The Bravest Men

"Albus Severus Potter, you were named for the bravest men I ever knew…"

James sat down on the train, taking a deep breath before looking out his window and finding his parents smiling back at him. He waved his hand and turned away, pretending to listen to his friends, with whom he was currently sharing a compartment. They were laughing together at a shared joke that he had missed, and didn't notice when it took James a few extra seconds to join in.

Albus was always the most liked of the Potter clan. James was too boisterous, and Lily too loud. Albus was the perfect balance between social and respectful, with his big words and his charming grin. He also looked more like their father than any of the other two. While James was the one that needed glasses, Albus always got the big smiles and the "wow, you look so much like your dad." This was probably why James always picked the square frames. He would never admit it, but James like when he was different, when he was who everyone was talking about. This may be why James had adopted his name-sakes gift of trickery, and his uncle's skill with pranks – to get in trouble.

James watched as Albus walked past his compartment, obviously looking for a place to sit. Rose followed him, as well as August – Uncle Neville's son. Maria noticed James' scowl and followed his gaze.
"Jay, do you want to invite them to sit with us?" She asked softly, placing a hand on his knee. James shook his head.

He had worked hard in first year to get the best grades he could, trying to be better than his brother – who hadn't even started. When the results were delivered and James received barely above average, he had balled up the parchment and thrown it across the dormitory. His friend, Lucas, had asked him what was wrong, but James had refused to talk about it.

'The bravest men I ever knew…'

James and his siblings had heard, thousands of times, the stories of their name-sakes. About how they all meant a lot to their father. A mother and a best friend, a father and a godfather. What are they compared to a teacher and a headmaster? Apparently not enough. James always thought his father would say those words to Al because he needed the encouragement, because how could these people be braver than everyone else. James had even paid extra close attention in History of Magic for the few lessons where Professor Binns had dedicated time to the history of the Second Wizarding War.

Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster, member of the Wizengamot, Head Mugwump, and leader of the Order of the Phoenix. Died protecting Harry, and finding Horcruxes. Killed by Severus Snape.

Severus Snape. Potions Professor, Death Eater, double agent, Headmaster, secret member of the Order of the Phoenix. Died serving Voldemort. Killed by Nagini (Voldemort)

The bravest men.

James Potter. Father, member of the first Order of the Phoenix, fought in the first Wizarding War, Auror. Died protecting his family. Killed by Voldemort.

Sirius Black. Godfather, member of the first Order of the Phoenix, and the second, served a 12 year sentence in Hell (Azkaban) for the murder and betrayal of his best friends – which he did not commit. Died protecting Harry. Killed by Bellatrix.

Not the bravest men. Apparently.

A/N: Words - 564

Arithmancy – I would like you to write about sibling rivalry. (500)

Nov Event - James Sirius Potter