Chapter 12

Hetty reached for her phone when it rang, echoing around the practically empty Mission. Most of her agents and the rest of the staff had all gone home for the day. She smiled when she saw the caller id. "Mr. Deeks! How are you doing?" She'd kept herself up to date on his progress at FLETC and was gratified to find that he was at the head of his class. While he often came off as the jokester who didn't take anything seriously, she knew there was a very smart and clever man under the façade. One didn't make it through law school if one wasn't intelligent and he had shown that intelligence over the years as her Liaison. A ghost of a memory concerning forensic botany and something that may have been spinach passed through her mind, causing her smile to widen.

"I'm doing fine, Hetty. Just calling for my weekly check in. How is everyone?"

Hetty frowned. She found she didn't like the tone in her detective, no, agent's voice. He sounded dispirited. "Your team is fine, Mr. Deeks, but I find myself doubting the veracity of your statement that you are."

"What? No, no, I'm just fine, good in fact!"

"Mr. Deeks!"

A deep sigh sounded over the phone. "Well, I may be having some issues with a couple of my fellow students and one of my instructors. Both the students who are giving me a hard time are criminology graduates. They look down on "LEOs" and don't think I should be here, that I can't cut it, even though I'm passing all my classes. The instructor in question may, or may not, have found out that Director Vance fast tracked my application. He seems to be offended by that."

"Are they aware of the fact that you are a lawyer and of your association with NCIS for the last seven years?"

"Um, no."

"Mr. Deeks, why ever not?"

"I didn't want to seem like I was bragging or expecting special treatment. The same reason why I didn't want to tell the team that I was becoming an agent. I want to do this on my own merit, not my associations with anyone else or my prior livelihood."

Hetty grimaced, she knew Mr. Deeks could be very stubborn and was apparently going to be adamant about this. She was actually somewhat surprised as Mr. Deeks usually liked to be the center of attention. She decided to make a phone call after she hung up from him. "Very well, Mr. Deeks. I understand even if I don't agree. Keep your head up and your eyes open, you'll do just fine."

"Thanks Hetty! I feel better just from having spoken to you. I don't know why I let any of them get to me, they aren't worth my time."

"That's the spirit!" They talked a bit longer. Deeks told her that he had run into DiNozzo and they seemed to get along better on the east coast. They had gone out for drinks a couple times and found they had a lot in common, not the least being that DiNozzo had also been a LEO before joining NCIS. Deeks hung up after telling her he would call again next week, at the same time.

She hung up and dialed another number.



Deeks looked around the Washington field office of NCIS. It was very…orange. He had warned Tony that his class would be touring the facility today and to not make a big deal out of their knowing each other. He had finally confided his difficulties with the other two students and instructor. Tony had understood as he'd come up against the same prejudice about his background that Deeks was running into and he'd had been very sympathetic. He'd agreed that, if the team was in the building during the tour, he would ignore him, laughingly saying that it would be easy. Unfortunately for him, but fortunate for the naval personnel in the area, DiNozzo's team was present when they arrived.

Standing at the back of the group, he looked around in interest. It was so different from the offices of OSP back in L.A. Now he understood some of the things DiNozzo had said when he'd come to ask for their assistance in tracking down Rio. He smiled when he thought of the little fugitive. While a pain in the butt, Deeks had found him amusing.

"Mr. Deeks! Would you like to share with the rest of the group, what you apparently find so amusing about the offices of MCRT?"

"No, Mr. Baker, I find nothing amusing about the office."

"Perhaps you would care to tell the group what MCRT stands for and what they do here?" The instructor smirked at him, convinced that the scruffy ex LAPD detective wouldn't have a clue, that he hadn't been paying attention.

"Major Crimes Response Team. This team is responsible for investigating all major crimes committed by, and against, naval personnel on the east coast, including, but not limited to, murder. " Was Deeks immediate response. Pryor harrumphed and turned back to his tour. Deeks attention wandered again when he saw DiNozzo rolling his eyes at him behind the pompous man's back. He had to stifle a laugh, knowing that laughing would just earn him more derision. The tour left the main floor and headed up to MTAC. DiNozzo winked at him, the rest of his team frowning as they tried to figure out how their Senior Agent knew one of the probie agents being led around the building.

When they disappeared up the stairs and into MTAC, Gibbs grilled his senior agent and was regaled, in typical DiNozzo fashion, about the LAPD detective turned NCIS agent. Gibbs looked at DiNozzo when he was done and said "And the way the tour leader just treated him?"

DiNozzo opened and closed his mouth a couple times, not wanting to betray a confidence but Gibbs was having none of it. He finally broke and filled his boss in on the trouble Deeks was having with some of his class but emphasizing that Deeks wanted no special treatment or any attention called to him. Gibbs frowned and looked up towards the room the group had gone into.

Vance was just on his way in to talk to the newest group of recruits when he felt Gibbs's eyes on him. He turned and looked down at his team leader. He had been standing upstairs and had seen firsthand what Hetty had called to warn him about. She had requested that he look after her agent. He remembered the detective staring him in the face, several years ago, when the rest of his team had turned in their badges and guns in order to follow Hetty to the Czech Republic against his specific orders. The man had said he would turn his in as well if he could, but being LAPD and not NCIS, it was not necessary. He'd stared at Vance and then turned to follow his team out the door and across the ocean. He'd impressed him then and the things he'd heard over the years had not changed that. He'd been more than pleased to fast track the detective's application so that he could start his training quickly. He was pretty sure the man would be an outstanding agent; after all, he'd been an agent for years in all but name.

He nodded at Gibbs and went into the room, finding the recruits sitting and listening to Baker tell them about the uses of MTAC and the high security the room normally required. The man looked up as Vance entered and preened himself. "You recruits are getting a special treat today. Director Vance will be addressing you. He's a very busy man and you should feel honored that he is taking time out of his day to be here."

Vance walked up to the front of the room and faced them. He couldn't help but notice that Deeks was sitting in the back row, slouching as far down in his chair as he could, not making eye contact. Vance smirked but he was actually more impressed that Deeks didn't want their prior association brought out. Most would use that connection to impress their fellow students and gain points with the instructors. He willed the ex-detective to look his way and wasn't surprised when the man's head came up and their eyes met. He nodded at the man once and turned back to the task at hand. After giving them the regular song and dance, he indicated to Baker that he would like to talk with each of the recruits. The man puffed up like he was personally responsible. It was all Vance could do not to roll his eyes at him.

Each recruit came up and told Vance a little about himself and shook his hand. When it was Deeks's turn, he heard a couple derogatory remarks made by another recruit. He waited to hear Baker rebuke the young man but none was forthcoming. Turning to look at the offender, he frowned and the younger man paled, knowing he'd been heard and that the Director was not pleased. He shut his mouth quickly. Turning back to Deeks he took the proffered hand and squeezed it, letting him know that he wasn't going to say anything but that he was pleased the man was here. Deeks grinned widely at him, message received.

Vance left MTAC and headed back to his office. He would call Hetty and give her an update. Once Deeks's class had graduated, he intended to have a talk with Baker about his treatment of the man. LEO's were just as smart as any agent, some more so. Experience should never be discounted. He sighed and pulled out the paperwork that he had to complete for SecNav.

Downstairs, the tour continued. Baker was surprised once again, when Gibbs made a point to stop the group and talk with them. This was definitely one of his better tours. Gibbs was notoriously not interested in making small talk with the new recruits. He couldn't help but notice that the team leader seemed to be interested in the inappropriately dressed surfer from LA. He sighed, hoping that the man wouldn't embarrass them. He listened as the Gibbs asked the recruits questions regarding SOP and law. Most of the students floundered a little but he was pretty sure it was due to being put on the spot by the very intimidating NCIS team leader. Surprisingly, Deeks answered each question accurately and with confidence. Baker frowned; convinced the man was showing off. Eventually Gibbs indicated that his patience was up and the tour continued down to the lab and morgue.

Abby was looking forward to the tour coming through. She loved showing off her babies to the new guys, even if she found Baker annoying. Plus, Tony had confided that one of the newbies worked with the LA OSP team, although he hadn't been there when Abby had worked a case with them. She was looking forward to getting a good look at him. Tony had let her know that Deeks hadn't wanted to play up his position with OSP and that he was having issues with a couple people regarding his worthiness to be in the program. The doors to the lab opened and the group came in. She picked Deeks out immediately and thought she'd have to have a talk with Tony. She hadn't been warned that the man was so damned attractive. She found herself staring at him and then grinned when he winked at her. She showed them around and answered any questions they had. As they left, Deeks turned back and smiled at her, winking once again. Tony had said he'd gone out with Deeks for drinks several times. She had every intention of going with them next time.

Things got a little dicier with the tour when they reached the morgue. Dr. Mallard had a body on the table and was in the middle of an autopsy, working with Jimmy Palmer on assessing cause of death. Most of the group had never seen a dead body before, let alone one that was opened up. Most turned green and looked away. One man, however, simply looked over the body with interest, sidling up to look inside the chest cavity to see what was being done. He started to ask questions about cause of death and what the body was telling the medical examiner. Ducky was very pleased and found himself talking to him almost exclusively. Jimmy made a couple of his lame jokes and was happy when the man laughed with him. Ducky was somewhat surprised at the look of annoyance on Mr. Baker's face. He was sure there was a story there. The group eventually left, most of them still looking green around the gills.


The rest of the training class went quickly. Deeks had found a friend in DiNozzo and, after the tour when he had met the rest of the man's team, more often than not, one or more would join them for drinks. Having people to spend time with helped with his homesickness and made him feel less lonely. The night before graduation, they had all gone out to dinner, including Abby, Jimmy and Ducky. As a surprise, Director Vance had showed up and picked up the bill. Over all, it was a very pleasant evening but Deeks was happy it was almost over, that he would be able to head back to L.A. and Kensi. They talked almost every night and they missed each other terribly. Kensi had even gone so far at tell him that Monty was moping around the house, listening to Tori Amos. They had both laughed at her using his code for the fact that he had desperately missed her when she was in Afghanistan. He would graduate tomorrow and was booked on the first available flight home.

Graduation day dawned, cold and dreary. Deeks couldn't wait to get out of here. Hetty had asked again if he wanted his team to know what he was up to, now that he'd passed and was about to graduate. He'd declined and Hetty had let it go, for the most part. When Deeks got to the FLETC auditorium, he was surprised to find her and Granger waiting for him.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Mr. Deeks, neither Owen, nor myself, were willing to let you graduate without someone in the audience for you!"

He looked at both of them, standing there, knowing that they had both flown across the country to be here for him and he felt his throat close up. He cleared it and simply said "I'm very glad you're both here to represent the OSP team. I hope I made you both proud?"

"Most definitely, Mr. Deeks, most definitely."

Granger was a little gruffer. "Let's get this how on the road so we can get back home." Both Hetty and Deeks looked at him in surprise; they both had heard the man state on more than one occasion that he hated California. He looked back at both of them and said "What?" daring them to comment. Both laughed, the emotional moment broken and they went inside to find Gibbs and his team, Ducky, Jimmy and Abby waiting for them. Deeks wasn't sure what to say so he said thank you and left it at that.

Once all the recruits were given their new badges and officially welcomed into the NCIS family by Director Vance, everyone was milling about. Baker moved through the groups, congratulating his favorites and ignoring Deeks. When Vance approached, he waited, wondering if the man would acknowledge him, not knowing that he would soon regret wishing that.

"Mr. Baker, a word please?"

"Of course Director!" Baker was pleased, thinking that he was about to be praised for his work and excused himself from the group he was with.

Moving away from everyone, Vance led him to a quieter area and turned to him. "Mr. Baker, if I ever hear of you treating another recruit the way you did Martin Deeks, you'll be looking for another job, do I make myself clear?"

Baker was stunned. "Did he run to you, complaining about his treatment? The man has no business becoming an agent. Look at him! He looks like he should be on a beach somewhere with a surfboard."

"No, Deeks did not complain to me. His boss, Hetty Lange, did that."

"THE Hetty Lange? What…what do you mean his boss?"

"Agent Deeks has been a member of OSP's elite team for seven years and deserved better than the way you treated him. Even if he hadn't been, no one deserves to be treated like that just based on his supposed background and looks. Deeks is a graduate of Pepperdine Law, has been a Public Defender, one of the best detectives LAPD had and a valued member of the NCIS family. Perhaps you need a refresher course in how to recognize talent?"

Baker's mouth dropped open and he didn't know how to respond. "He never said anything!"

"He shouldn't have had to. Deeks simply wanted to be accepted on his own merit and not the people he knows. You should take a page out of his book."

"Yes, Director. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to him." Vance gave him a look that said that this was not a suggestion. Baker nodded and Vance walked away. Baker seethed. The scruffy Californian had shown him up in front of the Director, conveniently forgetting that it was his own actions that had brought the rebuke down on his shoulders. He scanned the room and saw Deeks, surrounded by Gibbs and his team, a small woman he believed was the aforementioned Hetty Lange and a tall man he recognized as Assistant Director Owen Granger. Dr. Mallard, his assistant and Abby Sciuto rounded out the group. They all appeared to be congratulating him and he felt the bile rise in his throat, knowing he would have to apologize to the man who had been a thorn in his side from the moment he'd walked through the door. Now he knew why Deeks's application had been fast tracked. He had the ear of some of the top people at the agency.

Squaring his shoulders, he stalked towards the group to get this over with. "Agent Deeks, congratulations. May I have a word?"

Deeks looked at him in confusion, he had never expected the man to seek him out, certainly hadn't expected him to congratulate him. He followed Baker away from his group, Granger reminding him that they had a plane to catch. Deeks nodded, figuring that whatever Baker had to say was not going to take long.

Away from the groups of people, Baker stopped and turned to him. "I've been told I owe you an apology for the way I treated you. So, I apologize."

"Wow, that was heartfelt! How could I not accept it?" Deeks said sarcastically.

"You can accept it or not. I've made it and I've done what I needed to."

"Understood. I'm still not sure why you took such in instant dislike to me when I never did anything to you, and I find I really don't' care, but, apology accepted." Deeks turned away, dismissing the man from his mind and made his way back to his family and friends.


The Monday after Deeks's graduation, Hetty and Granger walked into the bullpen and requested the attention of her agents. Nell and Eric came down from upstairs at her earlier request. Hetty said "Miss. Blye, it's been several months now and we need to get you another permanent partner. This team needs a fourth member and it's time."

Kensi opened her mouth to protest and shut it again. She knew Hetty was right but she only wanted one partner and he was no longer available to her. It had been two months since he went off to do whatever it was he was doing and she just wanted him home. She nodded and sighed. Surprisingly, it was Sam who protested.

"Are we really sure Deeks won't be back? I'd rather have him on this team than anyone else."

"Detective Deeks will not be returning. The agent I have in mind just graduated FLETC this weekend at the top of his class."

"A rookie? Really Hetty?" complained Sam. He missed Deeks and the empty desk next to him was a constant reminder of that. Wait. "Where's he going to be sitting? He can't have Deeks's desk!"

"I'm afraid there is no other choice, Mr. Hanna."

"No. That's Deeks's desk."

Hetty was finding it hard to stop her smile. "If I remember correctly, when Detective Deeks first joined us you felt the same way about it being Dom's desk and you didn't want him sitting there."

"Yeah, well, things change."

"Indeed, Mr. Hanna, and they are changing again." She looked behind them, seeing the man in question standing there, listening. She looked at Kensi and said "Your new partner has arrived, Miss. Blye." She gestured behind her. "Let me introduce you to Special Agent Martin Deeks."

The whole group spun around. Deeks grinned at them and he was quickly surrounded by everyone. Kensi even relaxed her rules and threw herself into his arms, kissing him long and hard in front of everyone. Nell was crying and gave him hug, telling him how much they'd missed him, that it hadn't been the same without him. Deeks looked carefully at Callen who was standing back a little. He knew that this was the real test. Would Callen welcome him back?

"Callen, if you don't want me on this team, say the word and I'm gone. I'll find another office to work through. Do you want me on this team?"

Callen stared at him, letting him sweat a little and then grinned. "Wrong question Agent Deeks. Welcome home!"


A/N - this probably could have gone longer but I lost focus after the episode aired and we found out he really was guilty.