So… Here's something that's been in my head for a little while since I was trying to find a good way to start the second chapter in my other Fanfic. This is a completely separate story. I don't know how I got here, but I did. So here goes nothing.

Jaune 12:00 Hours Before Rescue

"Uuuuuuugh." Jaune groaned in pain and tried to raise his head to look at his surroundings again. He didn't need to see them, but it was something to do in his boredom. These two actions were a terrible mistake, as they elicited pain on two levels, one pain internal as the movement of his head caused severe nausea and pain to his back and neck. The other was external, as the cuts that had crusted over on his chest and back began to split open and begin to trickle blood. He struggled against the chains in pain and just hoped it was all a bad dream. Jaune closed his eyes tightly for a moment before opening them again, only to find, that he was still chained and suspended by his wrists.

Jaune's body decided it would be a good time at this point to convulse and churn his stomach to force the poor boy vomit. Jaune wretched until his body shook and lightly convulsed. When his stomach was empty of what little food he had been given, he slowly began to stop shaking. He didn't care that the blood flowed freely as his body was only covered in blood and his already torn jeans. But at this point modesty was the least of his concerns.

Moving slowly and carefully, Jaune moved his head to look around him and see if he can spot a way out. Just like he had done for the past six months. He looked at the rusted iron door that was the only entrance and exit to this pitiful room. The room was about a 20x20 foot square that had walls tiled in ceramic, and a floor covered in concrete. Jaune cringed. A floor with a fine layer of Jaune's dried blood.

Jaune now eyed the chains that held him aloft, and found, miraculously, that they were still chains. Shackles that bound him to his hell. His torment. His eyes followed the chain until it came to an end in the ceiling, where it was looped through a ring multiple times, then ran back down to his wrists.

Just like the past four months, there was no sign of escape. Surely, his friends were looking for him… But he highly doubted that they were going to find him in Vale. After he stayed awake for an approximate twelve hour ride on a lightweight airship to god knows where. He was almost sure he wasn't on the same continent as his friends. Which meant that rescue wasn't coming anytime soon.

He sighed. This was the same routine he had gone through for the past four months, after two months, he had gotten used to the routine. Wake up at an unknown time, observe surroundings, sleep. The only way he knows it's been so long, is if his personal torturer deems him worthy after a good session. Good being if his tormentor thinks his screams of pain or contorted face are enough to satisfy his twisted desires.

Jaune flinches slightly as the deadbolt in the iron door, clanks and the door swings open. To say Jaune was surprised by his visitor would be an understatement. He was downright terrified. But he didn't let it show.

Cinder stepped into the room, with Jaune's oppressor not far behind.

Through the gap in the door, Jaune could see White Fang soldiers running through the corridor that led to his room. The only reason they could be running is if there was an emergency.

Cinder walked and stood in front of Jaune, expressionless and intimidating. His torturer walked to stand behind Jaune, blood stained every piece of his attire. Jaune was fairly certain that his warden never cleaned washed his clothes.

"Don't get your hopes up boy. No one is coming for you… Yet." Cinder calmly spoke. Jaune looked at her, examining her, reading her expression. Which had none. If there was a man with the world's best poker face. Cinder would give him a run for his money and his life. "But they will be, soon." She continued, "The White Fang will be moving out from this base and destroying so as to not leave any evidence behind that any one was ever here. Including you."

Jaune looked at her evenly, "I don't think so, you wouldn't just calmly leave a base and kill me so easily just to destroy evidence. Plus the fact that the enemy is coming here, while you're just standing there means you purposefully lead them here. Or leaked the information."

Cinder smiled wickedly, "Someone give the boy a cookie because he got it right! Or a knife to the thigh." Cinder nodded to the torturer. At that, Jaune felt a searing pain as a knife tore through his hamstring around and down to his knee. Jaune bit back tears and screams of pain and only grunted, he smiled.

"I'm more of a brownie guy." He chuckled, "But I suppose a cookie will have to do for now. Too bad I can't save it for Ruby." His choice of words would have been more substantial if Jaune's voice hadn't been shaking when he said it.

Cinder slapped Jaune, it wasn't a knife carving up Jaune's skin, but it still hurt. Her nails left four deep scratches that ran across his left cheekbone to the corner of his mouth. Cinder's eyes were playful and seemed to brighten as a thought struck her. "Oh Luke, be a dear and get to work. I'll watch for today I think."

Luke nodded and bowed slightly, "Of course mistress, but don't you need to-"

"I believe I can delay my departure for a little while longer. Nothing a little White Fang lives can't fix to buy me a little more time." She said, as she settled on a slightly bloodstained metal crate just out of Jaune's eyesight. "I wouldn't want to miss Ozpin's little Protégé being persuaded a little more."

Ren 4:00 Hours Before Operation Revival

Ren always thought that the Bullheads he and his team traveled in were far too quiet for the missions they regularly went on. It always seemed that they should match the mission that they were about to embark on.

But the silence was deafening. He could hear Pyrrha, as she ran a whetstone across Miló, as Ruby as she checked her sniper cartridge for the tenth time, Weiss as she checked Myrtenaster's dust chambers for the third time, Blake as she turned a page for the hundred twenty-first time, Yang as she meticulously sorted her shotgun slugs, flares, and pellets for the sixth time. And finally, Nora, who laid across the bench he was sitting on and rested her head in his lap, she had just breathed for the two hundred- fifty sixth time. Nora had a small smile on her face as she dreamed about… Whatever she liked to dream about. He was never entirely sure. Nora would always tell Ren her dreams, but he was sure she was lying sometimes. The rare occasions when she didn't lie was when she would crawl into his bed at night and tell him she'd had a nightmare. He would always do the same thing. Without a word, he would hug her, kiss the top of her head, not unlike what a father would do for his child, and hum a song that Nora used to sing when they were kids.

He's done this every night since Jaune was captured. He had taken to asking Nora to sleep in his bed to save her the trouble of actually having the nightmare before asking him. The nightmares had stopped, but Nora still cried. Nora was not the only one who had suffered from the Knight's absence. The first night wasn't bad, but no one slept. They were given the next day off from classes for time to take it all in. It didn't help. The second night, Ruby cried for most of the night with Yang comforting her, Weiss and Blake stayed up with them as well, trying anything they could think of to cheer them up.

Nora cried when she finally accepted that Jaune wasn't coming back immediately by some twist of fate or luck. But Ren was pretty sure she was clinging to some desperate hope that he would just come back any second and everything would be fine. It was only after Weiss snapped at her and told her to take the situation seriously, that she finally broke. She cried and started talking hysterically about needing to take notes for Jaune and help him catch up when he got back and training with him to get his 'boney butt back into shape'. She rambled on for hours till she finally passed out.

But out of everyone, Pyrrha was hit the hardest. She didn't show any physical signs of Jaune's absence. However, Ren noted that her tactics had become more… Aggressive, for lack of a better word. She had also become near silent when speaking. Her voice would come out as barely a whisper and she would, at times, elect to not even speak at all. It frightened him.

Jaune was just missing, but if he or anyone else had died, what would happen then? Would the team cohesion and friendship that they had worked so hard for, be for nothing?

Ren shook his head and looked down at his best friend. He'd be damned if he let his leader and friend die in some hell hole. He would get Jaune back or die trying. And he knew his friends shared the same sentiment. Gone was the oppressive silence and gloom that hung about the two teams like a cloud. That would be gone in a few short hours, and they would all be the happy family they were before Jaune pulled that damn stunt of his.

Ren growled in his head, Jaune still had one hell of a punch coming his way for that. He looked down at Nora's sleeping face again, 'Shes drooling again.' Ren sighed, 'Must be a good dream then.'

Jaune 3:00 Hours Before Rescue

"All right my friend, I think we have you sufficiently warmed up!" Luke said cheerfully, "Now the real fun begins"

'Warmed up?' Jaune thought. This madman had taken a crowbar to his legs, cut off his ring finger, and carved a tally of how many men and women he had successfully tortured up to that point on his back… It was 153 By the way. Oh yeah, and broke two of his ribs. He coughed up some blood as if emphasizing his mental monologue, "Oh Joy." He muttered.

"Now don't be like that, since this our last time we'll be having any quality time together I think I'll give you a parting gift." He said cheerfully brandishing a jagged and rusty knife. "You'll enjoy it! I guess you could say, I Garen-tee it!" He paused hoping his joke would be noticed.

Jaune just looked at his captor with a look of utter disdain, "Gods I didn't think I could hate you any more than I do now, I was very wrong."

Luke just shrugged, "Not everyone can appreciate my comedic genius."

Jaune shook his head, "Anyways, what's the gift? Adrenaline shot? Another scar? World peace?"

Luke shook his head back and forth, "I actually need a favor, I need you to keep an eye on this knife I have." He waved the knife slowly in front of Jaune's face. Jaune looked at the knife, still the same knife as before, jagged protrusions, rusty, and Luke held it with a lax but familiar grip. "Not like that friend." Luke said with a maniacal cackle, "Like this!"

Luke reversed the grip he had on his knife and with his other hand held Jaune's face still as he plunged the knife into Jaune's left eye.

Jaune hadn't given anything to Luke after his first month, only his screams. After that month, Jaune had forced himself to stay as silent as the grave. Every cut after that would elicit a wince, every bruise would earn a glare, and every laceration a growl of hatred. But as soon as that knife hit his eye and the jagged metal caught on his skull. He let loose a howl of pain that could gain sympathy from even the most merciless Grimm.

Ren 30 Minutes Before Operation Revival

Ren felt something really off about this, but he volunteered anyways. He felt that the information came along to the teens naturally, no resistance, no digging needed. Almost as if it was delivered with the morning mail. Except it came from Ozpin. And it came with coffee instead of the other mail.

But the base didn't look right either. It wasn't even on high alert, it was just… regular alert. No mechs were placed outside and the ground troops were at a minimum. The club isn't well guarded if the bouncers were easily thrashed.

He cast the thought from his mind, and a renewed fire burned inside him, "I am here for one thing, one person. Ignore everything else." He whispered to himself.

Ren looked out the window as his fellow huntresses readied themselves. He really needed more male friends. He shook his head slightly, the base he saw, as they came down from the sky, was in the middle of a forest. The hideout was embedded into the side of a mountain, it had very few guards in place out front and the actually entrance was a large circular metal door that made it look like a vault to a bank. And in front of that entrance were many trenches that the enemy could take cover in.

He hummed for a moment, before turning back to his comrades. They were still descending so he figured a plan was in order.

"Here's what I'm thinking, Yang-"

"Hey, I'm her team leader so I make the game plan!" Ruby huffed indignantly, "Besides, I was up all last night thinking of different ways to save Jaune, included, but not limited to,-"

Before Ruby could go on her completely well thought out plans, Ren interrupted her, "I understand Ruby, sorry, but does your game plan consist of running in, guns blazing?"

Ruby huffed indignantly, "No!"

Weiss looked skeptically at her young leader, "Really?"

"Of course!"

Weiss continued to look at her with a knowing expression on her face, not unlike a mother looking upon a fibbing child. And like a fibbing child Ruby's false expression turned to one of defeat.

Weiss asked again, "Really?"

"Maybe…" Ruby responded meekly. Then she looked back up at Weiss, "Sorry for wanting to make this quick and get Jaune back home!"

Pyrrha spoke this time in a monotonous tone, "That won't get Jaune home, it will get us all dead. Especially him. What would happen if we went charging in, mounting a full offensive with no plan B?" She let the question hang in there air before continuing. "We wouldn't survive, any forces we blow past in our hurry to get Jaune back will seal off whatever exit we had. Meaning the single entrance that we made in our attack be blocked by the foes that survived. They would circle back around and flank us."

Everyone was silent at that, Pyrrha had done something like this on many occasions after Jaune's disappearance. Normally she would find a way to put something in a polite and less depressing manner. But apparently that train of thought was taken into the backyard and put down like a rabid dog.

Ren ignored and spoke, "Regardless of the current situation, Ruby, I know you have every intention of rescuing Jaune, but we need a stealth approach to this. Hopefully we can get Jaune out before anyone even knows he's missing." Ren gave a rare smile, "Luckily for you guys, I have a game plan."