Author Notes:

This is the first fanfic for me. I'm kind of nervous how it will turn out but some family read it and they offered their support. Please forgive any errors when transferring over. This goes back to in between the first and the second movie, even though it does not follow the time table for the second. Please review and enjoy.

Hotel Castaway

2 years after the first Hotel Transylvania

Chapter One:

A Surprising Proposal

"Why do I hear running water?" as he asked himself not know if he was in a dream. "Did I forget to turn the sink off?" He started to slowly wake up, rolling over to his side facing running water, his crazy red hair catching up to his movement. "Sounds like someone is in the shower. But who is in my room?" Still confused from sleep and thinking if he had an intruder in his hotel room. "I guess I better turn the water off then." He slowly started to open his eyes and was about to pick himself up out of the bed.

Before the red head was able to, the running water stopped and all he heard from the bathroom was a sweet humming from a girl's voice. He then heard an "Oh, crap!" loud enough to hear but barely. His body froze and his eyes went wide, scanning the room in front of him. "Oh my god! Someone IS in my room! And it sounds like a girl!" He thought to himself. Seconds later, a figure walked out from the bathroom and he was right, it was a girl. She had big, bright blue eyes, pale skin, a towel wrapped around her head with a few strands of wet, black silky hair showing and a towel wrapped around her skinny body covering up all that needed to be.

When the red head saw this girl in his room, his eyes went even wider and his mind quickly woke up remembering where he was and who the girl was. And without hesitation, he blurted out, "WHAO MAVIS! Good evening to you too!" as he continued to stare in disbelief. This made Mavis jump as she heard his voice from other side of the room. She stopped trekking, slowly turning her head to the boy on the bed, eyes wide open with fear. She then gave out a loud shriek all while folding her arms across the front of her body and with her vampire speed, jumping back to the protection of the bathroom hoping he didn't see anything.

Mavis poked her head around the bathroom door and made eye contact, "Johnny! I thought you were still asleep!" as she started to feel the warmth of embarrassment come over her face, although being a vampire, her skin was too pale to see if she was blushing.

"Well, I was asleep until I heard running water," Johnny said as he opened his eyes to make contact with the surprised look on Mavis's face.

"I'm so sorry for waking you. I just forgot to grab some clothes out of my bag before getting in the shower," Mavis explained.

"That's ok Mavy. I promise I didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to." Johnny said jokingly all while having the biggest grin and a face redder than his hair.

They both stared at each other's eyes for what felt like minutes unit Mavis's surprised face turned into a smile. A smirk started to formed and she narrowed her eyes in a menacing way, "For your sake, I hope you didn't see anything Johnny. Could you please turn around so I can get some clothes out of my bag?" Johnny kept staring for a second until he surprisingly broke out of his trance and quickly rolled over facing the balcony doors, "Oh, sorry 'bout that."

Knowing that the coast was clear and watching Johnny roll over, Mavis walked to her bag on the other side of her bed, grabbing what she needed and walking quickly back to the safety of the bathroom. "Thank you, Johnny. I'm back in the bathroom now." Even though Mavis still had this embarrassing feeling from almost being seen naked by her boyfriend of 2 years, she had a smile on her face knowing Johnny was as embarrassed as her and that he would never do anything to her unless they both agreed. She quickly dressed in her usual. A black turtleneck short dress, black and red striped leg stockings, and fishnet sleeves on her arms. She brushed through her black, shiny and silky hair and put on some makeup, she made her way out into the room where she saw Johnny sitting up in his bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes. She walked over to him and sat on her bed across from Johnny watching him wake up and gave him a smile. She leaned over to him and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead all while avoiding his crazy, red hair.

"For two years, you still haven't gotten used to being up all night, have you?" she asked.

"Not really. It doesn't help that I was up during the day the past couple days too," Johnny said.

"And what have you been doing when I was asleep?" Mavis asked cocking her head to the left and peering into the hazel eyes with a curious look on her face.

"Nothing really, just hanging out" he said with a huge grin he was so desperately trying to hide, knowing he'd been caught.

"Oh really? Is that before or after you left the hotel room?" Interjected Mavis.

"Oh… Busted." Johnny replied while putting his head down.

"So what have you been doing? What are you hiding?" asked Mavis.

"Nothing really, I swear I'm not hiding anything." Johnny said hoping she wouldn't push him anymore and ruin the surprise.

"Why won't you tell me? Why is it that secret?" Mavis was starting to get a little upset thinking why would Johnny be hiding something from her?

"It's nothing bad Mavis. I just can't talk about it right now. You'll see eventually," said Johnny hoping this would be enough to calm her down.

"Look Johnny," in a stern but hurt voice, "I don't mind that you are up during the day. I just want you to be honest with me. I worry about you and don't want anything to happen to you and you doing something behind my back would hurt me," said Mavis as her face deepened in sadness and tears started to flow from the corners of her big blue eyes.

Johnny seeing this, that he hurt his girlfriend's feelings thought to himself, "Oh man. I hope this isn't going to ruin tonight." He got off his bed and turned around to sit next to her on her bed. He put his hands on her shoulders. She resisted at first thinking, "Should I give him a chance to explain?" Mavis let Johnny turn her upper body slightly to face him and make eye contact. Johnny took his right hand and cupped under her chin to bring her head up to eye level. "I'm sorry Mav. I didn't mean to upset you. I promise you I wasn't doing anything to hurt you. I actually was finding stuff for us to do for you birthday and our last night here. I just wanted it to be a surprise. That's all I was trying to do, I promise," he explained. He gave her sincere smile and wiped some of her tears off her soft, pale cheeks.

"R...r...really?" she asked in between sobs.

"Absolutely. You know I would NEVER, EVER hurt you in any way," as he made sure to put emphasis on his "never" and "ever." In fact since it will be your first birthday out of your dad's hotel, I got some good surprises planned for you tonight," Johnny said all while looking deeper in those big, blue eyes. "And trust me, you will love them I hope." He moved himself closer to her, putting his arms around her in a protective hug and gently kissing her.

"Where are we going?" Asked Mavis as a smile returned to her beautiful face.

"All I'll tell you is that involves food. If I told you any more, it wouldn't be a birthday surprise then, would it? Trust me, you'll like it." As Johnny said this his face turned a little pale. A worried look replaced his smile.

"What's wrong Johnny? You look you saw a ghoul," asked Mavis as her face showed she was worried too after seeing how pale Johnny's face went. He didn't respond for a second and kept staring behind Mavis.

As Johnny caught himself staring at the clock on the night stand. It showed him he only had thirty minutes to get ready to make it to the dinner reservation he set up. "Oh no, I don't have much time to get ready, I better hurry and get a shower!" As he said this, he jolted up and ran into the bathroom to get a shower leaving Mavis on the bed a little confused. Then she noticed, he was about to do the same thing she did earlier, forget to take clothes into the bathroom. "Johnny, you forgot your clothes!" she yelled into the bathroom door. "I'm sorry about that. Could you get some for me out of my bag? Something nice looking. I trust you."

Hearing this, she knew what he meant. He trusted her in picking something out for him that didn't make him look like a child dressing themselves for the first time. Johnny knew Mavis had a good taste for style. She always picked the best, fashionable clothes during their travels. Mavis went to his bag and found a nice light blue button down shirt and a pair of loose fitting, kind of silky, tan khaki pants that looked good and didn't smell as bad. She wrinkled up her nose and turned her head, "I'm going to have to force him to wash his clothes more often," she said to herself with a smirk. Mavis went back to the bathroom door and knocked. "Johnny I got your clothes!"

"Okay! The doors unlocked! I'm already in the shower if you want to put them on the counter top! Thanks Mavy." Johnny yelled over the running water behind the closed shower curtain. Mavis reluctantly did this but still kept her eyes closed and placed his clothes on the bathroom counter and quickly closed the door as her face felt all warm and flushed.

As Johnathan thought about Mavis going into his bag and not finding anything that he didn't want her to see, he still trusted her. Lucky for him, his back pack had some hidden pockets. Especially pockets to keep a small box with a special ring out of site until later tonight. As he was finishing his shower, his mind flashed back to about a week and three days ago at the Hotel Transylvania and his conversation with Dracula.

Johnathan knocked on Dracula's office doors nervously. A second went by and he heard the Count's familiar Romanian accent, "Enter." As Johnny reached for the door knob, his hand began to shake and sweat ran down his face from being so nervous, but he opened the door anyway.

"Good evening Johnathan. What can I do for you?" The Count asked.

"Um, well… I… are you busy? If you are, I totally understand and can come back another…"

"No I'm not. I was just finishing up. What's the matter? You look nervous." Asked Dracula

"Well, I wanted to ask…since Mavis and I are going to be in Hawaii for her birthday and flying right back here, are you still planning a party for her birthday after we get back?" Johnny asks the Count nervously.

Drac looked at Johnny with some confusion as to why he was asking, "I was thinking about it, yes. It has been kind of a tradition every year for the guests. Why are you asking?" Said Dracula with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, I was asking… because… I was thinking… in Hawaii…"said a nervous Johnny as he started to fiddle with his fingers in front of himself.

"Johnathan please tell me what are you trying to plan?" Interjected Dracula still looking puzzled as to why the human was so nervous.

Johnny took one last deep inhale and exhaled while closing his eyes hoping this would give him the courage to ask.

"You know since me and Mavis zinged, it's clear we will be together for the rest of our lives and I wanted to do something special for her. But before I do that something special, I wanted to properly ask you…" He stopped for a moment to take another breath and quickly began again, "to have your daughter's hand in marriage?" He said quickly as he let out any breath he had left.

Dracula stared at Johnathan for who knows how long with an ounce of expression on his face. After getting over the shock at what this human had asked him. Drac finally pulled himself up using his desk, slowly walked around it and stood in front of Johnathan. Johnny looked up at the dark menacing figure of the Count Dracula. Drac looked down at Johnny with still no emotions on his face, not knowing if he should be happy, sad, or angry. Dracula finally took both of his hands and rested them on Johnny's shoulders. His blue eyes showing concern.

"You know Johnathan, I never liked humans until you showed up for my sweet blood orange's one-hundred and eighteenth birthday. I have seen how Mavis has become happy with you. You do all you can, as a human, to protect her and care for her, even though that's not enough. She knows you try your best. And over the past year of your travels, you have never let my sweet Mavy ever get hurt. But…"

As Johnathan was listening to the explanations with a small smile, the word "but" is not something he really wanted to hear because of its negative meanings. So Johnny's smile quickly turned to a frown and his head started to drop until…

"But you must prove to me and to Mavy that you can be even a better husband than a boyfriend. I will gladly say yes to you Johnathan. You can have my sweet baby fangs as your wife. And I commend you on your bravery in asking me first before proposing to her." When Johnathan heard this, his saddened face quickly turned to one of puzzlement and then to pure joy and excitement like when he was a child on Christmas day many years ago. Dracula's face turned to one of surprise as he felt a crushing pressure in his mid-section only to find Johnathan hugging him. With a surprised look on his face, Dracula said, "Okay, Johnathan! Okay! You're going to marry my Mavis, not me. You can let go now."

As Johnny finished cleaning himself up for the biggest surprise of Mavis's long life tonight, he couldn't help himself to a smile as he thought how funny he looked back then to Dracula. He also chuckled on how nervous he was to ask "THE" Count Dracula for his daughter's hand in marriage. Of all this, what made him feel even happier was knowing how excited Mavis will be, as long as he didn't blow it…and as long as she said yes. As his smile was fading, he quickly shook his head wildly trying to push that scenario out of his mind completely. "She'll say yes! She has to!" He thought. As he walked out of the bathroom with a calm look as to not concern her, he saw Mavis sitting on her bed waiting. He noticed she had changed her outfit from her usual attire to a beautiful navy blue short dress. The dress had short sleeves, a modest V-neck, and the skirt went down to her knees all with her usual fishnet sleeves but no stockings, showing off her smooth but pale legs. Johnny noticed the dress shined in the light at certain angles. He couldn't help but to stare at how gorgeous she looked.

"Whoa. You look beautiful," proclaimed Johnny.

"Thanks," Mavis said. "I thought since you are taking me out on a surprise for my birthday, I'd thought I'd dress up to surprise you too."

"You sure did and you are stunning," proclaimed Johnathan as he closed the gap between them. Mavis had a smile on her face all while showing her embarrassment by folding her arms in front of herself and slowly twisting her torso back and forth.

"Are you ready to go my 'Mavy Wavy'?" asked Johnathan cutely as he stole a kiss from her.

"Yes. So… where are we going?" Mavis asked.

"Oh, you'll see. I think you'll enjoy it," Johnny said while getting some important items from his back pack like money, keys, and the box that he quickly stuffed in his pants pocket, hoping she didn't see it with her keen vampire eyes. "But we better hurry there. We don't have much time until it starts."

As they walked out of their hotel room, hand-in-hand, and down to the entrance, the outside air was warm and comforting since the sun set. Mavis asked, "Are we going to be late? Should I fly us there?" Thinking changing to her bat form and flying would make up lost time.

"No need Mavs. It actually is down by the beach. We gotta be there by seven but I've got a plan," stated Johnny.

"A plan?" asked a puzzled Mavis.

As they rounded the corner of the hotel, Johnny hit a button in his pocket and a convertible top car responded with a beep of its horn and flash of its lights. "HOLY RABIES!" exclaimed Mavis as her eyes widened and her smile grew even bigger. Johnny opened the passenger door for Mavis and took her hand while she sat down on the leather seat. Johnny came around to the driver's door and climbed in and started the car. He asked all while looking at Mavis, "Are you ready for this?" As he said this, he pressed a button and immediately the top of the vehicle started to make noise and move to its storage area back in the trunk. Mavis' eyes lit up even more as she looked up at the night sky while in the car and gave a small giggle of appreciation. Smiling, she looked at Johnny and took his hand and said, "Awesome!"

On their drive, Johnny couldn't resist in looking over at his girlfriend from time to time, seeing her stare so brightly at all the sites around her speeding by with a large smile on her black lipstick covered lips. He reached over the center console area to where Mavis had folded her hands together in her lap and took her left hand, webbing his fingers around hers. Mavis looked over at him with a smile. They looked into each other's eyes briefly not talking but understanding what the other was saying by what they saw in each other's eyes and smiled. "I'm glad he came back to me," thought Mavis. "I'm glad Drac brought me back to her," Johnny thought to himself.

Johnny then had an idea that he wish he thought of when they got into the convertible. "Would you like to listen to some music for a little bit?" Asked Johnny while keeping an eye on his driving. "Sure!" Mavis said excitedly. As Johnny turned the radio on, the radio dial was already on a great classic rock station. "Is this ok?" Johnny asked. "Yes. This is awesome!" Exclaimed Mavis.

As they arrived to their destination, Mavis didn't notice at first but she then noticed Johnny took her to a concert. "HOLY RABIES JOHNNY! Who are we going to see?" asked Mavis. With the biggest grin from ear to ear, Johnny produced out of his pocket a pair of tickets. Mavis took one and looked what was printed on the ticket. Her blue eyes widened and let out a gasp of surprise. She was speechless at this point. When she came around she let out a loud, "HOLY RABIES!" while her mouth was wide open not thinking to hide her fangs from plain view of any on-lookers. Johnny came around from the other side of the car and took her hand. "I take it you like?" Asked Johnathan while looking at her beautiful smile with her fangs still showing a little. She just looked at him and nodded in acceptance.

"Ever since I met you, they have been my favorite to listen to and I always wanted to see them live! I LOVE AEROSMITH!" exclaimed Mavis. "Thank you so much Johnny!"

"Come on. We better get in there before it starts," stated Johnny. With this, he lead the two of them to the ticket stand. Making way through the crowd, they found the best spot to watch. The cover band started to play and Mavis really liked them too. After the cover band finished, Aerosmith took the stage. Mavis started to scream with excitement. Johnny couldn't help but smile and pull her closer in a side hug. As they started play, Mavis couldn't help but to start dancing and pulled Johnny into her dance. They danced to most of their songs, even slow danced to a couple.

As the concert ended, Mavis couldn't help but be sad about it ending but was too excited that she got to experience Aerosmith live. "That was so awesome Johnny! How did you know I wanted to see them live?" asked Mavis

"I remember when you first heard them and kina' got addicted to listening to them so I thought why not see if they were touring or something. And here we are. Surprised?" Johnny asked with a big smile on his face.

"I sure was!" exclaimed Mavis. With this, Mavis quickly took her arms around Johnny's neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. As the kiss lasted longer and longer, Johnny couldn't help feel the look of all the on-lookers staring at their public displays of affection. At the end of the kiss, he did look around and saw some people staring and smiling. Someone let out a wolf whistle and another stated, "Looks like you need a room." Mavis looked up at Johnathan with curiosity. "What are they talking about?"

Johnny's face when red looking at Mavis, "Uh…I…Think it's better to talk about that somewhere else," Johnny tried to explain. Mavis looked at Johnny's red face and then realized what they meant and felt the warmth of embarrassment.

"Anyways," Johnny said trying to change the subject. "I think it's time for some food. Come on. I got another surprise for you," said Johnny as he took her hand and lead her to the car. "It's just down the road a little," as Johnny started the car.

Moments later, Johnny pulled the convertible to a beautiful restaurant on the beach. Mavis's smiled with her mouth open, exposing her fangs. As they exited the car, the couple took each other's hand and walked to the greeter's stand. Johnny mentioned his reservation under his name to the greeter and the greeter said with a smile, "You have perfect timing, sir. We have just finished preparing your table. If you would please follow me, I will show you the way." As soon as the greeter said this, he was off and walking past all the other couples and families dining in the main area. As Mavis was letting Johnny lead with her hand in his, she saw some empty tables in the back of the dining room thinking these are one of their tables until they passed them and went through another door. This door lead to the rear of the building onto a wooden patio over-looking the ocean. Continuing off the patio was a beautifully lit pier that made its way out over the sandy beach and stopped just at the water's edge with an island style decorated gazebo at the end.

Mavis stopped short of the gazebo all while taking in her surroundings from the noise of the surf against the beach to the smell of crisp, dark blue ocean water, and how beautiful and romantic this looked. The gazebo had candles burning bright around its pillars while a single table had candles burning bright in the middle surrounding a vase full of the most beautiful Hawaiian flowers. It wasn't long before Johnny noticed she stopped. She was amazed at what he surprised her with. Johnny then began to notice tears forming her big blue eye, a smile was starting to grow bigger until her fangs almost exposed. Before this were to happen and before the greeter would have seen anything, Johnny quickly squeezed her hand and said, "Surprise! Do you like what you see Mavy?"

As Mavis finally came back to reality from her surprise, she looked up at Johnathan with happy tears in her eyes and just smiled, "I can't believe you would do all this for me Johnny! It's so wonderful and beautiful. Thank you so very much!" She exclaimed wiping away the tears in a way to not mess up her make-up. Johnny just smiled seeing her so happy, "Happy birthday, Mavis! I love you," said Johnny.

Mavis looked deep into his eyes and took both of his hands into hers and squeezed them in gratification. "Thank you very much, Johnny. I love you too." She then started to lean into him, closed her eyes and pressed her small lips onto his and stayed like this for what seemed like an eternity and something she did not want to end. After a few seconds however, Johnny and Mavis both heard someone clear their throat loudly as to get their attention. It was the greeter waiting patiently by their table. "I apologize for disturbing you. Would you like to be seated?" Asked the greeter. They both looked at the greeter then back at each other. They both smiled, letting out a small giggle and laugh. "Sorry 'bout that dude. Got caught up in the moment if you know what I mean," Johnny said all while giving the greeter a wink. "I completely understand sir. Trust me, it happens more than I'd like to admit. No harm done." As the greeter said this Johnny assisted Mavis into her chair and the greeter then assisted Johnny. "Your waiter for the evening will be with you momentarily. Please excuse me and enjoy your evening," said the greeter as he parted. "Thank you!" Mavis said as the greeter walked away from the gazebo.

The next couple hours were spent eating and talking about the concert, all of their adventures, and possible travels up to this point. Mavis mentioned how awesome it was that Johnny wanted her to have her birthday in Hawaii and thanked him so much for a wonderful time exploring and dancing. Mavis then started to talk about the future and where they would go next after a few months of a break at the Hotel. Johnny replied in his usual "just roll with it" attitude, "You never know where we could go next." After saying this, he started to reach in his pocket. Once he did, he felt the small box that he stuffed in his pocket earlier that evening. "Oh crap! I almost forgot about this. I am so crazily scared right now," Johnny thought to himself as his eyes went wide, his smile disappeared from his face, and he thought he felt like his heart stopped a minute causing him to go very pale.

Mavis was taking a sip of her drink when she brought her eyes up to Johnny's face. She then saw how pale he had become. "Johnny? Are you alight? You look like you saw a ghost." Johnny immediately broke out of his nervous trance as soon as he saw Mavis's face show worry for him.

"I'm fine. Say. Do you want to go for a walk? On the beach? I think I could use some fresh air and a walk," said Johnny trying to cover up his nervousness as best he could. Mavis liked the idea and thought it would help Johnny. "That would be nice. Come to think of it, you have been acting strangely ever since we left my Dad's hotel. Are you sure you are ok?" Mavis asked as she got up from her chair.

"I swear Mav, I am okay." Johnny said through a toothed smile as he too got up from his chair and joined her on the walk down the steps to the beach. Johnny then decided it was a good idea to take his shoes off and walk barefoot on the sand. Mavis didn't ague as she took her short dress heels off. She always loved the feeling of the sand between her petite toes. Johnny waited for Mavis to take off her heels and held out his hand for her to grasp. The couple started to walk side-by-side holding hands down the beach looking at the open ocean thanks to the moon light. They walked on a little longer and talked about how beautiful Hawaii is and what else they could see for future visits. Even Mavis hinted on possibly living in Hawaii. Johnny just nodded in agreeance.

"The time is perfect. You can do this Johnny. Don't blow it." Johnny suddenly stopped walking. Mavis felt this in her hand and she too stopped and looked at him. She saw him looking up at the stars. "Look at all the stars. I'm sure you don't see so many at Hotel Transylvania." Mavis looked at him as he was speaking then looked up. She certainly knew what he was talking about.

"Okay Johnathan, now's your chance!" As Johnny was thinking to himself and seeing he distracted Mavis just enough to slide in front of her kneeling to one knee. "Now before she notices!" He thought.

"Mavis… I love you so very much." Mavis then turned her attention to her boyfriend who was acting really strange to her. Her face full of puzzlement. "Ever since I saw you that night at your dad's hotel, I knew you were special. And I don't mean being a vampire." Johnny grinned as trying to keep a little humor in the speech. "I zinged with you that night. And when I left on that air plane the day after, I felt lost. Like I left a part of myself behind that I needed to survive. I am so grateful that your dad brought me back. And ever since then we have traveled to many places. Most I have been to before. But there so much better since you were with me to share in the adventure. Having you by my side these two years have been the happiest times of my life." As he finished, he reached for his pocket and started fidgeting with the box inside making sure he was ready. "Mavis, I guess… what I'm trying to say… well…what I mean to ask is…" saying as he got nervous, more than he had ever been. "Will you continue to make me happy and marry me?" As Johnny said this, he gave Mavis a great big smile and pulled out the box from his pocket and opened it showing its beauty even in the moon light.

Mavis's eyes got wider and her jaw started to drop as she saw what was in the box and what her boyfriend now asked her. With her heightened, vampire eye site, she saw how beautiful the ring was. The band was of gold that had a circle of eight small sparkling diamonds encircling what she thought was the most gorgeous blood red ruby she had ever seen. To her, it was sparkling brighter than all the small diamonds combined.

As Johnny saw the shock in her face and her jaw drop, he started to get nervous and ramble on about the ring. "It's a blood red ruby with some diamonds to accent it and the band is made out of gold so there is no hint of silver to…" as Johnny was trying to explain the ring to Mavis, she just fell on top of him, giving him the biggest hug ever. "YES JOHNNY! I'LL MARRY YOU!" exclaimed Mavis. As he was not ready to be jumped on, he fell to the sand along with her on top of him. Tears of joy filler her eyes and she repeated herself but choked up a little, "I love you Johnny and yes, I will marry you."

As the moment past, Mavis picked herself up off of her newly acquired fiancé. Johnny stood up in front of her, picking the ring out of its box, looking at her hand and placing the ring securely around her finger as he brought his eyes up to stare into her hypnotizing blue eyes. Mavis stared at the ring while Johnny was putting it on her finger. After he completed this task, she looked up at him and quickly got closer to his face until their lips met. Their kiss deepened in intensity. They wanted to hold onto this moment for as long as possible. Breaking the kiss only for a moment to breath but continued a little more until they finished with a few quick pecks.

As they walked off the beach and back to the convertible, they were even closer than before. A smile on both of their faces, Johnny's arm around Mavis's shoulder and Mavis having both of her arms wrapped around his mid-section in a side hug and her head leaning on his shoulder. Johnny opened the convertible door for his new fiancé, walked around and got in the convertible as well. As they drove back to their hotel, their hands never left each other. Johnny's smile never ended. Mavis was the same way. Then out of nowhere, they managed to both say "Awesome" in a laid back manner at the same time. The newly engaged couple found themselves looking at each other for a second and both giving a chuckle.

"Johnny, I really love this ring. It is so beautiful. But more importantly, I love you more than anything," Mavis said while Johnny was pulling into a parking space at the hotel.

"I love you too Mavy." Johnny replied with a deep smile of accomplishment and leaning over to kiss her.

"I have to ask though, where did you find this?" Asked Mavis.

"I was looking online to get some ideas when I saw this jeweler here in Hawaii had a picture of this ring. I called them up about it to make sure they still had it. While you were sleeping during the day, I snuck out of the hotel room so I could go see it. Let me tell you, the first time I saw it in person, I knew it was the one for you. The picture online didn't compare to what I saw in person. I was hoping you would like it and think that the red ruby in the middle symbolizes my heart for you." As Johnny finished explaining, he started to tear up by his own explanation of the ring. Mavis just let out an "AWWW," knowing how cute and adorable Johnny looked right now just by explaining his intensions and how his eyes gleamed in the light of the parking lot.

"Of course I thought that way Johnny. That's why I zinged with you." A smile came over her face while looking at Johnny's in the dimly lit convertible.

"I guess we better call it a night. I know the sun won't be up for a few more hours but we have a plane ride back to Romania real early tomorrow evening and we still have to pack up," Johnny said as he was opening up the car door. Mavis followed, "I can't wait to show everyone back home. Dad is going to be so surprised." As they both stepped out of car and walked toward the hotel entrance and to the elevator.

"Actually, expect a big party when we get back," Johnny mentioned.

"How do you know this?" asked Mavis with a peculiar look on her face.

"I actually asked your dad if he was planning anything after our trip. I also asked him if I could propose to you. Of course he said yes and he said he would be not just throwing a little birthday party for you but a congratulatory party for us," Johnny said.

"So you had to ask my dad first to propose to me?" Mavis asked as she did not understand why. She started to think, "There goes my dad again, always being over protective and controlling."

"Yea. It's kinda' a tradition to ask the father for his daughter's hand in marriage, especially back in history." Johnny explained.

"Oh so it's not a controlling thing from my dad?" asked Mavis.

"Of course not. And even if he did say no, I would have proposed anyway," Johnny finished with a big grin toward his future wife.

"Oh stop it, you're making me blush. If I could," said Mavis playfully.

As they got out of the elevator onto their floor and opened their room, they quick started to clean up a little and getting relaxed. The couple left an outfit out for the next evening so they would be ready for their trip back. They both slipped into their respective PJ's. Johnny crawled into his bed and under the sheets. Before Mavis got into her bed, she walked over to Johnny. Mavis bent down to meet his lips with hers in a last passionate kiss of the night.

Johnny then said in a playful but tired voice, "Good night my Mavy Wavy."

Mavis replied back the same playful manner as she was crawling under her bed covers, "Good night my Johnny-stein."

Johnny then shut the light out. They both laid in the dark wide awake looking at the ceiling. Minutes later, Johnny could hear Mavis's voice, "I can't sleep. Can you?"

"No. not at all." Johnny replied in the dark.

"I think with all this excitement that happened tonight, I can't sleep," said Mavis.

Johnny thought for a moment while he tried to swallow the knot in his throat. "Do you want to cuddle? Maybe that will both help us sleep? Umm…I'm not saying that we have to do anything, if you know what I mean," Johnny asking as his face felt hot with embarrassment. Mavis didn't say anything. All he could hear was her shuffling out of her bed. The next thing he knew, he felt the other side of the bed sink in a little with the presence of another body. Mavis quickly cuddled closer to her zing while covering herself with the same blankets Johnny was using. She felt so scared right now and was asking herself, "What am I doing?" She knew what he meant and she knew he wouldn't do anything dirty so she felt ok about this. And besides, they were getting married soon. To her, this kind of felt natural to her to cuddle up with her new fiancé.

As she finished climbing under the sheets and getting closer to Johnny's body, she found his face in the dark and started to kiss him. He returned the gesture. They passionately kissed for minutes. When both felt satisfied, they both said goodnight to each other in each other's arms. Mavis using Johnny's chest as a pillow and Johnny put his arm around Mavis's waist. Something in both of them told them that this feeling this was right and okay. Soon they both quickly fell asleep in each other's arms, smiling, and dreaming of each other and their future together.