Thanks everyone who clicked and decided to give this one a try. This will be a Romy. It is an extended version of a short fic I have written a long while ago and I always thought that storyline deserved more, so it's like a prequel, extension and sequel of Fragile Lies. It's based on Gambit's trial, but I took my author's liberty to change some details, like they won't exactly be in a cave for their one and only night and I'll give them a little more time than that to be happy together. Come on! Don't they deserve a break?

Anyways, I hope you like the story. Please, please, please, review! Any words of help or support are deeply appreciated. And lastly, as I always warn on my fic introductions, I'm not a native speaker of English so, be patient and bear with me ;) I hope it will be worth it.


Wasting Love

He looked into her eyes and could see the sparkle. Her emerald green eyes were glittering with tears about to fall. Obviously, he understood what they meant. He was taken by emotion too. Over the moon himself he was, for they both knew very well what that uncharged card in his hand signified for each of them.

Just seconds earlier, she had realized she didn't have her superhuman strength when she tried to carry heavy items inside the flat they would be staying in for the duration of the mission. But that card, the regular unlit card confirmed their suspicions: both of them were rendered powerless. This was the chance they had been yearning for.

Putting an end to the seriousness and suspense of that moment, Rogue smiled her best smile to date. The twinkle in her eyes, the sincerity of that smile, so pure, so genuine, it made his heart ache with love for her. A thousand butterflies were suddenly fluttering about in his stomach. He felt like he was a teenage boy again, facing his first love ever, all sweaty palms and racing heart, not knowing exactly what to do or say, but absolutely sure of what he wanted. Her eyes were partially closed, the two slits of green smiling bright back at his fire in the dark eyes, love and affection shining through. Could anyone possibly look that beautiful? Could any smile be as sincere as hers?

Years had gone by since the first time they met, since the first time they laid eyes on each other and probably wished a day like this one would come. A day when they would finally be able to touch, not only resorting to words and actions to express their mutual love. It hadn't always been easy. She took a full year to acknowledge that, to accept her feelings and allow him to be close to her, in a relationship that was more like a romance and less like only friendship. They had been going strong for four years.

Ironically, they had been sent on this undercover mission to Antarctica where they were supposed to play a young married couple who had just moved into the area. He predicted that would be ultimate torture, being alone with her but not being able to touch her like he wanted to, like they both wanted to. But secretly he enjoyed it, loved the sweet torture their relationship was.

Their agenda during that mission was to try and find out what was going on in that area. Reports had been issued of some strange mutant activity around which indicated Magneto could be linked to it, up to no good as always, jeopardizing the chances of a harmonic coexistence between humans and mutants.

And the card, well, the card remained between his fingers while they stared silently at each other, a hint of a lopsided smile on his face. She inhaled deeply, her breathing became laboured. She felt nervous, she decided, as she took one step closer to him. His hair fell down his face, covering the most part of his eyes as he looked down at her, breathing in slowly, savouring the smell of her. She lifted up her finger and carefully trailed it down his jawline. Nothing had happened, no pull. Gently, she pulled his chin down, bringing his lips to hers. Leaning in on her, he took her lips slowly, as if conquering inch by inch. First a little peck, then a bit further, until their tongues were dancing around each other and he could hear her moaning in between their desperate kisses.

Feeling his heart about the thump right out of his chest, he thought about how much he loved the woman he was finally kissing. She was the definition of joy, brought beauty and grace into his life and he simply wished that moment could last an eternity. He would have gladly died for that. Once their lips parted, he felt himself smile and his shoulders relax, tension draining out of him. He grinned at her. That sexy grin of his that would set water on fire. It had certainly set her body on fire, she thought, drove her absolutely insane.

"Sugar, I… I…" She attempted to say something coherent, but failed miserably.

"Chére, you don't need to say anything. After all these years, you sharing with me your secrets and feelings, I know exactly what's in your heart right now. And if there's one thing I'm sure is I don't wanna waste another second. I wanna love you, Anna. I love you, chére. With all my heart."

A single tear ran down her cheek. She had pictured how this would go countless times before. Late at night, in the comfort, peace and quiet of her bedroom, she'd let her mind travel freely, dreaming of touching the one she loved, dreaming of being his, of letting him turn her into his woman.

He filled her silence by claiming her mouth with all his might, strong and passionate. He had tilted his head, delicately brush a lock of white hair away from her porcelain doll face and swept into her mouth, demanding and forceful. Her hands came up and brushed his neck gently, her delicate soft skin sending shivers down his spine, a harsh contrast from their hungry kiss. And boy, were those two hungry for each other! She tasted delicious, just as he always imagined she would, the sweetness of her flooded his mouth. Running her fingers down his neck, she reached his shirt and holding onto its collar, she gave it a tiny tug, pulling his chest closer to her, trying to push him even deeper inside of her, as if pushing her tongue and letting it dance around with his own was not enough. At that cue, Remy captured the back of her head, holding her in place as her hands now pressed against his chest, fingers curled lightly into his shirt. She moaned lightly against his lips, making his head swim and turning his blood to fire in his veins. His hands went down from her hair to brush softly against her breasts, teasing, playing with her nipples which still rested under the soft fabric of her top. Her moaning intensified and she thought she'd explode at that feeling. After what seemed like forever long, she broke away from him. Her eyes wide, her hair all over the place in a mess of beautiful wild curls he'd made of it with his own fingers, lips were deep red from all the desperate kissing.

"Remy, I can't take it for any longer. Take me in your arms and make me all yours." In response, for once since they've known each other, there was no smirk or lopsided mischievous smile. His lips were pressed into a thin line, his gaze was dark. The pool of blood in the dark he had for eyes were malicious. Goddamn sexy, she thought. He took deep breaths and she could feel his hardness against her body. But he wouldn't make a move.

"Sugar, please!" she pleaded. Truth was she was in a hurry, she need him to have her, as in ten minutes ago. What if her powers suddenly kicked back in again? What if they never had the chance to go any further than that? As greedy as one could possibly be, she wanted all of him and fast.

He lowered his eyes, watching as her eyes closing in anticipation for what she wanted to happen next.

"Ma petite, I want you so much you've got no idea." He said and tenderly he kissed her forehead, only to continue in a low sexy voice. "But, are you sure you wanna do this? You gotta be sure, chére."

"Of course, I do! What kind of question is that? I want you to be my first and only man!" She threw the promise carelessly, held his hands in hers and brushed her thumbs over his knuckles softly.

"I'm undeserving of you…" He let those words out in almost a whisper. There was so much else that he wanted to say, so many things he felt he needed to confess, but she wouldn't let him finish, crashing her lips into his rather violently. She rested her palms on his chest and pushed him backwards leading him the bedroom she had chosen as her own. He let her guide him, never letting go of her, their lips glued together. She kept pushing him in between kisses until the back of his legs hit the bed. Abruptly she broke their kiss, and pushed him hard onto the bed. Red eyes dark in the dim light of her bedroom, his chocolate hair falling over his forehead, the handsome face of his focused entirely on her, and he bit his bottom lip. She felt all her body growing hotter at the sight of the man she loved. The intensity of their gaze shattered in a second when he flashed his best crooked smile.

"What now, chére?" he chuckled.

"Are you mocking me, swamp rat? Because I clearly have no experience on this?" She stomped her feet adoringly without even noticing it and crossed her arms over her chest, pouting a little. The vision of her was an endearing one to him.

"Come here, petite. And I'll show you how we go about this." She obediently sat down by his side where he'd indicated by patting his hand on the bed with a twisted smile planted across his pretty face. She was suddenly very nervous. He smiled lazily at her, grasping her hand and raising it for his customary kiss. As his soft lips pressed against her skin, she could feel a tingle across her mouth, the memory of those lips against hers. She could feel the warmth in between her legs and it both thrilled her and scared her at the same time. Giving in to her own instinct, before he could voice any protests, she bent over him and started to eagerly undress her man. Once her job was done, she gasped at the sight of his naked body, panting lightly the more she examined his body. His perfectly sculpted torso, the length of him, she wanted it inside of her so badly. Without a second thought, she undressed herself as fast as she could, not caring or knowing, for that matter, how to do it sexily. Even so, he had a predatory gleam as he watched her. Unsure of what to do next, she laid on top of him, bracing herself over him on her forearms. She wanted to feel all that warm soft skin of his against hers, all of her pressed against all of him. Her breasts brushed against his chest and the feel of it made his stomach clench tight in anticipation.

"Ok, I don't know what to do." She confessed. They both giggled at that. He capture her lips once again, kissing her briefly.

"Ok, party is over. Let me handle this, chére." And on a swift move, he rolled over her and in a fraction of a second he was on top of her. His hands were buried on her silky smooth hair, kissing her again, he gently slid his legs between her legs. Her eyes went open wide at that.

"Do you want me to stop it?" He asked in a low voice. His warm breath on her ear, his lips softly brushing against it as he spoke made her tremble inside.

"No, sugar. I want you. I do. Just… er… be gentle, you know, it's my first…" He interrupted her by kissing her passionately. Her thighs which until now were reluctantly holding tight against his hips opened widely for him. She could hardly breathe, nervously awaiting for the moment he slid himself inside of her, but to her surprise, he pulled back, his head going downwards, until she felt his mouth on her most intimate parts. She let out a loud moan which made him smile while he licked and sucked her. Holding onto his shoulders, she couldn't help but dig her fingernails into his skin.

"Remy, I… can it get any better than this?" In a few moments she would learn just how much more pleasure the man she loved could give her. That was surely going to be a very long night.


"So have we heard of them?" Scott asked.

"Well, indeed we have." Storm replied, Scott knew her well enough to hint on the reluctance on her voice.

"So… any news? What have they learned up to now?" He insisted.

"Scott, they have gone powerless."

"Oh! Really? Why is it, do they know?"

"For the love of God!" Kitty butted in the interchange. "Ever since Jean's passed away, you've gone robot mode, heart of steel. Find it in your heart and give them a break, will you, Scott? Don't you know what it means?" Scott narrowed his eyes at Kitty and she continued. "They can touch, ok? Can you imagine how long they've waited for an opportunity to be able to touch?"

"And what do you want me to do? They have an agenda! They know what they're expected to do."

"Well, about what to do, we have actually thought about it. We are going in their place. Let them be for now, we'll contact them if we feel we still need their help." Storm offered.

"So you had it all figured out already! Why am I always the last one to know things around here?"

Both women exchanged glances and smiled at each other. Yes, they'd be doing this for their friends.