Valerie Oswald was born August 18th, 1848. Her parents were Thomas Oswald and Sarah Oswald. Valerie's father Thomas was raised as an assassin. Her father was an Italian Assassin, while her mother was born a Welsh Assassin. At a young age Valerie was told of what her legacy was to become. She accepted that task. While her father pressured her to be an assassin, her mother felt the opposite, but knew when she became six, Valerie's father would train her. She knew her daughter could never have a simple life anyway, with her Assassin ancestry. So she let it be, for the sake of her daughter and wanting her to know how to protect herself and be strong.
December 15th, 1852:
At the young of the age of four, Valerie sat on the stone bench, her legs swinging back and fourth. She hummed to herself, her father was off on another mission. Valerie had taken a lot after her mother, but she had dark raven hair from her father and his caramel skin tone. From her mother she had golden colored eyes, with a tint of green. She also inherited her mothers stubborn, sarcastic, outgoing, and blunt personality. While gaining her father intelligence, wisdom, and wit. Her mother had told her she was to meet the children of a close friend of her fathers Ethan Frye, a fellow assassin. She was excited and curious. She was interrupted by a voice.
"What are you doing out here?" A young boys voice interrupted her thoughts, she looked up sharply to see a young brown haired boy.
"Why do you want to know?" She asked quickly, narrowing her eyes at him.
"I'm just curious." He shrugged.
"What do you want?" She replied annoyed.
"If I wanted something I would've bugged you to death already." He smirked at her.
"You already are bugging me!" She pointed out, rolling her eyes.
"Jacob!" She heard a voice shout, both her and the boy turn their heads towards the voice. Valerie saw a brown haired girl that almost looked exactly like the boy in front of her. She saw the girl look at them, before skipping over. "Jacob, why did you run off? You made grandmother worried." The girl chastised the boy. Jacob rolled his eyes, and ignored her. Valerie looked at the both quietly.
"I was just exploring, Evie." He waved her off.
"And bugging me." Valerie muttered, Evie looked at her, finally noticing her presences.
"Oh! Hello!" She smiled at Valerie. Valerie smiled back.
"Hello." She nodded, Valerie jumped off the bench and held her hand out towards to Evie. "My names Valerie Oswald."
"Evie Frye." Evie beamed happily, shaking Valerie's hand. "And the annoying twat that was bugging you is Jacob." She told Valerie.
"Hey!" Jacob cried out offended, making both girls smirk.
"She's not far from wrong. You have this annoyance raiding off you." Valerie said snickering. Jacob glared at her.
"See told you I'm always right, Jacob." Evie said smugly crossing her arms.
"Yeah, and that makes you a know it all, Evie." Jacob replied. "And no one likes a know it all!" He finished, Evie glared at him.
"And no proper woman would like a man thats rude, Jacob." Valerie said in a matter of a fact tone. Jacob opened his mouth to say something, as Valerie raised an eyebrow, he just glared before storming off. Evie and Valerie glanced at each other before they burst out laughing. "He's such a baby." Valerie laughed.
"He always complains. Especially when I'm right." Evie chuckles. "Its finally good to meet someone who agrees with me about my little brother."
"I can read him like a book, Evie." Valerie shrugged. "I just know he's really annoying." She grins, both girls continue to laugh. As years came to pass, Evie and Valerie became close friends. Jacob and Valerie had become well...enemies sorta. At the age of six the twins were trained by their father to become assassin's, and when Valerie became six she was trained by her parents as well. Her father had decided that she would be trained with Evie and Jacob. Which made things worse, Jacob would play pranks, make fun of her, and tease her. And Valerie with her short-temper, she had only retaliated. But...Jacob's opinion began to change as they became older, even Valerie's did slightly. Her father died when she was eleven, leaving her mother to work with Ethan on training her and the twins.
September 3rd, 1864:
As Valerie dodged Jacob's incoming fist, as she swiftly tripped him, making him fall to the ground with a thud, she held a throwing knife to his neck, as she smirked. Jacob looked up at her, he had to admit she changed a lot since the annoying, snarky girl he met. Her face was thinner, he knew if she wasn't to become an assassin many men would want to court her, because she was very beautiful. And Valerie had to say, Jacob had become very handsome in her opinion, but she kept those thoughts to herself. His dislike for her had...well faded. Evie had noticed and often teased him for having a crush on her best friend.
"Dead. Again." Valerie grinned, stepping away from Jacob, as he stood brushing himself off.
"Only because I was distracted." He shrugged, she rose an eyebrow. "Well I had to make sure my face wasn't damaged. Its my best feature."
"Yeah, alright. Not a valid reason." She snorted. Jacob rolled his eyes. "Hope you realize you can't go into missions with just your good looks." She told him, she could hear Evie laughing.
"My good looks have saved me a lot." Jacob said.
"Really? Hope that isn't with the countless girls you've flirted with." She looked at him blankly.
"Maybe. Maybe not." He said vaguely. She just stared at him. "Alright, alright. Fine. I didn't want to hurt you." He admitted, lying slightly.
"Well you don't have to worry about me." She huffed crossing her arms. "I wasn't worried about you. Because I wasn't going to hurt my favorite feature of you." She teased grinning cheekily. Jacob looked at her shocked, as Evie covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed.
"And whats your favorite feature that I have?" He asked slightly nervous. She smirked as she walked past him.
"You have a nice bum." She commented, smirking still. Evie finally broke laughing, as she saw the deep red blush on her brothers face. Evie stumbled over to her brother still laughing.
"Your face! Oh god bless Val and her humor." She said, as she stopped laughing, breathing heavily.
"Shut up, Evie." He mumbled.
"Never. I will when you two finally admit your feelings for each other." Evie said annoyed slightly. Jacob just ignored her, as he watched Valerie walk inside her family manor where they trained. Valerie walked into her room, she went over to her nightstand as she picked up her fathers old watch, it was fragile which is why she kept it in her room, it was the last thing she had of her father. Valerie changed out of her muddy clothes into other clothing. She walked out as she saw Evie.
"Evie!" She called out, Evie looked at her. "Want to go explore or something?" She asked her friend.
"Okay." Evie nodded, compared her friend Evie was more calm headed, she helped balance Valerie make sure she didn't do anything to bad. Both girls walked out of the manor leaving Jacob alone. As they walked they ran into a person, Valerie more then she hated Jacob. Edward Jones. The boy was annoying and cocky. Always thinking her was better then anyone else.
"Well, well, hello Evie and Valerie." He smirked cockily. The girls glanced at each other, sighing.
"What do you want, Edward?" Valerie slouched annoyed.
"Oh nothing. Just came to say hello."
"Of course you did." Evie muttered, scoffing at the obvious lie.
"Hmm...well I would tell you both, but its a secret." He whispered.
"We'll keep your damn secret, Edward. Just tell us." Valerie glared.
"Fine, Valerie. I heard Jacob say something about..." He trailed, Evie's eyes widened as she froze. "...hmmm...can't remember. But just be cautious." He warned her in a serious tone, before walking off. Both girls watched him leave with confused looks on their face. When sunset came, both girls walked back, as Valerie headed to her room, as she heard a breaking of glass, she sprinted up the steps to her room. She burst into her room, as she saw Jacob...holding her fathers watch. Broken. She stared at him, as she walked over to a wall painted with charcoal saying "Bitch and Slut." Tears formed in her eyes, as she turned and looked at Jacob.
"How could you!?" She shouted angrily. She heard footsteps, as Evie bolted into her room, staring at shock.
"Valerie it wasn't me it was Ed-" He started, but Valerie cut him off.
"Get out! Now!" She yelled. Jacob stood up startled.
"Please, Valerie listen to me!" He begged.
"Get out! I hate you! Get out!" She screamed. Evie went over to her brother tugging on her brothers arm gently.
"Jacob, please..." Evie said quietly. Jacob hesitantly, began walking out.
"I will never forgive you, Jacob Frye!" She cried, Jacob froze at those words. Valerie was truly hurt. Her fathers watch destroyed and those foul words on her wall. It hurt her, because it was Jacob who did it. As the twins walked out, Valerie collapsed to the ground crying. They were all lucky that Ethan and Sarah were gone for a few days. Jacob and Evie sat outside they could faintly hear Valerie's sobs.
"Why Jacob? Why would you do that?" Evie asked shocked still.
"I didn't, Evie! It was Edward. He snuck inside the manor...I tried to stop him. The words were already there and the watch he broke before he left." He exclaimed. "I tried to fix it all. But you both came back. It was too late." He told her, Evie looked down. She believed her brother, she did. She could believe someone as cruel as Edward could do something like that, he was jealous of the sorta relationship Valerie had with Jacob.
"I believe you." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. Jacob smiled at her in relief, she smiled back. "Maybe you should tell her." Evie suggested.
"Its too late, Evie. She's made it clear. I hurt her." He sighed, Evie knew he was right, but Valerie saw the evidence in front of her. "But I'll try to fix it some way." Jacob said, suddenly determined.
"Yes. I know you will." Evie chuckled. "She can't hold that on you for too long." She told him, Jacob nodded in agreement. She patted his shoulder, before standing up and walking away. Jacob sat they firmly believing her mind would change. He could always use his charms, he needed her to forgive him. He didn't want her to hate him forever. He needed her to trust him, especially if they ever work together in missions in the future. He was determined to get her forgiveness. And oh boy he knew that was going to be damn difficult. Especially when it comes to someone like Valerie. But he needed to try, because he wouldn't be able to stand knowing someone he was close with hated him.
A/N: Heyo everyone! You can call me Clara or Bela. This is my very first Assassin's Creed fanfiction. And yes it will follow the story of the game after this chapter. Now I probably won't update for a while, because I do want to finish the game. Anyway, I made it a Jacob/OC story, I'm probably the first Jacob/OC fanfiction out right now, on quotev. XD And also Valerie and Jacob won't immediately get together. Their relationship will grow slowly, I don't like rushing relationships. Anyway, again I hoped you enjoyed. ~ Bela/Clara.
P.S: If you want to. You can give some feedback. I always like seeing what others have to say.