Chapter 4: Chapter 4

They eventually caught up to the runaway akuma. She'd blasted her way through the front doors of the news station. Marinette quickly pointed up to a second story window that was open.

"We'll go up there and try to surprise her," she told Cat Noir. He nodded before extending his baton and planting it on the ground. It kept extending until her tumbled in through the window. Marinette chuckled as he hit his head on the sill. She aimed her grapple and fired before pulling herself up to the window. Cat grabbed her wrist and pulled her through.

However, he tugged too hard and toppled over backwards pulling her down with him.

"What are you doing?" she asked him.

"Hehehe, helping?"

She rolled her eyes before shoving his face to the side and pulling herself up. He was such a dork. How did she get stuck with him of all people? She retracted her grapple before attaching it to her waist and helping Cat off the ground. She watched as he absentmindedly rubbed the back of his head while wincing slightly. He didn't seem to have a concussion, so he was probably fine.

She left the store room they'd landed in and lead the way towards the stairwell at the end of the hall. She was about to descend the stair when Cat intercepted her.

"I believe she's upstairs now," he said tilting his head to the side.

"How can you tell?"

"Extra sensitive hearing, I can hear her howling like the wind upstairs," he explained tapping his fake cat ears.

"If you say so," she said before dashing up the stairs with Cat close behind her. The third floor is a collection of studio, and the walls don't reach the roof to make room for the large map of lighting and cameras. Pulling out her grapple she shoots into the rafters before pulling herself up. Cat lands lightly beside her, and the railing shakes gently before holding firm.

It's much darker up here, and after a moment of silence Cat grabs her wrist and lightly guides her along the edge of the lights.

"Night vision," he whispers to her.

Why didn't she get night vision in her suit? She'd have to ask Tikki about that. Glanced down and kept a firm eye on the beam they were balanced on. She could barely tell it apart from the ground below that. Cat stopped in front of her before tilting his head and pulling her around a corner. It was brighter up ahead as they climbed past one room into another. A news crew was set up and were currently filming. Filming Stormy Weather's speech to the world that is.

"I have an announcement to make," she told the crew of the news station before turning to face the camera. "In today's news- summer is cancelled. Forever!" With that, a bolt of her artificial lightning streaked out and caused the camera to explode. The cameraman threw up his arms to shield himself but was blown back into a team member by the force of the explosion.

I nodded silently as Cat who returned the nod before jumping from the rafters and landing on the floor silently.

"Geez, isn't that a little harsh Ice Queen? No summer? The people aren't going to like that one," he says.

Stormy Weather spins around and shoots the next bolt of lightning at him. He jumps to the side easily before continuing his taunt.

"Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!" he calls out.

Stormy Weather begins floating off the ground as the wind spins around her. Cat sticks his tongue out at her before dashing out of the door and towards the stairs.

Ladybug waits for the two to disappear before jumping down from the rafters. She lands on the floor near the fallen staff member.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Just some burns, please feel free to go and stop that crazy woman," the knocked over staff member says looking over the camera man's arms.

She nods before running over to the stairway doors and shooting her grapple straight up. She quickly swings up the stairwell and to the doors to the roof top.

She's immediately attacked by a barrage of hail. Quickly scanning the roof, she runs forward taking cover under Cat's spinning baton while crouching low, so she wasn't in the way.

"I see you did a good job at being annoying," Marinette comments. "I knew you'd be great."

"Hysterical, you got a plan yet?"

"No, but I think I have the beginnings of one," Marinette replies scanning the roof top. They needed to get her umbrella away from her and pin her down somehow. "How are you at fencing?" she asks.

"Decent, why?"

"If you can get close enough could you get her umbrella out of her hand?" she asks while pulling a length of her grapple and testing its swing.

"If I could get close then yes, but I'd love to hear you plan on getting that far," Cat asks.

"Leave that to me," she says. She begins swinging the end of her grappling hook like a helicopter blade as she ducks out and charges the akuma. The hail stops as Stormy Weather starts to aim lightning at her.

She rolls to the side letting her grapple retract. She focuses on dodging while moving around the edge of the roof so that Cat has an advantage. Sure enough, Cat easily jumps in and knocks the umbrella aside and begins keeping it away so that Stormy Weather is unable to attack with any more weather.

Marinette gets to work setting the trap. She pulls her grappling gun off her waist before attaching the hook to one side of a large banner. Pulling cord out as she picks her way to and from the edge of the battle while being careful of going around the edges. Once she'd passed three times, she braced herself.

"Cat! Jump!"

She quickly pressed the retract feature of her grapple causing the cord to pull taunt. Cat jumps over it, and it whizzes underneath him. Stormy Weather, on the other hand, wasn't prepared and was pulled backwards by the cord until she was pushed against the metal banner. Cat easily picked his way forward and snatched the umbrella away before observing the aftermaths of the trap.

"Okay, that is not what I was expecting," Cat comments.

"A plan is a plan," Marinette comments before advancing towards the struggling akuma.

Grabbing the wrist that had been holding the umbrella, she peeled away the glove and smiled when she found it. She quickly gripped the silver chain and snapped it. Immediately the struggling stopped, and Stormy Weather started looking confused.

"What is going on? Who are you? Where am I? Am I tied to a wall?"

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"It was my birthday, I was opening presents, and I got a bracelet I think?"

"I have a good friend who is going to talk to you and explain what has been going on. They'll help you understand what to do from here, is that okay? I'm going to get you down now."

She nods. Marinette activates the release function, and the grapple comes loose. Cat moves forward and lifts up the loose cords and helps the girl out of the trap. Marinette lets the cable wind up before attaching the grapple gun back to her waist and scanning the sky.

After a few moments, a helicopter rolled into view. She moved to flank the other side of the confused girl as the aircraft lands on the roof.

She holds out her fist to Cat Noir. "Mission Accomplished," she says, as it was a routine to do so after most missions.

Cat looks confused for a second before returning the fist bump.

"Mission accomplished."

Marinette ignored the tingles that ran up her arm.

Maybe this partnership wouldn't be too bad.

Edited July 8th, 2016

Edited again May 24th, 2017

This is it; this is the end. I've decided a year later that this fic isn't going to get any longer. I don't particularly want to rewrite the entire season or anything. I simply do not have time. If there are requests for anything in particular, you can leave them in a review or PM me, and I'd be happy to add them as omakes/an epilogue to this story.

Reviews and Ideas are Appreciated and Adored!
