They're together for six months before they sleep together.
They had been forced by circumstance to spend most of the day alone; Phil had an appointment and by the time Dan had woken up, Phil was gone.
Being alone in the apartment wasn't nearly as fun as one might think, and at first Dan found it hard to pass the time until Phil was expected back. Until he had an idea.
Neither of them was overly affectionate with their words or behaviours, and Dan knew that Phil was only doing it because he thought Dan didn't like affection. Which was half right. He didn't like affection unless it was from Phil. And Dan didn't show any affection because he was an overthinker, and would chicken out or wouldn't be able to form words to communicate what he wanted to say. As a result, he just wouldn't say or do anything.
But today was going to be different.
When Phil got home he could instantly tell Dan had been cooking, and felt a rush of appreciation for the younger boy. He had originally intended to head straight to the kitchen, but headed for the lounge when he heard soft music playing behind the door.
"Dan?" He called as he slowly pushed it open, and he heard a squawk and a thud, and then Dan was in front of the door and pulling it open, an embarrassed grin on his face.
Before Phil could comment, Dan's hands were over his eyes.
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course I do, Aladdin." he responded instantly, and Dan giggled softly, guiding Phil slowly into the room, stopping once they were at Phil's chair.
"Okay, I'm going to remove my hands but I want you to keep your eyes closed."
When Phil agreed Dan dropped his hands, and Phil heard the lights get switched off. A moment later, he heard a lighter being ignited, followed by the familiar sound of Dan nervously rubbing his sweaty hands on his pants.
"Can I open my eyes now?" he asked, a smile tugging at his lips, and Dan felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest.
Phil opened his eyes and they lit up instantly, landing first upon his obviously flushed boyfriend. Dan was dressed in black skinny jeans, which was completely normal, but instead of one of his usual shirts he had a deep red button-up on, the top few buttons undone enough to expose part of his chest. Phil felt his heart skip a beat.
His gaze next fell to the table, where Dan had lit a few of Phil's candles as makeshift lighting. A bottle of what Phil assumed was wine was on the table, which he was surprised about; they both hated wine. He brushed that aside though, gaze flicking back to Dan, who was nervously chewing his lip. He watched for a moment before his gaze flicked to the table once more, finally landing on the small black dish with a lid over it placed at the center of the table.
"Dan-" he began, breaking off when the younger started rambling.
"I'm sorry, this is probably so stupid, I just wanted to do something special for you for our halfiversa-" he cut himself off when Phil's hand gently grabbed his and squeezed it.
"I love it." he grinned warmly, tugging the hand gently. "Sit with me, bear. And relax."
Dan swallowed thickly but nodded, taking his seat and trying to still the shaking of his hands.
"Would you like a drink? It's not wine, I promise."
"Thank god." Phil chuckled, picking up the wine glass in front of his plate and holding it out to the brunette. Dan quickly filled the glass halfway and let Phil take it back, shuffling nervously as he sniffed the liquid. "Pina Colada!" he beamed, and Dan nodded.
"I know it's not exactly conventional, but I've heard it tastes good even as a side to what I made for dinner and we both like it and-" he broke off once more, turning red under Phil's loving gaze. "Um. Right, dinner. I hope you're hungry."
"Always am." he winked, "What did you make?"
"Moo Goo Gai Pan." he replied, this time smiling shyly at the older man. "I remembered you saying once that I should make it so we could try it."
Phil's eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly, handing Dan his plate so the brunette could dish it out.
When they finished eating Dan stood and began collecting the dishes, which Phil immediately protested.
"Dan let me-" he broke off when Dan's lips gently met his forehead.
"It's fine, baby. I got this."
He froze, seemingly realizing what he had said, and Phil's cheeks flushed as Dan smiled sheepishly and turned, disappearing into the hallway with their dishes. He returned a few minutes later, hands behind his back as her nervously shifted his weight from foot to foot.
"I have something else to show you, but I need you to wait here for a minute, okay?" he asked, and Phil nodded his head instantly. "I'll come get you when I'm ready."
He was back within ten minutes, and by then Phil had already blown out all the candles in the lounge. Dan once again covered Phil's eyes with his hands, pressing himself flush against his back as he guided the raven down the hall, and into their bedroom. Once they were inside he clicked the door shut and uncovered Phil's eyes. Like in the lounge, the lights were off and replaced with candles, and Phil turned to see that Dan was completely naked.
"Dan?" he squeaked out, eyes wide in surprise, and Dan offered what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
"I'm ready to take the next step with you," his hands gently took Phil's and squeezed. "If you're ready too, that is."
Phil swallowed thickly.
"You're sure?"
"Of course."
Their lips were together in a second, Phil's hands resting on Dan's hips and pulling him closer as Dan's hands clutched at the other man, his left hand tangling into his hair while his right grasped his shoulder. They shifted toward the bed, lips parting for a brief moment as Phil allowed Dan to drop back onto the mattress, climbing atop him almost instantly and sealing their lips together once more.
Their hips rolled together and Phil groaned in the back of his throat, Dan's breath hitching as Phil shifted to guide his head toward the pillows at the head of the bed. Once Dan's head hit the pillows their lips parted, and Phil shifted down slightly, lips hovering over the skin of Dan's neck. The brunette tilted his head to expose more of his throat, and Phil grinned.
"Are you going to allow me to touch your neck?" he murmured, and Dan's cheeks flushed deeper.
"Haven't I always?" he replied, and Phil nodded slightly. It was true. Nobody else was allowed to touch Dan's neck, but Phil touched it all the time and Dan didn't mind at all.
The raven leaned forward and pressed his lips to the smooth skin of Dan's throat, and Dan whined softly, earning a soft chuckle from the older man. His lips moved up, kissing his way gently up his neck until he could nip just below his ear, earning a startled gasp from the man beneath him. Phil grinned against his skin, and when he began kissing back down Dan's neck he paused every other kiss to gently nip and suck the skin, leaving a path of hickies down his neck all the way to his collarbone.
"Phil.." he whined breathlessly, shifting his hips, and Phil rolled their hips together, earning a pleased groan from the brunette pinned to the bed. "You're wearing entirely too much clothing."
Phil nodded in agreement and sat up, allowing Dan's shaky hands to grasp the hem of his shirt and tug it over his head, tossing it away to join his own clothes on the floor. His hands immediately moved to Phil's pants, fingers impatiently tugging at the button and zipper, and Phil chuckled softly, climbing off of Dan once he was finished to discard his jeans and boxers.
He rejoined Dan on the bed, their faces both a deep red as their lips connected once again and Dan rolled their hips together.
"Do you have lube?" Phil asked breathlessly, and Dan nodded, his hand reaching to flail under the pillow until he finally grasped the bottle and slid it toward Phil.
"You uh- You don't need to prepare me." he admitted sheepishly. "I already did that part."
Phil's eyes went wide in surpise and he nodded slightly.
"Alright." he paused, "But next time I get to do that part."
Dan choked on his breath for a moment but nodded nonetheless, and Phil offered what he hoped was a reasuring smile as he popped open the lube and squeezed some over himself. He set the bottle aside when he was done and braced himself over Dan once more, locking gazes with him as he pushed in, Dan's breath hitching in his chest once more.
"Ah- fuck-" he whined softly, and his cheeks flushed darker when he felt Phil's hands grab his own and link their fingers together as their pressed into the mattress.
Once Phil was fully inside Dan, his hips meeting the brunettes thighs, Dan groaned softly in the back of his throat. Phil shivered, biting down on his lip as he waited for Dan to say it was okay to move. Sooner than he expected the brunette nodded his head.
"Move." he whispered pleadingly, and Phil instantly pulled back slightly before thrusting forward. Dan gasped weakly, encouraging Phil to quickly build up a rhythm, slamming his hips in and earning a startled cry from Dan. "oh- oh fuck- Phil!" he cried out, back arching off the bed. "R-Right there!"
Phil nodded and repeated the action, and Dan practically screamed, tightening his grip on Phil's hands as the older man quickened his pace, making sure to hit that spot with every thrust, leaving Dan a shivering and shaking mess beneath him.
"Ph-Phil-" he gasped out, and Phil connected their lips once more in a quick and sloppy kiss, broken when Dan cried out his name again.
"Oh god-" Phil breathed raggedly, and Dan moaned, all but chanting Phil's name.
"Close- close- close-" he choked out, and Phil released one of his hands to reach between them and grab Dan's cock, stroking it quickly in time with their movements. Dan cried out raggedly as he was thrown off the edge, spilling into Phil's hand and on their chests with a cry of the raven's name, Phil spilling himself inside the brunette almost immediately after.
He pulled out and fell onto the bed next to Dan, both laying silently as they tried to catch their breath.
"Fucking.." Dan trailed off for a moment, chest heaving, before he finally let out a breathless laugh. "Fuck." he concluded, and Phil snickered.
"You're lucky I love you." Phil murmured, and Dan turned his head so their gazes could meet.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. If I didn't I might have to hit you with a pillow every time you swear." he teased softly, and Dan snickered.
"You could just kiss me every time I swear." he suggested, pausing for only a moment before continuing. "Okay no, that wouldn't work, then I would just want to swear more."
Phil chuckled softly and leaned forward, pressing their lips together gently.
"I love you." he whispered softly, and Dan smiled brilliantly.
"I love you too."
"Want to go watch shower, and then watch TV? I can make the drinks and grab some snacks from the kitchen, and you can start it up?"
"As long as you cuddle me." Dan replied instantly, and Phil snorted.
"Well duh." Their lips met once more before Phil stood and left the room, and a moment later Dan heard the shower turn on. "Well?" the other called, and Dan laughed softly to himself.
"Coming!" he called back, slowly sitting up and wincing slightly at the slight stab of pain in his lower half. "You crippled me! So thanks for that!" he called teasingly, and a moment later Phil was back in the room and Dan was shrieking as he was lifted off the ground in a bridal style hold. "Phil what-"
Phil cut him off by pressing their lips together, and Dan pressed back instantly.
"Helping you out." he replied, flashing a grin, and Dan couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh, my hero!" he called playfully as he mocked a swoon, and Phil snickered.
"Pleased to be of service, m'lady."
"Oh my god you did not just m'lady me!" Dan practically squawked. "Where's your bloody fedora you white boy!" Even as he spoke he was grinning and trying not to laugh, his face pressed into the crook of Phil's neck as they entered the bathroom.
Once Dan was standing once more he wrapped his arms around Phil and pressed their lips together gently.
"Happy Halfiversary" he murmured, and Phil grinned.
"Happy Halfiversary"