Author's note: The story has drawn to a close. I do want to thank everyone who reviewed for the wonderful words and encouragement!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor his friends, Rumiko Takahashi does.
What the Hell Happened Last Night? - . . . In a Pretty Little Bow
As dusk settled over the land, and the village quieted for the night, Kirara landed gently before the little hut. She knelt low to assist the old woman off her back, and then changed form. She was tired from the long two days of constant travel, and missed Sango. Seeing Kaede enter the hut, she hurried after her.
Kaede stopped inside the door, looking at the circle of young people before her. They had looked up expectantly, and all welcomed her back warmly. The old miko stood for a moment longer, a smile playing about her lips, and a gleam in her eye.
"So, are you going to tell me what happened last night, or do I have to start guessing?" She asked as she settled down near the fire.
Inuyasha refused to look at her, and found something interesting on the floor. Kagome bit her lip in hesitation, first looking to the hanyou and then to Sango. Shippou buried his face in Kagome's lap. Sango blushed and snuggled up with Kirara. Miroku sat in his mediation mode, serenely contemplating his fingertips.
"Hmmpf." Kaede snorted, and helped herself to the rice and soup. "Just what I thought." She looked at each in turn, and added, "You'll be happy to know what the consensus is then." All looked up at her, remembering what her mission had been. The old woman quietly began to eat her dinner without speaking.
Inuyasha growled. "Well, baba, are you going to tell us sometime, or eat?"
Kaede chuckled. "You first." She was enjoying this.
Kagome squirmed, and blushed. Her hand crept to Inuyasha's and he clasped it in a protective hold. They looked at each other and then back to their companions. "I guess we should say something. it's not like you can't guess, or will know soon any how." The young miko said softly.
The hanyou at her side smiled down at her bowed head, and gave her hand a slight squeeze. "Kagome has agreed to be my mate." He announced proudly. Kagome blushed again, and hid her face against his arm.
Even though it had been suspected, all heads turned happy smiles to the couple. Sango leaned over and hugged the younger girl quickly.
Miroku smirked. "It took you long enough." His eyes danced merrily.
"I already knew! I knew first!" Shippou chirped happily, jumping from Kagome's lap to Inuyasha's, and back.
Kaede nodded wisely. "I had thought your union would come soon. I am happy for both of you." She looked intently at Inuyasha. "So you have found peace at last?"
His eyes never leaving Kagome's, Inuyasha nodded, and replied firmly, "I've been at peace for a long time." Turning his gaze suddenly to the old woman, he stated gruffly, "Now it's your turn. What is your news and why will we be happy with it?"
She waved her hand in a placating manner. "Now, now. Do not rush me, young man. At peace you might be, but you're still in too big of a hurry." She took another bite, and looked between Sango and Miroku. "You don't fool me, monk. There is something about you as well." Both Kagome and Inuyasha looked at him in expectant surprise. Kaede continued to eat her dinner calmly, waiting for that surprise to be announced.
Miroku smirked again. He closed his eyes and continued to sit placidly. "I am indeed at peace, and am not at the liberty to speak of my actions."
"Feh!" Inuyasha snorted. "Probably found some girl to grope. Pervert." Sango gasped and her blush deepened. The monk just opened an eye to look at the hanyou without responding.
Kaede nodded again in her wise manner. "And your lady love? Does she feel the need to speak of your actions?"
Sango opened her mouth, and closed it. She snuggled Kirara up to her face without speaking. Inuyasha looked at her in shock, while Kagome beamed.
"At last? He's said something at last?" Squealing her happiness for her friend, she leapt from Inuyasha's half embrace to hug her friend, Kirara and all. Sango continued to blush, but still hadn't said anything.
"Oi! Why so quiet Sango? Though why you'd let that perverted monk anywhere near you, I'll never understand." Inuyasha asked, no one took his words seriously.
Miroku opened his eyes and began to protest before he realized he acknowledged who his lady love was, if not what they'd been up to. Grinning, he scooted closer to Sango, and taking her hand in his, he held it to his lips. "Do I have your permission, my love?" She nodded smiling brightly. After kissing the back of her hand, the monk encircled her in his embrace. "Since you are all so curious, Sango has agreed to " significant look at Inuyasha, "mate… with me, and bear my children." Sango opened her mouth to say something while she playfully smacked his arm.
Kaede frowned slightly. "Why so quiet child? Even if you're not the most vocal one here, you have not said a word. That is most unlike you."
Sango looked at her and then at Miroku. She opened her mouth and croaked out in a harsh raspy whisper, "Can't talk." All eyes looked at the girl with concern. Miroku looked down at her, his eyes hinted at sadness. He brushed his fingers across her cheek before facing their friends.
"She hurt her voice this afternoon, and hasn't been able to speak since." He informed them quietly. "It's getting better. At least you can hear her now." He smiled down at her, and gave her nose a quick kiss.
Kaede nodded, and finished off her soup. "And Shippou, did anything happen with you last night as well?" She hadn't expected anything from him, but he wasn't acting quite himself.
The fox kitsune looked from Kagome and Inuyasha back to Kaede and shook his head. He didn't feel the need to tell her what he'd done.
Sango frowned, remembering her annoyance earlier in the day. She turned to Miroku and smacked his shoulder. "Ouch!" he cried, "What'd I do?" She pulled his head down to whisper. His eyes went wide, and he looked at Shippou. "Hey you! I didn't give you sake to drink. I DO remember that!" He looked indignant. "What kind of monk would I be giving a child such a drink?" Although he was given some funny looks, no one said anything.
Shippou squeaked. He was terribly embarrassed, but now his secret was out. "I'm sorry Miroku, but I took your cup and drank some last night." He looked down not meeting anyone's eyes. Kagome pet the top of his head, encouraging him to continue. "I tricked you into going to talk with Sango, and I stole your cup." He made a face. "How can you stand to drink that stuff! YUCK! It taste bad, and makes you sick!"
Miroku began to laugh. "I wondered why my sake kept disappearing! And here I thought you'd eaten too much candy."
Inuyasha looked pointedly back at Kaede once the laughter had died down, and growled, "Baba?"
Kaede stacked her bowls to the side, and settled down a little more comfortably on her cushion. "As you are all aware, I left to visit with my sister mikos, as well as a few others I consider should have input to the future of the jewel." She took a moment to look at each of the five friends. "Keeping the jewel safe and out of the hands of others who would exploit it is the number one concern. Traditionally a strong base has housed the jewel, or one of strong powers has protected it." Again she looked from one person to another. "It has been unanimously decided for Kagome to keep it in her possession." Kagome gasped, and all eyes turned to her. The old miko smiled warmly at the girl.
Inuyasha growled deeply. "What makes you think we'd … She... I would be happy about that?" The concern and sudden worry plainly written on his face.
"Put your mind to rest, boy. There's more I will be telling, and if you still have questions after, then ask away. For now, just believe in this old woman while she takes her time to tell her tale." She quieted, and drank more of her tea. Kaede seemed to be making up her mind up on some point and how to best continue. "The protection of the jewel is hard on those who protect it. We are all aware of what happened with the last jewel's protector." Kagome looked at Inuyasha sadly, and squeezed his hand. He returned her look, a slight smile on his lips and a bare hint of haunted pain in his eyes.
"It has always been believed the protector should be a miko, and traditionally miko priestess are chaste maidens." She was watching the pair as they griped hands, both sets of eyes concern. "This isn't a rule, just a tradition. The fact a miko's powers become stronger with use, mediation, and focus, and a woman cannot give her all to develop her powers if her attention is divided with husband and children." The pair of hands relaxed, and the couple smiled, relieved in their immediate concern.
Nodding with satisfaction, Kaede continued. "It was decided we could not allow one single protector again. The havoc the jewel has caused, with the pain and suffering through the years, gives reason to making sure one person does not fail. Events that occurred last night makes me believe fate has stepped in to lend its hand. Kagome is very strong in her powers, and they continue to grow." She smiled at the young girl as she blushed. "I believe she is stronger than even Kikyou, though she hasn't reached those skills in using her powers as yet. Kikyou's failing point was her belief her powers set her above human emotions. To allow herself to be the least bit human, she believed her powers would diminish. In believing this, it became fact and allowed her protection barriers to breakdown." Inuyasha shifted uncomfortably.
"Kagome does not have a problem in believing in her humanity, and giving of herself and her emotions freely. The belief is this feeds into her powers, making them stronger, and not weaker as Kikyou believed. Being mated to someone as strong as Inuyasha adds another layer of protection." She smiled softly at the two as they looked at each other.
"Baba, have you forgotten, I'm still half youkai."
"Inuyasha, you have had the chance to use the jewel, you have had the chance to take it, or at the very least use the shards to your advantage. You chose instead to protect it as well as its guardian. You know what the jewel is capable of, and what those who desire the jewel can do as no other." She indulged him by patting his knee. "Now that you've committed yourself to the jewel's protector, there is even more reason to keep it safe."
She hesitated a moment before saying, "You would be interested to know how much support all of you have. Your travels around the country have gained you popularity, and notoriety. In nearly every sector of the country, your adventures and exploits have been heard of. Since most of these ventures were in the protecting or saving human lives and villages, there has not been any resistance to leaving the jewel in your protection." Her eyes twinkled merrily. "I made a couple of unexpected stops along the way. The first was to see how that young wolf prince is doing."
Kagome looked up in surprise. "Kouga? How is he?" She asked remembering how badly he had been injured.
Inuyasha growled and looked down at her with a scowl. Even though Kagome had never given any indication she held any but friendly feelings towards the wolf, the hanyou still didn't like him, and didn't like Kagome's affection for him.
"He's doing as well as can be expected. Trying to rebuild the pack, and reestablish territorial boundaries. The tribe heads have all agreed to leave humans off the food list. That is one law Kouga insisted upon." She smiled at Kagome. "I believe that's your influence."
"Why did you go see that wimpy wolf? I need nothing from him." Inuyasha continued to scowl.
"I went to get his support as the Outlands prince for further protection of the jewel." She looked hard at the group sitting before her. "I cannot stress enough how important it is the jewel remain safe, and not just for the next few years, but for eternity." Closing her eyes briefly, she continued. "He had a lot to say, and most of it bad, but he agreed both Kagome and Inuyasha were the best suited for their roles. With his past history with the shards, he didn't believe he would have made the best guardian. He has instructed all the tribes to report any and all hints and rumors regarding the jewel, and pledges his help if anything were to happen."
Inuyasha grunted in surprise. He and the wolf boy grudgingly called a truce during the fight with Naraku for the common goal. He had vowed to pick up his fight with Kouga once the wolf youkai had healed and events had settled. His indignation with Kouga's bold treatment where Kagome was concern, caused the irrational anger Inuyasha held for him. Once he and Kagome officially mated, he would have to look the wolf prince up and have a good talk. Maybe there was more to that overblown puffed-up youkai than he thought.
Kaede watched as these thoughts flitted through his head. She nodded, satisfied her words had reached him the way she hoped. "I made one other stop along the way." All attention returned to her. "I ran into Sesshoumaru as well." At the gasps of shock, she laughed a little ruefully. "I did think we were goners, but he had heard what I was up to, and asked to speak with me. He wanted to convey his support for the jewel's guardians and protectors. He, like the wolf prince of the Outlands, offered his assistance and pledged his support in keeping the jewel safe." She shook her head. "I think it has something to do with that little girl of his. He never desired the jewel for himself, and only wanted one item with any ferocity." She looked pointedly at Inuyasha again. "Since using Tetsusaiga wasn't within his grasp, and he now has Toukijin, his tendency to kill has lessened." She added seriously, "Not that I'd put his attention to brotherly love. I believe his thinking stems from not wanting the extra burden or the strife in having something of that power in his realm."
None sitting around the fire spoke for several minutes. For Sesshoumaru to openly acknowledge positive feeling towards anything Inuyasha had part in was unheard of.
Kaede turned her attention to the other couple sitting together. "As for you two, I was going to ask if you would add your protection as well." She waited while they looked at each other, speaking volumes without words. "Unless you have other plans ...?"
They both looked back at the old miko. Sango shook her head, and Miroku said immediately, "We haven't gotten that far yet. I don't know ... I'm not sure what we'll do." He took Sango's hands back in his. "I know you've been wanting to rebuild the exterminator clan, and continue with your work. I have no such ties, and no plans. I would follow you anywhere."
Inuyasha spoke up. "Begin rebuilding the clan here. With the Outlands and the West pledging their support, the jewel is safer here than anywhere else." He started to formulate plans in his head, incorporating his and Kagome's future into them.
Sango seemed lost in thought for a moment, and then turning to Miroku, she held his hands to her chest, and whispered as loud as she could, "Let's rebuild here, and lend our support to its protection." He pulled her close in a hug.
"HEY! What about me?" Shippou asked. He was beginning to feel left out.
Kagome picked him up with a hug. "Oh Shippou-chan. You'll be with us! You're always there to help me, and have saved all our lives many times. There's no way we'd leave you out." She smiled at him with all sincerity.
"Keh." Inuyasha snorted, but he smiled, and gave the kitsune a light bop on the head. "Life would be a lot simpler without you hanging around, but Kagome likes you for some reason, and wants to keep you around." Shippou looked indignant for a moment before realizing Inuyasha was teasing him.
Speaking almost softly in a low voice, as if in reflection, Kaede said, "Protecting the jewel involves a lot of trust, and confidence in those helping to guard it. These past few years were created from the evil intent to create distrust and malice where there was none. The hardest job open to all of you, is not in the protection of the jewel, but the continued trust and confidence in those who do protect it. You must keep the past events from happening again."
All five friends looked at each other, serious and thoughtful. Miroku, after a look at Sango, turned to Kagome and stated, "Kagome-sama, Sango and I, and our future generations, pledge eternal guardianship of the jewel, and it's protector." Sango nodded her agreement, smiling softly at her friend.
Shippou cried out, "You can count on me Kagome! I won't let you down."
Inuyasha looked at his friends, before looking back at the girl beside him. "That blasted jewel has twisted my life into a living hell, and I rue the day I ever heard of it." He smiled softly. "Except without the jewel, I never would have met you, and realized what it means to have friends, people to count on, people who count on you. I have placed all I am in you, and believe we can do this. Ultimately, though, the jewel's protection is your responsibility. What is your decision?"
Without hesitation, Kagome said, "I accept this role, and am proud to continue working with all of you." She was smiling, her face shining brightly. Inuyasha leaned forward and kissed her lips, never happier.
Kaede nodded her head, and announced, "Then it is settled, and the story has ended."
Amanda-chan: And to think it started with a song.
Merith: It's a good song!
Amanda-chan: rolling eyes like a typical teenager Oh mom, it was Jose Cuervo!
Merith: It's still a good song ... and it made a great story! begins to sing softly, humming where words are forgotten humhumhumhum ... who is this cowboy who's sleeping beside me, And how'd I get his shirt on? I had too much tequila last night! Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine ... I like to drink you with a little salt and lime ... hum hum hum ... Amanda-chan: Oh God MOM!! Somebody let me out of here!