Chapter 5

Walking into the brunette's personal office within her home after knocking, Emma gives a small smile then sits herself down against the couch before peering over at the woman sat at her desk. "I'm officially worn out.."

Glancing over with a raised eyebrow, Regina questions the teen. "I hope you haven't been pushing it dear, why are you worn out?"

"Well, I went to look around the town and..then Henry was kicking now I just want to go to bed, but I can't because it's lunchtime" the blonde replies with a sad frown at the fact she cannot go to sleep.

Chuckling, the young woman shakes her head. "I think it's safe to say that certain rules no longer apply when you are pregnant Emma. If you wish to go upstairs for a nap you can"

Sighing, the teen nods with a pout. "I'm fed up of feeling like this..sometimes I just wish he was here already and then I can go..and he'd be happy"

Hearing the sadness to her voice while reading between the lines that Emma really means so that the heartache of giving her child up would be over or at least the most painful part, the brunette stands from her chair and makes her way over to sit beside the blonde. "I know it will be hard but don't wish this time away okay? Right now you are supporting him in a way no one else can by helping him to grow big and strong.."

"Yeah..I know.."

Giving a small smile, Regina gestures to the door. "Why don't you go up and I'll bring you up some tea to help you relax?"

"Sure..thank you.." Rising from her seat, Emma heads over to the door with the young woman following to make her drink.


Letting out a small stretch as she heads towards the staircase, Emma yawns having woken from her midday nap. Pausing at the top, she frowns hearing voices downstairs. Descending down the steps, the blonde freezes at the bottom post hearing the brunette's laugh echo through from the kitchen followed by a male voice. Making her way through to the kitchen, the teen stops in the doorway seeing Regina glance over having heard her footsteps while dulling down her laugh into a chuckle. "'re up, did you sleep well?"

Frowning, the blonde nods slowly while staring at the guy sat next to the young woman at the island who smiles at her. "Yeah..great.."

"Oh I'm sorry dear, this is Robin a friend of mine..he has been very helpful and supportive with everything that is going on.."

"Yes, I've heard all about little Henry..loved by many and he has yet to make his appearance, lucky lad.." Robin replies with another chuckle.

"That he is.." The teen looks wary before turning her attention back to the brunette.

Smiling at her, the young woman then fiddles with her hands nervously. "Emma..if you don't mind, I have..I've got dinner plans with Robin here and I-"

"Got it, fend for guys have fun" Emma responds, quickly cutting the woman off.

Looking confused at the blonde's abrupt attitude, Regina then nods. "I won't be home late..."


"So what is your plan after the baby is born because clearly Emma cannot carry on living in your house, she would have to go sometime.." Robin begins the conversation as the pair settle for a drink after dinner.

"Well..yes but..I'm not going to kick her out..she will need help and support too, giving up a baby is a hard thing to do.."

"How would you know? Besides aren't there groups for her type of support..and hostels?"

Swallowing hard feeling insulted, the young woman takes a breath and sips her drink. "Yes but I want Emma to be happy too..after all she is giving me the greatest gift and..and you're right I don't know exactly what it is like but in some ways I do because I will never have a child that I can carry myself"

"Right of course"

Glancing down towards her phone which is glued to her hand, Regina bites her lip upon seeing no new messages.

"I'm sure she is capable of looking after herself you need to put that thing away and relax" Robin reaches across for the brunette's phone but stops as she pulls away still with the device clutched in her hand.

"I'm concerned Robin she hasn't answered any of my messages. Just give me a minute" standing up, the young woman heads towards the front of the restaurant and makes a call. Returning shortly, Regina lifts her coat. "Robin, I'm sorry I have to go..I am not getting any reply and if something is wrong, I'll never forgive myself"

"Regina..." Huffing slightly, Robin also stands. "Just stay, seriously that blonde has you wrapped around her finger. At least finish your drink"

"No. This isn't some date you know? I don't understand why you keep trying so hard. You are my friend and that is as far as it will ever be..Goodbye" turning on her heel, Regina leaves the restaurant and makes her way home.


Walking through the front door, Regina drops her keys in the tray to the side and strolls through checking the rooms for the teen as she does. Stopping by the living room, the brunette crosses her arms seeing the blonde sat on the couch, hands rested upon her bump. "Hey I tried contacting you a few times..I was worried.." Receiving no response, the brunette frowns concerned and steps closer. "Emma?"

Looking across with a tear stricken face, Emma mutters quietly. "He's not moving..he's not..I haven't...I haven't felt him move since this morning.." Sniffling, the blonde bites on her trembling lip. "I thought..that it was because I went to sleep and so he must have gone to sleep but there's moving..nothing.."

Eyes widening, Regina quickly makes her way over and kneels before the teen while placing her hands on top of the blonde's which are supporting the bump. "Emma..listen to me..we need to get you to the hospital"

Choking back a small sob, Emma shakes her head. "But what if he's...what..they will take him away..I didn't want it to be like this..I need more be his mom..before it's too late.."

Rubbing her thumb over the blonde's hand, the young woman blinks back her own tears. "I won't let that happen if you don't want it to okay?"



Reaching the hospital, Regina quickly helps Emma out of the car and inside, demanding to see a doctor as soon as she enters the building. Being taken towards an examination room, the brunette steps back in worry as the doctor leads the scared blonde inside then closes the door on the young woman to fret about what is happening.

A/N: sorry about the drama but i did say there was drama to come! Ps Henry will be fine but it builds a connection between our leading ladies!