Chapter 1: The Team


1:30 A.M. Saturday

Burgess Warehouse by the Dock

A black jet called the Nightfury landed on top of the warehouse at the dock. Three young men jumped out of the jet and landed quietly on the warehouse roof. The man on the left as in his twenty. He is tall, muscular, had fair skin, light freckles, short black hair, brown eyes and bushy eyebrows. The man on the right was in his early twenties. He is slender, muscular, also fair skin with light freckles, short blonde hair and blue eyes. Lastly, the man in the middle was one inch shorter than the man on his left. He was the same age as the man on the left. He is tall and slim, pale skin, blue eyes and white messy hair. They all wore the same outfit: ski masks to cover their mouth and head, black turtleneck long sleeves shirt, black gloves and cargo pants, along with military boots and kevlar vest, which it was known as bullet proof vest. They also carried the same amount and type of weapons: two pistol guns, 4 cases of bullets, a blade on each ankle, a black backpack, night goggles and chemical smoke bombs. After getting inside the warehouse through the window on the ceiling, they splitted up and investigated the place on their own. The two young men in their twenty headed toward the first floor where the shipping crates were. And the older man went to the control room. As an expert on computer, he tried to hack into the warehouse's surveillance system.

Back up on the jet, there were two young couple in the Nightfury waiting for their comrades. The young lady was nineteen years old with blue dye hair, brown eyes and pale skin. The young man was also the same age as his two comrades down there. He is short, skinny, with fair skin, messy ash hair and blue eyes. They had earpiece on to communicate with their teammates. The autopilot on the jet was turned on. The invisible force field was activated around the Nightfury, so they won't be spotted by the police. The cops didn't liked it when Clock Tower interfered with their work.

Clock Tower is a special task force that was created by the National Security Agency. They traveled around the world and tried to stop an evil organization from world domination, the Black Apocalypse.

The National Security Agency (NSA) is a secret organization that was founded by Manny. Nobody knows who this Manny really is, or if it was a she or a he. Nobody knows anything about Manny, except that Manny was a powerful and rich person. Who knows if Manny was really its name.

The NSA was created to help people. There were so many threats and secrets that no one know or can be told to the outside world. The NSA had so many station around the country, continents and even in space.

Manny put four people in charge of each direction in the world. They called themselves the Guardians. E. Aster Bunnymund, Jr. had the west direction while Sandy had the east. Tooth had the south while North Frost had the north. They covered their section and alerted one another if they were sending agents to each other's territories.

The NSA recruited children that were ten years old or older. Once they reached their tenth birthday, they were qualified to be a cadet at the NSA training academy. Most of the children at the academy took after their parents and followed their footsteps. The legacy was passed to them to stop the Black Apocalypse.

The Black Apocalypse is an evil organization that was created a few years after the NSA. Pitch Black, the founder of the Black Apocalypse, always planned to do whatever it takes to take over the world. It was always world domination to them. They were charged for murder, kidnapping, rape, stealing and selling illegals products, such as weapons, people and drugs. Every time the NSA was closed to arresting them, the Black Apocalypse always managed to escape and disappear.

After all of the bad things the Apocalypse had done, the NSA must cleaned up their mess and made sure no one knew about both of the Apocalypse and NSA. That will become Clock Tower's job, but they had to work quietly. They can't let the cops know about what happened. What they had to do was to keep both of the organization a secret. According to the world, these two rival organizations doesn't exist and Clock Tower is going to make sure of that.

Clock Tower have five members in the task force. Each member had a position to work with: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III is the main technician and pilot. Astrid Hofferson, the only female, is the co-pilot with her boyfriend, Hiccup. Kristoff Bjorgman is the bomb maker and a field agent. Eugene Fitzherbert is the second commander, a computer hacker and a field agent. Lastly, Jack Frost is the team leader. They have been working together for two years now, and they are really great friends.

Jackson Overland Frost is the son of the north NSA Director, North Frost. He preferred to be called Jack. He was trained for eight years and then he left the training academy. He could have stayed for more training, but he planned to travel around the world. The only way he could do that was if he went on mission as a field agent. He put his skills and talents into good use and fought the Black Apocalypse from time to time.

He is a very smart person who never let his guard down. His eyes, ears, and mind was opened wide to his surrounding around him. Plus, he had better marks than his comrades. He was also calm and never let personal matters get in the way of his job. He was confident in himself and his comrades and always got the job done. Even though he was a young adult now, he still had a childish personality. He loves playing with kids. He is the King of Tricksters and loves playing with people whom he can prank. He was known as the Guardian of Fun because he brought fun to everyone. He had missed four years of his childhood. Now he is making up for it.

Jack is not an ordinary person. He is one of those people with magical power, which it can only be triggered to certain people that were born special. The trigger was called the Center. The center means the purpose of their inner self. Once it was triggered, it will be destiny for them to decide if their power will be used for good or evil. When Jack was six years old, his mother and he had a car accident. He witnessed his mother died right in front of his eyes. He received the power of ice and snow because it was when his mother died during a snowing day. The car accident happened during the winter and a few days before his birthday and Christmas. He couldn't controlled it and almost killed a few agents who came to help him. Ever since his power appeared, his life changed: he got home school, his mother died, his father overworked, he barely saw his father again, he lost all of his friends, he was locked in a metal cell, and he couldn't talked to anyone until he could control his power.

He was locked up in a metal cell in the science lab. The scientists were trying to help to control his power so he wouldn't be stuck there for the rest of his life. No matter how hard he tried, it wouldn't go away. He had stayed in that cell for four years until he almost reached his tenth birthday. He remembered what his father told him something about his power. His father said that there was something in his heart wanted more than being an ordinary person. It was his desire that made the Center chose him. What was it that he wanted again? Then it struck him. Fun, laughter, a smile, and snow. That's what he wanted in everyone, especially children. He pushed all those fears he had in him aside and began to think of all the happy thoughts he used to have. The fun he had with his friends, the time he spent with his mother when she was still alive and the memories he had treasured throughout of his childhood.

Once he had defeated his fears, he began training at the north training academy. He trained to be the best to make his father proud of him, but that never happened. His father was too busy to look for the people that were responsible for his mother's death.

Eugene Fitzherbert, on the other hand, lived in an orphanage ever since he was four years old in Corona. At the age of ten, he was found and taken in by Bunnymund. He was placed in the west NSA Academy.

At a young age, he had no idea that his father was part of the NSA. As for his mother, he never knew her. He finally knew about it when Bunnymund found him and told him about his father's work. He was offered the same choice as his father when his father first worked for them. He had no family or a home. What he wants was a life that he could changed and made a difference: his own. He accepted the offer and continued his father's work. His father passed the legacy to him; it will be his turn to pass it to his future children.

He looked up to Bunnymund like a father-figure. He trained to be the best and hoped that one day he would be better than his own father. From what he heard from Bunnymund was that his father was a great agent who always looked after his comrades. He could be stubborn and irritating sometime. Maybe that was where he got his stubbornness from. But who knows what personality he got from his mother. Nobody ever met his mother. His mother was a mysterious woman, according Bunnymund who knew it from his father, Connor.

He became Bunnymund's strongest student in the west academy. He is good at hand to hand combat, breaking into a safe or security room. He was very sneaky even though it wasn't that great. He called himself "a ninja." His team would always remind him to work on it first before he assumed anything.

Eugene can be annoying. Sometimes, he gone too far with his joke, but he was a nice man with a big heart. He looked stupid, but he was smart and knows a lot of people that could be helpful. He loves being a hero. He thought of himself as charming and romantic. He loves adventures and traveling. He can be stubborn and acted like a child if he doesn't get what he wanted. He will whined and complained like a child who couldn't get candy from his parents. On the outside, he's a brat. But on the inside, he was a caring man and he cares a lot about his team. As the oldest, he looked after his team and protected them putting his team first. He called himself the King of the Joker.

Before he was chosen or joined Clock Tower, he was currently working for the Corona governor, James Corone. His last job was to rescue the governor's daughter, Rapunzel who was kidnapped by Gothel, an Apocalypse leader in the west, and sabotaged her plan of using Rapunzel as leverage against her father, the governor. After she was rescued, he left Corona and meets with the rest of the team in Berk.

Kristoff Bjorgman is also an orphan like Eugene, but he lived in Arendelle. Just like Eugene, he doesn't have family and a home. He doesn't know how he will survive without food and water. He doesn't know where he will sleep. There was no shelter where he can hide from the rain and the sun. All he know was that if he continued to live, he would get a miracle. And that miracle came to him. Bunnymund. He was taken to live in the west NSA training academy, that's where he would met Eugene and they would became friends. Eugene was three years older than him, so he practically looked up to him like an older brother more than a best friend.

He is good with hand to hand combat. He was an expert on bomb. He could make one and diffuse one. He could identified the bomb know what the bomb makers was doing when making the bomb. Everything he knew, he learned and was taught by Eugene.

Kristoff can be described as an intelligent man who mostly understand animals. He is very resourceful about the mountain, river and animals. He is a very sweet person, but sometimes he can get very awkward. He sometimes joined in with Eugene's jokes, except the childish whining and complaining. He's very overprotective of his team, especially Astrid, because sometime she could snapped and got out of control. He was selfless as he always put his team and his job first before himself because he had always wanted a family. Clock Tower became his family. They are not only his comrades; they are his brothers and sister.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III is a young and skinny kid from Berk. He loved science, especially inventing. He had crazy ideas of making a successful machine. For example, he invented a hamburgers machine. The machine can cooked the burger by itself without hard work. Just type the type of burger and it will pop out, hot, fresh and ready. The idea was stupid, but it worked. People loves doubting him, his ideas and his invention, but he always makes it work and successful.

He always dreamed of becoming a pilot. He wanted to feel the fresh air when he fly in the sky. When he entered the NSA Air Force Academy run by Sandy, he was known as the smartest kids. When his comrades fly a plane and it leads to disaster, he was the first man to step up and save the day. He had the spirit and heart as a pilot, which this inspired Sandy and a lot of his comrades. He had confidence in himself on his piloting and inventing skills.

He is a passionate young man. He is kind and very smart, always accomplished what he planned to do. He may be clumsy from time to time but that can never put him down. He had a strong heart and never give up on anything if he planned to achieved it. He is the kindest person of the group, which this makes me closer to Jack. He's the youngest and smallest man out of all the men in the team. He may not be strong and good at hand to hand combat like everyone else but he is a computer genius. This made everyone overprotective of him. He is smart as he knows everything. Also he is very caring toward his team and people. No one is a better person than he is.

The final member in the team is Astrid Hofferson. She is the only female in the team. She is also the girlfriend of Hiccup. She shared the same dream as her boyfriend as a pilot. She was the first female to ever graduated with a pilot license.

She also lived in Berk and was Hiccup's biggest rival. She considered herself the best and better than Hiccup. She would always challenged him to everything just to prove that she was better than him when they were little, but she never won. Because he always found a way to outsmart her. This made her respect him and turned their relationship to be more than rival.

She can be described as cocky and annoying by her fellow team. She always raced them. It's either a game or a mission, she was do things her way. She gets annoyed and irritated when she doesn't get things her way. On the outside, she acts like an arrogant and stubborn girl, but she is the opposite. She is very kind, caring, and passionate toward her team. But because she was raised like a cocky bitch by her father, she acted it like that around people so that they wouldn't know the real her. Nobody know who she really is on the inside, except Clock Tower. She began to respect her team and became really good friends with them.

The man on the right turned on the computers and insert a USB flash drive into the monitor.

"Flynn Rider here. I'm in." He said. "You're good to go, Toothless, Stormfly."

"Copy that, Flynn," the young lad from the Nightfury said as he hacked into the system. "Downloading now." They used code name so their team's cover wouldn't get exposed. Its part of the NSA training, including their appearance right now. Just like all of the directors of the NSA said, "Your identity is your most precious secret. Get expose and you're doomed."

"Copy that," Flynn replied.

The young lass turned on the microphone from her headset. "The surveillance system has been deleted. Winter, Sven, you're good to go."

"Copy that," they both said it at the same time.

Winter and Sven put five bombs each on a shipping crates and time it for three minutes.

"I'm done." Winter informed the team. "Sven, how about you?"

"Same here!"

"Let's get the hell out of here!" Flynn shouted. "Hurry!"

The three of them raced back to the Nightfury. Toothless turned on the plane's engine and flied out of there and miles away from the site. Three minutes later, the warehouse blown up.

The Nightfury landed on an old and big mansion backyard. Toothless parked it and moved it back to the big storage room next to a helicopter called the Deadly Nadder. The Clock Tower team grabbed their things out of the Nightfury and walked toward the mansion.

"Get some rest, guys," Jack (aka Winter) said. "We deserve a long sleep."

"You can treat me to a spa day, Captain," Astrid (aka Stormfly) joked.

"What happen to your own money?" he asked.

"On my credit card account," she answered. 'i just don't want to spend my money. Since you're the leader, you should treat."

"Who else want a spa day?" Jack asked the team and they all raised their hands. "And you guys want me to treat you too?" They nodded with a big smile. "Okay, fine. Just for one day and this once only., no more in the future."

Astrid smiled. "Thank you, Jack Frost." She hugged him. "You're the best leader ever."

Jack sighed. "You guys are lucky that I spoil you guys."

"Yes, we know, Daddy," Eugene (aka Flynn Rider) joked.

"No. Jack is a mommy," Hiccup corrected him. "He cook, he clean, and he buys groceries from the store like a woman."

"What will you kids do without me?" He sarcastically joked. He headed upstairs to his rooms. "Goodnight, kids!" he shouted.

"But what about the spa.?" Kristoff asked.

"See you guys tomorrow at ten in the morning, then we will go to the spa together." He closed his door and dropped himself to his bed with the blanket over him. He falls fast asleep.

The others also went to sleep in their room and to get some rest. They slept like a log for the rest of the night.