A/N: So my sister was wanting another story so yeah. I hope you enjoy.

It was the day of my first reaping and to say I was scared would have been an understatement. My name was only in the bowl once. Dad stood on the stage, awaiting the 'lucky' tributes and I was waiting anxiously with the other girls my age. Effie, Dad's fiancé, was stood in the middle of the stage waiting for everybody to turn up. Effie and Dad were expecting a baby and I was going to be an older sister- again. I had a younger brother, Elliot, who was seven.

Much too quickly, everyone was in place. A video was shown about the Dark Days and I could see Dad trying hard not to roll his eyes. I zoned out until it got to the part everyone was dreading.

"The female tribute is," Effie pulled out a slip of paper and the look of pure agony on her face informed me immediately who it was, "Katniss Abernathy.

She looked back at Dad who was struggling to keep back tears. I walked slowly onto the stage and stood next to Effie, my face not displaying any emotion. Dad walked forward and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"And now for the boys- Gale Hawthorne."

Gale was tall and muscular, only two years older than myself, with the trademark dark hair, grey eyes and olive skin that came from living in the seam. I knew Gale quite well, I regarded him as family. He had taught me how to hunt and we both traded at the Hob.

"Your tributes: Gale Hawthorne and Katniss Abernathy."

We were marched into the Justice Building where we would say our final goodbyes.

I wasn't expecting anyone, but the mayor's wife came in.

"Here have this," she said, handing me a pin. "It was Maysilee's"

She walked out and Haymitch, Effie and Elliot walked in.

I looked at the pin Mrs Undersee had just given me. It was a golden mockingjay.

Dad saw the pin and smiled sadly.

"We are getting you out of there alive, Sweetheart," he hugged me.

"Katniss, sweetie, it is all my fault! I pulled out your name!" Effie sobbed.

"Effie, it is fine. You didn't know," I soothed her.

"You aren't going." Elliot said stubbornly.

"I'll be fine, Squirt," I assured him.

"No you won't, when you get back you will be all moody and jumpy like Dad!"

"I'll try not to be," I promised.

"Pinky promise?" he asked holding out his little finger.

"Pinky promise," I wrapped my finger round his and hugged him.

"Training had better pay off," Dad said kissing my head.

It would have been a really cute family moment if it hadn't been for the fact I had just been picked to die.

"Time is up- you are going to the train."

Elliot and I had always gone with Dad and Effie to the Capitol. Elliot stayed with one of Effie's friends and I stayed with the victors/ mentors. A few years ago, when I was seven, a mentors' lounge was created and that was where I spent most of my time. Most victors who had kids decided not to become mentors, but Dad was the only alive victor from Twelve.

I sat down next to Gale and we watched the reapings.

District 1.

Glimmer Shinings.

Marvel Glowster.

District 2

Clove Jennings

Cato Clarke

District 3

Jennifer Smith

Mark Brown.

District 4.

Marina Norman

Sam Parker.

District 5.

Elina Allen

Thomas Matthews.

District 6

Lara Spencer.

Jason Martins.

District 7.

Olivia Stevenson

Henry Jackson

District 8.

Chloe Williams

Brandon Stevens

District 9.

Charlotte Ball

Casey Morgan.

District 10.

Abbie Wilkinson.

Luke Andrews.

District 11.

Rue Johnson.

Thresh Davies.

District 12.

Katniss Abernathy.

Gale Hawthorne.

There was only one person who was smaller than my 5'1'' frame, the girl called Rue. The boy from 2 scared me slightly, he was the biggest tribute and he lunged forward to volunteer. He wore an expression that made Dad shiver.

"I'm supposed to keep you safe and now I have to watch you suffer!" Dad hugged me.

"I'll get her out of there alive," Gale promised.

"Gale," I said, "it isn't your responsibility to keep me alive. If I die, I die and you win."

"Don't die Niss! You can't die Niss!" Elliot screamed.

"Elliot, it won't really be any different this time than any other. Only this time I am going into the arena. I need you to behave for Feeba like usual ok?"

I picked him up and took him into his room.

"Get ready for dinner. I will live- I promise."

I went into my room and changed into some black jeans and a black blouse. It was more comfortable than the dress I had worn for the reaping. I left my room and went to the dining cart and sat down.

"At least I know what you both can do," Dad said grimly. "Gale because of your build you can't really hide in the shadows, Sweetheart, neither can you."

"What? Why? I asked.

"Katniss you are my daughter. A victor's daughter. The Capitol hate me so your training score will be high, merely to put a target on your head. You might as well show your strengths, just not using the bow and arrow," Dad told me.

"Huh," I replied. "I suppose that makes sense."

"Any alliances? I am going to assume that you two are going to be allies, but is there anyone else?" Dad inquired.

"Rue," I answered immediately.

"Of course," Gale muttered. "And maybe the male from eleven too."

"Hm. I'll speak to Chaff and Scarlett about an alliance," Dad said. "Anyone else?"

I shook my head.

"Ok. It might be best for you to go to bed," Dad advised. "You have a long day in front of you."

"Good night Dad, Effie, Gale. Good night squirt." I said before going to my room.

I would like to say that I didn't sleep very well, but I did. I fell asleep almost instantly. It was almost disgusting, despite the horror waiting for me, I fell asleep unlike many of the other tributes.

A/N: I hoped that you enjoyed it!