A/N: Everything is miraculous ladybug and everything hurts. *shimmies into dumpster with the rest of the trash*

Disclaimer: I do not own the ML franchise...just this drabble idea. Inspired by the Jamie Lawson song.

Edit: Page breaks are breaking my pages in ways that should not be broken. Hopefully they are fixed now. Also what are verb tensens even?

I Wasn't Expecting That

You spent the night in my bed,

You woke up and you said,

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

Everything happened so quickly: a twist of movement, a perfectly timed cataclysm attack, an opening for the villain even as their weapon shattered into dozens of fragments throughout the sleet. Ladybug was too preoccupied with searching for the akuma in the bad weather that she never saw the shard coming. Cat Noir, having just taken a foot to his solar plexus by the irate monster, missed the entire exchange. His only indication that something was amiss was a muffled yell from Ladybug.

By the time he righted himself and glimpsed his lady, she was kneeling, yo-yo in one hand releasing the white butterfly. Her other hand was clamped over her right side, her breaths exhaled with agonizing force.

"Ladybug!" her partner shouted, rushing over as she tossed her rapier into the air for the miraculous cleansing power.

Thousands of ladybugs formed from the sword before flickering and disappearing altogether. The heroine collapsed on the concrete rooftop, bits of hail now pelting her form.

Cat Noir had reached her by this point, pulling her into his arms and checking her over for battle wounds. A long, deep gash had managed to slice through her supposed impenetrable suit from the underside of her last rib to mid-abdomen. A nasty purple color was spreading from the wound outward, mingling with the blood now dripping onto his uniform and the rooftop beneath them.

"Lady!" he shook her, hazy blue eyes meeting his brilliant green ones. "Stay with me! Come on!" A dot disappeared from her earrings even as his ring lost another paw pad.

"Cat," she murmured, shaking hand coming to brush his damp locks away from his forehead. "Just bring me inside somewhere. I'll be okay."

"No!" He gathered her into his arms, standing up and searching wildly around at the dark lights blinking through the hail-turned-snow. "I'm not leaving you." The blond, having finally gotten his bearings, knew they were close to his house. The question was, would Ladybug live without going to a hospital? Cat Noir jumped to the next rooftop; he wasn't going to wait to find out.

That isn't an ordinary wound, Adrien, came Plagg's voice inside his head. But you could absorb the bad luck out.

Adrien nearly slipped on the terra cotta tiles beneath his boots. How do you mean? he inquired, not daring to hope he of all people could fix this. If he had been protecting his partner like he was supposed to, they wouldn't even be in this situation. Cat Noir leapt to the next roof, dimly making out the lights on his outside gate through the snowfall. Another beep resounded in the quiet; Ladybug was down to her last dot.

Our powers stem from bad luck, and when something or someone like Ladybug gets injured, that is the worst possible luck there is. Do you follow?

Adrien understood.

So all you have to do is absorb the bad luck, Plagg finished, sounding for all the world that he was giving his host directions on how to make microwavable mac and cheese.

How do I absorb it? the boy demanded, landing hard on the balcony outside his room.

Ladybug interrupted their mental conversation with a loud moan after the last landing. "Cat? Where are we?" she hissed as she made to sit up in his arms, eyes searching the grounds. Everything was neatly covered in a thin layer of snow, but the courtyard looked familiar. A jolt of recognition shot through her and she began to squirm in her partner's arms.

"WHY ARE WE AT THE AGRESTE MANOR?" Ladybug demanded, making it quite difficult for Cat Noir to open the balcony doors. "WE CAN'T STAY HERE! WHAT IF THEY SEE US?"

Adrien nearly dropped her in shock when she admitted to recognizing the house. Did she know his family in her civilian life? Did they know each other personally? Not for the first time did he study her face, currently a mixture of panic and pain, and tried to look past the mask, willing his brain and heart to recognize the amazing girl that haunted his waking and sleeping hours.

Eventually his brain snapped back to the current reality and attempted to make up a believable story. "I know the guy that lives here. He's a... friend, and everyone is currently out of town," Adrien lied, hoping she wouldn't see through it. Another paw print beeped and vanished.

Ladybug looked like she might protest, but the dark purple flared from her wound, and she pressed herself more closely to Cat Noir's chest, a small whimper escaping her blue lips.

That was decision enough for Adrien as he shut the french doors behind him and quickly made his way to the bed.

Not a moment after he set her down, Ladybug's last dot blinked in warning. Green eyes met blue for a fraction of a second before Cat Noir tossed one edge of the navy comforter over her, muting the bright light underneath as the love of his life finally transformed back. A small red creature poked herself out from one corner, looking exhausted.

"Hurry, Cat Noir. It's getting worse," the kwami pleaded.

Tell me what to do! Adrien mentally shouted at Plagg.

Place your hands over the wound and focus on taking all of the negative luck for yourself, Plagg instructed, all business for once.

"Lady," Cat Noir murmured, edging toward the corner of the blanket, "You don't have to lift the covers, but I need you to take my hand and place it over the gash. I can fix this."

The silence stretched for the longest moment of Adrien's life. A slender bare hand peaked out from under the blanket to gently tug on his, and Adrien was startled that he could feel how cold they were even through his gloves.

He felt her abdomen clench in pain when his palm brushed against the wound, her tiny hand resting on top of his. One of his ears twitched as she breathed out a sharp gasp of discomfort.

Focus, Adrien, Plagg admonished.

So Adrien did. Green eyes snapped closed, and he willed all the negative energy surrounding his partner to leave her body and empower him. Summoned by the call of the bearer of bad luck, the darkness rushed to Cat Noir's open palm, twisting around his outstretched arm and engulfing him entirely.

It was all-consuming, and for one horrific moment, Adrien was overwhelmed with the power running through his veins, drunk on its potential to wreak havoc and destruction on anything he pleased. He could dissolve mountains, level entire countries, send the moon shattering into billions of pieces.

As these thoughts consumed him, he was vaguely aware of screaming in the background. And then he realized his mouth was open, emitting one long, guttural yell into the hollow cavern of his room.

Just as quickly as he was overcome with this newfound destructive luck, two arms wrapped around his stomach, holding him close, dark comforter pooled around their feet. Cat's mind became startlingly clear, focused on the hands clasped around his middle, willing him to return to himself.

"Kitty, come back to me," she all but whispered. "Just let it go."

He inhaled sharply through his nose, once, twice, then exhaled, the dark energy dissipating into the air like mist in the sunlight. The black ring beeped to indicate it had been fully recharged, but no other sound apart from the duo's breathing hung in the air.

Slowly, Marinette untangled her arms from Cat's waist, and he blinked his eyes shut. He waited for the sound of his blanket rustling from the floor and a soft groan from his partner as she lay back on the mattress before turning around.

"My Lady, are you alright?" he inquired, sitting on a corner of the bed and staring at the lump underneath the comforter.

"I'll be okay, Cat. Thank you," she replied in a tired voice, and he can't help but note the familiarity of her tone, so similar to another girl who spoke to him in timid stutters and shy compliments.

Adrien made a noise in the back of his throat like he was about to contradict her, so she moved a small hand from beneath the covers, reaching out for his. Gently, he clasped it in his own, laying down along side her, careful to tug the edges of the blanket down. Her kwami gazed at him curiously, and Cat informed her that there was a pantry adjacent to the kitchen stocked full and to help herself.

Tikki gave the lump on the bed a long look before nodding to him and vanishing through the wall.

They lay there for a long time, her breathing less labored and painful. Tikki returned and a full paw print blinked out before either speak again.

"I need to go," she murmured. If he hadn't been currently transformed, Adrien was positive he wouldn't have heard her

Quicker than Marinette could react, both his arms were wrapped tightly around her, preventing her from any movement at all. Marinette was about to lecture Cat Noir about personal space, but any complaint precariously balanced at the tip of her tongue died behind her teeth.


One word. Four letters. One syllable punctuating the quiet room. And it was enough to render her speechless, her resolve to somehow get back home before two in the morning rolled around gone as abruptly as Cat Noir's destructive power.

But there was heartbreak and concern and conviction lacing his tone, and as sure as she knew the sun rose in the east and set behind Adrien Agreste's eyes, Marinette knew that she would have done everything to make him stay if their positions were reversed.

The blood trail leading up to his house had long since been covered by a fresh blanket of white. By tomorrow all traces of the incident would be washed away, and she could certainly sneak back into her room way before her parents would rouse her for the day and tell her she was going to sleep away the weekend.

In the dim light from the snow reflecting the moon outside, Marinette could make out the shiny contours of her partner's leather suit, his wristbands glinting for her to see even underneath the blanket. Another paw print winked out as she reached her hand out to lay over his.

"Okay. I'll stay."

His arms relaxed, and the heroine allowed herself to sink deeper into the mattress, into the heat exuded by her partner. Lulled by the sense of being more secure and protected than she ever felt in her life, Marinette drifted off to sleep. In the morning she would deal with the awkwardness of having spent the night in her crush's room while he was away and the looming question of how she was to get home. She could deal with Cat's flirtations and banter with him like she hadn't almost died tonight. They would mend and argue and laugh.

But when the first rays of sunlight peaked through the giant bay windows, Marinette hadn't been expecting to wake up wrapped in two arms that were very much not covered in leather, slow and steady breathing grazing her ear and causing a jolt of something electric to shoot through her spine. Hesitantly, she attempted to extract herself from his arms, but she only succeded in waking her partner with a start.

Breath caught in her throat, the heroine of Paris cautiously glanced over her shoulder, meeting a pair of sleepy green eyes that widened as the situation came crashing down on the duo. His arms tightened reflexively, and her name came out like a whispered prayer on his exhale.


A/N: Did someone say reveal fic bandwagon yes? *hops on*