Author's note: I'm sorry that it has taken me this long to update the story. The last time I updated the story, my mother was sick, so I don't have the motivation to continue the story. Last December, my mother passed away. She doesn't get to be buried until January because one of my relative has also passed away, a day or two before my mother, so my other relatives went to help his family prepared with his the funeral. My family and I are alone to prepare my mother's and we don't have anybody else to help us. I'm still stressed from all of this, and busy a lot, so I might not have the time to continue this story. I even skipped this college semester just so I will have time to take care of my younger siblings. But I will try my best to update the stories as much as I can.

Last time I updated was the chapter that Jack went to the Winter's household to help Elsa, and was reunited with his childhood friends. This chapter was all about what their past was like, so there's a lot of flashback. The flashback are not in the same orders, so if you get confuse, please me a message.

Enjoy this chapter! :)

Chapter 8: The Past

"Jack?" That was the only word that can come out of her mouth.

"Hey, Anna!" He waved the hand that was holding the spatula that was cooking. "You didn't expect me to be here, huh?"

"What are you doing here, Jack?" She asked him after her brain comes back from reality.

Jack laughed as he can see the mess around Anna's hair from the corner of his eyes. His body shakes from all the laughing but he tried his best to stand still so that he wouldn't burn or spill anything. "You two might want to wash up for breakfast, especially you, Anna. You look horrible."

The strawberry hair girl stared at him confusedly as she doesn't understand what he was talking about. She went to a nearby mirror that was hung on the wall next to the family's photo. She screamed in horror and embarrassment as she saw her tornado bird nest hair in the mirror. The skin of face turned pale as she saw the state she was in and ran quickly to her room. She went to take a quick shower to fixed her messy hair. A hot shower and a new change of clothes should do the trick.

The pixie-cut brunette girl turns to her aunt and uncle to ask information about this mysterious person. "Uncle, Auntie, who is this man?"

"Hey, Punzie!" Jack greeted her after scooping the last pair of sunny eggs to a third plate. He turned around to face her with a handsome smile. "You might not remembered me because we only met twice. I was the one who dyed your long golden hair pink fifteen years ago."

She scratched her hair not really remembering who he is. She shook her head slowly to respond after three minutes trying to recall her memory. "Nope. I don't remember you."

Jack chuckled. He sure has a habit to chuckle at everything. "Why don't you go get ready? Breakfast will be in the dining table waiting for you guys when you're done." He grabs one plate of the breakfast that he made and put it on silver tray next to a glass of orange juice and a small plate with a croissant. "I hope you regain your memory while you get yourself ready." He picked up the tray and carried it upstairs to Elsa's room.

Rapunzel went straight to her room and jumped into the shower stealing the hot water from Anna.

While the two girls fought for the hot water, Jack stood outside of Elsa's door again. He carried the tray with his left arm with his fingertips holding the tray tightly. He knocks on the door gently three times with his spare hand. "Elsa, open up! Your breakfast is ready."

"I'm not hungry. I already told you that." She said behind the door, but then her stomach growled loudly even the people on the other side can hear her stomach crying of hunger. She tried to shush it once again telling it to be quiet but it growled every five seconds.

"It's either you open the door, or I'm going to kick it open. Come on, Elsa. Don't be stubborn." He warned her with a teasing tone.

"But you will be scare and run away." She cries in fear as a tear dropped down to her cheeks.

"Would I be here if I didn't exactly know what happen to you? Come on, Elsa. I've been there. I'm here to help you train your power. Trust me." His tone turns soft, sincere and serious.

"Y-y-you know everything?" Her voice stuttered as she asked him.

"I just found out yesterday, which is why I came here. If you open the door and eat your breakfast, then I can show you a secret of mine. Deal?"

"What secret?" She asked curiously.

"You have to open the door to find out." He teases her. He chuckles as he can hear her pout. He can just picture the pouting look. He wondered if it was still cute like when they were little. "You have three seconds since your breakfast is getting cold. If you don't open the door, then I'm going to kick your door open. I'm counting backward now. Three." He only counts backward when he's being serious, and three is the number he will always use.

"Wait!" Her voice began to panicked and scurried away from the door. "You're joking, are you?"


"Come on! Let's talk it over!" Her voice was really freaked out and scared. There's no way a normal human being can kicked her door open. Right? He can't be a Hulk and just break down her door with just one kick, right?

"Open the door, and I will not kick the door open. One." Still counting.

"WAIT! DON'T KICK THE DOOR! I'M OPENING IT!" She ran back to the door and quickly opened it. Once she saw his face, there was a huge smirk on his face. She knew that smirk very well. She remembered it very well. She had been tricked again.

As long as she had known him, he always a prankster. He would always pulled pranks on her when he comes to visit. She was his number one victim. He was very mean to her, but she likes him a lot. She loves being around him even though he was very mischievous, but he made the day very fun. After when he was done throwing a prank, he would put on a smirk. A huge smirk, and that smirk means "Gotcha!"

Her face flushed in red as she saw him, still holding her breakfast in the tray. "JACK! YOU LIAR! YOU TRICKED ME! AGAIN!"

Jack laughed, one hand still hold onto the tray and the other holding his stomach from laughing. "I was going to do it for real but you've already opened the door. I told you not to be fool by me many times before." He smiled teasingly at her. "Here's your breakfast, Milady."

She grabs the tray from him and stares at him. "I'm surprised you didn't run away when you saw my room."

"Please." He gives a little laugh. "I've seen worse before."

The inside of her room was all covered in thin ice. Every thing was covered in ice. The bed, dressers, desk, bookshelves, and the big closet, it was all covered in ice. It's kind of like she has her own ice bedroom like in a magical fairy tale. The ice kept growing stronger and stronger from.

"Eat first, then we will talk once you're done." He puts his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "We had a lot to discuss, and there are things you need to know and accept what was coming next."

Anna and Rapunzel got done fixing themselves, and they ran downstairs to eat the fresh breakfast that Jack made it for them. They eat it together in the dining room where they found the food there cover in clear plastic wraps.

Rpunzel's eyes sparkled as she took another bite of the sunny egg yolk. "Wow! This Jack guy sure is a great cook. "Hey, Anna, how do you know this guy?"

"I met him at the supermarket yesterday when I went to buy your Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. I didn't know that he knows my parents." She continues eating her breakfast as she was enjoying the delicious breakfast that was in front of her.

"The supermarket?" She asked curiously. "Huh. That's weird. Then how did he know me? I've never met him before."

"Jack knows you?" She was puzzled as she never heard that her dear cousin knows any "Jack" in her life. "Now that you've mention it, that is weird. When I first met him, I did thought he looked familiar. I even asked him too if we had met before, but he denied." She hit the table with her fist. "That LIAR!" She suddenly felt the pain from her hand that hit the table. "OW! Okay, maybe I shouldn't have hit the table too hard."

"You asked him?" The brunette girl begins to tease. "~Desperate!~" She sings the word to her cousin in a teasing tone.

"I AM NOT DESPERATE!" Anna shouted at the top of her lungs.

Back to the second floor, the young dear ice princess eats her breakfast in her room. Everything went back to normal after Jack turned on the heat in her room. The places that was covered in ice had melted after a few minutes when the heat was turned on. Elsa ate her breakfast at her desk while Jack sat on her bean bag and her parents sat on her bed.

After she was done eating, a maid took away the tray. Agnarr ordered the securities to guard the outside door to make sure the two young girls who were eating in the dining table doesn't come near them and disturb their private talk with Elsa. This Talk is not for outsiders to hear, and both Anna and Rapunzel are too young and innocent to know.

Elsa smiles to Jack as she looked down at him where he is at the corner of her tiny library. "That was delicious, Jack. Did you really make that?"

"Of course." Feeling proud of himself as he crossed his arms. "Never doubt me if you never seen me cook before." He turned his teasing tone to his serious one. "Now, let's talk business." He took a deep breath and continued talking. "Elsa, what I'm about to say is the truth. I know I makes a lot of jokes and threw a lot of pranks, but this is serious. I won't lie to you, not this time." He paused and continued. "Elsa, what you have is called the "Center." The Center means the purpose of your inner self, the true nature of who you really are inside. It can be only triggered when a loved one's death was occurred and they witness it. Whatever powers you will have once you activate the Center, it will depends on what your interest is. Your power symbols of what you like the most. You must have triggered your power when you saw Olaf died."

Flashback Two Years Ago

Elsa was walking down the street with a boy her age with short black hair with three hair sticking out on the top of his head. They had just graduated from high school, Arendelle Academy, a private boarding school Arendelle. Now that high school was over, it's time for summer vacation. They were walking to Olaf's house after they were done meeting their friends at the park. The park was near Olaf's home, and they usually played at this park.

The young boy, Olaf White, bouncing his basketball on the ground while they were walking. "So, Elsa, what are you going to do for summer vacation?"

She puts a a finger to her chin with her eyes closed and think. "Well, let's see. Maybe go to Hawaii or visit Jack in Burgess. I haven't seen him in years. I wonder if he was okay."

Olaf looked at his best friend. "He still hasn't come visit you yet?"

Olaf and Elsa had known each other for a very long time ever since they were in diapers. Olaf's father, Howard White, was Agnarr's assistant. Through their father's work, they get to know each other and became great friends. They became friends when they were only four years old.

They met Jack a years after Jack started pulling pranks on the Winter Residence. The three of them became very good friends, and Olaf really enjoyed helping Jack pulling the pranks even though the three of them had only met once a year. They only met during Christmas week. Olaf is a goofy and clumsy kid, which a lot of kids makes of him. He doesn't get to enjoy the life and and fun with friends, but with Jack, he was able to have fun for the first time and was happy to call Jack "one of his best friends." Jack is a really fun person to hang out with, and he enjoyed Jack's company. Even though the three of them only met once a year, they sure had some good memories together. Some laughs, some smiling. Some pouting and some crying how it's not fair that why I was always the back up. Technically, Elsa's is their back up.

Elsa looked at him and shook her head. "Twelve years, and he still haven't visit us. I want to go and visit him, but Father said that they don't lived in their home anymore. Not after his mother's death. " She sighs as she continues walking. "Even if I want to go find him, I don't even know where he lived now." Olaf then laughed, but she was still curious as to why he was laughing anyways. "What's so funny?"

"You do realize that every time we talked about him, some-"

Before he can finished his sentence, a black van pulled over next to them. The side door behind the passenger's seat was opened, and four men in black from top to bottom, even the face were all covered in black, came out of the van. Two of the men quickly grabbed her while the other grabbed him. Each of their captors grabbed their arms wrapped behind their back with one of their hand while their other hand covered their mouths from screaming. The other captors grabbed a hold of their legs and carried them both into the van with them struggling trying to break free. Once their captors saw that they were both in the van, the driver drives as fast as it can.

The van drove miles away to an abandoned warehouse. What's with the bad guys and abandoned warehouse? Why do they always choose an abandoned warehouse to hide? They always seemed to hide there. Probably because no one seemed to care to look for the bad guys there. The teenagers were both tied together to an old wooden pole. They were tied by the hands with a rope, hands on their back with their back facing each other, but their bodies was chained tightly by a heavy silver chain with a lock. The two young teenagers were trying their best to get the rope off them, but it was too tight.

The four kidnappers whom grabbed them were guarding each entrance: Front and back, including the windows. They were still wearing the black clothes, except, their faces were not covered anymore. Two of them were big like a giant with big arms and legs. They had red hair and blue eyes. They were identical twins. The two other were muscular and tall. One has blonde hair and the other has Black hair. There are two other men at a folding table with two laptop in front of them. One of had ash brown hair and the other one has greenish blue hair. Both of them were so busy with their fingers typing on the keyboard of their laptops.

The man with blonde hair rolled his eyes as he stared over at the table. "Yo! Shrimp!" He yelled over at the table. "Can't you remove your wig for once when we're doing work!"

"Hey!" The man with greenish blue hair yelled back. "This wig helps me concentrate with my work! Okay! If you don' like it, then shut up about it!"

"I don't get it." One of the big twin said as he stared at the two arguing back and forth.

"Me either." His twin replied. "But who care. We've done the job, and I want my money. We have another job offer in Corona. Where is your boss anyway? My brother and I have a plane to catch in two hours."

"Impressive" A voice said by the door. The voice belong to a very big man in a red shirt with yellow collar, black cargo pants and black military boots. He had long black haired tied into a ponytail with red band, thick eyebrows and blue eyes. Standing tall like a commander in a military, he must be the boss.

He smiled evilly to the twins as he saw their prisoners, especially the one one they wanted. "You've caught her. Well done." He narrowed his eyes to the boy next to her and his smile turned wider. "And you've caught me another extra? Impressive." He said it again.

There are two me standing next to him. Both of them wore long black sleeves shirt, black cargo pants and black boots like the one that their boss wore.

"We want our money!" The first twin demanded. "We caught the girl, just like you asked."

"Check your bank accounts, boys." He grinned at them. "It's all there." The big boss walked to the men at the desk. "How's it going?"

The two brothers checked into their bank accounts using their cell phones. Once they saw the many zeros that has just been transferred to them a few minutes ago, they grabbed their things and left the warehouse after being satisfied with their pay.

"Just like you said, Gaston, sir," one of them said. "We can't get in without the pass code that the Governor of Arendelle had it in his possession."

"Lucky for us, we got the girl. Her daddy will make things easy for us." He looked at the two teenagers and smirked evilly. "And that boy will be a good message for us to send it to him." He walked toward the frightened teenagers. He bend down until he reached eye to eye with them, but he was facing Elsa instead of Olaf. "Listen, Girl. If you want you and your boyfriend to get out of here safely, then you better cooperate with us."

Elsa's frightened eyes rolled. "First of all, Olaf is not my boyfriend, but my best friend. And second of all, you expect me to believe that you will let us leave unharmed once you get what you want."

"That's right. Try to escape or do something stupid, and I will kill the both of you." He turned his attention to Olaf.

"Uh... no offense, but,..." The boy finally spoke after hours of being captives, "how are suppose to escape or do something stupid after being this tied up?"

Gaston patted him on the head with an evil laugh. "Good boy." Try to escape, and you will have nowhere to be buried." He walked back to the table after giving them a serious warning.

Olaf sighed of relief once that villain was away from them. "This is what I was afraid of."

"Oh really?" She glared at him with sharp eyes. She looks like she was ready to rip his head off if only she can get out of the chain and rope. "THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE SAY SOMETHING!"

"I did try," he rethink back to what he said earlier before they were kidnapped. "I was about to say 'Every time we talked about Jack, bad things always happened.' I guess my mind kind of jinxed it."

She was out of word trying to defend the friend that she had waited long enough to see but didn't get the chance. "W-wh- what? That's not true!"

"Don't try to denied it! You know it's true!" He makes a list of all of the bad things that happens to them when they mentioned Jack's name. "One, you slipped on ice. Two, we were chased by a pack of of the neighbors' dogs. Three, we got lost in the woods FIVE times each summer in elementary. Four, Halloween from three years ago goes bad because that night we were in a crossfire of cops chasing bad guys. And five, we almost died of poison apples at the apple orchard last spring."

"You exaggerated!" She rolled her eyes. "I've already checked those apples. They were fine and cleaned."

He ignored her and still continued on the list. "There were dead rats in my locker."

"They were planted by the basketball team because you were in their way when they tried to get a date with me." She gives him a reason, but then decides to list all of them o complete the mysteries of bad things that happened to them. "Among the other things that you listed, I slipped on ice because it was my first day of ice skating. We were chased by those dogs because you kept arguing with those scary big dogs like they can argue back and you will win some medal for arguing with stupid dogs, which it was VERY stupid, by the way." He growled at her, but she continues with her reasons with sarcasm. "We got lost in the woods each year FIVE TIMES because you said that you know those woods like the back of your head., Mr. Know-It-All! I was stupid to trust you too. And on Halloween day, we were in the crossfire because you claimed that you knew that neighborhood very well. That is all your fault!"

"And you believe me too!" He raised his voice on her. "You're dumber than I thought."

Those were the last words he had said it to her before they got separated from each other. Those villains unlocked the chain and untie him and pulled him away from her. They took him away, and she doesn't know where did they put him. But what she knows was that she was all alone with the bad guys and felt like crying.

Who knows how many hours or days has it been since the day she was kidnapped. She was put into a very dark room with no windows, only all walls. She was not tied up and chain anymore. She can touched her face with her hands but she cannot even see her hands. She couldn't see anything. She was all alone and she wished she was back at home with her family where she was safe. Now she regretted that she should listen to her father when he suggested she takes securities with her, but she refused it. And now she was all alone with the bad guys and not knowing exactly where she is.

One day, She was pulled out of the dark room and be put back in the main room where the bad guys are. A minute later, Olaf was brought back and was tied next to his best friend once again. The Big Boss was on the phone with who knows what. He was angry and was yelling. He pulled out a gun and pointed to their direction. They both closed their eyes and screamed.

BOOM! The gun was fired. Olaf screamed louder than hers and cried how much it hurt. She quickly opened her eyes and saw red on his leg. Olaf was shot on the leg, and it was bleeding pretty bad. She cries along with being tied up and not knowing what to do. She heard Gaston said this was only a warning and that they had fours until Olaf bleed out and died. Four hours later, Olaf was still holding onto any breathe he has left and still had hope that they will be save. Gaston pointed the to them again and another BOOM! Blood rushed down from the kid's forehead and his head fell to the left shoulder where Elsa's head was there crying right there next to him.

She cried very loud, screaming his name. She looked coldly at the man who shot her best friend. Her eyes turned icy blue, everything of her eyes was blue like she was possessed or something. The sky started to change from a hot and sunny day to a cold and wet day. Water started pouring from the sky. Rain, what a perfect weather for a person to die, rained harder each time Elsa cried and screamed for her dead friend.

All of a sudden, her surrounding was covered in ice. The more she cried, the faster the ice spread. The harder she screamed, the more people the ice attacks. The only one who survived this was Gaston who was able to get away. Once he saw the ice, he ran away and not looking back to what the ice did to his companions. Ten minutes later after Elsa was all alone crying, the NSA agents and the Winter Securities finally find her location, but she is in a huge mess. Blood is everywhere, a body is lying dead next to her, ice is everywhere she is and was not affected by the rain, and many dead bodies everywhere that cannot be explained.

She was taken home and shut herself in her room after that. It turns out that the ice came from her and it wouldn't go away. The more she is scare, the more it spread. And so on that's how life goes for her till this day.

Back to reality, tears were full in her eyes dripping down one by one. Remembering to those memories brings back bad memories that she doesn't want to remember. Watching her best friends died, right in front of her eyes only because her father refused to give up the pass code. She can't believe those were their last conversation. The past is the past and there's nothing she can do to change that. She wiped them quickly and tried to refrain herself from crying.

She looked away from her parents and her old childhood friend. She doesn't want them to see her tears. Her parents always taught her to never let anyone sees her cry and a girl should be hard headed so no one cannot overstep you. She is a Winter after all, and their family was known as strong, brave, intelligent and stubborn. Well, everyone in this world is stubborn so that doesn't really count.

Agnarr looked at his little girl in concern. For two long years, those sad eyes were the only thing that he sees. It has been two years that he actually sees her face. Ever since she was saved by the NSA agents, she was not the same anymore. She shut herself in her room and locked herself in there. No one can get in, and she refused to come out. The only one she trusted to entered her room is him and he was usually the one to bring her food to her.

He kneels next to his little princess and lifted her chin so she can face him, eye to eye. He smiled to her and that was the smile she hasn't seen for a very long tome. "If you want to cry, then go ahead, honey." He pulled her head to his chest and soothed her on the head with one arm wrap around her and the other arm soothe his little girl. "Cry all you want and my shoulder will be here just for you."

All the tears that she tries to hold onto immediately dropped all down and damped it on her father's suit. She cried as loud as she could with her arms wrap around her father's waist. Her mother kneels next to her and her father and soothe her hair. She cried even harder when her parents told her to let it all out.

"Elsa, I came here today to help you." She sniffed and looked over her father's shoulder to look at Jack. "You may believe no one in this world can help you, but you're wrong." He held out his hand and a snowflake was flying an inch up from it. "I have the same thing as you."

She was at lost words. What can she say? She hadn't seen Jack for nearly fifteen years and had no communication with him. What does she even know about him now? He has to be changed and not the same Jack that she used to know. The old Jack would never cook such a delicious breakfast. He would never wake up early just to come and visit her. And he would never act so calm and talks to mature just to calm her down. But there is still one thing that hasn't changed about him. He is still the same trickster like he was when they were only children.


"When?" He asked suspecting that was one of the questions that she was gonna asked. He closed his palm and the snowflake disappear. "How? Where?" He smiled to her as he stood up from the bean bag. "This is the answer to the question why I missed Christmas with you fifteen years ago. The same year that my mother died."

Once the snowflakes disappeared, he puts his hands in his packets. He stood two feet away from them and looked at them cuddled in each other's arms trying to comfort Elsa. "My mother and I went shopping in the mall that day. It was three days before we're supposed to get on the plane to Arendelle. I went to pick up your birthday and Christmas presents. On our way, our wheels blew out. Our car flipped over causing us to lose my mother that day. I called her, but she didn't answered me. I didn't understand that she just died. I don't know exactly when my power were activated, but..." He paused for a minute and then continued. "...everything in my surrounding were covered in ice. It keeps spreading and and it wouldn't stopped. The police came to rescued us, but they were already too late to save my mother."

"I was sent to an underground secret lab that my father built it for privacy." Well, it was half true. "I was put into a metal cell for the safety of myself and others. I felt like a lab rat that was used for scientific theory and stuff like that. Once in a while, my father would come and drew some blood from me just so he can study about what happens to me. But everything was normal. I was scared, sad and lonely. I wanted to get out of there and thought that I will be stuck there for the rest of my life. I thought my life was over."

"I had stayed there for four years and every day was pretty much the same. I eat, sleep, write how I'm feeling each day, let the scientist drew blood from me. It was boring and lonely when I think that I will never see the sun ever again. Or see you guys again."

"So how do you break free from it?" Elsa asked. "What did you do?"

"I be myself." Her face dropped when he answers. She wasn't expecting that kind of an answer from him. But then again, he is Jack Frost. You never know when he will lied to you and trick you. He is being himself after all. "I tried to be who I was when I was a kid and just be that. Just let go of the fear, sadness, and anger that I had in me and accept it." He smiled and wiped her tears. "If I can do it, so can you. I can help you, Elsa. You're never alone. I'm sure there are people like us too, and maybe they weren't so lucky like us. Because we have our parents for support, and they didn't neglect us."

"I-I-" She stuttered her words not know what to say.

"I came back to Arendelle because of you." Well, that was not true, but it was a good excuse and reason to come back, He said to himself in his mind. "I can teach you how to control your power, and then you wouldn't have to be scare of it. You can control your power and do what you want with it."

"I only want it to go away." She replied softly resting her head on her knees with her arms wrapping her legs as she tried to sit still on her desk chair.

"You can't make it go away," He walked toward her and soothed her hair to comfort her. "Once you activated the Center, it's permanent. But you can turn things around and make that power permanently yours. Your power, you rules." She still wouldn't looked up at him. "Hey," He knelt down next to her and grabs her hands. The ice around her is still spreading nonstop. Once he got hold of both of her hands, she looked up into her eyes. There's another set of tears in her eyes ready to pour. "Believe in yourself. Have hope that everything will be okay if you want this to stop. I believe in you. We all believe in you. Just close your eyes and try to relax."

"You're kidding, are you?" She asked him as he was crazy. You cannot control your power that easy. He looked at her showing he was serious about all of this. "You're serious?"

"Just trust me." He rose and eyebrows at her. "You do trust me, don't you?"

"Not really. You pulled a lot of prank on me in the past. Remember?"


A young little boy of the age of four was playing with a tube a super glue and he spill some onto a stuffed snowman toy on the armpits and hand. That is usually the spots where she would grabbed her favorite toys.

A few seconds later, he handed the snowman back to her only touching the legs. She happily accepted not being aware that her favorite plush toy had super glue on it. Once she touched the hand, her fingers were glued to the toy and she couldn't get it off.

She started crying. "Jack, you are a big meanie!" She ran away from crying. "Mommy!"

"It was only a joke." He laughed shrugging his shoulders.

Ever since that incident, she avoided him to get close to her toys and hid all of her toys so that he would not be able to get his hands on them. It took her only a hot bath to get her glued hand off of her toy. Her snowman also took a hot batch and and a nice dry, her snowman was back to normal.

Flashback Ends

Coming back from reality, he frowned. Not at her but at himself for being childish. Well, can you blame him? He's only at four, and was cunning and sneaky with evil little mind.

He raised his arms up in surrender. "I was four, okay, and you can't blame a kid who was only trying to have some fun." He defended himself. He was looking for her to rolled her eyes, but instead she gives him a weak laugh. The entire time that he was in their house, he haven't seen her show any emotion other than trying to avoid him and getting him to stay far away from her. Seeing her laugh a little like this, he miss it. "I'm all grown up now, so I only pulled prank one day per year."

"You expect me to believe that?" She asked.

"If you really are my friend, you will believe me." He paused to see if she will respond or shows any other reaction, but she finds her floor to be actually fascinating. He lifts her chin up so that he can see those beautiful blue eyes that longed to see for a long time. "I'm here to help you, but I can't help you if you won't let me. I won't ask anything about what happen or anything you don't want to talk about. We can set up some ground rules if you want. I really want to help you, and I want to see the happy Elsa that I used to know. Don't you want to control it and get back to the outside world?"

"No." She bluntly answered him.

"Not even hanging out with me and meeting some of my friends?" He asked trying to persuade her. "Not even Hiccup and Merida whom I used to tell you about?"

"They're here?" Elsa asked in a high pitched tone as excited as a five years old who was getting to open a present. Jack was taken back by her reaction, so the only thing he can do is nodded lightly. "Why didn't you bring them with you?"

"Would you have agree to meet them to see you like this?" She shook her head. "That's what I thought." He stood up, still holding her hands. "Alright, get up."

"What?" She asked him confusedly.

"We are going to do a little test." He gently pulled her up by force. When he stands next to her this close, she was only up to his shoulders like he remember. "Close your eyes, try to relax. Don't try to fight me!" He warned her. "You won't win, and I will not take a no for an answer." She rolled her eyes. "You won't listen to me when I talked nicely, so I'm going to have to force you." He puts his palm on her eyes trying to close it. "Close your eyes, Crybaby Elsa, and try to relax."

She rolled her eyes again and closed her eyes with an angry huff. "Now what, genius?"

"Breathe in, and then out. Gently and slowly." He demonstrates as he watched her. She did it with an angry expression even with her eyes closed. He was trying so hard not to laugh. "Keep doing that and just empty your mind. Don't picture anything."

"There's no picture because I CANNOT see anything!"

"Let go of your anger!" He playfully slap her arms. "Your power keeps spreading because of your emotions. The more you're scared, angry or sad, the more you won't be able to control it. Just relax and stay calm. Don't feel anything, but happiness."

She slowly breathes in and out trying to empty her mind as much as she can. The more she focuses and concentrates on her breathing, the more the ice in her room started disappearing.

Jack placed his index finger to his lips to quiet the parents from saying anything or having any reactions to what their daughter had accomplished. He does not to distract her and let her complete her first task.

A few minutes later once the ice were gone, Jack puts his hand on her shoulder with a genuinely smile. "Elsa, you can open your eyes now."

The young girl with platinum blonde hair slowly opens her eyes and saw Jack and her parents proudly smiles at her. She raises her right eyebrows in confused as they still kept those smiles on their lips.

"What is wrong with all of you?" She asked their smiles is starting to creep her out.

Her mother quickly pulled her into a squeeze tight hug as she couldn't hold onto her excitement. "Oh, sweetie! You did it!"

"M..Mom?" She is trying to break free from her mother's tight hug as she can barely breathes. "What are you talking about? What did I DO?"

Iduna lets go of her, and Elsa breathes as much air as she can before her mother squeezes her tight again. "Look around you." Everyone looked around, smiling and proudly at her accomplishment. "Do you see any difference?"

Elsa gasped as she saw an actual room without the ice. Her room. Everything was the same and they're not wet at all. It was like... magic.

"H-how?" She asked in shock as she haven't seen her room like this in two years.

"You followed Jack's advice, by staying calm." Her father answered. He went to her and gave her a gentle hug. "Your room is no longer an eternal winter wonderland anymore."

"I told you, Els." Jack said crossing his arms and leaning on her wall to her gigantic closet doors are. "If I can do it, so can you." He repeated his words. "For your first try, you did a wonderful job. I'm proud of you."

She runs to give him a hug, which it sort of shocks him because she hugs him a little too tight. A tear rolled down to her cheeks as she sobbed.

"Thank you, Jack." She cries as his arms wrapped around her. "Thank you."

"Don't get too excited. This is only the beginning." He said as the pulled apart from their hugs. He wiped away her tears. "We have a lot to work on. Are you ready to learn, my pupil?" He asked teasing her.

She nodded and smiles. "When can we starts?"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Chapter 8 is done and I will start Chapter 9 soon. Sorry for being a year late of updating this story. I hope you enjoy reading this and I hope you still like this story.