A/N: A mashup of Totally Spies and Death Note! This came after weeks of revisiting these two shows in my spare time. You can take this as seriously as you want. I used the building L designed as the basis of their location. So this can be around the time after the Yotsuba Arc, gaps in time occurred during the story line after they caught Higuchi. The girls presence stops Light from attempting his plan in killing L until they leave.

I'll try to make this as light hearted as possible.

Sam will go as Sandra, Clover as Cassie, and Alex as Angela. I did use gadgets from the show but just ones that I found more convenient. They might not get used in this fic but the compowder will be the most used.

EDIT: Fixed some mistakes and changed some of the gadgets.


Chapter 1 - Day 1

Woohp Headquarters - 9:05 am.

Jerry finished preparing his tray with treats and tea cups with minutes to spare. He set it down on his desk. Wiping down any spilled liquid, he tossed the rag inside of the waste basket in his desk. He spent time spiffing up his office, making sure any stray papers went in their proper folder and file cabinet. Smiling in satisfaction, he fiddled with his tie. Years passed since he last saw his old friend. Sure, they kept in touch through phone calls or in recent years, web cam conversations. It wasn't the same in his opinion. Personal meetings gave them a chance to exchange old stories from their younger years.

His office provided the security to hide their secrets from any prying ears. The walls of his office canceled out their voices before they reached the outside. After all, his friend held his privacy to a high standard. His job description on assisting a detective made him paranoid and extra careful to hide their identities. Even Wammy's House security system outmatched most of the high tech systems in the world.

Jerry wanted nothing more than to look through the mechanics. Soak in all the technology while writing down notes. Whoop always pushed out new gadgets but seeing the work of others inspired him. Wammy warned him not to hack into their networking. He described his line of hackers who made sure no gaps showed up in their coding.

It didn't stop Jerry from imagining tinkering with the machinery.

An alarm alerted him on his friend's arrival. Pressing a button on his desk, the glass door opened and the floor moved on forward. A figure appeared in a nice form fitting suit. Jerry grinned when he caught eyes with Quillsh Wammy. The man took off his hat and held it to his chest. He carried a thick briefcase in his left hand. One difference Jerry spotted was the thick mustache on Wammy's face.

His own thin mustache needed to grow a lot more to reach that level. He didn't realize he touched his upper lip. Shuffling his hands behind his back, he tried hiding his slip up.

Once the moving walkway stopped, Wammy set down his hat and briefcase on the set moving floor. He stepped off the walkway before any more surprises popped up. The variant technology around Whoop never ceased to amaze him. A far improvement from the last occasion he visited Beverly Hills. Although, the firewalls they installed in their laptops far surpassed the organization.

Jerry removed his hands from his back before he shook Wammy's hand. He greeted him with the biggest grin on his face. "Quillsh! How was your flight old friend? I hope it was to your liking."

Wammy answered with a smile. "Just fine. A private jet works wonders to provide all the comfort needed for the long hours in the air. My charge doesn't enjoy the cramped seats in commercial flights which prompted us to modify a private jet to fit his qualifications. Also, my own comforts for my aching back."

Jerry laughed. "I see. Why don't you take a seat? I made some tea just in time for your arrival."

"Splendid! I wanted to order from a cafe but I held back from doing so. I assumed you would treat me to a cup." Wammy sat down on the seat right beside Jerry's desk. He picked up the tea and the saucer, inhaling the smell as he relaxed in his seat. "This is Darjeeling tea, correct? Smells lovely."

"Exactly right." Jerry added milk to his tea and mixed it with his spoon. "I decided to switch from Irish Breakfast tea this week. I wanted variation so I didn't tire of my current tea. From all the stresses at work, I need my relaxing cup to calm me down."

Wammy sipped his tea before he added milk. "The flavor is delicious. Thank you Jerry."

"Now, what brings you here to Woohp?" Jerry inquired, he took a bite of his scone and washed it down with his tea. "As far as I was concerned, you were in the middle of a high ranking case. I got word from one of my agents who solved a low ranking case in Japan."

"We are still on the case." Wammy drank more of his tea. "It's taking a lot longer than we expected."

"Hmm...that doesn't answer why you wanted my help. You're far away from Japan."

Wammy set his tea cup on his saucer. "I need your top spies to shadow L while I'm on vacation."

Mali U - 11:10 am.

Clover sipped her low fat decaf mocha frappuchino with dejection. Hunching her shoulders, she ignored the strings of good looking boys walking past her table. Having scouted a good percentage of them, she held no interest in them. None of them suited her interests. Then again, new students came around each semester. More chances came at every corner but the guys didn't catch her eye or some had girlfriends. She tried not to gag at seeing the couples showing PDA as they kept on walking. Stopping to smooch and then giggling in close proximity. That should've been her!

She sucked on her straw even harder. The incoming frozen treat made her head hurt. She rubbed her head and whined at the sensation. Hiding her face inside her arms, she tired regaining herself. Alex sat across from her, oblivious to her dismay while slurping her noodles. Clover heard her delightful commentary on her food and felt her shaking the table with her squirming.

Alex let out a sigh. "I so don't want to take that pop quiz today. I heard from a classmate that it's brutal and I don't want to ruin the rest of my day." She sipped her fresh squeezed juice and smacked her lips. "But my early lunch sure makes up for it!" She noticed Clover's drink remained mostly full. "Clover is everything alright?"

"No!" Clover sighed. "Not even my frappuchino has brightened up my mood. I need a medipedi and facial mask stat. My nails are looking harsh this week."

Alex gulped down more noodles. "We can always go after classes and have a full on spa day. It is Friday after all! All weekend to pamper ourselves and forget all about those mean old classes."

"That sounds sweet!" Clover stirred her drink. "I need a break from my classes."

"Alex! Clover!" They turned around in time to see Sam running toward them with a stack of books in her arms. "I'm so relieved you're still here! Sorry I'm late, I needed to finish a paper for my literature class before the weekend!" Her dropped her books on the table, rattling the drinks around as she sat down with an exhale. "I still have a project and three assignments to do."

Clover drawled. "Well Sammy, you wouldn't have so much homework if you didn't pick such hard classes. You practically booked your days around these classes that we rarely see you anymore."

Sam huffed. "Well excuse me for trying to gain as much knowledge as I can. All the classes are so interesting I can't decided which ones I want to pick! Besides, after this semester, I won't have so many courses. I'm trying to cut it down so I have some time to relax."

Alex patted Sam's shoulder. "You need to take a break Sammy. Clover and I are planning a spa weekend plus manipedis! You should come along with us."

Sam smiled. "That sounds amazing! I can do my homework on Sunday night before returning to classes. I so need a spa weekend to take the stress off."

Clover giggled. "Great! No talk of homework or anything relating to school. It's time to have a girl bonding weekend!"

All of a sudden, the umbrella on top of them widened and they got sucked up. The umbrella closed and then puffed out. Their screams were hushed fast and their table was void of anything.

Woohp Headquarters - 11:30 am.

Jerry stood in amusement as he heard the girls screams from the tunnel. Awaiting their arrival, he readied himself for their usual snark when they got their senses back. Having grown used to it, an array of sentences formed in his head. He heard a slight chuckle from behind the door beside him. Having warned Wammy of the spies entrance, the man found the same humor as him.

The tunnel widened. Alex landed right on the sofa. Her food splattered behind them. Sam fell in an awkward position with her legs up in the air. Her books clattered all around them. Clover's frappuchino covered a majority of her hair when she bounced off the sofa. This caused her to fume and squeal as she shuffled the substance from her hair. Dropping into plops on the once pristine floor underneath their feet.

Alex grinned up at Jerry and gave him a thumbs up. Utter relief showed in her face. "You woohped us at the perfect time! I really needed to get out of that pop quiz."

Clover pouted. "What happened to sending us a car to bring us here? Maybe even a nice jet ride? Woohp Headquarters is not far from Mali-U, Jerr!" She thought her complaints might one day reach Jerry's mind. For some reason, she thought he found it funny to snatch them from their everyday life without prior warning.

Sam turned to Jerry. "I have an assignment to turn into my afternoon class! Oh this is going to affect my grade big time. The professor doesn't accept late assignments."

Clover wagged her finger. "Loosen up a little Sam, missing one assignment won't kill you."

"Clover's right Sammy." Alex added in. "Besides, your professor knows you turn everything in a week early. He won't mind if you turn it in on the day it is due."

Jerry said. "Ladies, I know this is short notice but we have an important mission for you to take. The mission is to protect L-"

Sam gasped in amazement, she clasped her hands in front of her body. "The L! The world famous detective who takes on cases no one else can solve! I can't believe this! I get to meet him face to face!"

Clover giggled. "Ooooh. Is he handsome?" She twirled her hair with her finger while imagining a suave and sophisticated man in her mind.

"I bet he has a deep baritone of a voice. Like velvet chocolate!" Alex's eyes shined as she leaned against Clover. Both of them sighed in bliss.

Jerry coughed into his hand. "Ladies."

"Sorry Jerr." They said in simultaneous alignment.

"As I was saying," The screen behind Jerry showed the letter L and slight information on the detective. "Quillsh Wammy, came to me to ask for Woohp's top agents to protect his charge. He's going on vacation and wanted nothing but the best." The door beside him opened and Wammy walked out with a laptop in his hands. "He's an old friend of mine from back in England. I trust you ladies can handle this without any problems."

Wammy nodded his head toward their direction with a smile. "Good morning." He opened the laptop and set it on the table. The girls saw a large L on the screen. "L would like to speak with you. He wanted to asses all three of you before he decides to pick you for this mission."

Alex waved her hand with a smile. "No problem with me. Right girls?"

Sam and Clover expressed the same sentiments.

Wammy whipped out three pieces of paper and handed it to them. "Before he begins, you need to sign these contracts. In this meeting, hidden information about the Kira case might come to light. This is still an open investigation and certain aspects need to stay hidden. Ultimately, it is his decision to choose you ladies or ask about another agent. Please sign with your initials."

Clover crossed her arms. "Our initials?"

Sam turned to Clover. "You know the way that murderer kills people. Name and a face." She signed her initials and handed it back to Wammy. "We can't even speak our own real names while in Japan."

Alex whimpered. "I'm not sure about this one girls..."

Wammy assured Alex with a white lie. "Kira primarily targets criminals, the individual won't come after you."

Clover and Alex signed theirs with hesitation before handing the papers to Wammy.

Wammy addressed L. "Every single contract is signed and dated. You can start now."

"Thank you. Hello, I am L."

The distorted voice confused the girls as they turned to Wammy. He answered their silent question. "L prefers privacy before anyone meets him in person. This includes disguising his voice." They gazed back at the laptop with new found interest.

Clover waved at the laptop with a wink. "A pleasure to meet you handsome."

"Clover!" Alex and Sam exclaimed.

Jerry sighed.

Wammy hid his amused smile with the back of his hand.

Clover placed a hand on her chest. "What? I'm just being friendly. We're going to meet him in just a few hours anyway. Might as well get acquainted with him. There's nothing wrong with that girls."

"I would prefer that you cease on addressing me with unnecessary adjectives, Ms. Clover. In this setting, it is inappropriate."

Clover giggled. "Call me Clover."

Sam pinched Clover's side, she ignored the yelp that came from the girl. "Ignore Clover, she ordered decaff this morning and she's still settling in for the day. Um...is there anything you wanted to know about us?" Her nervousness showed in her smile.

"The files Wammy sent me gave me an insight in each of your backgrounds. Very thorough information in your long list of abilities and espionage. Far more detailed than the ones the FBI sent us on their operatives. Your success rate is impressive. Starting from such a young age in high school, you three juggled your double lives real well."

Sam, Alex, and Clover beamed with pride. They took great pleasure in hearing all their training showed in their work. Through each mission, they applied their special touches to succeed in completing their mission. The gadgets helped a great deal.

"I'm curious on the lack of stealth in hiding your identities. From my files, you've revealed your profession on a number of occasions. The subjects in question received memory altering treatments to conceal Woohp's existence. The fact your normal lives haven't gotten affected from these mistakes astounds me."

Alex piped up. "All the baddies are in Woohp prison, none of them could possibly do anything to us. Some of them have escaped but we caught them and sent them packing right back into jail."

Sam sighed with a wave of her hand. "It's just an endless cycle of newer baddies trying to take over the world. Nothing we can't handle."

Clover pointed to Jerry. "Jerry has revealed Woohp just like us. Even a seasoned veteran like him has slipped up. Don't blame us for all of them!"

Jerry scratched the back of his neck with shame. "Minor mistakes, I assure you, L. The girls will rise beyond their capabilities and won't let you down. We do have other spies in our ranks but they won't have the record the girls have under their belts."

"L." Wammy addressed him. "Remember, you insisted I leave on a week long vacation. Nothing has surfaced in the case and this is a good break for you as well. To have a proper distraction from staying with the Task Force. From my short interaction with them, they seem like charming young women."

"I remember my suggestions."

"Your judgement?"

"They're welcome to arrive in your stead." Sam, Alex and Clover sighed in relief. "They have to take on new identities to mask their names. Their usual attire will work for this mission as well. From the images I have here, the usual spy attire won't work while they stay with me. Don't worry on accommodations, I have three unused rooms for them to occupy."

Alex pumped her fist. "Awesome! I can try some of the good local food and explore the many districts!"

Clover said. "Imagine all the shopping we can do in Tokyo! All the current Japanese fashions! Ooooh I can't wait!"

"All those bookstores with infinite knowledge of Japan. Oh and all those national monuments we can visit." Sam declared.

Jerry informed them. "Need I remind you that this is not a vacation, you are there to overshadow L."

Wammy chuckled. "After they finish the errands for the day, they will have plenty of time to spare. I don't even spend all my time in our location."

"I don't require them all to stay with me every hour of the day. Although, one of them stays around me for my necessities. It depends on the activity of the day, in which case, you all can go as you wish. I do urge them to carry one of our phones at all times or they record my number in their compowders under a pseudonym."

Sam opened her compowder as she asked. "Which name are you planning to use?" Alex and Clover followed her action and waited for the name.


L's bedroom - 4:30 am.

Through his investigation of their files, L found that it trailed back to their pre-spy days. He found nothing to specify any ties to anybody wishing to find out his real name. Their parents came out clean of any criminal records. In fact, their posh life in Beverly Hills contrasted with the dangerous spy life they lived. No one suspected oblivious young women of stopping crime fighters. A perfect cover for anyone trying to uncover their identities in real life. He wouldn't have believed it himself until he read their papers.

His light interactions with women might work against him. From this call, he spotted their vibrant and extroverted personalities. Clover's flirtatious behavior which he found unnecessary. Sam's evident leadership role in the trio. Alex's positive personality which shined through in her speech. He didn't miss their beauty and fashionable clothing. His introverted and odd quirks will clash with them.

He bit his thumb.

Having all three of them shadow him might bring questions to the task force. Their stunning looks and talkative nature contrasted to his...reserved nature. In comparison to himself, Light possessed all the attributes to have known these girls. This poked holes in his made up story of having met them on his own accord. Of course, he worked in Los Angeles before he agreed on the Kira case. His successful investigation was common knowledge.

From what he caught on his high tech speakers, Sam whispered some of his cases to Alex and Clover. They knew of his work, making their integration easier when they arrived. As well as a brief talk on their covert identities. He picked the most common names in America and their paperwork resided in a file beside his success depended on their initial interaction and how they acted around the task force.

Sam, Alex, and Clover proved their improvising skills through the discreet footage he received. He had nothing to worry about.

Although, these ladies held an assumption on his appearance to a different standard. A handsome detective with a deep voice. Clover and Alex giggled between each other on the subject. His lips quirked up. He looked forward to bursting their illusions to keep them focused on taking Wammy's place.

He spoke into the microphone. "Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I have your new names and fake papers at my disposal." They waved with glee and said their goodbyes before he cut the connection.

Woohp Headquarters - 11:40 am.

Once they finished their conversation with L, the girls went into a full blown conversation of their own. Planning their trips and looking through their compowders on the best eateries. Adding in their perspectives on the appearance of L. Clover went overboard on hers which made Sam and Alex tilt their heads.

Wammy shut down the laptop and placed it inside of his briefcase.

Sam broke from their conversation when she asked. "Jerr, will we get some gadgets on this mission?"

"Why of course!" His desk turned, revealing the gadgets for their viewing pleasure. "We developed new and improved gadgets you know. After all, you need to speak the language while you are there. Which is why we added some new extra features in the voice alterer choker."

Alex raised her hand. "I totes know Japanese! I took a few levels when I was in middle school and high school. I'm a little rusty but I can speak it real well. Hello, my name is Alex. Pleasure to meet you!"

Wammy nodded in amazement. "That's impressive, Alex. There is an accent when you speak but it's hardly noticeable."

Alex's face warmed up. After not using Japanese for other than talking to the sushi chefs in Beverly Hills, she wondered about her accent. Their last missions to Japan didn't require her to use the language.

Jerry continued on as he showed the choker. "In any case, now the voice alterer will translate any language into English. I programmed it to only translate Japanese for your extended stay. Although, you can change the language with the button on the furthest right. You have to press the furthest jewel on your left for your voice to speak Japanese." He tossed it over to Clover who caught it with ease.

Clover hooked it around her neck. "I will so need this when I go shopping! I have to understand what the employees tell me after all."

Sam said. "I can always carry a dictionary and study on our way there. Alex can translate for us in the meantime."

Alex did the peace sign with a grin. "No problemo!"

Jerry showed more gadgets. "The butterfly barrette bomb, the laser lipstick, the Heat Sensor 6000 Infrared Motion Detector Sunglasses..." Any other gadgets were placed in their jetpack backpacks. He tossed them all toward the trio and they grasped the backpacks in time. "I suggest packing a weeks worth of clothing. You have a long flight to catch after all."

Clover arched a brow when she wagged her manicured finger. "I thought this was an important mission. We can't take commercial flights to Japan! The fastest flight from LAX is 10 hours! I don't think I can pack what I need in time for the next flight."

"Who said anything about commercial flights?" Jerry pressed a different button on his desk which collapsed the sofa into the floor. "Ta ta girls." He waved at them.

"Jerry!" They screeched as they fell through the ground.

Jerry laughed. "Aren't they just entertaining Quillsh?"

Wammy agreed with him. "They are exactly as you described Jerry. Let's hope L doesn't run them ragged with his requests."

Above the Kantō region in Japan - 8:46 am.

Sam, Alex, and Clover bounced in their seats inside of Woohp's quick private jet. Excitement clear on their faces as they changed their clothes using their compowders. They lacked no surprise when they saw their suitcases on their flight. Woohp had no sense of privacy for anyone, not even their own agents. Having gotten used to the treatment, the benefits outweighed their breach of privacy.

Clover checked the contents of her suitcase for her necessities. She found her makeup kit and appropriate shoes for the week. She predicted they would end up walking to a lot of places. Although, their jetpack backpacks would provide some leverage for them.

Clover squealed. "Good thing they brought what I needed! These are the clothes I thought of bringing along with me! The agents are getting better at picking trendy clothes. The new agents must be fashion forward." Picking up her makeup kit, she touched up her makeup while fixing up her wayward blond hair.

Sam fast read through the dictionary in her hands. She cringed when reviewing what she studied. "I can say these words right but the kanji is giving me a lot of trouble! We might end up having to read the signs when we get there. Alex, what does this one mean?" She showed the dictionary to Alex, the tan girl gave her the answer. Sam groaned. "It was so obvious!"

"It's okay Sammy, everyone has trouble learning this aspect when learning Japanese." Alex assured Sam. "I just have an easier time with languages. That's what my teacher told me when I was in her class."

Clover said nonchalantly. "The chokers will help us blend in Sammy, don't worry about looking through that thing. "

Alex told them. "It's better to practice! Who knows when you two will take those off. It's not like all your outfits will match it well Clover."

Clover gasped as she searched through her suitcase. "You're right! Sam! Practice with me!" Clover pointed to each word which helped her for when they wandered through Tokyo. "Okay what is the word for shopping?"

The alarm went off in the plane which signaled their close proximity to L's location. Activating their cloaking device in their compact, their catsuits appeared on their bodies. They secured their jetpacks on their backs and their suitcases to remain sealed with a lock. With their impending drop, they didn't want to lose any of their possessions. Then again, they could always buy more on their free time.

Sam opened her compact and a hologram of the building underneath them showed up. "Okay...so L-Ryuuzaki's headquarters is right under us. There is a circular flat surface on top of the building. From what I can see, it's housing a jet or two. Which means, there should be a door near the vicinity. This might be our ticket inside of the building if we want to give him a surprise. Wammy did warn us the security system is top notch. We can prove to L that our spy skills are not a joke."

Clover pumped her first with determination. "That's right! Besides, we haven't broken into a building in such a long time. This will be a great test for all of us. Especially since we are lugging so much of our stuff with us. I'm so excited just thinking about it."

Alex checked outside the window and jumped on the balls of her feet. "Alright girls, I think we can open the door and jump. We have a clear line to make it onto the surface." She gripped her suitcase. "Clover, is your suitcase heavy?"

Clover huffed. "I have carried heavier bags after a shopping spree, this is nothing." She dragged her larger suitcase near the door as Sam yanked the door open.

The oncoming wind made them take a step back but they regained their momentum. Without another word, they jumped down and Woohp's jet sped away from their location.

L's floor - 8:50 am.

L gulped down his parfait while checking the time on the wall. Woohp gave him a approximation on the spies arrival to the building. The time from Woohp to Tokyo shouldn't have taken long with a fast jet. He drummed his fingers on his desk. Either Woohp's jets were slow or the girls procrastinated on arriving. He decided on the latter. Their lifestyle and clothing told him they loved going shopping. Nothing wrong with that, he enjoyed looking through a bakery for the latest pastry.

In between the sounds of his computers, he heard the lock click from one of his doors. The rolling of wheels and clicking of heels echoed through the vast space. Getting up on his feet, he shuffled away from his station and went toward the main room. The sounds of their amazed screams reached his ears. He rubbed his ear and sighed. Of course, their reactions to his living arrangements wasn't a big surprise.

They triggered none of the security systems throughout the floors. After Wedy infiltrated their headquarters with ease, Watari added more to the security systems. From the size of their luggage, he thought they would slip and bring out the alarm. The alarms on the windows and doors were left active before Watari departed. The old man wanted to give one last test to the spies to secure their capabilities. Any seasoned spy flowed through secured places without problems. They succeeded.

He stopped near the entrance. Observing them in silence as they checked the furniture and high tech monitors. Their luggage remained in the middle of the room. Undisturbed. Descriptions of awe reached his ears. He never voiced such exclamations unless it pertained to a new creation of a pastry Wammy found for him. His voice changed a tad bit but never went to a high octave.

Besides, each room or suite he resided in looked the same to him. Different colors or furniture was outside his spectrum. His interest in interior design never caught his eye for design. Functionality and security was his top priority.

His monotone voice broke through their voiced observations. "Is it to your liking?"

All three of them turned in surprise, sheepish that they lowered their guard. Their eyes widened the moment they took notice of the young man. In their mind, they thought L was an older man. A long list of completed cases brought on the assumption of a man in their 40's. Suave and sophisticated. Wisdom showing through the lines on his face. Then again, people thought super accomplished spies were older agents and not young ladies who went to university.

The man in front of them was a far cry from the image they formed in their heads. His black hair stuck in all directions and the bags under his eyes matched a raccoon. Better yet, a panda bear. He wore a long white long sleeve shirt, jeans, and wore no shoes.

Their image shattered before their eyes.

The girls huddled up. All L saw were their backs and perfectly tended hair.

Clover whispered in distress, "Are we sure he's that famous detective? He's so not what I imagined he would look like! Why didn't that Wammy guy tell us?"

Sam added in. "He looks like he has never slept a day in his life. Look at the bags under his eyes. Unless, he has a major love for full on black eye shadow, I don't think that's the case."

Alex said. "He totally needs a haircut! The bed head look was so three seasons ago. Then again, it looks soft from what I saw and it sort of suits him. I haven't looked in Japanese fashion to know if that's the current fashion here."

"I called him handsome! No wonder he told me not to say anymore." Clover peeked over her shoulder and caught L sucking on a lolly. "In a way, he does look kind of cute." She turned back to Sam and Alex. "Who knew detective work was harsher on the complexion than spy work. We got the good end of the deal."

L interrupted them. "I'm sure you all have achieved your fill in criticizing my appearance." They looked embarrassed when they faced him. "I have your new identifications and names on the envelope on this table." He motioned to the manila envelope. "The contents include fake California driver's licenses, passports, and visas. One for each one of you." He sat in a chair in his usual crouched position. "I suggest reviewing everything before we start on your cover stories."

They all apologized before they sat on a three seater sofa and tore through the envelope. Each one took the items with their photos on them. To their astonishment, the details in the fake papers was perfect. Jerry gave them fake papers on certain missions but it was just for a quick glance. They could get away with the ones in their hands.

Clover grimaced. "Cassie?! Couldn't you have chosen a better name than this!"

Sam smiled. "I love mine. Sandra sounds like a nice name."

"Same here!" Alex boasted. "Reminds me of my Aunt Angela from my mother's side of the family. She always made the best gluten free cinnamon cookies. My mouth is watering just thinking about it."

L ignored the talk of cookies and concentrated on Clover. "I chose from the most common names in America."

Clover crossed her arms over her front. "I bet you picked at random just to annoy us."

"Yes." L stated with a tilt of his head. "How did you guess?"

"I was just kidding!" Clover gasped. "Isn't there a way to change this? Not to offend people who are named Cassie but I want a cuter name."

"No." L faced away from Clover and changed topics. "If the task force asks information, inform them that we met in a sweets shop in Beverly Hills. I worked in Los Angeles for a brief time, making this story plausible."

Sam asked him. "There are plenty of bakeries scattered in Beverly Hills. Which one should we choose? We might get mixed up on the details without settling on one."

"They won't ask for further details."

Alex shook her head and exclaimed. "No way. When someone tells me about a yummy bakery I want to know all the details! "

Clover agreed. "It's like someone telling me about some new designer boots and withholding the store name! That's just rude! We have to detail everything so no one thinks we are not best buddies."

"Buddies?" L inquired.

Sam hit her palm with her fist. "I got it! We can say we meet at 'The Grove'. Beyond the bookstore, there's a large sweets bakery at the far end. The main feature is a spinning display in the middle where you can get as many cakes as you want. The plates automatically charge them in your total before you make it to the register!"

"That's right!"

"How could I forgot about that place?! They make the best low fat pastries and still taste delicious."

"I know! Their triple espresso whip mocha lattes are amazing."

L pressed his thumb to his lips. "There is such a bakery in Beverly Hills? Watari never mentioned it to me while we resided in Los Angeles. I'll make a mental note to inform him when he returns."


L curled his toes. "Wammy's alias. Never reveal your real name here in Japan. At this point in time, it is not safe to do so in public. When referring about Wammy, call him Watari. I'm assuming America knows about the Kira case? In recent months, it flourished through the internet forums and TVs around the world."

Clover shivered. "Don't remind me. Mali U posted the news all over the campus. You can't escape anyone talking about it. My last date was a total flunk, he wouldn't stop talking about Kira. Talk about a mood killer."

Sam sighed. "Our missions have slowed down since Kira came into the picture. Villains don't want an early death because of this person. The fact we got this one is a change of pace."

Alex noticed a cart full of pastries. "Is that cheesecake!" She hopped on her feet and hurried to the source. "Thank you Ryuuzaki. You're such a wonderful host! Do we get free food here or do we have to shop for our own? Clover look there are poppy seed muffins!"

"Ooooh!" Clover clasped her hands together and went to Alex's side.

L held up a hand in quiet despair and muttered. "That's my cheesecake..."

Sam shook her head, turning to L, she gulped. "We know you're working on solving the Kira case. There's no big case here in Japan that rivals Kira's. Everyone knows about your symbol and the power it holds. What I'm trying to ask is...are you...close to solving it?"

L licked his lolly. Staring into Sam's eyes, not saying a word to her. Her form showed a growing awkwardness due to his glance. Her eyes went toward Clover and Alex before she looked at him. She twiddled with her hands and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. His mind wandered in regards to her inquiry.

He despised to admit on his shortcomings. Wammy noticed it but chose not to comment on it. Instead, Wammy operated at a faster rate to lessen a stressful work environment. The clean space didn't clutter his mental calculations. His list of suspects narrowed down to one individual: Light Yagami. His lack of evidence worked against him. The task force kept onto their belief on Light's innocence and tossed aside his explanations.

This frustrated him. He understood that holding onto such an emotion solved nothing. Stumbling on dead ends didn't stop him from solving cases. In fact, it provided a challenge for him to defeat. He always found evidence in the oddest places.

"It depends." L popped the lolly in his mouth.

"On what?" Sam tilted his head. "Do you think Kira will slip up? In America, we heard no new information on the capture of Kira. Although, the internet forums have said there are more than one. There is no way that's possible. Right?"

"In recent weeks, we found a man who we discovered used the same methods of killing as Kira. From what we uncovered, he's not the original Kira. The names didn't correlate with the murders throughout all these months."

Sam flinched. "Another Kira? So...it's true..."

L crunched up his candy, he continued on talking. "Possibly two."

Sam frowned. "That's not making me feel better. This is more distressing than I expected, I thought it was just some crazed baddie. This is too complicated."

Ignoring her concerns, L motioned to the pastry cart getting eaten away. "I suggest going to eat a snack with your friends before settling into your rooms. I took the liberty on assigning a floor all to yourselves. No one will disturb you there."

Sam declined his offer. "No, thank you. I'd rather learn more about our backstories. I'll relay the information to the girls when we put our suitcases away. They're too busy eating to any attention. Also, you are going to answer all the questions I have."

"I might not answer them." L dropped the stick onto an empty plate, he unwrapped another lolly and stuck it in his mouth. "You might not react favorably and let your emotions guide your actions."

"We have completed dangerous missions since Woohp selected us at fourteen. Trust me, nothing surprises us anymore." L gave her a blank stare. "Alright, alright, we still get those missions where the person uses unorthodox methods but we take our job seriously. I might not understand Kira's killing methods, you haven't explained it in detail and I predict you will keep it from us..."

"You'll find out soon enough." L sighed. "You can't remain Watari's place without that information. The contracts prevent you from speaking of the secrets kept in this building."

"Explain everything." Sam stated.

"As you wish."

Clover's room - 10:01 am.

Once they settled into their rooms, they all collected in Clover's room for a girl chat. Clover finished organizing her clothes for the week in the closet. Alex stared outside the window and took pictures with her compact for memories sake. Sam winced at the long list L handed to her before he left to his work. The hopes of checking out the local hot spots dwindled with each new addition to the list. She wondered how Wammy managed everything without breaking a sweat. Who knew a detective needed so much done in one day?

Between the three of them, no problems would arise in completing it. Distributing the chores on certain days might work to their favor. L assured free hours for them to explore the nearby cities on their own.

Clover fell back on her plush soft bed in a fit of giggles. "We should take more bodyguard jobs more often. These perks are amazing!" She rolled onto her stomach and asked Sam. "Did he give you a list of what we have to do?" Sam handed her the typed up list of Wammy's day to day life. "Thanks Sammy!" Clover moved her legs back and forth while she read the list.

Alex closed her compowder. "Your view is a ton better than mine Clover. You can see one of the many malls from here. Maybe Ryuuzaki won't need us here and we can go check it out."

Clover gripped the paper enough where it trembled. "I can't believe this! There is no way that old man can do all this in one day! He's way older than Jerr! Is Ryuuzaki messing with us?! Sam did you read this list!"

Sam nodded her head. "I did. I almost didn't believe it but we agreed on doing everything Ryuuzaki told us. We promised to complete this mission, remember?"

"Ugh!" Clover flailed around. "We won't have time to check out the boutiques. When we finish, it will be way past closing time. What rotten luck!"

Alex took the list from Clover's hand and perked up. "No worries girls. This won't be too much of a problem. We have done multiple missions in one day and we look fabulous doing it. Think of this as another form of exercise! We are missing a week of aerobic Pilates."

Sam smiled. "My thoughts exactly. We can split everything between the three of us. We'll all have a chance to check out what we want to see. This week will fly on by without a problem."

Alex turned to Sam in shock. "What happened to the earlier major freak out over missing an assignment? What's with the sudden change Sammy?"

"Jerry manages to cover us while we are on our missions. We have nothing to worry about." Sam fanned her face with her hand. "It helps that I finished my assignments weeks in advance."

Clover smirked. "Let's stop talking about school. We need to plan a revenge scheme against Ryuuzaki. I was thinking we can order take out to bring up here to our floor. I'm sure the cost will be covered." She opened her compowder and searched through the list of nearby restaurants. "How about ordering the most expensive dish and whatever drinks they have on stock?"

Alex picked up the phone from the receiver and waited for the dial tone. "I'll make the call, I have to practice my Japanese. Do you think they have freshly squeezed juice?"

Sam shrugged her shoulders. "This is a metropolitan area, the restaurants always have fancy drinks on their menu." She grinned. "Ask about any sushi platters."

"That's the spirit Sam!" Clover pumped her fist.

The girls giggles boomed from the speakers.

L turned away from his laptop and stared at the monitors. Of course, he didn't inform the girls on his habit of planting cameras in all his rooms. No one reacted well when they figured out about the cameras. Their screams over the list made him reconsider telling them the truth. They'll figure it out on their own. As top tier spies, they inspected their surroundings in each room. The gadgets they wore on their person served to help them. Through a small margin, their paranoia surpassed his own.

He scooted closer to the screen when he noticed their sudden comfort level. They sprawled all over the bed and read off the menu from what seemed like a regular compact for makeup. Clover and Sam's atrocious accents was common for one studying a new language. Alex guided them along. Her level of proficiency almost breached the fluent mark.

Moving the lolly in his mouth, he made a mental note to inspect the tapes. Their disregard to his cameras turned up his suspicion level. Either they inspected his room on arrival or behaved rambunctious on purpose.

Once they went silent, he saw the morbid expressions on Clover and Alex's face. Sam informed them on the method Kira killed those criminals. Their denial burst through the speakers, not wanting to believe a notebook caused such a catastrophic outcome. This lasted a small amount of time. Both of them believed Sam without question and broke the tense atmosphere through recollecting their old missions.

A way to quell their terror perhaps?

The chances of them bombarding him with questions lessened. They knew the truth about the death note. This made their transition easier and without problems.

Main room - 12:34 pm

L sat near the girls as they ate their hearty meal. The coffee table was filled with different dishes and drinks. They stirred no hunger pains from them. Having eaten a package of cupcakes, he felt no quiver in his stomach. Before the food arrived, he informed Sam on bringing in the cart herself. No one entered his building without his permission. This included the workers who brought in any food. Before Sam went toward the first floor, he went into Watari's security room and disarmed the door to open. Giving Sam a chance to pay the delivery person and shut it closed. Afterwards, the alarms went right back up.

He settled in one of the comfiest chairs with a new slice of cake. He watched their overall movements as they got comfortable in their own seats. Each one scooped up a plate they personally ordered and snapped the chopsticks before digging in. The main platter remained untouched in the middle of the table. All remained careful in making sure they dropped nothing on the floor.

Clover sent him smug smiles. He responded with taking a bite of his cake. With his vast supply of money, this jab didn't affect him. The cameras gave him an insight of how much they ordered and he calculated the cost. Paling in comparison to his usual daily bill.

Alex wiggled in her seat. "This salmon donburi is just devine! I never knew fresh salmon tasted different in another country."

Sam rubbed her hands, "This didn't cost much right? I kind of feel bad in ordering some of these platters. The restaurant didn't give us a total when Alex finished her call."

Clover answered before L opened his mouth. "C'mon Sammy, the guy is loaded. He can afford to feed the three of us. Besides, this isn't too much food. Did you look at the amount of junk food he has in this place?"

L informed Sam. "In comparison to my own food bill, the total cost of this meal doesn't compare. No need to worry." Sam relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.

"See! Told you Sam!" Clover sipped her iced tea. "Is there anything else we need to know?" L turned to her. "It's obvious you are investigating Kira. This information is common knowledge in Beverly Hills. Are we supposed to know deep information about this case?"

L poked at his cake. "Keeping you all ignorant isn't to our best interest. You're shadowing me in front of the task force and they will question you at any time. Watari stood in plenty of meetings to understand the inner workings of the case. Additions to our cover story are due. I'm sure you have great improvisation through your many missions of espionage. Act natural but keep details to a minimum."

Clover grinned. "Don't you worry, I'm an excellent actress." She winked at L. "I have starred in plenty of plays back in Bev High and the reviews were amazing."

Alex said. "It's not like we can say we are FBI agents. No one would believe us!" Alex opened her compowder and poked at her face. "I'm the youngest one out of the three of us. I can't get away with it."

Sam sighed. "Yeah, a fresh face works against us. In most of our missions, no one believes we can help due to our looks."

Clover harrumphed. "They should be grateful that three gorgeous looking women are taking time out of their day to help. In any case, we'll figure something out."

L pressed his thumb to his lips. "Do you have a gadget to alter your appearance?"

Sam brightened up. "Yes, our compowders recently got upgraded to modify our faces in the costume section. It stays on until we cancel it. Why?"

L informed them. "Kira needs a face and a name to kill. The second Kira only needs a face." Their faces expressed their new found fear. "For your own safety, you need to change your faces. If your names are revealed, nothing can happen with a different face. That's a deduction I predict will help you."

Sam opened her compowder and checked the database. "We can customize our own faces on this program! I just want to change certain details so I'm not too shocked when I check the mirror for my makeup."

Clover grinned. "I can make my face twice as fabulous! I can even add natural contouring!"

Alex commented. "We don't have to wear makeup. It comes with the disguise. Which is good, Japan gets really humid this time of year."

Clover shook her head. "There is no way I am going out without makeup. Disguise or no disguise. What if the compowder malfunctions?!"

Sam rolled her eyes. "Clover, it's waterproof and it doesn't break like it used to."

"You never know!" Clover turned to L and pointed at him. "You really need a cucumber mint facial mask and tea tree moisturizer. It will reduce those bags under your eyes a great deal."

L shook his head. "No, thank you. I have no need for such frivolous activities. A wasteful way to pass time and I have never applied those products to my face."

Sam, Alex, and Clover stared at him in horror.

Alex piped up. "Y-You have never experienced a facial mask before?!"

Sam said. "Or moisturizer?"

Clover stated. "First things first, you are going to spend time with us at a spa. I'm sure there's one close by where they accept walk-ins."

L stood up and informed them, "You're late in picking up my order of pastries from the bakery right across the street."

Sam took out the folded paper from her pocket and checked the time. "He's right! Let's go girls!" They stood up and hurried out the door, leaving L breathing a sigh of relief.