Hey Friends! So I have decided to get back to writing fanfics! I figured it will be a good type of therapy until the gravity falls finale (tries to hold in tears) I have done a few one shots and one really long story, so I want to try something a little different and do a shorter story, but not quite one shot. You guys can think of this as kind of a sequel/mid sequel to "I'll Look After You" (Disney can make em why can't I?). Anyways in this story Dipper and Mabel's parents are dead, and they are sent to live with Grunkle Stan in Oregon. Also please don't hate me, but just like "I'll Look After You" Ford will not be mentioned. It's not that I don't like him (I don't really like him but that's another story). It's more of the fact that I don't know how to squeeze him into the story. I realize that I am not talented enough as a writer. I hope you all understand.
Now I confess that this story is directly taken from the Hey Arnold episode "Parent's Day". Hey Arnold was my favorite cartoon as a kid. In many ways it reminds me of Gravity Falls. With its simple charm, and loveable but flawed characters. Anyways I thought it would be something fun to try. It's not original, but it's something:)