Hello wonderful friends! I cannot begin to thank you enough for being so patient with me while I went through the ups and downs of writing this fanfiction. I will be honest this has been the hardest writing project I have ever worked on, but I am proud to have persisted and finished what I started. Thanks for joining me on this ride. I will probably be taking a vacation from fanfiction for awhile to focus on school and other things, but worry not I plan on returning once the depression from the ending of gravity falls wears down. I owe so much to this show. Before it I would have never been willing to try my hand at creative writing, and I truly thank Alex and this show for being my muse. Now without further hesitation I give you the final chapter of "Parents Day"

Once all the families had gathered back on the field Mr. Davis took to the mic "Ok special people our final event for parents tournament weekend will be an extreme obstacle course! We currently have a tie between the Pines and Northwest family, so whoever wins this event will be declared our champions!" "Not to mention title of best parents," Mr. Northwest added with a smirk.

As the families began to warm up the twins were approached by an embarrassed Pacifica Northwest, "Hey guys...I just wanted to say I am really sorry about what my father said about your family yesterday. It was totally uncalled for, and I hope even if you can't forgive him you can at least forgive me. I don't want to lose your friendship. It has been the best thing to happen to me," Pacifica said tears building up. Mabel embraced her tightly, "Of course we forgive you...as long as you'll forgive us for kicking your butt today," Pacifica let out a loud laugh and smiled, "No problem! I am rooting for you guys!" Dipper and Mabel smiled warmly at her. "Come along Pacifica!" her father called ringing that blasted bell. Her face fell as she joined her parents at the starting line.

"You knuckleheads ready to make these guys eat a five course meal of our dust?" Stan said with a smile. Dipper and Mabel nodded as they got in position at the starting line. At the sound of the horn the families made a mad dash through the obstacles. Mr. Northwest was barking orders at his family making them all too nervous to concentrate. Mrs. Northwest wasn't moving very fast considering she had decided that this would be the ideal place to show off her new high heels. When they reached the mud pit that they had to cross Mrs. Northwest lost her balance falling into the mud, and feeling too much self-pity to even attempt to get up. Meanwhile Stan and the twins made it to the large rock wall with Stan going up first (all his years breaking out of jails had made him a wonderful climber) as he reached the top he pulled on the twins ropes to help them up. The Northwests were definitely lacking in the teamwork department, but because Mr. Northwest refused to give up they someone stayed neck and neck with the Pines.

Finally, it was a josting tournament between Stan and Mr. Northwest. For awhile they were matching each other blow for blow with their families screaming from the sidelines. Stan was just about to let his age get the best of him when he heard Mabel's scratchy voice call out "Grunkle Stan you're my hero!" That gave Stan the insentive to knee Mr. Northwest were the sun didn't shine, thus winning the tournament.

As the crowds cheered and Stan lifted his kids onto his shoulders Mr. Northwest scowled while Pacifica cheered louder than anyone. That night they put the trophy on the mantel in between some pictures of Stan and the twins. After the kids went off to bed Stan spend a long time staring at the pictures. It sure as heck wasn't a traditional family, but it was his family. Despite everything they had been through and all the ups and downs they had faced and had yet to face Stan knew his family would make it just fine.