Enzo was not going to rot in here. He had spent too much of his undead life in confinement he wasn't going to allow himself another sentence in a prison. So technically this wasn't a prison persay but a Menntal Insitutin for the Supermatural,apparently. It was still confinement none the less. It was kind of an insane endeavor, no pun intended. Who could manage to control a bunch of unhinged vampires, werewolves, and witches? They were out of their depth here, thinking they could just diagnose them and throw them in here and expect it all to be ok. That blonde doctor even had the audicity to diagnose him with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He was tortured for decades of course he was stressed about it. Talking to some quack was not going to help him, the only thing that would make him feel better would be slitting Damon's throat, since he was the one who caused so much trauma in the first place. After Enzo sacraficed so much for Damon, instead of Damon helping Enzo escape, he left him to die in a fire. After everything he thought he might even forgive him but not now, not after he brought him back in confinement again. Damon was the one person that knew how terrible that would be for him. He knew what Enzo went through being tortured for decades. Damon even acted in Revenge in killing the people responsible. So he was going to forgive him. But Damon was like the rest of the people in his life who used him but then disregard him as soon as it's inconvenient.

Enzo got out of his room and went to the cafeteria where they handed out blood bags. So this place wasn't as bad as him being behind a cell and tortured, but he was still in confinement and he was in line waiting for blood bag like he was in a prison cafeteria only aloud the essentials.

What he wouldn't give for a fresh neck right he had to endure these stale blood bags.

The vampire before him got two blood bags and then he winked and said, "Why thank you mate."

Then Enzo asked, "I want two."

The orderly shrugged and gruffly said, "You get one."

He then handed him one and motioned for him to go. He then sighed.

Then a guy next to him and said, "Nice. That's Kol Mikealson he has this whole place rigged. He bribes the witches with promises of ancient spells and not to mention he is the brother of the witch who runs this place. He gets what ever he wants. I hate him."

"Really?" Enzo asked intrigued.


"Hmmmm." He said as he looked at this Kol Mikealson as he chomped into the blood bag cheerily as he sat by himself.

Then Enzo went to sit by him.

"No I cannot give you an extra blood bag."

"That is not what I want, mate." Enzo said.

"Then what is it you want? Mate?" Kol asked.

"Your sister."

Kol laughed, "Good luck with that.."

"No,your sister Freya Mikealson she placed the spells."

Kol laughed.

"Thank you for information I already know, obviously." Kol said.

"She's your sister surely you know something about the spells."

"If I did, don't you think I would have left a long time ago?"

"You might have a compelling reason to stay. Who knows? You must know something or have a way to find out." Enzo said.

Then Kol looked at him curious.

"What's your name?" Kol asked.


"Do you have a last name, Enzo?" Kol asked.


"Fair enough. Sorry, to disappoint, but Freya, my sister, I barely know her. I don't know what magic she's using. If I did I would use it, like I said."

Enzo sighed, "Well, you can't blame me for trying."

"Most everyone does." Kol said and then he bit into his blood bag.

"That's what the witch said."

"What witch?"

"I met a witch here last night, she was standing guard for her friend who was seeing a vampire."

"So you've met Bonnie Bennett?"

"How do you know...oh...your the vampire rendezvous with a witch. So that's why you don't want to leave."

Kol shrugged, "I would leave with her if I could, unfortunately, there are too many people who wish us apart."

"And Bonnie Bennett, she's your friend?"

"She's Davina's friend and as for Bonnie and me we are more of aquantiences, but I must say if you wanted to ally with anyone she probably is your best shot at getting out of here. If any witch besides my girlfriend can get past these wards it would be Bonnie Bennett. Too bad she never in a million years would help a strange vampire who wasn't her friends."

Kol said.

"She has vampire friends?"

"Not very good ones, if you ask me." Kol said.

"How do you know she could?" Enzo asked.

"I have seen her wield insane amounts of power. She comes from a strong line of witches, the same who has helped my own mother turn us into vampires, that created vampires in the first place."

Kol said.

"She doesn't seem to want to leave." Enzo said.

"That's interesting, she's usually not one to give up." Kol said.


"Yeah, especially when her friends are involved."

"You think she is staying because of your girlfriend?"

"No. If anything she might be staying because of her friends...she probably thinks she's a danger to them, she's the kind that sacrifices herself for her friends but doesn't get the same treatment in return."Kol mused outloud.

"Sounds familiar." Enzo said, thinking about that moment after he spent a year starving himself to help free Damon and end sitting alone in the fire watching as Damon left him there to die.

"You seem to know her pretty well for just an acquaintance." Enzo said.

"I'm an observant guy." Kol replied.

"So this Bonnie do you think she'll be coming back any time soon?"

"It is kind of risky having Davina sneak out two nights in a row." Kol said.

Enzo put his head down in disappointment.

"Yeah, of course."

"But I'll let you know once she does."

"Why would you help me?" Enzo asked.

"Maybe if I do you a favor you can do me one in return." Kol said.

"Maybe I would." Enzo answered.

Bonnie hated this part of the was during the visiting hours, during this time she usually stayed in her room so she wouldn't have to sit there and see all of the other witches loved ones meet them, hug them, and just be there for them showing they care. She didn't care that her friends didn't visit her, she knew they just always had more important priorities than her. She understood that. She did. She just did not like to sit around and watch everyone converse while she sat there alone.

So she lied on her bed staring up at the wall. She stared at the different designs following the patterns. It was something she did while all alone in the prison world, which she knew should depress her to no end but it was strange how it didn't. Then suddenly her rooms door opened and Davina came in.

Bonnie barely looked up at her and said, "Shouldn't you be visiting Marcel right about now?"

"He'll be here soon, which is why I was hoping you would come along."

Bonnie still lied on her bed staring up at the ceiling and asked, "Why?"

"Because Marcel likes you."

Bonnie knew that she had sat with Davina and Marcel on a couple occasions during visiting hours. She liked him but she wasn't in the mood for a visit.

"Yes, well, I think you probably would like to spend quality time with him. I don't want to get in the way."

"You wouldn't be getting in the way. You would be helping me."

Bonnie sighed.


"I need a buffer. I don't want him to figure out I saw Kol last night."

"Oh, OK, sure."

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Davina said.

"No it's OK. Maybe I can use the distraction." Bonnie said.

"Great. Thanks."

As they walked to the common area where tables were, where the visistors came Bonnie stopped with a start shocked to see Damon Salvatore in all of his glory sitting waiting for her. He stood up as soon as he saw her. Bonnie's throat was closing up and everything seemed to run in slow motion. She could not believe he was here.

Davina turned to Bonnie and asked, "Are you OK?"

"You see him too, right?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, who is he?" Davina asked.

"He's Damon Salvatore, my friend. I'm sorry, it looks like I can't be your buffer."

"It's OK, it's great that one of your dead beat friends finally showed up."

"Yeah." Bonnie said not so sure how great it was.

Then Bonnie went towards Damon and Damon went to hug her and said, "Bon-Bon. I missed you."

"Yeah, well maybe you wouldn't so much if you actually showed up here, ever."

Damon sat down across the small round table and said, "So you're still pissed that I brought you here."

"I'm not. I get it Damon, I was a danger to myself and others." Bonnie said.

"And now? Are you doing better?"

"Yeah, I no longer have the urge to destroy everything in my path. So that's something." Bonnie said with a bit of a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, it really is. Bon. I'm glad you're doing better. So are you ready to get out of here?"

Bonnie brighteneed.

"You are here to take me out of here?"

"Yes, of course Bon. You're better now. There is no point in over staying your welcome." Damon said.

"Oh great. So are you just going to sign me out or..." Bonnie started to ask.

"Actually Bon, Dr. Camille is going to meet with you and access you and make sure you're ready to get back out there. So just tell her whatever she needs to hear so we can be on our way."Damon said a bit urgently.

Bonnie eyed him suspiciously and asked, "So what is it? Do you need me to use my magic to save the day?"

Damon sighed sheepishly revealing that is exactly what he was there for.

"I need you because you are my best friend Bon!"

"And you need my help with magic."

"It is what your used to. Doing magic is what is normal to you. Shouldn't you be going back and doing what is normal for you?"

"Using my magic is what got me here in the first place."

"No, flipping it and nearly destroying everything got you in here. But your better now and now you can get out of here and live your life like you normally do." Damon urged.

"You don't care about me or my well being. You just want me for my magic. You haven't even called or sent me a letter let alone visited. And you only come by when you need my magic. So no Damon, I don't think I will leave with you."

"Bon, it's been crazy. I haven't had the time. And I need you. I need my best friend." Damon pled with her.

Bon huffed looking down at him her heart breaking and said, "Well I don't need you."

Then Bonnie got up and left Damon there. She could hear the echo of his voice saying her name pleading for her to come back but she would not dare to look back. It was too late. Maybe she should have just left with him and swallowed her hurt and helped him and lived her life like she normally did but maybe she was tired of living her life that way. Maybe she was tired of being everyones last priority and only being shown love and attention when they needed something from her. Maybe that Enzo guy was right and she really has given up.

Bonnie went back to her room and fell down on her bed. She put her face first into her pillow sinking into it. She didn't really want to deal with anything else today so she just lied there and buried herself underneath the covers. It was her armor from the rest of the world, which has abandoned her. Why should she have to face it when it has left her? Her friends left her here and only wanted her out when they need magic. What was there to look forward to or live for? What did she have anyway? Whatever, she laid on her bed and drifted not much mattered to her anyway.

She had no idea how long she had been there it must have been pretty long it was long enough for orderlies to come in and probably get her for group therapy and then the group activities they were supposed to do but she just pretended to be asleep. She was not feeling up to it. What could they do to her in consequence of not showing up to these things? Keep her here longer? That idea did not upset her. Apparently maybe she much rather just stay here.

Suddenly she felt the bed shift. She slowly emerged from the covers and saw that Davina was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Still sleeping?"

"Yeah, I'm just really tired today." Bonnie said.

"Yeah, I know dealing with dead beat friends could get draining." Davina said.

Bonnie sighed looking at nothing.

Then Davina held onto a piece of paper and said, "If you need to talk. I'm here."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"OK, fine how about a distraction?"

"What kind of distraction?"

"Of the sexy vampire variety." Davina said smiling mischievous.

"I don't see how me being the lookout so you can see your sexy vampire boyfriend is going to be such a great distraction for me." Bonnie complained.

"Yeah, well I heard you met a sexy vampire of your own." Davina said.

"Are you talking about Enzo? How did you know?"

"Kol met him. He said he was quite intrigued by you."

"Only so he can use my magic so he can is all anyone wants with me." Bonnie said still staring out in space.

Davina said, "I get that. It's difficult as a witch to not be used. What I figured out was the only way to not be used was to use it to your advantage and turn the tables around for your benefit."

"How?" Bonnie asked.

"Decide what you want and use them to take it for yourself. So they think they are using you but really your using them."

Bonnie shrugged, "I've done that before."

"Really?Have you really done what you wanted for you?" Davina asked her pointedly.

Bonnie sat up with her arms folded around her knees. She didn't like to think about the inevitable truth.

"No. I suppose I really haven't."

"So what is it that you want Bonnie?" Davina asked.

"I don't know. I never was given a chance to think about it. I was always to busy thinking about how to save my friends." Bonnie said.

"Now you have the chance. So think about it Bonnie. What do you want?" Davina said.

That prospect actually really scared her. She had no idea and frankly she didn't have the energy to try to figure it out.

"I just want to sleep."

Davina gave her sad eyes looking at her filled with sympathy.

Then she said, "Yeah, OK, just let me know if you change your mind."

"Sure." Bonnie said as she lied down. She heard Davina leave and then she went underneath the covers. She just didn't see the point. Everywhere she went anyone who she would meet would just need to use her. She just didn't see any escaping it. Maybe giving up wasn't so bad, at least she would be safe from being used ever again.

Davina Claire knew it wasn't the smartest thing to do, to sneak to see her boyfriend for the second night in a row, and this time all by herself without a lookout. It wasn't wise at all. The likelyhood of her getting caught was far greater this time. She had to take the risk though.

She walked through the empty halls and she heard footsteps coming towards her she quickly ran to the other hall and then she ran into Kol.

Kol grabbed her and then slinked into the corner of the hallway as orderlies passed by to the other hallway.

She turned to him and whispered with a joyful smile, "Kol!"

"Not that I am not delighted to see you darling, but what are doing here by yourself? It is too risky."

"I had to see you, Kol. I need your help." Davina pled.

"With what exactly?" Kol asked.

"With Bonnie."


"Yeah, I am worried about her. No one visited her until today. Her dead beat friend finally did just to use her and now she won't leave her bed."

"It is not surprising but what can I do about it?" Kol asked.

"You mentioned there was a vampire intrigued by her."Davina said.

"Yes, to help him escape. You know what it is like to be used for your powers. It takes a lot to go back out there just to be used again."

"I know. I told her she can use it to her avantage.I don't think she heard me. But I figured if I got her to have some type of mission or something she could start to forget about that douche Damon Salvatore."

"Damon Salvatore?"

"You know him?" Davina asked.

"Yeah, we met once or twice. We weren't bff's or anything."

"Meaning he was an enemy who tried to kill you."

Kol's lips curled into a devilish smile and said, "Sometimes you just get me."

"Does that mean that Bonnie is your Enemy too?"

Kol stepped back for a moment and said, "I didn't want to say anything since she was your friend and in a place like this that can't be easy to find."

Davina looked at him for a long reflective moment and asked, "Did she kill you?"

"It actually was her boyfriend. It wasn't my finest hour. She kept the place magically locked. So she was involved."

Davina backed away thinking about it. Then she turned around to him and asked, "Do you hate her?"

He gazed at Davina and held her hand and said, "No. If I haven't died I wouldn't have been able to come back as a witch and I would have never met you and you would never..."

"I would have anyway. It just might have took longer." Davina said with a little mischivous smile.

"Either way, I don't hate her. I don't blame her. I respect her. She could have saved herself but she chose to stay dead and protect all of her friends. The problem it looks like her friends wouldn't do the same. That is something I could understand." Kol said.

"So will you help me, to help her."

"Of course, Darling." Davina smiled and then flung her arms around him and proceeded to kiss him. He returned her kiss in kind sweetly and eagerly.

Enzo stood there on the other side of the wall he heard the whole conversation. He clenched his fists in pure anger and rage. Damon Salvatore was Bonnie's friend. He had been a jerk to her apparently. He probally was the one who comitted her as well. This girl who was his one shot of getting out here, was brought here by Damon Salvatore. He should have known. He knew it would be risky but he had to see her.

So he snuck around through the hallway alluding the orderlies. He found himself in the Witch ward not really knowing where to go or if he would even find her but he had to try. He looked through each room and then heard her whimpering. He tried that room where the crying noises were from. He was right and he was kind of disappointed that he was. It meant those sad heartbreaking cries were hers. It made him angry that Damon did this to her. He wanted to tear Damon apart even more. He was supposed to be her friend and he had driven her to those heartbreaking whimpering sad cries. Enzo didn't know what to do. He knew he had an oppurtunity here. He could use her broken heart over Damon to his advantage but he couldn't because she reminded him of himself when he was left all alone in the fire. Damon had said they have been friends but when it was his turn to show it, he left him to die. It wasn't exactly the same situation, but he felt for her. Sadly they were kindred spirits that way. He sighed looking at her closed eyes with tears dripping down her cheeks. He looked one more moment and then he left her room and went back to his room. He could always talk to her some other time.