped shivering. Giving the twins a moment to breath. But that didn't seem to help the coughing or shallow breaths much.

Dipper looked into Mabel's eyes. "We need to go get some medicine at the nearest drugstore now Mabel." She nodded in agreement. As the twins both stood up about to leave to room, Dipper felt a hand grasp his ankle. He quickly turned to see a blurry eyed and sickly pale looking medium hold on to his ankle with such little force, it was astonishing that Dipper had even felt it. "Pl, please... Don't leave m, me all alone." He said in a hoarse whisper. Which just made Dipper feel worse. Mabel placed a hand on Dippers and gave him an understanding look. "I'll go, you stay dip." she said while motioning to what looked like Norman dying. He nodded in agreement. "Hurry." was all he said before she ran out the bedroom door with added determination.

Dipper looked over to Norman who now had his eyes closed and had let Dippers ankle free from his pathetic grip. Dipper sighed as he sat next to his friend unsure of what to do. "Hey, you're gunna be fine Norman." But the medium hadn't heard a single word, for he had already fallen asleep.