/12/31/X0/ - Entry 0

Greetings fellow readers of the future. If you've found this journal it's most likely that I have long since passed on from this life. I can only hope that when these pages are discovered that my name is still remembered, and that I can provide you with more insight as to who I was.

The Entries I'm writing following this page I've set aside to keep track of, and document, my own personal thoughts from this point onward in my life. Though these Entries, not including my notes also kept in this book, shouldn't be seen as anything more ordinary than something akin to entries of a diary of sorts.

To be quite frank, I find the notion of keeping a diary ridiculous and childish. However, after some persuasion from my apprentice I found there could be some good in keeping track of my thoughts in a more organized manner (Even if they are only personal thoughts and not research findings).

I will not be making these entries on a daily basis though, mind you. This is not because I have nothing to write over the course of a day, but instead I have too much to write about. If I made an entry for every time I had an opinion, I'm certain I'd be flooded with papers before the end of a month! Instead, I will make an entry only when something significant has happened to me, and should something later on happen that relates to the subject, I will add those notes to the same page. This system should keep things relatively more organized.

I suppose to conclude this passage, I should introduce myself better to whomever is reading this now.

Well, to begin, my name is Dr. Wingding Gaster. I am the Royal Scientist and current head of scientific and technological development of the UnderRealm. I'm a skeleton by species, and stand currently at 6'10" in height. I don't believe there are really any distinguishing markings to my person, though I have noticed that when I use my magic my eyes are two different colors: one is a bright orange and the other a bright blue. A fun fact about me is that I am also bilingual, as I can speak fluently in both English and in the ancient language of Wingding. (My father named me after the language, too!)

As far as passions and dreams for the future there's a few things I aspire to do: I wish to unlock and decode the secrets of the worlds greatest mysteries, and I wish for my inventions and findings to someday leave an impact on society forever more. With that said it's only fair for me to also say that I believe firmly that my current project, my next invention, will be the key to me seeing this dream through.

I only have optimism from this point on.

- W.D. Gaster