Warnings: Cute, holiday fluff

A/N: Here is the final part. Promise I will venture back into this verse again but I want to finish up another one of my stories first. Hope you have enjoyed this little Christmas tale :)

Early on Christmas Day the kids had Tony and Leah up, wanting to open their gifts. Leah, after having been up at three to feed the baby really didn't want a part of it, but Tony promised to make her coffee.

Jack and Grace tearing down the stairs, yelling happily, woke up the baby. So while Tony made sure there was coffee, Leah made sure Isabella was clean and fed, and content. It didn't take her long to settle after being changed and fed, and she slept tucked in her bouncy seat on the floor while her brother and sister opened presents around her. Tony watched the scene through his phone, video taping the joyful expressions on his kids' faces while they uncovered their treasures.

Tony couldn't help chuckling as Jack and Grace's excitement bubbled out of them in happy shouts and squeals. The holidays were vastly different now then before he met his wife and their children were born. It wasn't quiet and lonely anymore. He rather enjoyed Christmas now.

"Daddy! Look!" Grace said, holding up a brand new baby doll. "Santa brought me a new baby!"

"Just like he said he would," Tony quipped, grinning at Leah.

Grace scooted on her bottom towards Isabella and gently put a bow on the baby's head. She smiled at her baby sister and then went back to play with her new toys.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Leah asked, puzzled.

"She was one of our Christmas presents. She needed a bow," the little girl replied, innocently.

Tony laughed and put his phone down. He reached out and scooped both kids up into his arms and amid their giggles and protests, kissed their cheeks. "Merry Christmas my little reindeer."

Jack squirmed out of his father's grasp and pulled something out from underneath the tree. "Daddy, there's one more gift," he said. Gently he handed it to his father. "It's something for your new office."

Leah smiled at the confusion on his face as the flat package wrapped in red and green paper was placed in his lap. She reached out and rubbed Isabella's tummy when the baby began to fuss. "We wanted it to have a personal touch."

"Personal touch, huh?" Tony questioned with a chuckle as he tore the paper off. His smile faded when he saw what was underneath—a professional photograph of his wife and kids. Leah was sitting in the middle, holding Isabella, Jack and Grace seated around her, they were all wearing white shirts and jeans, and it was taken against a white background. "How... how did you get this taken so fast?"

"Friend from college is a photographer. She took it for me, printed it, and framed it. I picked it up yesterday," Leah replied. Her blue eyes filled with apprehension. "Do you like it? If not... my friend agreed to take another one."

Tony gently ran his hand over the photograph. He loved it. He loved how it captured his entire reason for doing what he did. "Why wouldn't I love it? Leah, it's beautiful... it's perfect... and it will add that personal touch my office needs."

Leah sighed in relief. Tony put the photograph down and scooted towards her, pulling his wife close and kissing her.

"Ew! Gross!" Jack said, laughing.

"Someday, when you want to kiss your wife I'm going to yell out, ew gross!" Tony teased his son, ruffling his hair.

"No way! I'm never getting married. Girls have cooties," Jack said.

"You remember that until you're thirty-five okay?" Tony countered with a grin.

Jack shrugged his shoulders and asked if he could go play with his new toys. Soon both the kids were off to the playroom. Isabella fussed from the bouncy seat looking to be held. Tony obliged her, tucking the tiny infant into his arms and giving her a soft kiss. Shifting the baby into one arm, he reached out with his free one and pulled Leah close. In a few hours the house was going to be loud with Leah's family. "Merry Christmas," he murmured.

Leah smiled. "It seems a bit merrier this year, don't you think?" she asked. "Our family is complete, you have a safer position at NCIS...surrounded by all our family—my parents, your dad, Gibbs—everyone is going to be here."

Tony looked at the baby. Isabella gazed back at him with trust in her eyes. "Yeah," he cooed at the baby, smiling, "this is the merriest Christmas yet."

Isabella went down easy for the night. Leah didn't even have to rock her. She was turning out to be the most easy going baby of her three, and after a long, busy Christmas Day, Leah was alright with that.

After having her family—brothers, sisters, their kids and spouses, her parents—all over for Christmas dinner, the house seemed strangely silent. Leah flipped the baby monitor on and headed back downstairs.

In the living room a fire crackled loudly in the fireplace, the house filled with the smell of burning wood, and on the sofa in front of it was Tony. Jack and Grace, exhausted and finally having come down from their sugar rush, were snuggled into Tony's arms sound asleep. Leah laughed silently and reached out to put a blanket over the two sleeping munchkins and the one giant kid. Tony stirred, briefly, but then settled back to sleep tightening his hold on the kids.

"Long day for them," Gibbs said from the easy chair. He chuckled. "Who do you think ate more sugar? The kids or Tony?"

"My bet is on Tony," Leah said plopping down into the loveseat. "The reminders not to overdo it are more for him than the kids."

Gibbs chuckled again and poked at the fire. "Ah, he means well."

Leah smiled, lovingly over her shoulder at her kids and husband fast asleep. "Yes. I wouldn't want him any other way." And she wouldn't, because if he stopped being a big kid then he just wouldn't be Tony anymore. Somehow that giant kid inside of him was all part of his charm.

Slowly, Gibbs got up out of the chair and went to her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Know something, Leah—he feels the same way about you."

As the former marine headed up stairs to crash for the night in their guest room, Leah felt tears spring in her eyes. Maybe it was the hormones, maybe it was the fact that she was exhausted, or perhaps it was just the idea that no matter what Tony loved her for her. Either way, she didn't stop her tears. She let them fall as she got up and put the fire out. Leaning down she gave her husband a kiss on the forehead, followed up by giving one to each of her children.

Tony grabbed her wrist as she started to walk away and whispered, "Merry Christmas, bella."

Leah smiled and whispered back, "Merry Christmas, honey."

Tim knocked on their door a few days after Christmas. Inside he could hear Isabella wailing and Grace throwing the biggest tantrum of all times.

Jack was sitting on the back steps, getting ready to go kick his new soccer ball around in the backyard. "I wouldn't go in there, Uncle Tim. Dad says the girls are out of their minds right now. What does that mean, Uncle Tim?"

"Ah, wouldn't know," Tim said with a shrug. "New babies do tend to cry a lot."

"So what's Gracie's problem?" Jack countered, his face scrunched up in deep thought.

"Lack of sleep," Tony said from the open door. "Hey, Tim. What brings you by?"

Tim gulped and swallowed, listening to Grace's wails and as Leah soothed Isabella—completely ignoring the tantruming child. "Delilah, um... gave me some... news. I really wasn't prepared for it, Tony. I think... I think I need some advice."

Tony shooed Jack off the back steps, the little boy groaning as he went. He waited until his son was in the backyard, kicking his new soccer ball around in the snow, before saying anything. "What kind of news? She seemed happy on Christmas Eve. Everything alright, Tim?"

"She told me she as pregnant."

"Wait? What?"

"Funny. That's the same reaction I had. Now she's mad at me," Tim sighed. "This is new territory for me, Tony. I've never lived with a pregnant woman!"

Tony let the news sink in for a moment. Doctors had told Tim and Delilah five years ago that it would be difficult for her to carry a baby to term. It was the reason they had hired a surrogate. When Leah and Tony started talks of having their third baby, Jimmy and Breena had announced they were putting their name back on the list to adopt, but Tim and Delilah had not made any mentions of wanting to have another child. He swallowed. "Not sure I have a lot of advice, Tim. I barely survived those pregnancies."

Sinking down onto the step, Tim groaned. "I was afraid you were going to say that. It's going to be a long nine months."

Lowering himself down onto the step with Tim, Tony reached out, grinned, and pat him on the back. "Merry Christmas, Timmy. And welcome to the strange, wildly thrilling ride of having three children."

"You've only been the father of three for a couple of weeks," Tim pointed out.

"Only that long?" Tony questioned, rubbing his temple. "Feels longer. Guess I'm tired, too."

"I hope that Delilah and I can handle as well as you and Leah have."

"You will... but not sure how well we're handling it today."

Tim glanced back at the house. Grace had stopped her crying but Isabella was obviously fussy. He sighed. "I guess I better get home before Delilah has any more reasons to be mad at me."

Tony chuckled. "Remember, when she's pregnant, she doesn't need reasons to be mad at you. Oh, and keep lots of different flavors of ice cream in the house to cut down on the amount of times that you need to run out to satisfy late night cravings."

Grace opened the back door then and gently snuck out. "Daddy. Mommy says I have to come outside to play so Izzie can take her nap. Will you push me on the swings?"

"Sure," Tony said, pulling her hat over her ears to keep her warm. "Your brother is already in the backyard. Go play with him until I finish up with Uncle Tim."

"Can Uncle Tim play with us too?" Grace asked, looking at Tim with her wide, innocent eyes.

"Uncle Tim needs to go home and take care of Aunt Delilah."

"Why, is she sick?"

"No, she isn't sick."

Grace scrunched her nose up in thought for a moment. "When Mommy had Izzie in her belly, Daddy took care of her. Does Aunt Delilah have a baby in her belly?"

Tony laughed while Tim blinked rapidly. "Cat's out of the bag now, McGee. Everyone will know by New Year's."